Superstar of the week: Dolph Ziggler
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World. It's Sunday witch mean's it's time for my superstar of the week. Yesterday I uploaded my top five superstars of the week post and I will leave the link to that and any other recent posts bellow. As always you can let me know who you're superstar of the week is by leaving a comment bellow in the comments section or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Last week Seth Rollins was put at the number one spot, and after another amazing week he came close but not close enough, as this week Dolph Ziggler claims the number one spot. I mentioned in yesterdays top five post that this week Seth Rollins was going to be my superstar of the week for a second week in a row, however once I looked back from the action over the past seven days it was someone else who had to be at number one, and that man was the Intercontinental champion Dolph Ziggler. I always say it but I honestly think the Ziggler fan bas is the most loyal and passionate fan base and over the past year I have really grown to become a much stronger fan of he's. I say it almost on a daily basis but it is evident that Ziggler is one of the most underrated, underused men to ever come to the WWE. The company have seriously underused him and the fans can see that. Why he's not being pushed as one of the top stars of the company I don't know, but one thing is for sure, Ziggler is the new peoples champion.
This year as a whole has been an interesting year for Dolph but the past month alone has been pretty good. Even though he went through a terrible week of loosing all he's one on one matches, he has stayed on top throughout and has provided the WWE universe with some strong, good quality wrestling. He's one on one match up with Randy Orton a thew weeks back was one of the best matches to come out of this year. Now although he didn't pick up the win, he gained a lot of momentum leading into the up coming PPV, and controlled a good amount of the match. He got the crowd on their feet and even those at home and as usual he sold the shit out of ever single move, especially that RKO.
At the Hell In A Cell PPV Ziggler went head to head with the Swiss superman himself, Cesaro, in a two out of three falls match for the Intercontinental championship. I mentioned it in my review and reactions post that this match was truly amazing and I honestly wish they had longer time in the ring. If they had gone at it for thirty minuets in the ring that night they would of hands down given us one of the best matches of the year. Ziggler was hands down the star of this match and stood out the most. He didn't just make himself look good but he made Cesaro look good, and that's what makes a good match up in my eyes. Ziggler ended up scoring two wins in a row, retaining the championship and looking extremely strong at the end of it.
This year Dolph has been involved in a lot of work with the main event stars especially Seth Rollins, and over the past couple of weeks we have seen them really shine together and the WWE have put Ziggler right back in the spotlight were he deserves.Last week on RAW, after being seen talking to John Cena, Ziggler was forced to go one on one with Kane. Now to my surprise this was actually a pretty good match, Ziggler looked strong throughout and even managed to pick up a huge win over the much larger and more experienced superstar. He had the crowd 100% on he's side and put on a really really good match up. He then on Smackdown of that week faced Seth Rollins in what was truly an amazing match. It was a back and fourth match were both superstars look great and the crowd and everyone at home (including myself) was very into it.
This past week on RAW Ziggler was once again thrown into the spotlight as he was apart of a huge segment between the Authority, where they would try and convince him to join team Authority for the Survivor Series match up taking place in a thew weeks time. Now Ziggler is not the best speaker in the WWE but he delivered some nice mic work and really showed some passion and heart in he's response to the offer. After making it clear that he was going to be on team Cena, Dolph was forced to once again step into the ring with Mr Money in the bank himself, Seth Rollins. I'm going to be honest I could seriously watch these two wrestle against each other all day long. They compliment each other in the ring so well, and there is something very similar yet very different about the two that comes across really well when they go head to head. If I'm honest there was no stand out in this match and they both did another great job. But the fact Ziggler was put in such a big match on RAW was a big deal and I had to have it contribute to one of the reasons he was my superstar of the week this week.
On Smackdown, two nights ago, Ziggler was put in a huge main event as he went one on one with Kane inside a steel cage. This match was completely out of the blue and I wasn't expecting it what so ever. Yes he was facing Kane again, but the fact that they had a great match a couple of weeks ago and this time around the were going to be in a steel cage, made me accept it and get a little excited for it. Admittedly it wasn't the best steel cage match in the world, but for a Smackdown main event this was a great great match. TO be honest it was the only match of the night was even interested in. Ziggler was hands down the stand out of this match and looked amazing, What I love about Ziggler is he's flat out entertainment. He's great at what he does and he can make anyone look good in the ring. What topped this week off for Ziggler was the fact that he picked up yet another win over Kane. I've also heard great things about he's work in the UK tour this week.
