Meet the NXT Announce team: Part two

Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog, You all already know that it's NXT month here on Talk Wrestling world, witch means throughout October I have been focusing on all things NXT. I will leave the link's to any recent post bellow so you can check those out if you haven't done so already. You can also let me know what you would like to see by leaving a comment bellow or leaving a tweet at @TezangiVictoria.
Today were taking a look at part two of "Meet the NXT Announce team". You will remember be doing a part one of this witch I will leave the link to bellow. Basically what I will be doing in this post is giving you the last five announcers, including commentators, ring announcers and backstage interviewers, providing you with little information about each one and telling you what I personally think about them. You can let me know what you think of everyone I'm talking about today in who I spoke about in part one by leaving a comment bellow or of course leaving a tweet at @TezangiVictoria.
Kicking off part two is JoJo. I really do have mixed feelings about JoJo. Most people will know her from Total Divas witch she recently left because she wanted to focus more on wrestling and building herself up witch I really respect her for and take my hat off too. Going by what I have seen so far of her work in the ring she's easily someone to watch out for in the up coming years. One thing to remember is she one of is not the youngest person on the whole WWE and NXT roster so she does still have heaps of time to grow both as a wrestler and as a ring announcer. I love how much she is trying to better herself but you will all know how much I hate her announcing and I really don't think the job is for her. Sorry JoJo.
Rich Brennan
Up next is the newest member to the NXT announce team, Rich Brennan. Brennan grew up wanting to become a WWE announcer and has explained that he's job is proof that dreams come true. Growing up he was a fan of WCCCW, AWA and WCW, and he would attend shows in he's home town. He has previously announced for numerous hockey and arena football teams and many others. So far I don't really like him, I know that sounds really harsh but I just don't like he's voice and found that he spoke over Renee a lot the last time he was commentating and we didn't hardly get to hear what she had to say witch really frustrated me. He just reminds me of another Cole witch is never a good thing, But I'm gonna give him another chance and wait and see what he brings to the table because I do think he's a good addition I'm just yet to like him and connect with he's voice, witch just sounds very odd.
William Regal
Up next is the General Manager of NXT William Regal. I decided to include Regal in this just because even though he's the GM now he has played a big part in the announce team since FCW. I think the entire world know's just how much I love Regal. I've been the biggest fan of he's since day one, and there is no one else In the WWE I have spoken so highly of and that is a fact! I honestly think he is one of the most underrated WWE superstars and employees full stop in the history of the WWE. Now I do intend on doing a full post all on Regal so I'm gonna try and keep it short. I think he's commentary work is gold! He know's so much about the business and has full of experience witch just makes him the perfect commentator. He makes you believe everything he is saying and that's honestly real skill. The fact that he's now the GM makes me so happy and there is no one else I'd rather see doing the job, Next top Monday night RAW because, that's where he truly belongs.
Renee Young
This post is not long enough to speak entirely how I feel about Renee Young, I did do a post on her already witch I will leave the link to bellow, and I do plan on doing a get to know on her this month so keep an eye out for that. The simple fact is is that I do like Renee. I think she's amazing at her job and one of the best female commentators and interviewers the WWE has had in many many years and the company clearly love her. That being said she does have her faults and at times her voice can be really annoying and I find myself wanting to mute the TV, but I have slowly gotten used to it. She stunning, has a great knowledge of wrestling and the history of the WWE and has an amazing work ethic, so there's no doubt in my mind she will go on to do amazing things, because let's face it, she already has.
Tom Phillips
And finally Tom Phillips. Tom is by far my favriout new commentator and I honestly think he's the strongest of the group. He is really young and has so much time to grow but he has all the skill already. He's voice is perfect for the job, he's wrestling knowledge is perfect and he has an understanding about the business that really shows through. He defiantly leads the commentary team when he working and takes control. He's worked NXT, main event and now Smackdown. I remember hearing and seeing him bake he's Smackdown commentary debut and my reaction was pretty insane. I was literally so proud and I'm so happy the WWE have so much faith in him and are showing it. He has a long long and very very successful future ahead of him, one downside, he literally sounds the exact same a Michael Cole.
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