RAW Review and Reactions
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World. It's Tuesday and time for my RAW Review and Reactions. Last night the WWE came from Liverpool England and what a show it was! With the line up for Survivor Series beginning to really shape up there were many questions left in the minds of the WWE universe. I will leave the link's bellow to any recent posts so you can go check them out if you haven't done so already. As always you can let me know what YOU thought of the show last night by leaving a comment bellow in the comments section or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
So last night RAW aired in Liverpool England as part of the European tour, and it was one heck of a show. As usual the British crowd did not disappoint and proved once again to be one of the best crowds in the world. The extremely vocal crowd, cheered, booed, sang, gave us the ever so English "who are ya" chant and to be expected a "Where's out network" chant. To kick off the show, Cena delivered a killer promo after getting receiving a harsh crowd reaction, witch is pretty typical in England. It wouldn't take long for the fifteen time champion to call out the big guy, Ryback and the two would soon meet on the mic in the ring. However it wouldn't be long until the Authority made an appearance witch of course led to the British crowd chanting "where's out network?" making me very very proud. Stephanie would take control of the mic and to be honest the whole opening segment. I have to admit, Stephanie has some pretty bad ass mic skills and she has proven to be a top top heel and one of the best female speakers the company has right now. She know's how to really get the crowd going, how to make everyone interested in what she is saying and excited about what is yet to come. As part of the opening we saw Mark Henry come out with the Authority, making it official, he will also be apart of team authority for the Survivor series PPV witch takes place in only two weeks time. Both Cena and Stephanie would try and convince Ryback to join their teams and after standing there and listening to what both of them had to say for about ten minuets Ryback turnt on Cena and power bombed him out of nowhere, leading us all to believe he was now apart of team Authority also, but without saying anything else he headed backstage.
First match of the night saw Seth Rollins go one on one with Jack Swagger, who Cena had announced to be apart of he's team at the Survivor Series PPV. I knew from the moment John announced that that Jack was gonna have a bad night. It made no sense what so ever to put Swagger on team Cena out of nowhere. He hasn't been in much action over the past thew weeks and the Authority haven't done anything to piss him off and make him wanna square off against them. I have been saying it for far far too long but if anyone in the company deserves a push it's Jack Swagger.
He's a really hard worker, he's an extremely talented superstar with an impressive career background. No he's not the strongest speaker in the world, but he's talent, look, gimmick and background is enough to really push him and use him as a top superstar in the company. I will for sure be writing up a separate post on Swagger in the weeks to come so keep an eye out or that. All that being said Swagger and Rollins have had their fair share of good matches against each other in the past so I was pretty happy about the two going one on one again. They don't have the best chemistry in the ring, but their two amazing athletes and compliment each other pretty well in the ring. Last night the two did not disappoint and put on a solid opening match, with Rollins picking up the win after hitting the curb stomp. After the match Swagger took a further beating and after taking a hard hit to the post during the match up it was enough to take him out and stop him from being able to participate in the survivor series match on team Cena.
Diva's action now, and upon her return to her home country Paige went one on one with former divas champion herself, Alicia Fox. Of course Paige got an insane reaction and worked her home crowd like no other. The match it self was okay, nothing more than what you would expect from a typical RAW divas match up, or in fact any divas match on the main roster. I honestly think the WWE are using both these divas really badly and the only reason they had Paige in action last night was because he was in her home country. As for Alicia, I think it's more than safe to say she is extremely underrated. She has an impressive move set and can work a variety of gimmicks, it's a real shame she isn't getting the attention she deserves, maybe with her joining the Total divas cast that might change but only time will tell. One thing I did notice last night was Paige was the closest we have seen since coming up to the main roster as the "anti diva". Everything about her last night showed what she was like back in NXT and hopefully this could be a permanent thing with her. Of course Paige picked up the win. Later on in the night Brie Bella was forced to go one on one with the divas champion AJ Lee
with Nikki at ringside. I'm actually in the middle of writing up a post all around the topic of Nikki Bella and the divas championship, but I will say it now, I am so impressed with Nikki and I have been for the past thew months now. She has really improved and come out as one of the top divas on the main roster. The match was no better than the Alicia/ Paige one that took place earlier on in the night. Of course AJ picked up the win however was attacked after the match by Nikki.
Sheamus was set last night for a re-match for he's United states championship. I'll admit it, I was not looking forward to this match at all, but these two hands down stole the show. For some reason a lot of people were moaning about this match last night but I thought it was amazing and was easily the match of the night. It was an action packed, strong, passionate match and both did amazing especially Rusev. Over the past thew months Rusev has really come out and has proven to be a superstar to really take seriously and I honestly think he is going to shine in these next couple of months. As I said I loved this match and was hands down the match of the night for me. Rusev retained and was announced as another member of team authority.
