Battleground Predictions: Battle Royal
Hello Everyone! I'm here today with the fourth post in my Battleground Prediction series. Throughout the week I have been predicting the matches on the card for this Sunday's WWE PPV Battleground. I will leave the links to those post bellow so you can check them out if you haven't done so already.You can also let me know who you are supporting this Sunday by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
So today I'm going to be talking about the Battleground Battle Royal for the IC title witch was announces a thew weeks back. The match came about when it was announced that due to a separated Shoulder caused by an attack from Jack Swagger the current Intercontinental champion Bad News Barrett had no other choice but to vacate the championship because there is no date for he's return and could be out of action for several months. Therefore it was declared that there will be an over the top Battle royal for the championship. I was so gutted when I found out Barrett would be out of action for so long, it couldn't of came at a worst time. He was at such a high point in he's career, Having amazing matches with more than decent opponents, having awesome reactions from the crowd, being the IC champion and scheduled to compete in the Money in the bank ladder match witch he was unable to do due to the injury. It's such a shame that after working so hard these past thew moths he has to go and get an injury, I'm hopeing he's back soon and can get back into action and they don't make him start all over again. I'm also hopeing we will still see him often, even though he cant be in the ring it would be great for him to make a thew appearances and maybe even appear on commentary a couple of times, the man is gold on the mic. We learnt this past week on RAW that Barrett will be at Battleground this Sunday to present the championship to the winner of the Battle Royal.
Now moving on to the actual match and the competitors. I think this is going to be an intresting one and one I'm struggling to call to be honest.I want to first off say that I'm so so angry at the WWE for pulling Sandow out of the Battle Royal. I hate how little respect he get's and how he is treated, the man is pure talent and pulls off any stupid gimmick/job he's given and I really do think they could of done some amazing things with him and this Identity problem gimmick he has at the moment and could of been a good way to push him and him being the Intercontinental Champion would of been really fun and interesting to watch. Big mistake on there behalf. When this match was announced I predicted that the obvious winner would be Cesaro, however my mind has completely changed over the past two weeks. I have no idea what on earth the WWE are doing with Cesaro, he had a great year having one the best matches of the year with Cena, going on to have an awesome performance in the elimination Chamber, to winning the first Andre the giant battle memorial to then leaving Zeb and becoming a Paul Heyman guy! Now all of a sudden he's back at the bottom losing to Kofi Kingston and ever since being on some kind of loosing streak. It also appears he's no longer with Paul Heyman, witch I suppose is because Lesnar is coming back and they need to get Cesaro away from Heyman so Brock is the main attraction but it's all very stupid and I think he could of really benefited from winning this Sunday, but i really cant see that happening at all now.
I think people who are likely to win and are fan faves are, Ziggler, Bo Dallas and Sheamus. I've expressed how much I think Ziggler needs a push enough now and I have mixed feelings about this Sunday. He deserves way better than a mid card championship but it's better he has one than none. Do I really think he will win? No. I cant see him wining this weekend I don't think he has done enough and I don't think it would make sense for him to win out of no where to be honest. Then there's Bo Dallas who is another possible winner. He's Bo Strike is still going strong and he has made an impact since being called up from NXT. I really do predict amazing things for him and till being really young he has a bright future ahead of him, and him becoming the IC champion would be amazing for him right now and would be a great way to kick off he's time in WWE. They could do some amazing things with him as champ but if I'm honest, once again I cant see him wining I think they have other things planned for him if im honest. Another superstar I would like to see on top is Fandango. I don't think he gets the respect he deserves and has so much more to show. It would be great to see him hold this title but I cant see that happening either. There's the Miz who is yet another favourite. I love he's new gimmick and becoming the IC Champion would be amazing for h
im and would help push the new gimmick.That leaves the last likely winner and who I personally think is going to win, Sheamus. Sheamus is currently STILL stuck as a Baby face and he's heel turn is extremely extremely over due! Him winning this Sunday would open so many doors for him and make him the perfect heel at some point. I say enough times but Sheamus should not be holding The US title let alone the IC title, the man is a main event competitor and deserves way better but I can truly see him coming up on top this Sunday. Personally I would hate hate hate for them to unify the US and IC championship! It would be the stupidest thing to do right now but I 100% believe there going to do that this Sunday. But if there is one person I would like to unify them it would be Sheamus. But for some reason I feel like it would help him and it would just make him stuck as a mid carder. I'm going to predict Sheamus wins unify's the championships and becomes a heel. Look's like we may see the second man in history to hold both the United States and Intercontinental championships this weekend.
