RAW Review and Reactions
Hey everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World. It's Tuesday and time for my RAW Review and Reactions. With an epic Hell in a cell taking place this past Sunday, last night's show had a lot to live up to and it sure did. I will leave the link's bellow to my Hell in a cell review and reactions and my RAW predictions post, that went up last night. As always you can let me know what you thought of last night's show and Sunday's live PPV by leaving a comment bellow or by sending me a tweet at @TezangiVictoria.
So after a truly epic Hell in a cell this past Sunday, the WWE had a lot to live up to last night, and of course had a lot of questions to awnser. Now even though I was pretty damn tired to say the least last night, I think it's more than safe to say that last night's episode of Monday night RAW was not a bad one at all, and we we're given a pretty awesome show. What I loved about last night was the story development. Hell in a cell left a lot of questions in the minds of the WWE universe, and so there was some pretty high expectations all round, however the WWE lived up to the expectations and although the matches themselves weren't the best, the story development was strong, and the road to Survivor Series has began.
The night started out with the Authority in the ring, Kane, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. Of course they spoke about their successful night, highlighting the one disappointment , Randy loosing he's hell in a cell match to John Cena. They would go on to talk about the golden child Seth Rollins, and accompanied by Mercury and Nobel, he made he's way to the ring with a smug grin on he's face. He would then start boasting about he's victory from the previous night over Dean Ambrose. With all looking good for the Authority it didn't take long for their perfect world to come crashing down on them when Orton made an appearance in quite a mood. Once in the ring he clearly expressed he's anger towards the authority and especially Seth Rollins, screaming and shouting like a mad man to say the least, but as I admitted last night, Randy's temper is on of the many things in life that makes me smile and satisfy's me. After getting in the face of both Triple H and Seth Rollins he was told to drop it and that he was not going to get what he wants and attack Seth, however Orton being Orton completely ignored he's orders and hit the RKO on Rollins out of nowhere.I don;t know if this was like an official baby face turn but I loved it. Everything about this opening segment was right and it was all done to perfection. Randy's emotion and passion was 100% and really convincing. The feud between the two is gonna be amazing, and will be a real turning point for Rollins. A post all about this up coming feud will be up in the next week or so.
It was also announced before the show started that Seth Rollins would go one on one with John Cena, as part of the main event. Half way through the show there was a segment between Cena, Stephanie and Hunter, with the Hunter and Stephanie trying to persuade Cena to join team Authority for Survivor Series. This segment was your typical Cena segment and to be honest I didn't even get what they were trying to do with this and why, and trust me I wasn't the only one! Don't get me wrong it was a strong segment but we've seen so many similar ones to last nights I couldn't even bother watching. They would then announce that if he was not going to join team Authority then at the Survivor Series PPV it would be team Authority VS team Cena, with Cena having to find fellow superstars prepared to stand up against the boss. Personally I'd much rather had seen Team WWE VS Team NXT, that would of been much much better and would of gone down a treat with the WWE universe. I honestly think the WWE have missed a big opportunity here and I hope they can get some NXT stars into this PPV somehow.
Going over to the main event and as announced earlier it would see Mr Money in the bank Seth Rollins go one on one with the number contender for a shot at the WWE World Heavyweight championship, John Cena. Now this match was a lot longer than I thought it was going to be, how it was hands down the match of the night in my opinion. These two flat out stole the show, and despite the stupid ending I really liked this match and really got into it, witch I was not expecting at all, if im honest. It was a strong back and fourth match up and Rollins was the star of the show by far. What I love about Rollins is how diverse he's move set it, there's just no ending to it and he impresses me every time he's in the ring even though I've been a fan of he's for so long.
The first match of the night saw Gold and Stardust defend their Tag team championships once again,
however this time against Big Show and Mark Henry. Now this match was completely out of the blue and there was no reason what so ever as to why these two were getting a tag team title shot, so it was all pretty predictable to be honest. The match itself was okay, nothing intresting or super exciting but it was a nice start to the show. Of course at the end of the match Henry would turn on Show, allowing Gold and Stardust to retain. I think the whole world knew Henry was going to turn last night, for the simple fact the WWE could not have made it more obvious. I thought it was done really well and I'm glad Henry is a heel again because plain and simply suits a heel much much more and works it way better.
