RAW Review and Reactions
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Mick Foley and Dean Ambrose on RAW |
So last night was the start of the go home week for Sunday's Hell in a cell PPV, and the show kicked off with the authority (Randy Orton, Seth Rollins, Kane and Triple H), all dressed in lovely suits witch for the female viewers was fantastic, a great way to kick off the show in my eyes. Once in the ring Hunter would hit the mic and sell the Hell in a Cell PPV to the best that he could and claimed that Sunday will end both the careers of Dean Ambrose and John Cena. Orton then told the WWE universe that this weekend he would end the decade long rivalry between him and Cena, witch I literally laughed at because let's face it, in twenty year's time these two will still be going at it,stealing the spotlight from young fresh talent. Of course when ever Dean Ambrose's name was mentioned the crowd went crazy and Seth suffered more "You sold out" chant's witch In my opinion is just getting old and he's already shamed the fans for using that chant anyway, so now you just look a little stupid when you chant it. The crowd also expressed their displeasure for one on one double main event, with the match up between Orton and Cena, for the obvious reasons, NO ONE wants to see these two go at it any more. Ever ever again. Hunter also announced in the promo that the match between the two veterans will be more than just a random hell in a cell match, as the winner will earn a shot at facing Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight championship. Now this is a good idea, and there's a lot of angle's they can go down with this but only of course if Randy picks up the win, I'll be talking more about this in my prediction post for this match up. I think the WWE needed to add something more to there match otherwise no one would be interested in watching it, at least now I may consider staying awake for it. I do however still think it is ridiculous that Randy has to compete for a shot at the championship, after all he never got a one on one re-match for the title back after he lost it at Wrestlemania. This is something that has pissed me off for month's now and he really shouldn't have to fight for he's rightful shot at the championship.
The first match of the night just had me wanting to jump in front of a bus. It was of course another six man tag team match, announced on the pre show, between The Usos and the united states champion Sheamus and (Originally) The Miz and Gold and Stardust, however the WWE kept me watching this match for the pure fact that instead of the Miz competing Sandow did, so of course I watched the match just for him. I honestly don't think the WWE know how much the WWE universe loves Damien Sandow/Mizdow. I tweeted about it yesterday but he is the only thing keeping me interested in this whole Sheamus/Miz feud. He simply entertainment and flat out pure gold! Of course when Sandow was put in the match instead the crowd and twitter were beyond delighted. I still think the WWE need to stop with these stupid six man tag team match ups. There not intresting at all, they lack entertainment and story development and they simply do nothing for any of the superstars. The fact is the WWE have over used this type of match over the past year or so and nothing changes. The endings are predictable, no one's bothered about them and most importantly it's always the same people teaming together. The match itself last night was pretty weak and I couldn't get into it. I'll admit it, I was only really watching my TV when Sandow was in the ring. The part of the match I didn't get was when Sheamus thought it was a good idea to go at the top of the post and leap himself into everyone, a man of he's size and wrestling style should not ever do a move like that, he's done it before and it just makes me cringe. There was no development in the storyline between the Usos and Gold and Stardust in this match and to be honest I can't even remember much that happened between the two tag teams, it was also announced that the two will go at it this Sunday at Hell in a cell for the tag team championships. The best part about this whole match was when Sandow got into it and to a big big surprise he managed to pick up the win for he's team, pinning United states champion Sheamus! Yeah that right, he pinned Sheamus! The world is becoming a better place, can't he get a shot at the championship now....no....yes.....no... okay whatever, yeah I'm asking for a bit much now.

Next up divas action and before RAW started the WWE announced that this Sunday at the hell in a cell PPV AJ Lee will defend her divas championship against Paige for the fourth PPV in a row. My
predictions for this match will be up later this week. Last night AJ faced Alicia Fox in singles action with Paige at ringside. I wasn't into this match at all to be honest. I honestly think that the WWE need to come up with more diverse match ups for the divas because it's the same thing week after week. One thing I do love about divas matches is that they do time there ad breaks really really well. I thought this match was really weak, these two are two extremely talented divas who could pull of a great match, but last night was just bad. It was messy, the girls were all over the place, nothing flowed or looked good on camera and I was just disappointed. The other stupid thing about is was Alicia picking up a second pin fall win over the champ. I don't know what I was really expecting to be honest, I suppose it would of been better if the booking for the divas last night was just better all together. Later on in the show Brie Bella went one on one with Summer Rae in an attempt to gain some momentum before going head to head with her twin sister Nikki, this Sunday at hell in a cell. Now I really like Summer, I think she has so much potential and is one of not many divas on the main roster who have used NXT and anything and everything the WWE offers to better herself and I really hope the WWE start using her better in the next year or so. I thought this match flowed a lot better than the previous divas match that took place earlier on in the show, it was easier to watch, both divas hit some great spots and it just worked well and came off on TV really well. Brie managed to obviously scoop up the win and we can expect to see Nikki in one on one action either tonight on Main event or Friday on Smackdown.
