RAW Review and Reactions
Hello Everyone! It's Tuesday witch mean's it's time for RAW reactions and Review. Yes the post is up late and I'm sorry but I've been really busy today! I mentioned in last week's post that this will be up every single Tuesday after RAW and the whole point of it is to just analyse the following night's actions and to get my personal opinions about the show across. I wont talk about everything, just what stood out/ the highlights. You can let me know what your best moments of last night's RAW are by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
So last night the authority were absent from the show (YAY), witch meant we got an opening segment not delivered by Stephanie or Hunter! Instead the show was opened by the one and only Roman Reigns himself who of course got an amazing reaction from the Canadian crowd. There first thing that stood out for me was Roman's mic skills. Now I know he has improved a lot over the past thew months and I've mentioned that a lot in my recent Post but he still has a lot of work to do. He still comes across a little dull and unbelievable in he's promo's and segments and when there are superstars like Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt around her are masters on the mic everyone is standing out in that department. But as I said last night, he's still young and early in he's career and he has a lot of time to grow but I doubt he will ever reach the level of Bray and Dean. The promo was basically just about Roman talking about how invincible he is and how he will be the WWE World heavyweight champion come Battleground, but it was cut short when Kane came out
interrupting Roman, witch led to a brawl between the two. As a result a number of officials came out to break up the "fight" including Fit Finlay who sold a spear delivered by Roman pretty well if im honest! Unfortunately we didn't get a one on one match between the two witch I was expecting to see but were for sure going to see that before the Battleground PPV in witch were likely to see Roman come up on top. Once again Kane was not put in a one on one match last night or in face any match. To be honest I have no idea what the WWE are doing with Kane at the moment. To be he just appears lost and irrelevant. It's clear there trying to portray him as this unstoppable "Demon" but to me it's having no effect and the whole masked Kane just doesn't work for me any more. It feels dated and really is not half as effective as it used to be. I think if they were to take the mask away and just have him out in he's 2004 gear it would work a lot more but to I don't really know what's next for Kane apart from some kind of rebellion against the Authority.
We did however see Kane again during the night when he was part of a backstage segment with Randy Orton and Seth Rollins were he showed signs of anger towards Orton witch is mainly what's leading me to believe he's going to go against the Authority very soon, probably at the Battleground PPV.
The first match of the night saw Luke Harper and Erick Rowan face the current tag team champions the Usos. I said it last night that I'm really getting bored of the Usos now. At first I did really like them and I was really behind them becoming the Tag team champions but they really have got boring over time and I really want to see new tag team champs. It's obvious that the tag teams are really slacking in WWE right now and to be honest the only tag team that are really intresting me and that I'm loving at the moment are the Wyatts and The Ascension and the Ascension aint even wrestling on RAW or Smackdown yet. Let's be honest the tag team division really do need them to save it and there more than ready to be called up! Once again it was Luke Harper who stood out! I keep saying week in week out that Harper is improving so much and he is just showing us more and more of what he can do! It was him once again who picked up the win also, giving the Wyatts another title shot. Hopefully it will be at Battleground and we will finally see new tag team champions. I also want to mention that Rowan really does have some improving to do. Yes he is improving slowly but when you compare him to Harper he really is slacking behind and needs to pull up he socks a little. Right now it's clear that when the go as solo competitors it will be Harper who goes the furthest and i really do believe he is a future WWE World Heavyweight champion. That being said, The match as a whole was actually really really good and I actually couldn't call the ending during the match, it was just back and forth back and forth.
We then got to see Nikki Bella once again be targeted by Stephanie when she was forced to compete against Alicia Fox were both divas had to have one hand tied behind there back. However the match didn't quit go that way, once Nikki was tied Alicia played games and didn't end up getting her arm tied behind her back and instead attacked Nikki. I was really disappointed with this and I expressed this last night. Nikki works so hard on her body and what she does and she is not getting the time in the ring she deserves. No she's not the best diva at the moment but she sure aint the worst and I really do think she needs to have more fair singles matches and a chance at the Divas championship during some time in the next year. I really do not like what there doing with the whole punish Nikki thing at the moment. I get the point of it but if they want it to be effective then there needs to be matches we can enjoy and really get behind. Instead of this stupid boring attacks.
Up next is my favourite match of the night! Dean Ambrose VS Randy Orton. This match has been long awaited! I cannot tell you how long I have waited for this match! And I was not disappointed at all (Apart from the ending of course). The crowd were 100% behind Ambrose and I have to say I was like a proud Mum when I heard the "lets go ambrose" chants. I was really surprised by Dean's performance if I'm honest. He stayed in control during quit a lot of the time, he showed how aggressive he is and he was really confident throughout the whole match. I don't know how genuine he's shoulder injury is but he really did sell it well and he fought through any kind of pain. To be honest I was really disappointed with the ending. I feel like Dean really did need the win on RAW this week against Orton, the WWE are making him appear too weak and he need's a big win before Battleground! The match for me was the match of the night, I was really entertained and when that ref started the Ten count I