Up next was divas action and it was time for another title defence as AJ Lee's divas championship was on the line as she went one on one with Alicia Fox. I was really glad that Alicia got a title shot, after all she did have two wins over the champ and rightfully earned a shot at the title. The match it self was weak in my opinion. It just didn't flow at all. It was better than their last match against teach other, but their is something about these two being in the ring together that just doesn't work. I say it a lot but I honestly think Alicia is one of the most underrated divas on the roster and her talent is through the roof, they just need to use her right and put a championship around her waist. I just think the problem they have with her is with storyline's, with the attention being on Paige and AJ and the Bella twins, it's hard for any other diva to get a second look or taken seriously in any way. With Paige at commentary the attention was clearly on her and Fox and once again not the divas champion herself. After picking up the win and retaining her championship, of the distraction from Paige, the diva of tomorrow attacked Alicia in true anti diva style. For some reason Jerry put a stop to it... good old Jerry. A feud between these two girls is not what I want at all. Later on in the show Nikki Bella went one on one with Naomi. I say it all the time but Naomi is an extraordinary athlete, and one of the best divas they have on the entire roster, having such a diverse, limitless move set, and it's such a shame she doesn't get the attention she deserves, that women should of been a two times divas champion already! Anyway, after Brie loosing to Nikki at hell in a cell on Sunday, she is now the personal assistant of sister Nikki and was forced to assist her sister to the ring and help her when needed to pick up the win, and she did just that.
Bo Dallas set an open challenge to anyone in the locker room and after the ad break we found out that Ryback is back and well I marked out way more than I should of! I was waaay to happy about he's return but it was just amazing and at such the right time. The pop he got from the crowd was insane, and there was not a single Goldberg chant! I really really do hope the WWE use him right this time round, there is no point putting him back with Axel, a singles push is just what he needs and after the reaction he got last night, it would be a great move to make.
The match up between Cesaro and Dean Ambrose didn't happen after Dean lost he's temper and attacked the swiss superman with a mic. There was then a killer promo from Bray Wyatt with once again no sign of Luke Harper and Erick Rowan. I want to to a complete separate post on this feud so that's all I'm going to comment on for now.
Dolph Ziggler and Kane were in awesome match up and to my surprise Ziggler actually wound up making the pin fall! Once again it was another strong back and fourth match and they both had some great spots. and I was really surprised with how much I actually enjoyed it. After the tag team match up between The Miz and Damien Mizdow and the The Usos, I'd now really like to see them go after the tag team championships if they ain't gonna turn Damien face in the next couple of weeks, leading up to survivor serious,
Hell in a cell review and reactions:
RAW Predictions:
So after a truly epic Hell in a cell this past Sunday, the WWE had a lot to live up to last night, and of course had a lot of questions to awnser. Now even though I was pretty damn tired to say the least last night, I think it's more than safe to say that last night's episode of Monday night RAW was not a bad one at all, and we we're given a pretty awesome show. What I loved about last night was the story development. Hell in a cell left a lot of questions in the minds of the WWE universe, and so there was some pretty high expectations all round, however the WWE lived up to the expectations and although the matches themselves weren't the best, the story development was strong, and the road to Survivor Series has began.
The night started out with the Authority in the ring, Kane, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. Of course they spoke about their successful night, highlighting the one disappointment , Randy loosing he's hell in a cell match to John Cena. They would go on to talk about the golden child Seth Rollins, and accompanied by Mercury and Nobel, he made he's way to the ring with a smug grin on he's face. He would then start boasting about he's victory from the previous night over Dean Ambrose. With all looking good for the Authority it didn't take long for their perfect world to come crashing down on them when Orton made an appearance in quite a mood. Once in the ring he clearly expressed he's anger towards the authority and especially Seth Rollins, screaming and shouting like a mad man to say the least, but as I admitted last night, Randy's temper is on of the many things in life that makes me smile and satisfy's me. After getting in the face of both Triple H and Seth Rollins he was told to drop it and that he was not going to get what he wants and attack Seth, however Orton being Orton completely ignored he's orders and hit the RKO on Rollins out of nowhere.I don;t know if this was like an official baby face turn but I loved it. Everything about this opening segment was right and it was all done to perfection. Randy's emotion and passion was 100% and really convincing. The feud between the two is gonna be amazing, and will be a real turning point for Rollins. A post all about this up coming feud will be up in the next week or so.
