RAW Predictions
Hey Everyone. It's Monday witch means It's time for RAW predictions. Yes I'm very very late with this post and I was last week. I'm actually thinking of uploading this two hours before RAW every week, but im not 100% sure yet, once I know I will let everyone know. You can let me know what your RAW predictions are by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
First off, I wanna say that if we have to sit through another week of the Authority opening the show then I will officially give up on all hope that RAW will ever have a different opening ever again. With the retirement of Santino I'm hopeing that at least during some point of the show he will come out personally and say good bye to the WWE universe. It doesn't feel right him just announcing it during a random home show. I'm planning on doing a complete separate post on Santino this week so I'm not going to talk to much about that topic for now, but it would be nice for him to have a nice good send off.
I'm also hopeing we will see the feud with Swagger and Rusev continue. This past week I've talked about this a lot! And I think everyone know's that I personally am loving it and it hasn't even started properly yet. I do feel however that in order for this to really work, we do need to see swagger in some one on one action tonight or sometime during the week just so he can have some momentum. I predict that Rusev is going to
have a match with a random jobber/mid carder and it will be interrupted by Swagger and Zeb or (witch I would rather happen) the other way around. Swagger's baby face turn was well over due and im so glad it's hear! This feud really is going to be a good one and with the addition or Lana and Zeb it makes it all so much better. I cant see Jack getting beat down by Rusev this week, and to be honest I cant see Rusev getting beat down/ attacked by Swagger, I do however think were gonna see some amazing promo's and segments not just tonight and this week but throughout the whole feud, witch im really looking forward too and I think everyone else is!
On the topic of Diva's as i mentioned in my earlier post I think were gonna see some intresting stuff go down with Paige and AJ Lee and see their feud really come to light. I really do believe this could be the best divas feud since Lita and Trish, it's one a lot of people have been waiting for since Paige came to WWE and it finally a divas feud we can all really get into. I said last week that Paige loosing her championship was not going to be the end of the two of them and it for sure wont be the last time we see them in the ring together. Were also likely to see the split of Naomi and Cameron creep up a little more tonight if they have some TV time. And there is no doubt in my mind that we will for sure see Summer Rae and Layla go at it again, probably in mix tag team competition , where Summer is likely to tag with Dolph Ziggler and Layla with fandango. I really aint interested in this little feud at all and I feel like it aint doing any good for Fandango's career, the WWE really do need to stop messing him around, he's really talented and deserves to be treated a little better.
Last week on Smackdown it was announced that Chris Jericho will go one on one with The Miz tonight. I saw this match coming to be honest, but it think it's obvious how it's going to end. I doubt very much we will see a nice clean win on either side the best we will get if were talking a win is a quick roll up from the mix due to a distraction from Bray Wyatt. However I think the likely outcome of this match is going to be some kind of disturbance from Mr Bray Wyatt himself. Weather it be another attack or another awesome promo. No matter what I can not wait for this Feud to really get going. I feel like they had to do this for Bray, because he was kinda becoming lost after he's feud with Cena and this one is really going to reinforce that fact that, guys he's suppose to be a heel. But come on, just imagine the awesome promo's were gonna get throughout this feud!
I do also think that this week Roman Reigns need's to be tamed a little. He's been on a high for quit a high for a while now and he's coming across to "Mr invincible ". I do personally love Roman Reigns and want the best for him but I really do feel that he does need a bad week. I doubt very much he will loose a match tonight if he's in one, but I would love to see him get attacked just so it carries on he's feud with Randy Orton witch has kind of gone stale, and stop's him from getting boring, because I do feel that him coming across so powerful and invincible is just starting to get boring and the whole Hero act is getting a little predicable now. I think if he has bad week this week and come's back next week or the week after stronger then it will just keep things making sense and keep the storyline strong.
Finally there's the main event. It was announced tonight that John Cena will go one on one with Seth Rollins. I don't really see the point in this match, and just like any other Cena match it just feels to predicable. I cant see Seth cashing in he's money in the bank brief case any time soon with Ambrose around and I don't see what this Match will do for either men. I think it's obvious we will see an appearance from Dean Ambrose during this match but I am hopeing that Dean get's he's own match tonight and time to shine because let's face it, he needs a good clean win over someone and he needs it now! I do think the match between Cena and Rollins is gonna be a good one, after all the two had an amazing single's match around a year ago on Smackdown and for me it was that match that Rollins really stood out in WWE as a singles competitor, so hopefully they get given a long time to wrestler and show off mainly what Rollins can really do in the ring.