literally thought the match was over, but Dean just about made it back in the ring and when I say just about I really do mean he literally just about made it back in the ring! I'm really hopeing Ambrose does get another good match during the next week and actually picks up the win. But during the match this week he showed a lot of diversity and showed how wide he's ring set is. I still do think he has so much more to show but the more he is in the ring the more we will see of what he can do. I'm loving the way Dean's style really does show through when he wrestles and he never goes out of character when he's in the ring!As for Randy, he's performance as usual was really good. He's another superstar im no quit sure the WWE know what there doing with. He just seems to be involved in everything and not just in one solid good feud. I think once he lost the titles at Wrestlemania he's just become pretty lost and they need to hurry up and push the feud with him and Reigns if that's what there actually going to do.
Dolph Ziggler went one on one with Alberto Del Rio to earn a championship match against Sheamus for the united States title. The match as a whole was okay. Once again Ziggler didn't pick up the win. I think everyone can agree with me when I say Ziggler is one of if not the most underrated superstars in the WWE right now. He's talent is right up there with the best and it frustrates me so much how they really do not take him seriously at all! I'm telling you this man is Main event & Champion material and they sure are wasting some amazing talent with him. I also don't get what there doing with Del Rio. I'm getting so more of Sheamus VS Del Rio matches, there boring and dull and lack so much entertainment! Talking of Sheamus, he has gone another week without a heel turn! The WWE really do need to get the act together with Sheamus. He's not involved in any storyline's or any feud's, he's holding a mid card player championship and he's still a rubbish Baby face.
In other new's Cesaro seems to be on some kind of losing streak against Kofi.Kofi is another superstar who the WWE really do not take seriously! He's talent is amazing and he has so much potential and has shows over the years he really is someone to be taken seriously and he deserves to be up there with the best. Hopefully what there doing with him and Cesaro becomes a big thing and some kind of feud comes out of it between the two. Once again (I keep saying it) I don't get what's going on with Cesaro. It feels like they gave him such a big push at the start of the year and now he's just gone stale. Hopefully there is something big around the corner for him but at the moment he just seems to be all over the place. I do however see him becoming the IC Champion at Battleground but to be honest I don't see where that would go at this point. Also, after entreating us all at ring side during Ziggler and Del rio's match, Fandango has a backstage segment with Layla where at the end he him and Summer Rae had some kind of sexy stare off thing. I've said it so many time's before but I really do not like this little storyline and to be honest the sooner it ends the better, because then we will be able to see Summer Rae and what she really can do and hopefully bring her NXT character to Raw and Smackdown. Sandow was buried even more alongside Cody Rhodes. Unlike Cody I do kinda like this thing with Sandow. He is underrated yes but he's really entertaining and you never know this whole thing may lead to good things for him... maybe. I really would love to see him at the IC champion but I really cant see that happening.
Another highlight of the night was The Jericho VS Miz match. Surprisingly it was actually really good and I
was happy with the outcome of Jericho picking up the win. After the match there was another amazing promo delivered by Bray Wyatt. Personally I love love love love this feud between Jericho and Bray. Bray has been involved in some amazing feuds over the year but I really do think this could be the best one so far and really could show (even more) how amazing Bray is. I have said it a thew times before, but it does feel like there doing a lot with Bray very early on he's career and it does kind of raise the question, what's next for him in the long run? But he really does deserve the TV time and amazing feuds he is getting. I think were going to see some amazing promo's during this feud and that was proven this week on RAW when Jericho pushed the buttons of Mr Wyatt. There's some good things coming out of this, im telling you!
We then got a second divas match witch saw, Naomi and Cameron face the team of Divas Champion AJ Lee and Paige. I was really surprised by how well Aj and Paige worked together. I do think it was a bit odd how nice Paige was acting and i think we all know it's just one big act and sooner or later Paige is clearly going to turn on Aj and we might get the feud with have been waiting for for so long. We also finally got to see the split of Cameron and Naomi. Hopefully now we can see Naomi more and she can shine a lot more now. Paige picked up the win for her and AJ witch just proves there clearly keeping Paige in the line for a Divas championship shot.
The main event saw WWE world heavyweight champion John Cena go one on one with Mr money in the bank Seth Rollins. The match could of been a lot lot longer. The two had an amazing match last year and this week on RAW they could of given them more time to give us an even better one than what we have already seen. The match ended in DQ because let's face it when does RAW ever have a main event witch has a clean win now days? The match was pretty good for the length but would of been much better if it was longer. Seth once again tried and failed to cash in he's brief case after the attack on Cena. I really don't think Dean will ever give up on this or let it go. I think we all want to see a one on one match with these guys at the next PPV. Once again at the end of the night it was Roman who was standing tall, when him and Cena raised each others arms. I don't know who Roman is feuding with at the moment but it seem like everyone in the locker room aside from Ambrose! If these two are going to feud it has to be done right or he could just be really boring. I was hopeing for Roman to have a bad week this week just because it would come across better because at the moment he is just coming across to invincible and he needs to have at least one bad week for it all to make sense and work.As a whole it was another amazing RAW and I actually really enjoyed it again.