So that is my superstar of the week, You can let me know what superstar of Divas has stood out for you the most this week by leaving a comment bellow in the comments section or by sending me a @TezangiVictoria.
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Why this is an important month for Rusev
Top five superstars of the week
Whats next for Erick Rowan
Last week Seth Rollins was put at the number one spot, and after another amazing week he came close but not close enough, as this week Dolph Ziggler claims the number one spot. I mentioned in yesterdays top five post that this week Seth Rollins was going to be my superstar of the week for a second week in a row, however once I looked back from the action over the past seven days it was someone else who had to be at number one, and that man was the Intercontinental champion Dolph Ziggler. I always say it but I honestly think the Ziggler fan bas is the most loyal and passionate fan base and over the past year I have really grown to become a much stronger fan of he's. I say it almost on a daily basis but it is evident that Ziggler is one of the most underrated, underused men to ever come to the WWE. The company have seriously underused him and the fans can see that. Why he's not being pushed as one of the top stars of the company I don't know, but one thing is for sure, Ziggler is the new peoples champion.
This year as a whole has been an interesting year for Dolph but the past month alone has been pretty good. Even though he went through a terrible week of loosing all he's one on one matches, he has stayed on top throughout and has provided the WWE universe with some strong, good quality wrestling. He's one on one match up with Randy Orton a thew weeks back was one of the best matches to come out of this year. Now although he didn't pick up the win, he gained a lot of momentum leading into the up coming PPV, and controlled a good amount of the match. He got the crowd on their feet and even those at home and as usual he sold the shit out of ever single move, especially that RKO.
At the Hell In A Cell PPV Ziggler went head to head with the Swiss superman himself, Cesaro, in a two out of three falls match for the Intercontinental championship. I mentioned it in my review and reactions post that this match was truly amazing and I honestly wish they had longer time in the ring. If they had gone at it for thirty minuets in the ring that night they would of hands down given us one of the best matches of the year. Ziggler was hands down the star of this match and stood out the most. He didn't just make himself look good but he made Cesaro look good, and that's what makes a good match up in my eyes. Ziggler ended up scoring two wins in a row, retaining the championship and looking extremely strong at the end of it.
This year Dolph has been involved in a lot of work with the main event stars especially Seth Rollins, and over the past couple of weeks we have seen them really shine together and the WWE have put Ziggler right back in the spotlight were he deserves.Last week on RAW, after being seen talking to John Cena, Ziggler was forced to go one on one with Kane. Now to my surprise this was actually a pretty good match, Ziggler looked strong throughout and even managed to pick up a huge win over the much larger and more experienced superstar. He had the crowd 100% on he's side and put on a really really good match up. He then on Smackdown of that week faced Seth Rollins in what was truly an amazing match. It was a back and fourth match were both superstars look great and the crowd and everyone at home (including myself) was very into it.
This past week on RAW Ziggler was once again thrown into the spotlight as he was apart of a huge segment between the Authority, where they would try and convince him to join team Authority for the Survivor Series match up taking place in a thew weeks time. Now Ziggler is not the best speaker in the WWE but he delivered some nice mic work and really showed some passion and heart in he's response to the offer. After making it clear that he was going to be on team Cena, Dolph was forced to once again step into the ring with Mr Money in the bank himself, Seth Rollins. I'm going to be honest I could seriously watch these two wrestle against each other all day long. They compliment each other in the ring so well, and there is something very similar yet very different about the two that comes across really well when they go head to head. If I'm honest there was no stand out in this match and they both did another great job. But the fact Ziggler was put in such a big match on RAW was a big deal and I had to have it contribute to one of the reasons he was my superstar of the week this week.

So that is my superstar of the week, You can let me know what superstar of Divas has stood out for you the most this week by leaving a comment bellow in the comments section or by sending me a @TezangiVictoria.
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Why this is an important month for Rusev
Top five superstars of the week
Whats next for Erick Rowan
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