My Top Ten Entrance Theme's of all time

Hello everyone! It's Wednesday witch means it's time for my top ten list. I didn't end up getting round to posting last week's list because I was really busy with the Money in the bank prediction series but I'm back this week with my top ten entrance theme songs. These are just my personal faves from over the years. You can let me know what your all time favourite entrance song is by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
10) Kane: Theme 3 Slow Chemical
Opening the countdown is Kane's third theme Slow Chemical. Over the years Kane has had he's fair share of entrance song's but this one stands out for a number of reasons. For me most of Kane's themes have been pretty much the same with little adjustments however this one really stood out for me growing up. This was the one that I loved hearing and it was the moment I started seeing Kane differently. Instead of this masked man he was the big red monster then and there for me. Personally I think this was he's best one and I really do think it should be he's current one. It feels more modern whilst he's new one feels dated.
9) Chris Jericho: Break the wall's down
At number 9 is Chris Jericho's theme break the walls down. This is a song that for me will never over excite me when I hear it. I got to relive the love for this song this past week on Raw when he made he's return. I remember laying down almost asleep and hearing Jericho's theme hit and I literally jumped up from my seat. The song just brings back so many awesome Jericho moments from over the years, and I think this song will have the same affect on me for life!
8) Triple H: The Game
Filling the number 8 spot is Triple H and he's theme The Game. Now I think we can all agree that this song is one of the coolest songs ever! And a bonus point to add to this is that it's sung by Motorhead! I really miss this theme it's always been one of my top faves and I remember always getting up from my seat and pretending to be Triple H and copy he's entrance. It's so edgy and really got you pumped for he's match.
7) Hulk Hogan: Real American
My number 7 goes to Hulk Hogan and Real American. I don't care how old you are or how long he has had this theme for it will never ever get old or boring! I recently brought a hogan 4 disk box set and every single time a new match would start and the music would hit I would get that rush of excitement back all over again. Weather your a pro wrestling fan or not I think this theme makes everyone think of Mr Hulk Hogan himself. And there's also the sad fact that I know every single line in the whole song...
6) Lita: Love Fury Passion Energy
I think everyone knew this song was gonna be in my top ten. For me there is only one Diva's theme that deserves to be in this list and it's Lita's Love fury passion energy. The reason this song sticks out for me and is an all time fave is because it was different. The song represented Lita. It was edgy and rocky, cool and different. It wasn't like every other diva's entrance song . It separated her from the division and made her stand out. When her song hit you knew who it was and the awesome talent you were about to see. I would love to here this song hit again and see Lita back in the ring one more time!
5) CM Punk: Cult Of personality
At number 5 is the newest theme of the list. I used to love Punk's old theme from when he first came to WWE but when he changed the song to Cult Of Personality I couldn't be more happy! The name of the song for a start was so ironic and suited Punk so well, without it even being played the song made sense. I remember hearing it for the first time and thinking, wow this is awesome! Everything about it is just cool. And the song is on that has officially made it on my phone and when im angry I just play it and manages to calm me down and make me thing of the awesome memories of Punk.
4) Edge: Metalingus
Coming in at is Edge's awesome theme Metalingus. This song really needs to explanation as to why. Firstly I love love love the band! But once again it was a song that suited the superstar so well. It got everyone excited and on there feet and i have to admit i have had my fare share of head banging sessions to this song. I think 20 years from now, if we hear this song the WWE universe will just know who's theme it is and everyone will be rocking out and thinking of Edge.
3) The Rock: Electrifying
My number 3 spot is a theme that will never ever get boring! You hear the first lines and your up screaming and awaiting for the rock to appear. The rock is an all time favourite superstar of mine and this theme brings back so many memories from when I was little and used to watch pro wrestling with my Granddad and brother and hearing this song hit. We would all just stand up and say " can you smeeeeeel what the rock. is. Cooking!" And I still to this day when ever i hear this song get up and scream it from the top of my lungs.
2) Evolution: Line In The Sand
This almost became my number one spot for today I'm putting it at number 2. Now, I've been and on/off fan of Evolution over the years, but love or hate them you have to love this theme. I remember this year when Evolution reunited and Hearing this song, I froze in shock and then i was pumped and got all excited when a rush of Evolution memories came back. I think everyone can agree with me that regardless of you personal opinions on the faction this song is awesome and really goteveryone excited for what there next piece of action would be.
1) Stone Cold Steve Austin: Glass Shattered
And here it is. My number one entrance theme song of all time, Stone Cold Steve Austin's Glass Shattered. This song is for sure my all time fave and I think a lot of people would agree with me. This song is always going to be my fave entrance song. It's edgy, rocky, loud, and just plain simple awesome! Stone Cold being one of my favourite superstars of all time also plays a huge role. The song just added to the excitement that Stone Cold filled every home and the arena. I could be 70 years old and hear this theme and I would be the happiest most pumped excited women in the world!
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