Hell In A Cell Review & Reactions
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Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins |
Last night Hell In A Cell aired live around the world on cable TV and the WWE Network, and to my surprise the show was amazing. Admittedly it had it's up's and down's and some of the end results were disappointing to say the least, but the wrestling and entertainment quality was through the roof and there was some interesting story development. Initially I wasn't expecting much from the show and there was exactly two matches I was interested in, however the superstars and divas gave it their all last night and I was really really impressed with a lot of the performances on the night. There was some good story development as I just said but I have to admit the ending to a handful of matches we're a little ridiculous to say the very least and I did have my little vent last night on twitter. I'll go into more detail with the many thing's that disappointed me about the show as the post goes on, but for now all I want to say is well done WWE, not bad last night, not bad at all. Quick not the kick off show was pretty decent too, with Renee Young hosting the show alongside Alex Riley, Booker T and Paul Heyman, who by the way should be a regular on the show. Mizdow TV was a great addition to the kick off show and simply made me love "Mizdow" even more! How that's possible I don't know. Mark Henry also picked up a random victory over Bo Dallas.
The first match of the night saw Dolph Ziggler defend he's Intercontinental championship against the Swiss superman himself, Cesaro, in a two out of three falls match. I mentioned it in my predictions post that I thought the WWE needed to add something more to this match, and the two out of three falls stipulation was perfect for these two. However I was extremely disappointed with how this match ended and how it went about all together. Obviously this was a ridiculously amazing match up and the two put their all into it. They both hit some amazing spot's, especially Cesaro and Ziggler's selling was of course out of this world; but I was just disappointed. I thought it should of been a little longer, in the time they had (witch to be fair wasn't that bad) the two put on an amazing performance, but with about ten more minuets at least these two could of easily given us the match of the year, hands down. I was also really disappointed with the fact that Cesaro didn't even pick up one victory. This just made no sense to me, Ziggler had been on really bad loosing streak over the past couple of week's and then all of a sudden he picks two pin falls in one match. I'm honestly really worried for Cesaro now. The WWE had a big big opportunity with him last month when they had him working with Sheamus, feuding for the United states championship, but they let it go for a reason I still don't know; and then last night he lost another match to Ziggler for the Intercontinental championship. If we're honest, there is nothing for Cesaro right now at all. There would be no point carrying on the feud between him and Ziggler because the two flat out have no chemistry, despite putting on strong matches. I really do hope they find something new for both of these superstars, something strong, gripping and interesting. Turning Ziggler heel would be a good move to make, as for Cesaro I really don't know, their gonna have to pull something strong out of the bag.
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Nikki Bella entering her match up |
Tag team action next, and Gold and Stardust we're set to defend their tag team championships against former champs the Usos. I wasn't really interested in this match and I think that was pretty clear t last night. I just have no interest in anything the Usos do any more. To be honest I just think the WWE need to calm down on the Usos for a little while. It's obvious they are an extremely strong tag team and have put on some of the best tag matches we have seen not only this year but in quit some time in the WWE. The match was okay, I wasn't amazed by anything and nothing really blew me away. I thought Goldust looked particularly strong last night and was a true stand out but it was Stardust once again who grabbed my attention for the obvious reasons.
Time for the first Hell In A Cell match, witch of course saw the decade long rivalry between veterans Randy Orton and John Cena continue. Once again everyone knew how I felt about this match the moment it was announced to be taking place. I was mainly happy that it wasn't main eventing/closing the show, and the WWE were finally letting new talent shine and take the spotlight. The simple problem I had, and so did pretty much everyone else is the fact that we have seen these two go at it so many times the end result is so predictable, in fact the whole match was predictable and therefore pretty boring. That being said, I have to give it to these guys, every time they are in the ring together they honestly do put on the best performance they can, I just get so bored because I've seen it so many times before. The match last night was strong. Lacked entertainment purely because we have seen it like a thousand times, and to be honest I didn't actually see the point of it being inside hell in a cell, yeah it added that little more but it just seemed pointless considering they hardly used the cell. There was of course some great moments in the match all coming from Orton. The ending was, well stupid, with Cena picking up the win earning a shot at the WWE World Heavyweight championship. I'm still really angry about this decision, I get why they did but it was just stupid and they could of got away with having Orton pick up the win regardless of the feud with Rollins clearly starting very very soon, I'll talk about this in a separate post. I mentioned it last night but I hate this decision and I honestly don't think I can sit through another Cena/Lesnar match and this build up is gonna kill me.