First off, I wanna say that if we have to sit through another week of the Authority opening the show then I will officially give up on all hope that RAW will ever have a different opening ever again. With the retirement of Santino I'm hopeing that at least during some point of the show he will come out personally and say good bye to the WWE universe. It doesn't feel right him just announcing it during a random home show. I'm planning on doing a complete separate post on Santino this week so I'm not going to talk to much about that topic for now, but it would be nice for him to have a nice good send off.

have a match with a random jobber/mid carder and it will be interrupted by Swagger and Zeb or (witch I would rather happen) the other way around. Swagger's baby face turn was well over due and im so glad it's hear! This feud really is going to be a good one and with the addition or Lana and Zeb it makes it all so much better. I cant see Jack getting beat down by Rusev this week, and to be honest I cant see Rusev getting beat down/ attacked by Swagger, I do however think were gonna see some amazing promo's and segments not just tonight and this week but throughout the whole feud, witch im really looking forward too and I think everyone else is!
On the topic of Diva's as i mentioned in my earlier post I think were gonna see some intresting stuff go down with Paige and AJ Lee and see their feud really come to light. I really do believe this could be the best divas feud since Lita and Trish, it's one a lot of people have been waiting for since Paige came to WWE and it finally a divas feud we can all really get into. I said last week that Paige loosing her championship was not going to be the end of the two of them and it for sure wont be the last time we see them in the ring together. Were also likely to see the split of Naomi and Cameron creep up a little more tonight if they have some TV time. And there is no doubt in my mind that we will for sure see Summer Rae and Layla go at it again, probably in mix tag team competition , where Summer is likely to tag with Dolph Ziggler and Layla with fandango. I really aint interested in this little feud at all and I feel like it aint doing any good for Fandango's career, the WWE really do need to stop messing him around, he's really talented and deserves to be treated a little better.
Last week on Smackdown it was announced that Chris Jericho will go one on one with The Miz tonight. I saw this match coming to be honest, but it think it's obvious how it's going to end. I doubt very much we will see a nice clean win on either side the best we will get if were talking a win is a quick roll up from the mix due to a distraction from Bray Wyatt. However I think the likely outcome of this match is going to be some kind of disturbance from Mr Bray Wyatt himself. Weather it be another attack or another awesome promo. No matter what I can not wait for this Feud to really get going. I feel like they had to do this for Bray, because he was kinda becoming lost after he's feud with Cena and this one is really going to reinforce that fact that, guys he's suppose to be a heel. But come on, just imagine the awesome promo's were gonna get throughout this feud!
I do also think that this week Roman Reigns need's to be tamed a little. He's been on a high for quit a high for a while now and he's coming across to "Mr invincible ". I do personally love Roman Reigns and want the best for him but I really do feel that he does need a bad week. I doubt very much he will loose a match tonight if he's in one, but I would love to see him get attacked just so it carries on he's feud with Randy Orton witch has kind of gone stale, and stop's him from getting boring, because I do feel that him coming across so powerful and invincible is just starting to get boring and the whole Hero act is getting a little predicable now. I think if he has bad week this week and come's back next week or the week after stronger then it will just keep things making sense and keep the storyline strong.
Finally there's the main event. It was announced tonight that John Cena will go one on one with Seth Rollins. I don't really see the point in this match, and just like any other Cena match it just feels to predicable. I cant see Seth cashing in he's money in the bank brief case any time soon with Ambrose around and I don't see what this Match will do for either men. I think it's obvious we will see an appearance from Dean Ambrose during this match but I am hopeing that Dean get's he's own match tonight and time to shine because let's face it, he needs a good clean win over someone and he needs it now! I do think the match between Cena and Rollins is gonna be a good one, after all the two had an amazing single's match around a year ago on Smackdown and for me it was that match that Rollins really stood out in WWE as a singles competitor, so hopefully they get given a long time to wrestler and show off mainly what Rollins can really do in the ring.
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