Up next Rusev went one on one once again with Big E in witch was clearly just a match to give Rusev some momentum before he's much Sunday at hell in a cell with The Big Show. I'm not gonna lie I was not into this match at all and I didn't really watch it. I only started getting interested in what was going on when Lana began talking. I said it last week and I'll say it again, think what you want about this storyline and love or hate her Lana is one of the strongest female speakers in the company at the moment I honestly think without her Rusev would not have been anywhere near were he is right now in he's career. After the match Lana hit the mic and of course started slagging off the big show and America and began hyping the match up set for the weekend. As the flag came down the Russian duo got a little surprise when they would see that the Russian flag was not hanging down but instead the American flag, and we would then see Big show on titron. Rusev then went to pull down the flag but after a US soldier got into the ring Rusev attacked him and left the guy bleeding from the mouth. Yeah I didn't like this. It added the heat needed for the match this Sunday and worked really really well with the storyline, but I think there's so many problems with them doing this and it was taken a little too far. Personally I didn't feel offended but looking at twitter last night a lot of people where and it was a little awkward and I just didn't like it to be honest. When the show came back on after an advert, Big show was in the ring and delivered one emotional little speech, and went off backstage looking like he was about to kill someone!
Then there was a promo delivered by the lunatic fringe himself Mr Dean Ambrose. Of course he came out with two big bags one containing a pretty much life side dummy of Seth Rollins, because that's one hundred per cent normal. He then began talking to the dummy and torching it showing the WWE universe and Seth Rollins what he's gonna do to him Sunday at hell in a cell. It wouldn't take long for Seth to make an appearance and start boasting about himself and shaming the crowd. I have t say it again but Seth's mic skills are really improving week after week and he's beginning to stand out as one of the best heels in the WWE in recent years. Once they were both in the ring out of nowhere Mick freaking Foley's music hit and well I think it's safe to say I need to apologize to my neighbours again because I think I wok the whole street up. I knew there was a couple of legends backstage last night but I had no idea Foley was one of them! It was at that point of the show were I was just starting to fall asleep and when he's music hit I well and truly wok the fuck up! It was an amazing segment really got everyone ready for the match up between Rollins and Ambrose this Sunday at hell in a cell.
Cesaro and Ziggler also had a one on one match (none title).This was one of the stronger matches of the night to be honest It just made no sense. Dolph has been on some kind of loosing streak over the past week or so and there has been no development in the storyline with him and Cesaro, it felt a little random having the feud all of a sudden put back on. Cesaro wound up picking picking up a pin fall win after a mad uppercut on Ziggler. It looks like the two will be battling it out for the championship this Sunday at hell in a cell.
Main event time and as it was announced last week it would be handicap street fight match between Dean Ambrose and John Cena and Seth Rollins, Randy Orton and Kane. The first think I need to say about this match is that wasn't a street fight match at all, and that really did piss me off, but that being said the match was actually pretty good and it did get me a little excited for the double main event matches set for Sundays PPV. I though Ambrose looked strong as did Rollins and the two easily stole the match. I hated the ending, I really do think that a clean win for Randy made no sense. He didn't need the win and the fact he pinned Ambrose, the man who needed the win more than any one in this match made me really frustrated. It just made no sense and destroyed a lot of Dean's momentum for Hell in a cell. Out of nowhere, at the end of the match Rollins curb stomped Orton, witch I thought made no sense and they should of saved that for Sunday. It would of made much more sense for him to ruin the match up for Randy Sunday rather than turn on him on RAW last night. It just made no sense and was a bad move to make. By the end of night it was Rollins standing on top of the cage as the last man standing, and the man walking into hell in a cell with the most momentum.

RAW Predictions:
Total Divas Review and Reactions:
Top Five superstars of the week
Superstar of the week Randy Orton:
Hell in a cell predictions Nikki Bella VS Brie Bella:
Hell in a cell predictions Rusev VS The Big Show:
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