NXT Review and Reactions
Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog, it's Friday and today I'm doing an NXT Review and Reaction's post from last night's show as part of NXT month here on Talk Wrestling World. You can let me know what you thought of last night's episode by leaving a comment bellow or tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Usually I don't do an NXT review and reaction's post, but as it's NXT month on my blog I've decided to do one every Friday throughout October. Last night's show opened with some diva's action. After Bayley was granted one more shot at the NXT women's championship she took on the reining champ Charlotte one last time at full sail university. Of course Bayley got an amazing reaction from the crowd and everyone seemed to be behind her one hundred per cent while Charlotte got a mixed reaction but mainly boo's to be honest. I thought this was an amazing opening match and really did live up to their Takeover match. Once again I gained even more respect for Bayley, I've said it plenty of time's before but at the start of her career in the WWE I wasn't all that struck on her and was far from a fan but over the past couple of month's she's completely changed my opinion and I can now say I have joined the hug life. I have to admit that I wasn't expecting last night's match up between the two to be half as good as their match from last month purely because it was such a good quality diva's match full of outstanding wrestling, but I was once again proven wrong and the two for a second time gave us an insane match up that left me really impressed by both divas! I've been a fan of Charlotte since day one and every single time she's in the ring she just wow's me more and more. There's always something new being added to her move set, she's always improving her character and her selling and she leave's you wanting more; it doesn't matter if you love her or hate her you cant deny the simple fact that she is an amazing athlete and wrestler with huge huge potential. The match was very back and fourth and there were a couple of time's I was convinced that Bayley was going to pick up the win and become the new champ but it was Charlotte who came up on top after another strong title defence. It was great seeing the respect after the match up between the two and I just hope they keep Bayley doing a lot of amazing work because she's truly just that, amazing. Great opening match.
Next up was some tag team action witch saw Aiden English and Simone Gotch aka The Vaudevillians battle it out against Jason Jordan and Tye Dillinger. The match was good, I got into it pretty quickly and it was a good quality tag team match for what you would usually get, and to be honest better then what we have been getting on RAW and Smackdown as of late. Gotch and English got an insane reaction from the crowd witch was nice to see and I thought once again they worked really really well together. I do have to admit I have had my doubt's with these two as a tag tea, but their slowly making me change my mind the more I see them together. They were both stand out's and did really well but I'm a much bigger fan of English so I'm a little bias here. I do think however that it should of been Tye and Jordan who picked up the win. I'm a huge huge fan of these two and honestly think they have heaps of potential and scream money! Everything about them is right, their two good looking lad's with amazing bodies and wrestling ability and I honestly think they could easily work both a heel and baby face character/character's. I really want the WWE to push these guy's and put all their effort into them because I honestly believe they could be one of heck of a tag team! So so so so much potential here with those two.
Up next Viktor of the Ascension was due to go one on one with Hideo Itami, however thing's didn't go quit as planned, when both Konnor and Viktor attacked Itami before the match could even begin. I really don't get where the WWE/NXT are going with all this. I was looking forward to this match actually and thought it would of been a great match for Itami but I don't get the attack and I don't see how this is helping him at all at the start of he's career. He was in a great match last week with Justin Gabriel but this week I just don't know. Unless they plan on having a handicap match in a couple of week's time and have Hideo pick a strong win over them then I can't see where there going with this. On the flip side I do like how it's pushing The Ascension as heels before the main roster debut witch I and the rest of the world are still waiting for.
The next match saw the latest hot talent to make their mark in NXT Baron Corbin participate in a squash match against Troy McClain who has now been released. Well it was a squash match so there's not much to really say to be honest, but once again Baron was very impressive and he was in the ring a bit longer. I did pick up on one thing, one little fault, I just think he need's a little more flow in he's matches and the transition from move to move. He's a big guy and over power's a lot of he's opponent's and I think it's just about him knowing he's body and where he is is in the ring and where the camera's are as well. He also need's to slow down a bit and not be so quick to throw such big move's out, it just make's me think a match up between him and Big Cas if it ever happened would be a complete and utter car crash. Hopefully very soon he will be given stronger and better opponents who can challenge him a bit and are more popular with everyone, so that then we can see more of he's move set. I still think he's End of day's finisher is insane and one of my favriout finisher at the moment. He screams potential and I do think he has a bright bright future.