It was also announced before the show started that Seth Rollins would go one on one with John Cena, as part of the main event. Half way through the show there was a segment between Cena, Stephanie and Hunter, with the Hunter and Stephanie trying to persuade Cena to join team Authority for Survivor Series. This segment was your typical Cena segment and to be honest I didn't even get what they were trying to do with this and why, and trust me I wasn't the only one! Don't get me wrong it was a strong segment but we've seen so many similar ones to last nights I couldn't even bother watching. They would then announce that if he was not going to join team Authority then at the Survivor Series PPV it would be team Authority VS team Cena, with Cena having to find fellow superstars prepared to stand up against the boss. Personally I'd much rather had seen Team WWE VS Team NXT, that would of been much much better and would of gone down a treat with the WWE universe. I honestly think the WWE have missed a big opportunity here and I hope they can get some NXT stars into this PPV somehow.

The first match of the night saw Gold and Stardust defend their Tag team championships once again,
however this time against Big Show and Mark Henry. Now this match was completely out of the blue and there was no reason what so ever as to why these two were getting a tag team title shot, so it was all pretty predictable to be honest. The match itself was okay, nothing intresting or super exciting but it was a nice start to the show. Of course at the end of the match Henry would turn on Show, allowing Gold and Stardust to retain. I think the whole world knew Henry was going to turn last night, for the simple fact the WWE could not have made it more obvious. I thought it was done really well and I'm glad Henry is a heel again because plain and simply suits a heel much much more and works it way better.
Up next was divas action and it was time for another title defence as AJ Lee's divas championship was on the line as she went one on one with Alicia Fox. I was really glad that Alicia got a title shot, after all she did have two wins over the champ and rightfully earned a shot at the title. The match it self was weak in my opinion. It just didn't flow at all. It was better than their last match against teach other, but their is something about these two being in the ring together that just doesn't work. I say it a lot but I honestly think Alicia is one of the most underrated divas on the roster and her talent is through the roof, they just need to use her right and put a championship around her waist. I just think the problem they have with her is with storyline's, with the attention being on Paige and AJ and the Bella twins, it's hard for any other diva to get a second look or taken seriously in any way. With Paige at commentary the attention was clearly on her and Fox and once again not the divas champion herself. After picking up the win and retaining her championship, of the distraction from Paige, the diva of tomorrow attacked Alicia in true anti diva style. For some reason Jerry put a stop to it... good old Jerry. A feud between these two girls is not what I want at all. Later on in the show Nikki Bella went one on one with Naomi. I say it all the time but Naomi is an extraordinary athlete, and one of the best divas they have on the entire roster, having such a diverse, limitless move set, and it's such a shame she doesn't get the attention she deserves, that women should of been a two times divas champion already! Anyway, after Brie loosing to Nikki at hell in a cell on Sunday, she is now the personal assistant of sister Nikki and was forced to assist her sister to the ring and help her when needed to pick up the win, and she did just that.

The match up between Cesaro and Dean Ambrose didn't happen after Dean lost he's temper and attacked the swiss superman with a mic. There was then a killer promo from Bray Wyatt with once again no sign of Luke Harper and Erick Rowan. I want to to a complete separate post on this feud so that's all I'm going to comment on for now.
Dolph Ziggler and Kane were in awesome match up and to my surprise Ziggler actually wound up making the pin fall! Once again it was another strong back and fourth match and they both had some great spots. and I was really surprised with how much I actually enjoyed it. After the tag team match up between The Miz and Damien Mizdow and the The Usos, I'd now really like to see them go after the tag team championships if they ain't gonna turn Damien face in the next couple of weeks, leading up to survivor serious,
Hell in a cell review and reactions:
RAW Predictions:
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