RAW Review and Reactions

I'm gonna start off by saying how impressed I am with last night's show. It was easily one of the best episodes of RAW this year. From start to finish we had strong good quality wrestling. Every match was a good length and the actual wrestling was insane. It's one of the first time's this year I've stayed intrested and gripped throughout the show. There wasn't much story development and the actual matches didn't make hardly any sense ( I have no idea what the bookers where on last night) but that didn't really matter because we were getting strong qaulity, pure wrestling witch is all we really want to see. The night started out with Ambrose's music hitting and echoing through the arena. As he made he's way to the ring wearing a black muscle shirt, yes a black muscle shirt, so yo can already tell how happy I was, he hit the mic and as usual owned it with a pretty cool promo about Seth Rollins, John Cena and Hell in A cell. Of course Cena didn't take long to make an appearance, and as a quick side note this was a not a Cena friendly crowd. To be honest I did loose a little interest in the whole thing when Cena came out so I can't really report much about he's half apart from the fact that as usual he was floating he's own boat. Triple H would soon come out to face the Atlanta crowd alongside Stephanie and the two would announce that Cena and Ambrose would team up once again to participate in a triple threat tag team match against The Usos and the tag team champions Gold and Stardust. When they announced this match I was completely baffled. It just made no sense what so ever. It was such a completely pointless match up. That being said it was pretty freaking awesome. Lately it take's a lot for me to get into a tag team match but I was strangely really into this match from the beginning It was way way better than I thought it was gonna be. Each team had a fair amount of good offence and Ambrose and Cena worked really well together, picking up a strong win. It had character, interest, entertainment and most importantly strong quality wrestling. And I have to give it to the Usos, they kept me very entertained last night in this match up.After the match Triple H would announce that Ambrose and Cena would main event the show, facing each other in their suppose to be hell in a cell match up, a contract on a poll match and the winner would go on to face Seth Rollins at the PPV and the looser facing Randy Orton inside Hell in a cell also.
Up Next divas action, and last night saw the divas champion AJ Lee team up with Layla to face Paige and Alicia Fox. First of all the pairing of Layla and AJ makes no freaking sense what so ever and this was just another example of the odd booking that took place on last nights show. And what Layla was wearing was intresting enough on it's own. As for Paige and Alicia, I said it last night but I'm really starting to like this paring and it's parings like this that makes me wish they would introduce a divas tag team championship. I never thought I'd like these two working together but it really is growing on me and something just looks right with these two. I still hate what their doing with Paige, I'm getting fed up of saying it and I truly am giving up on it but I just want to see the anti diva return, the Paige we know and love come back and show off her true talent and self to the WWE universe. Any way the match was pretty short and saw AJ pick up the win by hitting a shining wizard on Fox. There was some great character work from Lee and Paige throughout the match up. After the match up AJ attacked tag partner Layla and skipped off with her championship. There is no doubt in my mind that they will announce next week on RAW that Paige and AJ will go one on one for the championship at Hell in a cell, I just think they need to do more with Paige leading up to the PPV. The second divas match of the night was a three on three tag team match with NeNe and Rosa Mendes at ringside. The match saw Natalya, Naomi and Brie Bella team up to face Nikki Bella, Summer Rae and Cameron. I wasn't really into this match and at this point of the show I was really tired. To cut things short, Brie got the pin fall win over Nikki Bella, witch I think we all knew was gonna happen after Nikki pinned Brie last week and having the celebrity guest in their corner the baby faces were obviously gonna scoop up the win. But with both Bella''s holding a win over each other what's next for their feud?

companies top talents giving Orton a true run for he's money throughout the match up. As usual Ziggler sold the shit out of every move and some points he had me standing up from my seat wondering weather or not he was actually okay. I was so into it I hardly tweeted throughout it, so you know it was a good one. I thought the ending was perfect. It was literally a work of art. The timing, the execution, the selling, everything was done to perfection. I can't describe to you how amazingly perfect it was. I could of watch these two go at it for a whole hour, and the length of the match was great, it was a full length good quality match. Half way through the match Seth Rollins did make an appearance and watched the match from ringside and after Randy scooped up the win Rollins got in the ring and curb stomped Ziggler. They showed clear tension between Rollins and Orton and it's evident that Orton's face turn is just around the corner, I plan on doing a post about these two in the upcoming week. Anyway Rollins would have match next against Jack Swagger. I didn't have high hopes for this match either to be honest and Kinda thought it was just gonna be quick match to put over Rollins even more, but once again I was so wrong. This was easily the second best match of the night if not just as good as the match up with Orton and Ziggler. It was another back and fourth match that saw Swagger get a lot of offence witch is always nice to see. I honestly think that they should pay more attention to Swagger, I'm always saying that if I was in charge of creative for a week I'd devote all my attention to Swagger, he's such a talent and so underrated. I was so happy with the length of this match. It was another full length good quality wrestling match up. Rollins managed to of course pick up a quick win at the end. Half way through the match Orton played Rollins at he's own game and watched the match from ringside, and straight after the match he slivered into the ring and hit an RKO on Swagger telling Rollins to "watch this" before he hit it. The two then had a stare off and well Randy was looking rather damn sexy.
Next up, Rusev VS The Big show, and this was probably the most predictable match of the night. I was actually pretty into this match witch never happens in a Rusev match to be honest. Show did dominate the first half of the match but it wouldn't take long for Rusev to gain momentum and get back on the attack. However Henry would soon make an appearance and after getting bored of playing cheerleader for Show he got in the ring and attacked Rusev giving him a DQ win. I kinda knew this match would end in DQ but I din't think it would be all thanks to Henry, witch is intresting, maybe now Show and Henry can feud and they can give Rusev something new an intresting, after all he got a win over the IC champ last week on Smackdown. Up next the only match I didn't really get into and that was the match up between The Miz and United States champion Sheamus. The only thing that kept me watching this was Sandow to be honest. I honestly think he is one of the most entertaining people in the company and it frustrates me how underrated and underused he is. Anyway Miz did pick up another win over the champ this time by count out, so looks like the two will go one on one with each other at Hell in a cell for the title.
Main event time and as we already know this saw Dean Ambrose and John Cena go one on one in a contract on the poll match with the winner facing Rollins at Hell in a cell in two weeks. I didn't really like the idea of the authority being at ringside but I aint complaining at more Orton after how good he looked last night. I thought the match was good, nothing more and nothing less. It was pretty disappointing to be honest. I was expecting a lot lot more and to be honest I didn't even think it was gonna happen and they should of kept it for Hell in a cell. The ending was weak and just flat out disappointing. Anyway Ambrose obviously picked up the win good old Ambrose style, with means we have to sit through another Cena/Orton match, witch also means I may die.
Altogether I loved the show. I thought the matches were amazing, nice full length and strong quality wrestling. Even though there was no story development and the booking was all over the place It was a strong show. But let me know what you think by leaving a comment bellow or tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
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