Finally the main event saw Tyson Kidd have one more shot at the NXT championship when he went one on one again with Adrian Neville. I think the whole entire world now know's how much of a fan I am of Tyson Kidd now since he went down to NXT; It's opened so many door's for him and really made the fan's see a complete new side to him that we never knew he had before. The match last night was really good and I really really got into it. I just loved it. I thought they both got a lot of offence and once again I was on the edge of my seat and had no idea how it was going to end, I knew deep down of course Neville would retain but every part of me was rooting for Kidd and he did come close at time's. There were moment's in the match I was just like WHAT!? These two have had some crazy crazy matches over the year and last night was just another one to win. I did like the addition of Titus in the front row but I don't get why he was there though... anyway by the end of the match Titus almost got involved but before he could Zayn came out and attacked him and urged Neville on. Neville would then go on to pick up another pin fall win over Kidd retaining the championship. All round a great show last night. Strong matches and great building of certain superstars. Make sure you tune into next Thursday's show and I will be back here next Friday with my review and reactions.
Get to know Bayley:
5 NXT superstars to watch in the future:
Usually I don't do an NXT review and reaction's post, but as it's NXT month on my blog I've decided to do one every Friday throughout October. Last night's show opened with some diva's action. After Bayley was granted one more shot at the NXT women's championship she took on the reining champ Charlotte one last time at full sail university. Of course Bayley got an amazing reaction from the crowd and everyone seemed to be behind her one hundred per cent while Charlotte got a mixed reaction but mainly boo's to be honest. I thought this was an amazing opening match and really did live up to their Takeover match. Once again I gained even more respect for Bayley, I've said it plenty of time's before but at the start of her career in the WWE I wasn't all that struck on her and was far from a fan but over the past couple of month's she's completely changed my opinion and I can now say I have joined the hug life. I have to admit that I wasn't expecting last night's match up between the two to be half as good as their match from last month purely because it was such a good quality diva's match full of outstanding wrestling, but I was once again proven wrong and the two for a second time gave us an insane match up that left me really impressed by both divas! I've been a fan of Charlotte since day one and every single time she's in the ring she just wow's me more and more. There's always something new being added to her move set, she's always improving her character and her selling and she leave's you wanting more; it doesn't matter if you love her or hate her you cant deny the simple fact that she is an amazing athlete and wrestler with huge huge potential. The match was very back and fourth and there were a couple of time's I was convinced that Bayley was going to pick up the win and become the new champ but it was Charlotte who came up on top after another strong title defence. It was great seeing the respect after the match up between the two and I just hope they keep Bayley doing a lot of amazing work because she's truly just that, amazing. Great opening match.
Next up was some tag team action witch saw Aiden English and Simone Gotch aka The Vaudevillians battle it out against Jason Jordan and Tye Dillinger. The match was good, I got into it pretty quickly and it was a good quality tag team match for what you would usually get, and to be honest better then what we have been getting on RAW and Smackdown as of late. Gotch and English got an insane reaction from the crowd witch was nice to see and I thought once again they worked really really well together. I do have to admit I have had my doubt's with these two as a tag tea, but their slowly making me change my mind the more I see them together. They were both stand out's and did really well but I'm a much bigger fan of English so I'm a little bias here. I do think however that it should of been Tye and Jordan who picked up the win. I'm a huge huge fan of these two and honestly think they have heaps of potential and scream money! Everything about them is right, their two good looking lad's with amazing bodies and wrestling ability and I honestly think they could easily work both a heel and baby face character/character's. I really want the WWE to push these guy's and put all their effort into them because I honestly believe they could be one of heck of a tag team! So so so so much potential here with those two.
Up next Viktor of the Ascension was due to go one on one with Hideo Itami, however thing's didn't go quit as planned, when both Konnor and Viktor attacked Itami before the match could even begin. I really don't get where the WWE/NXT are going with all this. I was looking forward to this match actually and thought it would of been a great match for Itami but I don't get the attack and I don't see how this is helping him at all at the start of he's career. He was in a great match last week with Justin Gabriel but this week I just don't know. Unless they plan on having a handicap match in a couple of week's time and have Hideo pick a strong win over them then I can't see where there going with this. On the flip side I do like how it's pushing The Ascension as heels before the main roster debut witch I and the rest of the world are still waiting for.
The next match saw the latest hot talent to make their mark in NXT Baron Corbin participate in a squash match against Troy McClain who has now been released. Well it was a squash match so there's not much to really say to be honest, but once again Baron was very impressive and he was in the ring a bit longer. I did pick up on one thing, one little fault, I just think he need's a little more flow in he's matches and the transition from move to move. He's a big guy and over power's a lot of he's opponent's and I think it's just about him knowing he's body and where he is is in the ring and where the camera's are as well. He also need's to slow down a bit and not be so quick to throw such big move's out, it just make's me think a match up between him and Big Cas if it ever happened would be a complete and utter car crash. Hopefully very soon he will be given stronger and better opponents who can challenge him a bit and are more popular with everyone, so that then we can see more of he's move set. I still think he's End of day's finisher is insane and one of my favriout finisher at the moment. He screams potential and I do think he has a bright bright future.

Get to know Bayley:
5 NXT superstars to watch in the future:
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