What's next for Erick Rowan
Since arriving on the WWE main roster, the faction named the Wyatt family, has gone on to be one of the most interesting, entertaining and unique stables in recent years, in fact history. With gripping promos, storyline's and matches, the three superstars have earned the right to be considered serious competitors in the company. However, it has come to mine and many other's attention that it was leader of the group Bray Wyatt and dark horse, Luke Harper who were the stronger members and Erick Rowan was the much weaker. I noted on this in several posts here on my blog and mentioned how I thought Luke Harper was the strongest of the three. I have continuously said that Erick Rowan needs to show more in the ring and he's move set needs to improve and widen. I have to admit I have seen improvement's and I even had him in my top five once because of the clear changes that had been made. That being said, I still think he is the weak link of the faction. It's this that has led me to feel a little worried about he's future in the WWE and what they can and will do with him over the next couple of years.
Since the split of the Wyatt family we have seen a promo based on him and a couple of backstage work with Kane and Renee Young. He seems to have adopted this particular gimmick that he can work down to perfection. Almost a creepy, childlike character. I personally think that if they had him have a more aggressive character it would of been more effective, it would of connected with the fans more and secured a much better future for him storyline and feud wise. For example, if he was this aggressive, extremely violent character who never spoke ( like ever), there would of been that sense of unpredictability and excitement that everyone loves. We haven't really seen any of he's mic work to be honest so I can't talk much about that area, but I do really like the idea of him being the silent heel. Whilst we're on that topic, I really hope the WWE don't make him work as a baby face. He's much much much more suited as a heel and he would be way more intresting as heel and they could do a lot more with him storyline wise as a heel. But knowing the WWE it seems more likely he will work as a baby face for the obvious reasons.
Storyline wise, the little backstage scene he did this past Monday on RAW with Renee Young gave me a loaf of crazy ideas. I honestly think he could pull off a stalker line extremely well. A little like the Samuel Shaw Christy Hemme storyline TNA did earlier this year. Even though it would be a little copy cat, the WWE could do a great angle where Rowan becomes obsessed with Renee Young and the do a stalker storyline on that. It would allow him to really grow as a character and allow the WWE universe to make decision on how they feel about him as a singles competitor and get a deeper understanding of he's character. It is no secret the WWE are extremely high on Renee Young and getting her in some kind of storyline would really boast her popularity and interest, giving her more work on the main roster however still keeping her doing what she does best. Other storyline's could include some squash matches to boost he's momentum and popularity, some work with Dolph Ziggler would be a great road to go down to really push him as a heel, or even a feud with Sheamus in the next thew months.

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