It was then time for The Big show to go one on one with Rusev, and try and end he's submission/pin fall victory streak. Of course I had no interest in this match up what so ever. To be honest I just wan't Rusev put in something new and interesting, something that will keep me watching and deem Rusev as a superstar to take seriously and watch out for in the future. This match did not go the way I predicted at all. I was convinced Henry would be turning heel last night and I really do think that would of been he best move to make for all three superstars, but instead Rusev picked up another clean victory. Tonight's episode of RAW will be very interesting for all three of these men.
Sheamus then defended he's United states championship against the Miz and with Sheamus going into this match with three loses it was not looking great for him. I have to admit I was not really paying any attention to the actual match and I was mainly focusing on Damien, because he was flat out gold last night was the definition of entertainment. The match itself was pretty weak, it was one of the stronger matches between the two but I can't really say much about it because I wasn't really watching it. Sheamus retained witch I hated, I just hope now, Mizdow is put in the picture of a title shot.
It was then time for the second divas match up of the night and this time is was AJ Lee defending her divas championship against Paige for the fourth PPV in a row. Now early on in the night Nikki and Brie put on a pretty impressive match up so I gained high expectations of the championship match up, after all these two are fighting for a title here, not for having the loser as their personal assistant. But this match really did disappoint once again. I had high expectations of this feud from the beginning and the WWE have really let the fans down. The match was average and nothing more than what we have already seen. Paige had some great moments in the match as did AJ but it was just very predictable and we saw nothing different from either girls. The ending was very out of the blue and once again I was very disappointed, I did really want Paige to win, but I hope now is that they move both divas on to something new, because the fact of the matter is is there's nothing left for the two of them and their feud, and no point continuing it.
And Finally it's main event time, and of course it was Mr Money in the bank Seth Rollins against the lunatic fringe Dean Ambrose. Now I'm going to do be doing a match of the week post on this on Sunday so I wanna try and keep this as short as I can and not go into too much detail. For me this was hands down the match of the night and the match of the year. These two blew me and the entire WWE universe away last night. For the first time in years I had that feeling for a WWE match you just don't get any more. It was the excitement, the unpredictability, that nervous feeling and the feeling of just being proud of two amazing superstars who have finally made it, who have struggled and fought their entire life for that moment, to main event a WWE PPV. There was high high high expectations of this match and the two lived up to the expectations and more. Ambrose was easily the star of the show last night and wowed everyone watching. Rollins had another pretty awesome performance and sold every single move like crazy! I had all the ECW and Attitude era feelings last night and it was great to feel that passionate and be so interested in a match. Of course what everyone is talking about today is a certain Mr Bray Wyatt, who made he's return last night costing Ambrose the match. I hated the fact he costed Ambrose the match, I really do think the WWE need to start giving Ambrose more wins, he really needed that victory over Rollins last night and they could of saved the Wyatt return for after the match, during Deans celebration. That being said words cannot describe how excited I am for this Ambrose/Wyatt feud, I've been waiting patiently for these two to be in a feud together for AGES and finally its happening. There will be a separate post on this feud up later this week.
So that was Hell In A Cell 2014, I thought it was amazing but what did you think? Leave a comment bellow letting me know or send by a tweet at @TezangiVictoria. RAW predictions will be up later today.
Hell in a cell predictions:

The only issue I had with the PPV, besides some of the winners, is with Paige and AJ. The Divas division, especially these two, should be capable of matches of a far higher quality. Shockingly the Bellas outperformed them.