RAW Predictions

Hello Everyone! So it's Monday witch means it's RAW night, and I'm here today with my weekly post; RAW Predictions. I will leave the link's to last week top 5 superstars of the week and my superstar of the week post so you can check that out if you haven't done so already. You can also let me know what your predictions are for tonight and throughout the week by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.

Last week was an awesome week for WWE in my eyes, not only  because it was a Cena free week, but also because, we got to see the heel turn Paige, Brie Bella back (sort of), Stephanie arrested, Brock Lesnar back and Dean and Cesaro basically main eventing, I should also mention the amazing match up between Ziggler and The Miz. So this week has a lot to live up to. Can they do it? I think so, and going by some tweets been sent out today, it seems it's going to be another good night.

Firstly we are for sure getting Cena back. Come on guys we has one whole week without him, what was we expecting. I guess he's going to talk about how he conquered the odds once again at Battleground when he retained the championships in a fatal 4 way against Randy Orton, Kane and Roman Reigns. Then he's obviously going to go on to the topic of Brock Lesnar and Summer Slam. I'm not sure if this is going to open the show, it could either open with this or with Stephanie. To be honest I doubt I will personally be interested in what Cena has to say. We've all head it a thousand times before and we had the whole Lesnar/Cena thing two years ago. Hopefully it wont be a 100% re-make and we get some new intresting stuff. I'd like to see another appearance from Lesnar but I doubt we will until next week. It's like to be a Cena packed week this week.
On to the topic of Stephanie. Earlier today Brie tweeted that she got a call from the WWE head quarters saying that Stephanie wanted her at RAW tonight. Well this should be intresting. I personally love this feud. I think it's a great way of showing off the divas more, witch so far they haven't been doing so well. But it keeps the divas relevant. Brie does have terrible acting "skills" but aside from that im liking it and I'm happy with how the angle has gone. Stephanie calling her out tonight however can only mean one thing; Bad news for Brie. I doubt very very much that Stephanie will get back in the ring again for action. A lot of people last week though they were going to have a Brie VS Stephanie match at Summer Slam but to be honest I cant see that happening. Stephanie is shit in the ring and even though a thew people would love to see it happen I doubt it will. It's likely they will have a big return for Brie to face, or maybe someone new or a handicap match for her but we've seen all this happen with Nikki so I doubt that will happen as well. However there has been a lot of talk of Nikki having a heel turn, so I can see that at Summer Slam we will have a Bella Vs Bella match up. To be honest I think this would be a great idea! There both okay wrestlers but there very popular at the moment and I think a heel Nikki would be amazing. I've always loved them as heels and after watching Total Divas it's clear Nikki is a born heel and they could do some intresting things with her as a heel. Will this happen this week? I don't know. It's likely with Brie being there and all, but we could see a forced match up between the two witch could lead to Nikki actually tuning her back on Brie but that's likely yo happen in a couple of weeks time.

I'm also hopeing to see more of the Ziggler/Miz feud. I really want these two to have a big mid card feud. With there amazing match last week the two work great together and have amazing chemistry and I think a lot of people would love to see more from these two. There both underrated superstars and deserve more and they bring out the best in each other in the ring. I think were also likely to see more from Roman Randy and Kane. I have no idea what there doing with these three at the moment, all of them are all over the place and they need to sort it out. Personally I'd like to see a little feud with Kane and Randy, just because the two have had great matches in the past and I want them both out of the picture for a title shot for a while. As for Roman I'd really like to see him in a feud away from the titles as well. There has been hints and rumours of him feuding with Triple H witch personally I'd love to see. Will that come to light tonight? Maybe. It's likely Roman will be put in a match with either Kane or Randy the two may even argue as to who gets to face him, resulting in some kind of attack on Roman in the hands of Triple H leading to them two feuding properly and having a one on one match at Summer Slam.
Also, were likely to see more of the Paige/AJ feud. I've said enough how much I love this feud and have been waiting for it for ages! Might get to see an attack on Paige this week from AJ. As you all know I love heel Paige and I think were going to get to see a lot more from her as a heel. I'm gonna predict she has a match tonight cut short by AJ maybe.
Then We have the Ambrose/Rollins feud witch I could watch go on all year round. It's so unpredictable and I cant wait to see what we get from the two tonight. Maybe a promo from Dean? I don't know but I think it's likely we will get a match from Seth Tonight were hopefully dean gets he revenge from Smackdown and gives Rollins a taste of he's own medicine.  Finally everyone can expect to see a thew words from Jericho to Bray after the backstage attack last week.

Superstar Of The Week:

Top 5 superstars of the week:


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