Mark Henry went one on one with Dolph Ziggler that ended in DQ after involving a steel chair, witch to be honest I thought was a good idea, it helped further push henry as a heel and to be honest I didn't wanna watch this match at all. The big show would soon come to the aid of Ziggler.
Other events that happened last night include, Adam Rose displaying more relationship problems between him and the bunny, the Miz getting another tag team win while Damien continued to be a popular crowd favourite getting one of the best reactions of the night. And two amazing promos from both Bray Wyatt and Dean Ambrose, it was also announced that the two will go one on one at survivor series in two weeks time. I said it last night and I will say it again the WWE need to take much more notice and give way more attention to this feud. It was also announced that team Cena will consist of, the big show, Dolph Ziggler, Sheamus and possibly Ryback. Erick Rowan came out during the match up between Adam Rose and Tyson Kidd, taking he's mask off and saying "she's not here" who he was talking about I don't know, a lot of people we're saying Natalya, but after the post I did on Erick Rowan the other day I straight away thought Renee. I will leave the link bellow to that post so you understand what I'm talking about. And finally there was progress in the faction consisting of Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston, expect Big E to be added to the whole thing in next weeks little clip.
The main event saw John Cena go one on one with Ryback in what was actually a pretty good match. I was not expecting it to be half as good as what it was last night and Ryback was by far the stand out and stole the show. It was as if the whole of RAW was based around him and he really does deserve to be in the spotlight, I mentioned it on twitter last night that it's great seeing him back main eventing, where he belongs. It was 100% the Ryback show last night. By the end of the night it was Ryback left as the last man standing and weather he will be on Team Cena or Team Authority is still the big question.
In the closing moments of RAW a shock return was made as Luke Harper would close the show throwing in a battered Dolph Ziggler to the Authority and ending with the line "I'm a good team player". Long story short I marked the fuck out and now I can't wait for next week's RAW. A feud between him and Ziggler is like music to my ears!
All together I thought it was a great show last night and I don't understand why a lot of people didn't like it. I thought the lead up for survivor series was extremely well done, there was a nice start to some fresh work and the wrestling quality was strong. The amazing crowd really did make the night as well. But let me know what YOU thought of last nights show by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.

Get to know Lana
RAW Predictions
What's next for Erick Rowan
So last night RAW aired in Liverpool England as part of the European tour, and it was one heck of a show. As usual the British crowd did not disappoint and proved once again to be one of the best crowds in the world. The extremely vocal crowd, cheered, booed, sang, gave us the ever so English "who are ya" chant and to be expected a "Where's out network" chant. To kick off the show, Cena delivered a killer promo after getting receiving a harsh crowd reaction, witch is pretty typical in England. It wouldn't take long for the fifteen time champion to call out the big guy, Ryback and the two would soon meet on the mic in the ring. However it wouldn't be long until the Authority made an appearance witch of course led to the British crowd chanting "where's out network?" making me very very proud. Stephanie would take control of the mic and to be honest the whole opening segment. I have to admit, Stephanie has some pretty bad ass mic skills and she has proven to be a top top heel and one of the best female speakers the company has right now. She know's how to really get the crowd going, how to make everyone interested in what she is saying and excited about what is yet to come. As part of the opening we saw Mark Henry come out with the Authority, making it official, he will also be apart of team authority for the Survivor series PPV witch takes place in only two weeks time. Both Cena and Stephanie would try and convince Ryback to join their teams and after standing there and listening to what both of them had to say for about ten minuets Ryback turnt on Cena and power bombed him out of nowhere, leading us all to believe he was now apart of team Authority also, but without saying anything else he headed backstage.
First match of the night saw Seth Rollins go one on one with Jack Swagger, who Cena had announced to be apart of he's team at the Survivor Series PPV. I knew from the moment John announced that that Jack was gonna have a bad night. It made no sense what so ever to put Swagger on team Cena out of nowhere. He hasn't been in much action over the past thew weeks and the Authority haven't done anything to piss him off and make him wanna square off against them. I have been saying it for far far too long but if anyone in the company deserves a push it's Jack Swagger.