Battleground Predictions: AJ Lee VS Paige
Battleground Predictions: Jack Swagger VS Rusec
Battleground Predcictions: Luke Harper and Erick Rowan VS The Usos
So today I'm going to be talking about the Battleground Battle Royal for the IC title witch was announces a thew weeks back. The match came about when it was announced that due to a separated Shoulder caused by an attack from Jack Swagger the current Intercontinental champion Bad News Barrett had no other choice but to vacate the championship because there is no date for he's return and could be out of action for several months. Therefore it was declared that there will be an over the top Battle royal for the championship. I was so gutted when I found out Barrett would be out of action for so long, it couldn't of came at a worst time. He was at such a high point in he's career, Having amazing matches with more than decent opponents, having awesome reactions from the crowd, being the IC champion and scheduled to compete in the Money in the bank ladder match witch he was unable to do due to the injury. It's such a shame that after working so hard these past thew moths he has to go and get an injury, I'm hopeing he's back soon and can get back into action and they don't make him start all over again. I'm also hopeing we will still see him often, even though he cant be in the ring it would be great for him to make a thew appearances and maybe even appear on commentary a couple of times, the man is gold on the mic. We learnt this past week on RAW that Barrett will be at Battleground this Sunday to present the championship to the winner of the Battle Royal.
Now moving on to the actual match and the competitors. I think this is going to be an intresting one and one I'm struggling to call to be honest.I want to first off say that I'm so so angry at the WWE for pulling Sandow out of the Battle Royal. I hate how little respect he get's and how he is treated, the man is pure talent and pulls off any stupid gimmick/job he's given and I really do think they could of done some amazing things with him and this Identity problem gimmick he has at the moment and could of been a good way to push him and him being the Intercontinental Champion would of been really fun and interesting to watch. Big mistake on there behalf. When this match was announced I predicted that the obvious winner would be Cesaro, however my mind has completely changed over the past two weeks. I have no idea what on earth the WWE are doing with Cesaro, he had a great year having one the best matches of the year with Cena, going on to have an awesome performance in the elimination Chamber, to winning the first Andre the giant battle memorial to then leaving Zeb and becoming a Paul Heyman guy! Now all of a sudden he's back at the bottom losing to Kofi Kingston and ever since being on some kind of loosing streak. It also appears he's no longer with Paul Heyman, witch I suppose is because Lesnar is coming back and they need to get Cesaro away from Heyman so Brock is the main attraction but it's all very stupid and I think he could of really benefited from winning this Sunday, but i really cant see that happening at all now.

im and would help push the new gimmick.That leaves the last likely winner and who I personally think is going to win, Sheamus. Sheamus is currently STILL stuck as a Baby face and he's heel turn is extremely extremely over due! Him winning this Sunday would open so many doors for him and make him the perfect heel at some point. I say enough times but Sheamus should not be holding The US title let alone the IC title, the man is a main event competitor and deserves way better but I can truly see him coming up on top this Sunday. Personally I would hate hate hate for them to unify the US and IC championship! It would be the stupidest thing to do right now but I 100% believe there going to do that this Sunday. But if there is one person I would like to unify them it would be Sheamus. But for some reason I feel like it would help him and it would just make him stuck as a mid carder. I'm going to predict Sheamus wins unify's the championships and becomes a heel. Look's like we may see the second man in history to hold both the United States and Intercontinental championships this weekend.
Battleground Predictions: AJ Lee VS Paige
Battleground Predictions: Jack Swagger VS Rusec
Battleground Predcictions: Luke Harper and Erick Rowan VS The Usos
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