Battleground Review and Reactions
Hey Everyone! So it's the night after the Battleground PPV and what a night it was, and trust me I have a lot to say! From now on I will be doing a Review ad Reactions post after Every PPV alongside every RAW on a Tuesday, I'm working on posting a Time table so you know what post will be up when and I will let you know when that's up. You can let me know what you thought of last night's action by tweeting me at@TezangiVictoria.
So the Night started out pretty stupid, over on the Kick off show, however the WWE kindly put the show up on there YouTube channel so I was happy I got to watch it. There was a pointless match up between Fandango and Adam Rose with Rose picking up the win. The two didn't compete in the Battle Royal latter on in the night witch I thought was a big mistake, They both could of added some fun to the match. On a plus note Summer Looked stunning. There was also the divas's match witch was announced the other week between Cameron and Naomi witch really was a battle of the worst attires to be honest, with Cameron picking up the win for the tacky, cheap school girl look, oh yeah and she picked up a cheap win in the match was disappointment number two already and the actual PPV hasn't even started.This has kind of led me to believe there little feud will continue. Cameron has improved I give her that and the match was okay but Naomi deserves way way better then a crappy match on the kick off show against Cameron! She's divas champion material. The crowd also missed a great opportunity to start Josh Mathew chants when Renee once again took he's place on the kick off panel.
The first match of the night saw the tag team champions the Usos defend there titles once again against Harper and Rowan in a two out of three falls match. For me this was match of night and I'm sure I'm not the
only one who thinks this! All four men brought there A game ad entertained us from start to finish. Harper once again showing how diverse he is and showing how much he is still improving! Rowan on the other hand did show a little more and I have to give it to him he has improved but he's standing out for all the wrong reasons. It was Harper once again who stole the show and he was just there filling in the gap. He has a lot more work to do and needs a lot of improvement to meet the level Harper is on. He lack's the personality and charisma Harper has not to mention the in ring ability it much better from Harper. The Wyatts picked up the first win, which I was over the moon about and during the second match I got way too into it and I mean way too into it. With the UK time being past 1 AM screaming ans shouting at the TV is not appropriate, I'm sorry sleeping neighbours. I was more than disappointed when the Usos retained getting the second win and third win. I have expressed my hatred enough over the past 24 hours and more about the Usos holding the championships. There getting boring, they have held it for too long and it was time for the title to change hands and the best people to hold them next was in deed the Wyatts. The only positive outcome would be The ascension getting called up to add more to the tag division because lets face it, there slacking at the moment and these two are more than ready for the main shows and more importantly the WWE tag team championships; and with the constant tweet's I'm keeping my hopes up.
The night went on with a backstage interview with Seth Rollins resulting in an attack from Dean Ambrose. Now once again this is another thing I spoke enough about last night, there little backstage fight made good TV time and whatever but counselling the match was the biggest mistake of the night the WWE made and at this point disappointment number 4. To be honest I don't see the the point in scraping the match. Yes it added more heat to their feud but there could of been a big brawl in there match resulting in a count out or
DQ at least then we could of seen a little one on one action in the ring and still keeping the heat in the feud allowing it to continue up to the next PPV. Talking of the next PPV it's obvious that's why they did this last night. The WWE know this is a big big feud and will be a big big match between the two and there saving it for one of the biggest PPV's of the year, witch if im honest is what I thought they were going to do in the first place. In my eyes they should of had Kane Facing Dean last night with Seth either in the battle Royal, he's own match or at commentary during Deans match, making the main event a triple Threat, leaving the dean/seth match for Summer Slam instead of having all the crap last night and being deprived of the match the promised. The second attack of the night however did get me really excited to be honest a little to excited! It's great that Dean is so over with the crowd and were getting to see him so aggressive. Ambrose literally being carried out was the funniest thing I've seen since BO was carried out over in NXT. It all carried on out side were Dean appeared from the trunk witch also had me in fits of laughter. I really do beleive this is the best feud in WWE at the moment and possibly the best most convincing feud we have had in a while and I'm loving it, apart from the silly things here and there.