He's a really hard worker, he's an extremely talented superstar with an impressive career background. No he's not the strongest speaker in the world, but he's talent, look, gimmick and background is enough to really push him and use him as a top superstar in the company. I will for sure be writing up a separate post on Swagger in the weeks to come so keep an eye out or that. All that being said Swagger and Rollins have had their fair share of good matches against each other in the past so I was pretty happy about the two going one on one again. They don't have the best chemistry in the ring, but their two amazing athletes and compliment each other pretty well in the ring. Last night the two did not disappoint and put on a solid opening match, with Rollins picking up the win after hitting the curb stomp. After the match Swagger took a further beating and after taking a hard hit to the post during the match up it was enough to take him out and stop him from being able to participate in the survivor series match on team Cena.
Diva's action now, and upon her return to her home country Paige went one on one with former divas champion herself, Alicia Fox. Of course Paige got an insane reaction and worked her home crowd like no other. The match it self was okay, nothing more than what you would expect from a typical RAW divas match up, or in fact any divas match on the main roster. I honestly think the WWE are using both these divas really badly and the only reason they had Paige in action last night was because he was in her home country. As for Alicia, I think it's more than safe to say she is extremely underrated. She has an impressive move set and can work a variety of gimmicks, it's a real shame she isn't getting the attention she deserves, maybe with her joining the Total divas cast that might change but only time will tell. One thing I did notice last night was Paige was the closest we have seen since coming up to the main roster as the "anti diva". Everything about her last night showed what she was like back in NXT and hopefully this could be a permanent thing with her. Of course Paige picked up the win. Later on in the night Brie Bella was forced to go one on one with the divas champion AJ Lee
with Nikki at ringside. I'm actually in the middle of writing up a post all around the topic of Nikki Bella and the divas championship, but I will say it now, I am so impressed with Nikki and I have been for the past thew months now. She has really improved and come out as one of the top divas on the main roster. The match was no better than the Alicia/ Paige one that took place earlier on in the night. Of course AJ picked up the win however was attacked after the match by Nikki.
Sheamus was set last night for a re-match for he's United states championship. I'll admit it, I was not looking forward to this match at all, but these two hands down stole the show. For some reason a lot of people were moaning about this match last night but I thought it was amazing and was easily the match of the night. It was an action packed, strong, passionate match and both did amazing especially Rusev. Over the past thew months Rusev has really come out and has proven to be a superstar to really take seriously and I honestly think he is going to shine in these next couple of months. As I said I loved this match and was hands down the match of the night for me. Rusev retained and was announced as another member of team authority.
Mark Henry went one on one with Dolph Ziggler that ended in DQ after involving a steel chair, witch to be honest I thought was a good idea, it helped further push henry as a heel and to be honest I didn't wanna watch this match at all. The big show would soon come to the aid of Ziggler.
Other events that happened last night include, Adam Rose displaying more relationship problems between him and the bunny, the Miz getting another tag team win while Damien continued to be a popular crowd favourite getting one of the best reactions of the night. And two amazing promos from both Bray Wyatt and Dean Ambrose, it was also announced that the two will go one on one at survivor series in two weeks time. I said it last night and I will say it again the WWE need to take much more notice and give way more attention to this feud. It was also announced that team Cena will consist of, the big show, Dolph Ziggler, Sheamus and possibly Ryback. Erick Rowan came out during the match up between Adam Rose and Tyson Kidd, taking he's mask off and saying "she's not here" who he was talking about I don't know, a lot of people we're saying Natalya, but after the post I did on Erick Rowan the other day I straight away thought Renee. I will leave the link bellow to that post so you understand what I'm talking about. And finally there was progress in the faction consisting of Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston, expect Big E to be added to the whole thing in next weeks little clip.
The main event saw John Cena go one on one with Ryback in what was actually a pretty good match. I was not expecting it to be half as good as what it was last night and Ryback was by far the stand out and stole the show. It was as if the whole of RAW was based around him and he really does deserve to be in the spotlight, I mentioned it on twitter last night that it's great seeing him back main eventing, where he belongs. It was 100% the Ryback show last night. By the end of the night it was Ryback left as the last man standing and weather he will be on Team Cena or Team Authority is still the big question.
In the closing moments of RAW a shock return was made as Luke Harper would close the show throwing in a battered Dolph Ziggler to the Authority and ending with the line "I'm a good team player". Long story short I marked the fuck out and now I can't wait for next week's RAW. A feud between him and Ziggler is like music to my ears!
All together I thought it was a great show last night and I don't understand why a lot of people didn't like it. I thought the lead up for survivor series was extremely well done, there was a nice start to some fresh work and the wrestling quality was strong. The amazing crowd really did make the night as well. But let me know what YOU thought of last nights show by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.

Get to know Lana
RAW Predictions
What's next for Erick Rowan
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