RAW Review and Reactions
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World. So last night was the official go home show for the Survivor Series pay per view, witch of course take's place this Sunday. The live show focused mainly on the main event of the pay per view from start to finish. It was an average three hours of action with some great moments that left me smiling from ear to ear, however as usual, a lot of people had a good old moan about the show and thought it was weak and boring, but I actually can not complain about it, because despite being tired I was really into everything that took place. That being said I do think the WWE made a couple of mistakes and could of changed things up a bit and did a little more but I will go into that later on in the post. Remember throughout this week I will be posting my Survivor Series predictions and I will leave the links to any recent posts and my first prediction post bellow. You can also let me know what you thought of last nights episode of RAW and what you're predictions are for this Sunday's pay per view by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
The show kicked off with Authority making their way to the ring, this included Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, Noble and Joey and a complete team Authority consisting of team captin Seth Rollins, Mark Henry, Rusev (with Lana), Kane and the latest member, Luke Harper. I have to admit team Authority looked strong, really strong. Once in the ring Stephanie and Hunter would hit the mic and talk about the upcoming pay per view and how it was evident Team Authority would be walking out victorious and still in power. They suggested that all members of Team Cena best leave and walk away from Survivor Series. After quite some time Ryback made he's first of many appearances of the night and also hit the mic but made it clear that he was on one team, and that team was team Ryback.
It was then announced that Dolph Ziggler would go one on one with latest team Authority member Luke Harper. After the commercial break it was also announced that Ziggler's intercontinental championship was on the line. Before the match could even begin Ziggler was attacked by the Authority giving Harper an early advantage, however Zigglers hear and determination didn't fade away and he kicked out of early pin falls that I didn't even think he would kick of, including a monster of a power bomb. The match was okay, it could of been longer and a little better but it was good, and it was clear a lot of people were into it mainly because of what was at steak and who exactly was in the ring I know for sure I was on the edge of my seat just waiting to see what will happen. I think Harper looked extremely strong and dominated a good, strong chunk of this match up. After hitting a closeline Harper ended up scoring the win and most importantly he's first championship in the WWE. I think this was a great idea. I know there was a lot of people who were really angry about this decision but I think it was a great move to make. After being out of action for so long Harper really did need to come back strong, and what better way to do that than to have him come back, join team Authority, main event Survivor Series and also become the IC champion. I don't think a full on feud between Harper and Ziggler would of been effected and the way they have done it has been much much better and much ore effective. I think importance will be re-stored to the championship now Harper is holding it and storyline wise it's going to be interesting to see what they do next.I also think it's important to highlight the fact that it makes so much sense for Harper to take the championship off Ziggler six days before the pay per view. It just adds more to the match and has given him the early push he deserves.
Next up, Tyson Kidd went one on one with Adam Rose with a rather horny bunny at ringside. The WWE seem to be going down a strange road with Adam Rose and the Bunny witch I'm not sure were exactly is going how successful it will be but it's pretty entertaining. It's clear that Rose makes a better heel, witch he as proven in NXT and FCW when he was working a different character and gimmick, and he's clearly a lot more comfortable playing the villain. Turing Adam heel is a good move to make but they really do need to get rid of that bunny. I think the could easily work Rose as a heel but still with the party guy gimmick. As for Tyson Kidd, it has been rumoured he will be getting a push in the upcoming months. Last week on Smackdown he had an amazing match up for the IC title witch if you haven't seen I seriously advice that you do! Hands down one of the best matches we have seen on Smackdown in a while and one of the best matches of the year in my personal opinion. The match was short and sweet and was mainly focusing on building more heat between the Bunny
and Adam Rose and also building more momentum for Tyson Kidd. It's really smart what the WWE are doing with Kidd. He might not be competing in big matches but he's gaining a lot of momentum every week scoring little wins and being apart of great matches, like he's main event match with Sami Zayn and he's Smackdown one last week. Of course the Bunny caused a little distraction and Rose was put in the sharp shooter again witch left Kidd picking up another win.
The WWE then crossed over to the Wyatt/Ambrose feud. I think I have moaned about this enough now, but I' going to have one last little rant before my prediction post. It's simple, the WWE have let down the fans big time with this feud, and most importantly have let down Ambrose and Bray. These are two truly amazing superstars, main event superstars even and they have had the worse month possible. It's important to highlight that Tyson Kidd has been in the ring more this month than both Bray and Dean combined. The WWE universe (including myself) had extremely high expectations of this feud because of the superstars popularity and how anticipated it was. There was so many things the company could of and should of done with these two over the past month but they have put all their efforts into the main event, team Cena VS Team Authority match up. They should of split the build up giving them an equal push. It's been so hard trying to get into this match up for Sunday because the build up has been so poor. Neither of these guy's have competed in a match on RAW for well over two weeks and the last time we saw Ambrose actually wrestle was on main event last week. As for Bray, he's been put in two matches with Sin Cara, one on Main event a couple weeks back and one on Smackdown last week. This is just terrible and I thought it was seriously important the WWE did something big before Sunday and the fact this was the go home RAW for the pay per view, it needed to be last night they did something major. But instead we got another promo and thirty seconds of a collide between the two and that was all we saw of them. Extremely disappointing but Ambrose did manage to pick up some much needed momentum heading into the Survivor Series pay per view.
