WWE sign two new divas?
I have been researching and following the new's surrounding the possible signing of two new WWE/NXT divas, and this week I got back on to it all and had a look at all the latest gossip surrounding the two beauties. Now if you haven't heard of the two girls I'm talking about they go by the name's of Zahra Schreiber and Gionna Daddio. The two of them have been eyed by WWE for a while now and have been working closely with the company for several months, including try-outs and more.Hopefully today I'm gonna give you a little information about both girl's and what has been rumoured so far.
First up is Gionna. Gionna is a former hooters girl from Jersey who also appeared in their calendar. She is also a member of the very famous DeFranco's gym witch is where Enzo Amore was spotted by Triple H, some of you may already know but the Gym is very popular with the like's of Stephanie and Triple H.She's clearly into fitness and has showcased that on twitter and instagram, she's also a big fan of WWE as she has recently attended several show's including Extreme Rules. She was apart of the WWE try outs a while back in June and was clearly a very popular choice. Gionna will soon be if not already moved to Florida to begin training. If you haven't seen her already then seriously go check her out I will leave the link to her twitter bellow, she's absolutely stunning! She ticks every single box, with her long blonde hair an gorgeous look's the WWE would of had no hesitation in signing her. She has a great body and I'm sure once she get's going in the performance centre will be a great addition to the NXT roster. Over the past week or so Gionna has been tweeting about her movements with WWE, including a good luck cake with the WWE logo printed on it and tweet's about moving to Orlando and travelling with Zahra.
Next up is model Zahra Schreiber. This signing came to a big big shock to me, for the obvious reasons. As you can tell from the picture Zahra is heavily tattooed and we all know the WWE pretty much never hire a lightly tattooed diva let alone a heavily one like Zahra, to be honest I don't think there is a tattooed diva on the roster, taking out Charlotte, Brie and Rosa who have their little ones. But I honestly think this such a great thing. I haven't been this excited for a female signing since Paige actually. I've been fan girling over this girl like crazy for month's now. She's just so beautiful and really really hot, but any way I'm getting carried away. I think it's great the WWE are going down a new direction with their female talent. We're so used to seeing the same old look in the division and it's so refreshing to see something completely new. I think she will be a big big hit with a lot of the WWE universe, I have to give the WWE big round of applause for this one, well done, well bloody done.Right so Zahra, was also apart of the WWE try out's several month's back and the WWE were very high on her also. She has previously done some work with ROH and has been rumoured to have trained with the like's of Jimmy Jacobs. A manger of ROH actually announced on twitter about the signing with Zahra and the WWE. Since then there has been tweets exchanged between her and newly signed diva Gionna and Zahra is soon to make her move to Orlando Florida. I'm honestly so excited for this signing, she's gonna be a great addition to the roster and I can't wait to be able to reveal more about her.

So what do you think of the latest WWE divas. Let me know by leaving a comment bellow or of course tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Zahra's Twitter- @RealmissZahra
Gionna's Twitter- @WhosYoDaddio
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