RAW Review & Reactions
Hey Everyone! So it's Tuesday witch mean's it's time for RAW Review and Reactions. As you know every week you can expect to see this post, were I talk about the previous nights events, my opinions on them and predictions for the next thew week or so. I will leave the link to last week's post and I will also leave a link to my RAW predictions post for this week and my Battleground Reactions post. You can also let me know what you thought of last nights action by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
So the show was opened by none other than Triple H, come on guys we did get two week's with out an authority free opening so cant complain too much. To my surprise he actually had a fairly good reaction from the Florida crowd. Hunter spoke about the tweet that was sent out regarding who will face Cena at the next PPV Summer Slam, during the little speech he announced that he was watching everyone in the locker room and wanted to be impressed by someone during the night, and who ever impresses him will get the match at Summer Slam. It was all cut short when Randy, Kane and Reigns all interrupted each other in that order all claiming that deserve to face Cena for the WWE World Heavyweight championship. In my opinion It was only Randy who deserve to be pitching and moaning, after all he was right in saying that he is still due a one on one re-match for the title's whitest Kane is Mr Irrelevant in this whole thing and Roman should not be in the picture for another title shot yet, it's too soon in he's career and they need to focus on character building more than title shots. Look at Bray Wyatt for example. They have pretty much kept him out of the title line, and has not been in any feuds for the championships. Instead there has been big big character building and this has allowed us to get used to him and he's character, also putting him in good feuds allowing him to grow greatly and get a good mix of reactions from the crowd. However with Roman all we have seen is him on top and he has been put in too many title opportunity matches and little big major feuds that we can actually get into.I said it last night but the WWE really do need to be careful with what they do with Roman, he could very easily become boring and predictable, I think they need to put him in a feud away from the
championship to allow him to grow, show more and become a better solo performer because he still feels lost at the moment. We also saw last night that there has been no improvement in Roman's mic skills. He's still struggling to show character on the mic and I personally hate hearing he's voice at time's it's obviously he's area he needs to work on. The night carried on with Triple H announcing that the three men will participate in a 2 on 1 handicap match, with Kane and Randy teaming up to face Roman. I kinda saw this match coming, it was a great opportunity for Roman to shine and I'm glad that it wasn't the main event. Roman did manage to pick up the win and he did shine throughout the match. Did he need the win? I don't really think so but it was a pretty awesome way to start the night and the match was actually not that bad.
The night carried on with the second handicap match of the night, witch once again saw Nikki Bella as the target. This week Stephanie had her face off against Eva Marie (yes she's still getting TV time and STILL cant wrestle), Cameron, Rosa, and Alicia Fox. However as Nikki made her way to the ring we found out that her surprise this week was Brie's attendance in the crowd as a fan. This didn't go down well, when Stephanie's music hit you knew shit was going down and as she made her way to were Brie was seated the two started a fiery segment with a thew awesome crowd reaction faces. It included a thew harsh words from Brie who's acting skills have improved a little and a slap from Stephanie to Brie, witch later led to Brie being escorted out of the arena...well until Later were Brie got Stephanie Arrested for slapping as after all she was just anther "face in the crowd" another paying fan on the night. I have to admit it was pretty funny watching the arrest! During it all Stephanie said that she would make her pay witch has led a lot of people to believe the two will go one on one at Summer Slam. Personally I cant see Stephanie getting back in the ring, she would only make an embarrassment of herself, I can however see her making her face Nikki for her job back or Bringing back someone like Kharma to face her at Summer Slam, Either way I do think we will be seeing Brie at the next PPV next month. Once again there was no actual match for Nikki just another beat down.
Bray Wyatt cut another awesome promo in the ring with Harper and Rowan by he's side. This was after an Attack on Jericho in he's locker room witch left him bleeding from the ear. So they clearly are carrying on the feud. I'm really hopeing it isn't a long one or at least not as long as the Cena one. I cant see how this is going to end if I'm honest, but as I mentioned before I love what the WWE are doing with Bray, he's been in awesome storyline's and feuds, stayed as a must see superstar and a start performer this year but has been kept away from title shots. They really are doing the right things with this guy. As I said the promo was really good and I personally really liked it, as always. It will be intresting to see what happens between the two next week on RAW and I cant wait to see where there feud goes next. I guess they will have a match at Summer Slam and it's likely to be better than there one from Sunday at Battleground.
There was also an amazing match up between Dolph Ziggler and The Miz, witch actually turned out to be my match of the night. I wasn't really expecting much, just because The Miz was involved to be
honest he was actually pretty good last night and i have said it enough times but I love the new gimmick. Ziggler stole the show and stayed in control during the match quit a lot and sold Miz's moves amazingly. The match really was awesome and I really got into it once it really got started and so did the crowd. Ziggler picked up a much needed nice clean win over Miz, after all he was kind of screwed out of the IC title at Battleground. Ziggler really did bring out the best in Miz and the two gave us an awesome show. I'd love to see them back in the ring together some time soon, and with Ziggler picking up the win I think it is very likely he will get a title shot if not next week at Summer Slam maybe.
In other news, Zack Ryder had a match and WON! yes you red correctly! So Fandango is still getting treated like an idiot. Bo beat Sandow. Flo Rida gave us a crappy performance and was also interviewed by Renee witch led to Heath Slater on the floor.... Xavier woods also created he's own little faction with Big E ad Kofi. I have great hopes for this and really think all three need a big push and this could be great for them all if done right by the WWE.
Paige finally got her heel turn and it was done perfectly! She teamed up with divas champion AJ Lee to face the team of Natalya and Emma. The match was pretty crap and short with AJ being the stealer of the match. Once it ended Paige continued to play the friend thing but once AJ's back was turnt she gave her a surprise attack witch resulted in AJ being thrown across the announce table and Paige skipping off mocking AJ. I can not tell you how long I have waited for these two feud! I think there going to have an amazing divas feud and another awesome match at Summer Slam. It's going to be intresting to see what happens next week between the two as well. Heel Paige is for sure best for business and I think she will make a much better heel than she did face, it's much more her and suits her way better. I think her matches will be better and we will finally get to see the real Paige we know form FCW.
Dean Ambrose and Cesaro main evented witch was just amazing. The two are amazing superstars ad deserve to be main eventing much much more. The match was awesome and both showed a lot in the ring. I hope they don't end up doing stupid things with Cesaro because he's not a Heyman guy, he's had a great year and he has so much talent, it would be a shame if they waisted it. As I said, the match was awesome and I really liked it and got into it. It ended however in DQ after Dean got chairs involved. No surprises there.
The night ended with Brock Lesnar being announced as Cena's opponent for Summer Slam. I'm going to be talking about this in a separate post so I'm not going to say much for now. I will however say, I think its going to be intresting. I cant see the WWE letting a part time wrestler hold the two top titles in the business but I do however think the two will have an awesome match. It's obvious Cena will return next week with a cheesy promo or whatever. My question really is, what's next for Roman Reigns? He's appearing a little lost at the moment so it will be intresting to see what they do next with him.