The second match of the night saw the divas champion AJ Lee defend her title against newly found frenemie
Paige. Now I'm loosing the will to live with this "feud". The match was actually pretty awesome but waiting for Paige to turn heel is just as frustrating as waiting for a Sheamus heel turn. Last night was the perfect night to do so and not doing so led to disappointment number 5! Paige was in control throughout most the match and we got to see a little more of the Paige we saw back in FCW and NXT, but there is still that rough ruthless bad ass side we have to see of her and I'm getting bored of the wait. I'm hoping and praying they don't end there feud there and it's gets better and stronger with a Paige heel turn leading up to another match with at Summer Slam were hopefully Paige is champ again.
We then saw what was for me the second best match of night, Bray Wyatt VS Chris Jericho. I think personally this was one of my fave Bray matches, he was on top last night and I really got into the match.
Bray really showed how much he has improved and he really is getting stronger and better each time we see him in the ring. Jericho and Bray had amazing chemistry in the ring together and it had a great affect on everyone watching. The match was a nice long length and I think it's great that Jericho is happy to come back and have matches with new talent like last night's. Bray proved last night he doesn't need Harper and Rowan in he's corner during matches as it was when they told to go to the locker room the match got better, much better. I was however disappointed with the ending.I was convinced that Bray was going to pick up the win and was more then shocked when it was Jericho that did so. I'm not sure if this feud will continue but if it does I think they could have one more match at Summer Slam and then that's it, but to be honest I wanna see Bray chase after a championship even if it is a mid card championship. I've said for a while I want to see a Sheamus/Bray feud a nice strong one, and if they want to keep Sheamus face this is the best way to do so in my eyes, and I think the two of them could have an amazing Match at Summer Slam with an Interesting stipulation. They have had great matches in the past and it would be nice to see more.
There was then the Battle Royal to determine the new IC champion. It was great to see Barrett back however it did make me sad due to the fact it was a slap in the face of realisation that he wont be back in action for a while, but he did cut an amazing promo and showed off he's awesome mic skills once again and he got an awesome crowd reaction. The battle royal was actually pretty good and I was really entertained. Once again Kofi was a stand out, as was Sheamus, Ziggler and Even Heath got he's moment eliminating Cesaro. Miz picked up the win witch didn't surprise me if I'm honest. I saw he's tactic's during the match, he kept rolling out and coming back in and it became very obvious who was going to win. I'm not really over the moon about the idea, to be honest I think it would of been better if a new guy held the title like Bo, I personally think they could of done more with him then and it could of been very entertaining, they really are underestimating him at the moment. However I do think this could be a good think for Miz, it will be intresting to see what happens next.
Moving on to the main event, witch saw John Cena defend the WWE World Heavyweight championship in a fatal 4 way against Randy Orton, Kane and Roman Reigns. The match started off slow and boring but I have to admit I did get really into it during the end and for me it was Roma who was the stand out performer. Of
course I wasn't surprised with the end result of Cena retaining, once again I convinced myself he might not win but hey ho not surprises.To be honest I don't have many opinions on this match. It was nice to see Kane turn he's back on Orton and he was from another stand out of the night. It's going to be an intresting RAW tonight to see what happened between the two and also what they do next with Roman, but I will be doing a RAW prediction's post later today so that's all I'm going to say for now.
