Dean Ambrose Must Defeat Bray Wyatt At Survivor Series
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World. With Survivor Series around the corner, it was announced this past week on RAW that at the live PPV Bray Wyatt will go one on one with the lunatic fringe himself, Dean Ambrose. After Bray made he's return to action at the Hell in A cell PPV last month and cost Dean Ambrose he's match with Seth Rollins, the two have been delivering killer promo's on each other and their match has been building up. Today I plan on telling you why Dean Ambrose MUST defeat Bray next Sunday. As always I will leave the links bellow to any recent posts and you can also let me know what YOU think of today's topic by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Last month at the Hell In A Cell PPV, Bray Wyatt made he's return to the WWE after being out of action for over a month. He would set he's eyes on the lunatic fringe Dean Ambrose, attacking him during he's match with money in the bank winner Seth Rollins, costing him the final match in their feud. The return was a shock to the entire WWE universe and no one saw it coming. Ever since the event, the up coming stars have exchanged promo's and have come close to colliding. This past week on RAW it was announced that the two would finally get their hands on each other at the Survivor Series PPV, allowing Dean Ambrose to get some payback on the strange Bray Wyatt. With the WWE universe being split in half, one side rooting for Ambrose and the other Wyatt, it's hard match to call, but today I'm going to explain to you why I think it's vital Ambrose picks up the win.
Since the split of the Shield, Ambrose has had an interesting journey. Many suspected that he would be the group member to stab he's team mates in the back, officially having a heel turn. However it was the underdog, Seth Rollins, who would shock the entire WWE universe when he turn on Ambrose and Reigns the night after Payback. From that night Ambrose and Rollins would collide and they would end up having one of the best feuds to come out of the WWE in recent years. There were many people who were surprised with the reaction Ambrose got and I think the WWE we're a little shocked too, to say the least. It was evident that the company intended on making Reigns the main star of the Shield, but a strange turn of events meant that it was the unstable Dean Ambrose that took centre stage, and he climbed to victory out of know where, gaining a huge following. With the reaction he was getting from the fans the WWE we're forced to push him and for the past several months he has been right in the spotlight, appearing on almost every episode of RAW and Smackdown. But with all this success there was one thing missing, wins. Through everything that was going on in the hectic storyline, the WWE universe failed to realise that while Reigns had scooped up a huge win over veteran Randy Orton at one of the biggest PPV's of the year Summer Slam and Rollins was going on a big big winning streak, Ambrose on the other hand was slacking in the winning ratio.Yes, he was involved in some truly amazing matches, but looking at it on paper, it doesn't look good when it comes to how many pin fall or submission wins he has picked up since the split of the Shield. Many will agree that he was the stand out of he's feud with Seth Rollins, giving us a level of entrainment and excitement that to be honest we hadn't seen since the attitude era, we have been blinded by it all and have failed to acknowledge that on paper he is not doing as well as he should be and as well as he's fellow partners. He was unable to defeat Seth Rollins on two occasions and has picked up big loses in tag team and one on one matches.
Bray Wyatts return, I thought while it had great intentions it was not done right. I think a feud between the two superstars is much needed and a return on the night was a great move to make however the timing was just wrong. If they had Ambrose pick up the win over Rollins it would of cemented he's career as a main event star. I think it was more than clear that Ambrose needed the win much more than Rollins did, and having him get the victory would of gave him the added push he needed and shown that the WWE do actually have faith and belief in him. They could of easily had Bray return after Dean had one and interrupt the celebration. However the way it was done ruined any momentum the WWE had been building up over the past month and so now Ambrose has been put in a position where he is in desperate need of a boost in momentum and a win over Wyatt is vital.
Personally I think it's evident that the WWE have let it's fans down with this feud. The creative control has been extremely weak and has not reached the high expectations set by the WWE universe. These are two very talented, very young, up coming superstars who we're both in need of a serious push. With Bray being out of action for so long, he need something strong to bounce back off, and Dean, having lost the feud with Seth Rollins, was in need with a serious momentum boost. But the WWE have not paid any attention to this storyline and to be honest there has not been much of a story being told. I understand that it is important they push the five on five survivor series main event but it's also really important that they have a strong build up to the other matches on the card. With the poor build up it's made it hard for the fans to get into the match up and interested in it, witch is honestly a true shame. This past week on RAW neither superstars where on the show in match, and we only saw them deliver a two minuet promo each, witch don't get me wrong was both done extremely well, we all know their amazingly talented speakers but it was enough on the night with it only being two weeks away until Survivor Series.