championship to allow him to grow, show more and become a better solo performer because he still feels lost at the moment. We also saw last night that there has been no improvement in Roman's mic skills. He's still struggling to show character on the mic and I personally hate hearing he's voice at time's it's obviously he's area he needs to work on. The night carried on with Triple H announcing that the three men will participate in a 2 on 1 handicap match, with Kane and Randy teaming up to face Roman. I kinda saw this match coming, it was a great opportunity for Roman to shine and I'm glad that it wasn't the main event. Roman did manage to pick up the win and he did shine throughout the match. Did he need the win? I don't really think so but it was a pretty awesome way to start the night and the match was actually not that bad.
The night carried on with the second handicap match of the night, witch once again saw Nikki Bella as the target. This week Stephanie had her face off against Eva Marie (yes she's still getting TV time and STILL cant wrestle), Cameron, Rosa, and Alicia Fox. However as Nikki made her way to the ring we found out that her surprise this week was Brie's attendance in the crowd as a fan. This didn't go down well, when Stephanie's music hit you knew shit was going down and as she made her way to were Brie was seated the two started a fiery segment with a thew awesome crowd reaction faces. It included a thew harsh words from Brie who's acting skills have improved a little and a slap from Stephanie to Brie, witch later led to Brie being escorted out of the arena...well until Later were Brie got Stephanie Arrested for slapping as after all she was just anther "face in the crowd" another paying fan on the night. I have to admit it was pretty funny watching the arrest! During it all Stephanie said that she would make her pay witch has led a lot of people to believe the two will go one on one at Summer Slam. Personally I cant see Stephanie getting back in the ring, she would only make an embarrassment of herself, I can however see her making her face Nikki for her job back or Bringing back someone like Kharma to face her at Summer Slam, Either way I do think we will be seeing Brie at the next PPV next month. Once again there was no actual match for Nikki just another beat down.
Bray Wyatt cut another awesome promo in the ring with Harper and Rowan by he's side. This was after an Attack on Jericho in he's locker room witch left him bleeding from the ear. So they clearly are carrying on the feud. I'm really hopeing it isn't a long one or at least not as long as the Cena one. I cant see how this is going to end if I'm honest, but as I mentioned before I love what the WWE are doing with Bray, he's been in awesome storyline's and feuds, stayed as a must see superstar and a start performer this year but has been kept away from title shots. They really are doing the right things with this guy. As I said the promo was really good and I personally really liked it, as always. It will be intresting to see what happens between the two next week on RAW and I cant wait to see where there feud goes next. I guess they will have a match at Summer Slam and it's likely to be better than there one from Sunday at Battleground.
There was also an amazing match up between Dolph Ziggler and The Miz, witch actually turned out to be my match of the night. I wasn't really expecting much, just because The Miz was involved to be

In other news, Zack Ryder had a match and WON! yes you red correctly! So Fandango is still getting treated like an idiot. Bo beat Sandow. Flo Rida gave us a crappy performance and was also interviewed by Renee witch led to Heath Slater on the floor.... Xavier woods also created he's own little faction with Big E ad Kofi. I have great hopes for this and really think all three need a big push and this could be great for them all if done right by the WWE.
Paige finally got her heel turn and it was done perfectly! She teamed up with divas champion AJ Lee to face the team of Natalya and Emma. The match was pretty crap and short with AJ being the stealer of the match. Once it ended Paige continued to play the friend thing but once AJ's back was turnt she gave her a surprise attack witch resulted in AJ being thrown across the announce table and Paige skipping off mocking AJ. I can not tell you how long I have waited for these two feud! I think there going to have an amazing divas feud and another awesome match at Summer Slam. It's going to be intresting to see what happens next week between the two as well. Heel Paige is for sure best for business and I think she will make a much better heel than she did face, it's much more her and suits her way better. I think her matches will be better and we will finally get to see the real Paige we know form FCW.

The night ended with Brock Lesnar being announced as Cena's opponent for Summer Slam. I'm going to be talking about this in a separate post so I'm not going to say much for now. I will however say, I think its going to be intresting. I cant see the WWE letting a part time wrestler hold the two top titles in the business but I do however think the two will have an awesome match. It's obvious Cena will return next week with a cheesy promo or whatever. My question really is, what's next for Roman Reigns? He's appearing a little lost at the moment so it will be intresting to see what they do next with him.
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