The next match saw Ryback once again go one on one with Cesaro. This match was completely out of the blue and I wasn't looking forward to it one bit to be honest. That being said it was easily the match of the night. They had a long, hard thought fight that was actually really good. It was far from match of the year quality but it was a strong Monday night RAW match up. The two amazing athletes were in a battle of strength and neither of them were prepared to give up early on in the match. They both hit some great spots and Cesaro once again proved he is a main event superstar who is in desperate need of a major push. Hopefully the WWE find something to do with him creatively in the early stages of next year. I keep saying it but a baby face turn may be the best move to make. Ryback, of course, picked up the win.
Rusev would also score a submission win over Heath Slater in a little momentum building match and to remind everyone he was still there and still hates America.
The Authority then put their mind games into action after Stephanie put all her efforts into turning both Sheamus and Big Show away from team Cena. This would include Stephanie offering Show a spot on the 2015 Hall of fame roster, witch was pretty random and made no freaking sense, and also threatening to get Sheamus deported. With failed efforts Stephanie took things up a notch and put team Cena's biggest, heaviest hitters, in a one on one match up against each other with the winner earning a shot at the WWE World Heavyweight championship. I liked this idea. It once again added that little more to the show and the survivor series pay per view. And if we go back a couple of years, Sheamus and Show had a great feud back in 2012 and had some great matches so I was interested to see how things would unfold even though I knew this was a little predictable. I say it about one hundred times a day but Sheamus does seriously need a heel turn and I do think last night would of been a good way to turn him but the fact team Authority was already full made it clear it wasn't the right time. The would go at it for quite some time in what was shaping up to be a good match before Rusev and Henry would make an appearance and attack both Sheamus and Big show, with Sheamus being put through the announce table and putting him out of the Survivor Series pay per view.
Divas action now and Nikki Bella had Brie compete in a "exhibition" match to show AJ what will transpire Sunday at Survivor Series when the two battle it out for the divas championship. Brie would come out dressed and AJ Lee and to her entrance theme and would compete against sister Nikki. The champ herself would make herself comfortable at commentary and watch the action in the best seats in the house. To be honest I was more focused on listening to what AJ was saying than what was going on in the ring but once again Nikki showed amazing strength and more diversity in the ring and in her move set. After the match (witch Brie won) AJ attacked both Bella twins and gained some much needed momentum heading into her title defence this Sunday.
It was then time for the contract signing for the Survivor Series main event and the final team members of team Cena would be announced. Stephanie and Hunter would own the mic as per usual until John Cena came out to the ring and also hit the mic for a good three to five minuets. We would then find out that original members Dolph Ziggler and the Big Show would still be siding with Team Cena Sunday, but then the biggest shock of the night came about when the fourth member made he's way to the ring and you won't believe it but it was only Erick freaking Rowan! At this moment I marked the fuck out and quick thing to note, it was gone four AM in UK! This is a great move and I was so happy about this decision. I like how they've put him in the main event and aren't using him badly like they have been. It's going to be interesting see what they do with him after the Pay per view now, one thing for sure is that the heat between him and Harper is pretty damn strong. And the final member would of course be Ryback witch came to no surprise. By the end of the night it was team Cena left standing tall.
RAW Predictions
RAW Review and Reactions
Survivor Series Predictions Nikki Bella VS AJ Lee
Luke Harper will shine in solo career
The show kicked off with Authority making their way to the ring, this included Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, Noble and Joey and a complete team Authority consisting of team captin Seth Rollins, Mark Henry, Rusev (with Lana), Kane and the latest member, Luke Harper. I have to admit team Authority looked strong, really strong. Once in the ring Stephanie and Hunter would hit the mic and talk about the upcoming pay per view and how it was evident Team Authority would be walking out victorious and still in power. They suggested that all members of Team Cena best leave and walk away from Survivor Series. After quite some time Ryback made he's first of many appearances of the night and also hit the mic but made it clear that he was on one team, and that team was team Ryback.
It was then announced that Dolph Ziggler would go one on one with latest team Authority member Luke Harper. After the commercial break it was also announced that Ziggler's intercontinental championship was on the line. Before the match could even begin Ziggler was attacked by the Authority giving Harper an early advantage, however Zigglers hear and determination didn't fade away and he kicked out of early pin falls that I didn't even think he would kick of, including a monster of a power bomb. The match was okay, it could of been longer and a little better but it was good, and it was clear a lot of people were into it mainly because of what was at steak and who exactly was in the ring I know for sure I was on the edge of my seat just waiting to see what will happen. I think Harper looked extremely strong and dominated a good, strong chunk of this match up. After hitting a closeline Harper ended up scoring the win and most importantly he's first championship in the WWE. I think this was a great idea. I know there was a lot of people who were really angry about this decision but I think it was a great move to make. After being out of action for so long Harper really did need to come back strong, and what better way to do that than to have him come back, join team Authority, main event Survivor Series and also become the IC champion. I don't think a full on feud between Harper and Ziggler would of been effected and the way they have done it has been much much better and much ore effective. I think importance will be re-stored to the championship now Harper is holding it and storyline wise it's going to be interesting to see what they do next.I also think it's important to highlight the fact that it makes so much sense for Harper to take the championship off Ziggler six days before the pay per view. It just adds more to the match and has given him the early push he deserves.