interrupting Roman, witch led to a brawl between the two. As a result a number of officials came out to break up the "fight" including Fit Finlay who sold a spear delivered by Roman pretty well if im honest! Unfortunately we didn't get a one on one match between the two witch I was expecting to see but were for sure going to see that before the Battleground PPV in witch were likely to see Roman come up on top. Once again Kane was not put in a one on one match last night or in face any match. To be honest I have no idea what the WWE are doing with Kane at the moment. To be he just appears lost and irrelevant. It's clear there trying to portray him as this unstoppable "Demon" but to me it's having no effect and the whole masked Kane just doesn't work for me any more. It feels dated and really is not half as effective as it used to be. I think if they were to take the mask away and just have him out in he's 2004 gear it would work a lot more but to I don't really know what's next for Kane apart from some kind of rebellion against the Authority.
We did however see Kane again during the night when he was part of a backstage segment with Randy Orton and Seth Rollins were he showed signs of anger towards Orton witch is mainly what's leading me to believe he's going to go against the Authority very soon, probably at the Battleground PPV.

We then got to see Nikki Bella once again be targeted by Stephanie when she was forced to compete against Alicia Fox were both divas had to have one hand tied behind there back. However the match didn't quit go that way, once Nikki was tied Alicia played games and didn't end up getting her arm tied behind her back and instead attacked Nikki. I was really disappointed with this and I expressed this last night. Nikki works so hard on her body and what she does and she is not getting the time in the ring she deserves. No she's not the best diva at the moment but she sure aint the worst and I really do think she needs to have more fair singles matches and a chance at the Divas championship during some time in the next year. I really do not like what there doing with the whole punish Nikki thing at the moment. I get the point of it but if they want it to be effective then there needs to be matches we can enjoy and really get behind. Instead of this stupid boring attacks.

Dolph Ziggler went one on one with Alberto Del Rio to earn a championship match against Sheamus for the united States title. The match as a whole was okay. Once again Ziggler didn't pick up the win. I think everyone can agree with me when I say Ziggler is one of if not the most underrated superstars in the WWE right now. He's talent is right up there with the best and it frustrates me so much how they really do not take him seriously at all! I'm telling you this man is Main event & Champion material and they sure are wasting some amazing talent with him. I also don't get what there doing with Del Rio. I'm getting so more of Sheamus VS Del Rio matches, there boring and dull and lack so much entertainment! Talking of Sheamus, he has gone another week without a heel turn! The WWE really do need to get the act together with Sheamus. He's not involved in any storyline's or any feud's, he's holding a mid card player championship and he's still a rubbish Baby face.

Another highlight of the night was The Jericho VS Miz match. Surprisingly it was actually really good and I
was happy with the outcome of Jericho picking up the win. After the match there was another amazing promo delivered by Bray Wyatt. Personally I love love love love this feud between Jericho and Bray. Bray has been involved in some amazing feuds over the year but I really do think this could be the best one so far and really could show (even more) how amazing Bray is. I have said it a thew times before, but it does feel like there doing a lot with Bray very early on he's career and it does kind of raise the question, what's next for him in the long run? But he really does deserve the TV time and amazing feuds he is getting. I think were going to see some amazing promo's during this feud and that was proven this week on RAW when Jericho pushed the buttons of Mr Wyatt. There's some good things coming out of this, im telling you!
We then got a second divas match witch saw, Naomi and Cameron face the team of Divas Champion AJ Lee and Paige. I was really surprised by how well Aj and Paige worked together. I do think it was a bit odd how nice Paige was acting and i think we all know it's just one big act and sooner or later Paige is clearly going to turn on Aj and we might get the feud with have been waiting for for so long. We also finally got to see the split of Cameron and Naomi. Hopefully now we can see Naomi more and she can shine a lot more now. Paige picked up the win for her and AJ witch just proves there clearly keeping Paige in the line for a Divas championship shot.

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