Hello Everyone! I know my timetable is all over the place and the post are too, but starting this week every Sunday the Diva of the week post will be up. I'm currently not doing my top 5 divas of the week mainly because we don't get to see enough of the divas for them to be ranked so there might be some week's were a diva of the week post is not up and instead thee will be a replacement for example a Diva spotlight post. You can let me know who your diva of the week is by tweeting at @TezangiVictoria.
So this week has been an amazing week for the WWE divas. With the amazing match between Naomi and Paige at Money in the bank, a fairly intresting feud between Summer Rae and Layla, the growing split between Naomi and Cameron, Stephanie's personal attacks on Nicki Bella and the return of AJ Lee. I think it's safe to say that the diva's division is slowly getting the respect it deserves and all the divas are upping there game. So many divas this week have stood out and really deserved to be spoke about in detail but for me the diva of the week has to be Naomi.
Regardless of all the criticism Total Divas get's it has to be said that the show really is helping build the divas division up and allowing a lot of the divas to get the attention they deserve. Naomi is one of those divas. Now I personally have been a big big fan of Naomi for a while, since she was competing in NXT and performing in FCW. She for sure is one the WWE's most underrated diva at the moment. She's extremely athletic, beautiful and entertaining and the WWE over the past thew years have failed to really show that off. However since the air of total divas Naomi has finally been getting the recognition she rightly deserves.

Over the past couple of week the WWE universe have been able to really see what Naomi is capable of, competing in one on one matches against Paige and Alicia Fox. My problem with her match against Fox is that the man focus was not even on the match but more so on Cameron and Paige at commentary. Both Naomi and Alicia are extremely talented divas and can very easily put on an amazing performance and deliver and amazing match but we as home viewers were not able to see the full potential of the match because the attention was else where. Naomi however did manage to pick up the win with a new finisher witch is "okay", im not all that struck on it, I really I do think she can have a much better finisher but hopefully they will change it up in the near future. The match as a whole (what we got to see) was actually pretty good, i just wish we got to see a little more making it longer. Diva matches really do need to start being a lot longer. Naomi then went on to face Paige, who was the divas champion at that time. There match was another good one but once again could of been longer and a lot lot better. We really got to see a lot more of Naomi and her win over Paige was much deserved. The win led to have a title match at Money in the bank last Sunday and it was her performance on that night that made her stand out for me. The match was really really good and showed what both divas can really do. I have to admit, I knew Naomi was good and she could do some amazing things in the ring, but she truly did shock me and I'm sure many others with what she did on the night. Although she did not win it was Naomi her stayed in control throughout most of the match and it was Naomi who people were talking about most. After that match the WWE have no choice but to put her in better matches and give more title shots. The match could of been a little longer but what we did get to see was amazing and Naomi showed everyone how diverse she and the amount of talent she truly he has. She also Made a mark for all the WWE divas, that they should not be underestimated and that the talent in the division is getting stronger. Much much stronger. We then got to see Naomi in a handicap match on raw where she shined once again. The match was very very short and we didn't get to see much at all but once again what we did see was pretty good and after all it did mean we got to see even more of her witch is always good and keeps her relevant. We then saw her on Main event were she was in tag team competition.

Another thing I need to point out is the growing split of her and Cameron. For a while now we have seen the split of the two coming and I personally cant wait. It's 100% the right thing to do and will benefit both divas. It's obvious that Cameron has a lot more training to do and a lot more improving but the two of them being a together is holding them both back and the split will allow both of them to truly shine. I also think Cameron will make an amazing heel and Naomi a perfect face. These two really could make a decent divas feud if it is done right but to be honest I don't see them having a long intresting one. All this being said there is no doubt in my mind that Naomi is a future Divas Champion and I believe that by the end of the year/early next year Naomi will be for sure have the title raped around her waist.
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