and Adam Rose and also building more momentum for Tyson Kidd. It's really smart what the WWE are doing with Kidd. He might not be competing in big matches but he's gaining a lot of momentum every week scoring little wins and being apart of great matches, like he's main event match with Sami Zayn and he's Smackdown one last week. Of course the Bunny caused a little distraction and Rose was put in the sharp shooter again witch left Kidd picking up another win.
The WWE then crossed over to the Wyatt/Ambrose feud. I think I have moaned about this enough now, but I' going to have one last little rant before my prediction post. It's simple, the WWE have let down the fans big time with this feud, and most importantly have let down Ambrose and Bray. These are two truly amazing superstars, main event superstars even and they have had the worse month possible. It's important to highlight that Tyson Kidd has been in the ring more this month than both Bray and Dean combined. The WWE universe (including myself) had extremely high expectations of this feud because of the superstars popularity and how anticipated it was. There was so many things the company could of and should of done with these two over the past month but they have put all their efforts into the main event, team Cena VS Team Authority match up. They should of split the build up giving them an equal push. It's been so hard trying to get into this match up for Sunday because the build up has been so poor. Neither of these guy's have competed in a match on RAW for well over two weeks and the last time we saw Ambrose actually wrestle was on main event last week. As for Bray, he's been put in two matches with Sin Cara, one on Main event a couple weeks back and one on Smackdown last week. This is just terrible and I thought it was seriously important the WWE did something big before Sunday and the fact this was the go home RAW for the pay per view, it needed to be last night they did something major. But instead we got another promo and thirty seconds of a collide between the two and that was all we saw of them. Extremely disappointing but Ambrose did manage to pick up some much needed momentum heading into the Survivor Series pay per view.
The next match saw Ryback once again go one on one with Cesaro. This match was completely out of the blue and I wasn't looking forward to it one bit to be honest. That being said it was easily the match of the night. They had a long, hard thought fight that was actually really good. It was far from match of the year quality but it was a strong Monday night RAW match up. The two amazing athletes were in a battle of strength and neither of them were prepared to give up early on in the match. They both hit some great spots and Cesaro once again proved he is a main event superstar who is in desperate need of a major push. Hopefully the WWE find something to do with him creatively in the early stages of next year. I keep saying it but a baby face turn may be the best move to make. Ryback, of course, picked up the win.
Rusev would also score a submission win over Heath Slater in a little momentum building match and to remind everyone he was still there and still hates America.
The Authority then put their mind games into action after Stephanie put all her efforts into turning both Sheamus and Big Show away from team Cena. This would include Stephanie offering Show a spot on the 2015 Hall of fame roster, witch was pretty random and made no freaking sense, and also threatening to get Sheamus deported. With failed efforts Stephanie took things up a notch and put team Cena's biggest, heaviest hitters, in a one on one match up against each other with the winner earning a shot at the WWE World Heavyweight championship. I liked this idea. It once again added that little more to the show and the survivor series pay per view. And if we go back a couple of years, Sheamus and Show had a great feud back in 2012 and had some great matches so I was interested to see how things would unfold even though I knew this was a little predictable. I say it about one hundred times a day but Sheamus does seriously need a heel turn and I do think last night would of been a good way to turn him but the fact team Authority was already full made it clear it wasn't the right time. The would go at it for quite some time in what was shaping up to be a good match before Rusev and Henry would make an appearance and attack both Sheamus and Big show, with Sheamus being put through the announce table and putting him out of the Survivor Series pay per view.

It was then time for the contract signing for the Survivor Series main event and the final team members of team Cena would be announced. Stephanie and Hunter would own the mic as per usual until John Cena came out to the ring and also hit the mic for a good three to five minuets. We would then find out that original members Dolph Ziggler and the Big Show would still be siding with Team Cena Sunday, but then the biggest shock of the night came about when the fourth member made he's way to the ring and you won't believe it but it was only Erick freaking Rowan! At this moment I marked the fuck out and quick thing to note, it was gone four AM in UK! This is a great move and I was so happy about this decision. I like how they've put him in the main event and aren't using him badly like they have been. It's going to be interesting see what they do with him after the Pay per view now, one thing for sure is that the heat between him and Harper is pretty damn strong. And the final member would of course be Ryback witch came to no surprise. By the end of the night it was team Cena left standing tall.
RAW Predictions
RAW Review and Reactions
Survivor Series Predictions Nikki Bella VS AJ Lee
Luke Harper will shine in solo career
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