RAW Predictions
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World. It's Monday, witch of course can only mean one thing, Raw Predictions. This week is the official go home show for the Survivor Series pay per view witch takes place this Sunday. Throughout the week I will be giving you my individual predictions for match set for the live show. As you would of seen today, I uploaded my prediction post for the divas championship match up between Nikki Bella and AJ Lee; I will leave the link's bellow to that post and any other recent post You can also let me know who you are supporting and what YOU'RE prediction are for both Survivor Series and Monday night RAW by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
This week the WWE returns to the United States after spending a week in the UK and of course with the 2014 Survivor Series pay per view airing this Sunday, it's officially the go home week. Last Monday we we're given a real entertaining show with pretty much the entire three hours focusing around the live pay per view taking place this weekend.I will make sure to leave the link bellow to last week's Review and Reactions so you can re-cap last weeks action if you wish to do so. I'm always impressed with WWE's shows when they come to the UK and I just wish that we had an enthusiastic crowd every week like the British crowds (a little bias I know, I'm sorry). I say it way too much but a good crowd really does change an entire show. The whole three hours did focus around Survivor Series and to be honest it was only really the main even that got any attention, witch I moaned about last week. Regardless of that fact it was a great show and the wrestling quality was pretty high, but with it being the go home show we have to expect more focus on the other matches set for the PPV and more matches to be announced.
Last week it was announced that Dean Ambrose would finally get he's hands on Bray Wyatt as the two would collide at the Survivor Series pay per view. I recently did a post on this and I will leave the link to that bellow; I have mentioned it several times but the WWE have really let the fan's down with this feud. The focus has been way to much on the main event and these two amazing superstars and their feud has been pushed to the background. Tonight the WWE must show more of the two! Having them both of them in one on one matches as last week neither of them competed on RAW, a promo will not be enough this week with the pay per view on Sunday. They both need to look really strong going into their match and the WWE must get the fans excited leading up to the PPV. Expect them both to be in action tonight and probably expect an Ambrose promo as the lunatic fringe has some momentum to build before Sunday.
While on the topic of Survivor Series, so far their has only been three matches announced so we can expect to have several more announced tonight. This could include a triple threat tag team match for the championship between Gold and Stardust, The Usos and The Miz and Damien Sandow/Mizdow. It could also include another divas match, a match with the Bunny and Adam Rose and a couple more.
We can also expect Ryback to make he's official decision tonight on weather he will be competing for Team Cena or Team Authority, don't rule out the fact he might not choose any team and my even be put in a one on one match for Sunday. I doubt we will see him compete tonight if so it will probably be in a no DQ match with Kane or in tag team competition.
Last week also saw the return of Luke Harper as he closed the show attacking Ziggler and claiming he is a team player. It's more than possible he will go one on one with Ziggler or another member of team Authority tonight witch could lead him being announced as the latest member of team Authority. Don't rule out a promo either.
It has also been rumoured that Tyson Kidd is set to receive a big push and after he's amazing match on Smackdown last week he has proved once again he deserves a push. Expect him to be in a number on contenders match tonight for the IC championship or some kind of bigger match. He may even get a match for Survivor Series.

AJ Lee also has some momentum building to do tonight before heading into her match with Nikki this Sunday. It's important she picks up a strong win tonight and get's her hands on Nikki or even Brie, just any way to send a message to the challenger, personally I wanna see her cut a promo but it seems unlikely.
Other matches could include, Adam Rose losing a one on one match with a random competitor because of the bunny. The Miz and Sandow in another tag match or even Sandow in a singles match up due to he's popularity, and I keeping my fingers crossed we get an NXT match,
Tonight we can expect three hours of action focusing around Survivor Series. Remember I will be live tweeting throughout RAW using the hashtag #RAW and I will be uploading my Survivor Series predictions all week.
RAW Review and Reactions
Superstar of the week Ryback
Luke Harper will shine in solo career
Dean Ambrose MUST Defeat Bray Wyatt at Survivor Series
Survivor Series Predictions: Nikki Bella VS AJ Lee
This week the WWE returns to the United States after spending a week in the UK and of course with the 2014 Survivor Series pay per view airing this Sunday, it's officially the go home week. Last Monday we we're given a real entertaining show with pretty much the entire three hours focusing around the live pay per view taking place this weekend.I will make sure to leave the link bellow to last week's Review and Reactions so you can re-cap last weeks action if you wish to do so. I'm always impressed with WWE's shows when they come to the UK and I just wish that we had an enthusiastic crowd every week like the British crowds (a little bias I know, I'm sorry). I say it way too much but a good crowd really does change an entire show. The whole three hours did focus around Survivor Series and to be honest it was only really the main even that got any attention, witch I moaned about last week. Regardless of that fact it was a great show and the wrestling quality was pretty high, but with it being the go home show we have to expect more focus on the other matches set for the PPV and more matches to be announced.
Last week it was announced that Dean Ambrose would finally get he's hands on Bray Wyatt as the two would collide at the Survivor Series pay per view. I recently did a post on this and I will leave the link to that bellow; I have mentioned it several times but the WWE have really let the fan's down with this feud. The focus has been way to much on the main event and these two amazing superstars and their feud has been pushed to the background. Tonight the WWE must show more of the two! Having them both of them in one on one matches as last week neither of them competed on RAW, a promo will not be enough this week with the pay per view on Sunday. They both need to look really strong going into their match and the WWE must get the fans excited leading up to the PPV. Expect them both to be in action tonight and probably expect an Ambrose promo as the lunatic fringe has some momentum to build before Sunday.
While on the topic of Survivor Series, so far their has only been three matches announced so we can expect to have several more announced tonight. This could include a triple threat tag team match for the championship between Gold and Stardust, The Usos and The Miz and Damien Sandow/Mizdow. It could also include another divas match, a match with the Bunny and Adam Rose and a couple more.
We can also expect Ryback to make he's official decision tonight on weather he will be competing for Team Cena or Team Authority, don't rule out the fact he might not choose any team and my even be put in a one on one match for Sunday. I doubt we will see him compete tonight if so it will probably be in a no DQ match with Kane or in tag team competition.
Last week also saw the return of Luke Harper as he closed the show attacking Ziggler and claiming he is a team player. It's more than possible he will go one on one with Ziggler or another member of team Authority tonight witch could lead him being announced as the latest member of team Authority. Don't rule out a promo either.
It has also been rumoured that Tyson Kidd is set to receive a big push and after he's amazing match on Smackdown last week he has proved once again he deserves a push. Expect him to be in a number on contenders match tonight for the IC championship or some kind of bigger match. He may even get a match for Survivor Series.

AJ Lee also has some momentum building to do tonight before heading into her match with Nikki this Sunday. It's important she picks up a strong win tonight and get's her hands on Nikki or even Brie, just any way to send a message to the challenger, personally I wanna see her cut a promo but it seems unlikely.
Other matches could include, Adam Rose losing a one on one match with a random competitor because of the bunny. The Miz and Sandow in another tag match or even Sandow in a singles match up due to he's popularity, and I keeping my fingers crossed we get an NXT match,
Tonight we can expect three hours of action focusing around Survivor Series. Remember I will be live tweeting throughout RAW using the hashtag #RAW and I will be uploading my Survivor Series predictions all week.
RAW Review and Reactions
Superstar of the week Ryback
Luke Harper will shine in solo career
Dean Ambrose MUST Defeat Bray Wyatt at Survivor Series
Survivor Series Predictions: Nikki Bella VS AJ Lee
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