Once again you can let me know what you thought of last night's action and who stole the show for you by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
So the Night started out pretty stupid, over on the Kick off show, however the WWE kindly put the show up on there YouTube channel so I was happy I got to watch it. There was a pointless match up between Fandango and Adam Rose with Rose picking up the win. The two didn't compete in the Battle Royal latter on in the night witch I thought was a big mistake, They both could of added some fun to the match. On a plus note Summer Looked stunning. There was also the divas's match witch was announced the other week between Cameron and Naomi witch really was a battle of the worst attires to be honest, with Cameron picking up the win for the tacky, cheap school girl look, oh yeah and she picked up a cheap win in the match was disappointment number two already and the actual PPV hasn't even started.This has kind of led me to believe there little feud will continue. Cameron has improved I give her that and the match was okay but Naomi deserves way way better then a crappy match on the kick off show against Cameron! She's divas champion material. The crowd also missed a great opportunity to start Josh Mathew chants when Renee once again took he's place on the kick off panel.

only one who thinks this! All four men brought there A game ad entertained us from start to finish. Harper once again showing how diverse he is and showing how much he is still improving! Rowan on the other hand did show a little more and I have to give it to him he has improved but he's standing out for all the wrong reasons. It was Harper once again who stole the show and he was just there filling in the gap. He has a lot more work to do and needs a lot of improvement to meet the level Harper is on. He lack's the personality and charisma Harper has not to mention the in ring ability it much better from Harper. The Wyatts picked up the first win, which I was over the moon about and during the second match I got way too into it and I mean way too into it. With the UK time being past 1 AM screaming ans shouting at the TV is not appropriate, I'm sorry sleeping neighbours. I was more than disappointed when the Usos retained getting the second win and third win. I have expressed my hatred enough over the past 24 hours and more about the Usos holding the championships. There getting boring, they have held it for too long and it was time for the title to change hands and the best people to hold them next was in deed the Wyatts. The only positive outcome would be The ascension getting called up to add more to the tag division because lets face it, there slacking at the moment and these two are more than ready for the main shows and more importantly the WWE tag team championships; and with the constant tweet's I'm keeping my hopes up.

The second match of the night saw the divas champion AJ Lee defend her title against newly found frenemie
Paige. Now I'm loosing the will to live with this "feud". The match was actually pretty awesome but waiting for Paige to turn heel is just as frustrating as waiting for a Sheamus heel turn. Last night was the perfect night to do so and not doing so led to disappointment number 5! Paige was in control throughout most the match and we got to see a little more of the Paige we saw back in FCW and NXT, but there is still that rough ruthless bad ass side we have to see of her and I'm getting bored of the wait. I'm hoping and praying they don't end there feud there and it's gets better and stronger with a Paige heel turn leading up to another match with at Summer Slam were hopefully Paige is champ again.
We then saw what was for me the second best match of night, Bray Wyatt VS Chris Jericho. I think personally this was one of my fave Bray matches, he was on top last night and I really got into the match.

There was then the Battle Royal to determine the new IC champion. It was great to see Barrett back however it did make me sad due to the fact it was a slap in the face of realisation that he wont be back in action for a while, but he did cut an amazing promo and showed off he's awesome mic skills once again and he got an awesome crowd reaction. The battle royal was actually pretty good and I was really entertained. Once again Kofi was a stand out, as was Sheamus, Ziggler and Even Heath got he's moment eliminating Cesaro. Miz picked up the win witch didn't surprise me if I'm honest. I saw he's tactic's during the match, he kept rolling out and coming back in and it became very obvious who was going to win. I'm not really over the moon about the idea, to be honest I think it would of been better if a new guy held the title like Bo, I personally think they could of done more with him then and it could of been very entertaining, they really are underestimating him at the moment. However I do think this could be a good think for Miz, it will be intresting to see what happens next.

course I wasn't surprised with the end result of Cena retaining, once again I convinced myself he might not win but hey ho not surprises.To be honest I don't have many opinions on this match. It was nice to see Kane turn he's back on Orton and he was from another stand out of the night. It's going to be an intresting RAW tonight to see what happened between the two and also what they do next with Roman, but I will be doing a RAW prediction's post later today so that's all I'm going to say for now.
Once again you can let me know what you thought of last night's action and who stole the show for you by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
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