I think it's very very important that Dean Ambrose picks up the win over Bray Wyatt at the Survivor Serious PPV. Obviously I will be doing a prediction post witch will be up next week, but I think Ambrose will suffer much more than Bray will if he looses. After failing to score the win over Seth Rollins, Dean lost of a momentum and he is in desperate need of restoring that, a win over Bray Wyatt would put him back where he needs to be and re-store the belief that the WWE intend on using him as a main event star. It also mean's that Bray need's to show Ambrose in the best possible way. This includes selling like a mad man and making him look like he is the best wrestler around. If Ambrose looses at Survivor Series it could mean he goes down on the roster, and with Roman Reigns due to come back in the next thew months, it is vital he is shown to be a main event star just as much as Reigns. If he does loose this could destroy the career of one the WWE's greatest stars around.
Do you think Ambrose will pick up the win? What will be the consequences if he looses? Let me know what you think by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Top five superstars of the week
Last month at the Hell In A Cell PPV, Bray Wyatt made he's return to the WWE after being out of action for over a month. He would set he's eyes on the lunatic fringe Dean Ambrose, attacking him during he's match with money in the bank winner Seth Rollins, costing him the final match in their feud. The return was a shock to the entire WWE universe and no one saw it coming. Ever since the event, the up coming stars have exchanged promo's and have come close to colliding. This past week on RAW it was announced that the two would finally get their hands on each other at the Survivor Series PPV, allowing Dean Ambrose to get some payback on the strange Bray Wyatt. With the WWE universe being split in half, one side rooting for Ambrose and the other Wyatt, it's hard match to call, but today I'm going to explain to you why I think it's vital Ambrose picks up the win.
Since the split of the Shield, Ambrose has had an interesting journey. Many suspected that he would be the group member to stab he's team mates in the back, officially having a heel turn. However it was the underdog, Seth Rollins, who would shock the entire WWE universe when he turn on Ambrose and Reigns the night after Payback. From that night Ambrose and Rollins would collide and they would end up having one of the best feuds to come out of the WWE in recent years. There were many people who were surprised with the reaction Ambrose got and I think the WWE we're a little shocked too, to say the least. It was evident that the company intended on making Reigns the main star of the Shield, but a strange turn of events meant that it was the unstable Dean Ambrose that took centre stage, and he climbed to victory out of know where, gaining a huge following. With the reaction he was getting from the fans the WWE we're forced to push him and for the past several months he has been right in the spotlight, appearing on almost every episode of RAW and Smackdown. But with all this success there was one thing missing, wins. Through everything that was going on in the hectic storyline, the WWE universe failed to realise that while Reigns had scooped up a huge win over veteran Randy Orton at one of the biggest PPV's of the year Summer Slam and Rollins was going on a big big winning streak, Ambrose on the other hand was slacking in the winning ratio.Yes, he was involved in some truly amazing matches, but looking at it on paper, it doesn't look good when it comes to how many pin fall or submission wins he has picked up since the split of the Shield. Many will agree that he was the stand out of he's feud with Seth Rollins, giving us a level of entrainment and excitement that to be honest we hadn't seen since the attitude era, we have been blinded by it all and have failed to acknowledge that on paper he is not doing as well as he should be and as well as he's fellow partners. He was unable to defeat Seth Rollins on two occasions and has picked up big loses in tag team and one on one matches.
Bray Wyatts return, I thought while it had great intentions it was not done right. I think a feud between the two superstars is much needed and a return on the night was a great move to make however the timing was just wrong. If they had Ambrose pick up the win over Rollins it would of cemented he's career as a main event star. I think it was more than clear that Ambrose needed the win much more than Rollins did, and having him get the victory would of gave him the added push he needed and shown that the WWE do actually have faith and belief in him. They could of easily had Bray return after Dean had one and interrupt the celebration. However the way it was done ruined any momentum the WWE had been building up over the past month and so now Ambrose has been put in a position where he is in desperate need of a boost in momentum and a win over Wyatt is vital.
Personally I think it's evident that the WWE have let it's fans down with this feud. The creative control has been extremely weak and has not reached the high expectations set by the WWE universe. These are two very talented, very young, up coming superstars who we're both in need of a serious push. With Bray being out of action for so long, he need something strong to bounce back off, and Dean, having lost the feud with Seth Rollins, was in need with a serious momentum boost. But the WWE have not paid any attention to this storyline and to be honest there has not been much of a story being told. I understand that it is important they push the five on five survivor series main event but it's also really important that they have a strong build up to the other matches on the card. With the poor build up it's made it hard for the fans to get into the match up and interested in it, witch is honestly a true shame. This past week on RAW neither superstars where on the show in match, and we only saw them deliver a two minuet promo each, witch don't get me wrong was both done extremely well, we all know their amazingly talented speakers but it was enough on the night with it only being two weeks away until Survivor Series.

Do you think Ambrose will pick up the win? What will be the consequences if he looses? Let me know what you think by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Top five superstars of the week
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