NXT Stars Who Deserve a Push
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well and good. So NXT month is going strong on my blog and today I have another post in the series for you. Today we are taking a look at five NXT superstars that I think deserve a push. In this list we will have a good mixture of superstars and divas, some we may have already seen a lot of and some we may not have seen that much of yet. This is a blog post that I'm really really passionate about and I have wanted to write since I decided to do NXT month on my blog again. I know that there are plenty more superstars and divas who should get a little push but I wanted to narrow it down to just my top five. If you would like to see a part two then do please let me know by the end of the month. I would love to know who YOU think deserves a push on the NXT Roster so feel free to leave a comment bellow letting me know who you think should be getting a big push. I will link bellow any recent blog post including the latest in NXT month and the most recent Review and Reactions blog post so you can stay all up to date and give them a read if you haven't already done so. Finally, you can let me know what you think of today's blog post and what other posts you would like to see in NXT Season by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
5) Bull Dempsey
Kicking off my top five NXT stars who deserve a push is Bull Dempsey. I've been a big fan and supporter of Bull Dempsey from the very start. When he first got on the scene I remember talking about him a lot here on my blog and on twitter. I mentioned how I was a big fan of he's and could see so much potential in him and I still see that. He has a real, mean guy, traditional look and I love that. He comes across very dominate and old school and I just love it. However, so far the WWE have gone in the complete wrong direction with Bull and I hate where they are going with him. At the start he was looking to be going down a good road but over the past month or so we have seen him take on a new little "fat guy" gimmick and I hate it. He deserves so much better and I think they can do so much more with him. It just feels like they are giving up on him and turning him into a joke. If they keep him out of TV for a while and give him a push when he comes back he could make a huge impact. Let him take on stars like Samoa Joe in the future or Hideo Itami. The type of guys that will push him and bring out the best in him. I'm not sure if he is NXT champion material but he has way too much potential for the WWE to give up on him. Give him a big push and this guy will shock us all.
4) Tyler Breeze
Up next is a superstar who we all know and love, Tyler Breeze. Now, Breeze is no stranger to the top spot. He is easily one of the top guys of NXT and one of the strongest talents in all of the WWE today. He has been in the championship picture. he has main evented but there is still something missing. He's booking hasn't been all that strong over the past couple of months and it's such a shame. I have a blog post coming up where I discuss whether or not Tyler Breeze is the next Dolph Ziggler so keep an eye out for that. But he does come across like he is. He's a great talent but just can't seem to just about get the top prize. I do think he has what it takes to be NXT champion and I do think it is just going to come down to the right moment. He has been working WWE dark matches for about a year now but I really would love to see him as the NXT Champion. I think if the WWE spent more time pushing Breeze and booking him stronger then he could easily and quickly make he's way back to the championship picture. I do think there are some big names in he's way but he's one of the best talents in all of NXT and so having him in line for the next NXT champion would go down perfectly fine with the fans.
3) Tye Dillinger
Coming in at number three in my top five NXT Stars that deserve a push is Tye Dillinger. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think I have written a get to know Tye Dillinger before. If I haven't then I will one hundred per cent be up for writing one. Now, I'm a big big fan of Tye. He has so much experience, so much passion and could bring so much to the WWE and NXT and I think it's a shame he hasn't had a good start yet. He has it all; experience, good looks, good body, good character, wrestling ability, but there's something the WWE don't see in him. I think the biggest mistake made was having him and Jason Jordan split. I honestly think they had so much potential. Yeah, they had a little dated feel but there is so much that they could have done and I think they had so much potential. I think finding a place for Tye is going to be difficult but he is a great wrestler with a great look. At the moment it does still feel like he's one half of a broken tag team lost in the division. But I really like this guy and I think if they changed he's style up a little then he could do some great things on the roster. Put him in the ring with the top names and let him have a fifteen minuet match, you will be surprised.
2) Baron Corbin
At number two in my top five NXT stars that deserve a push is Baron Corbin. I have spoken about Baron Corbin here on my blog about million times before and I'm pretty sure most of you are bored out of your minds of hearing me go on and one about Baron freaking Corbin. I promise I wont talk about him too much these season. Now, it's no secret, I'm a big big fan of Baron Corbin. From the moment I first saw him I was hooked. You look at him and you know that he is a star. Baron Corbin is a man that has it all. The look, the size, the height, the intensity, the dominance. He's something different and he stands out. At the moment all we are seeing is short squash matches and it's not enough. He's had two short lived feuds that he has come up on top of but it's not enough. Now is the time that the WWE start taking a new approach with Corbin. We know he's dominate, we know he's intense and we know he has star quality, it's time to take it up a notch now. We have seen a video package of him targeting the big names of NXT and I really liked it. There was a great deal of effort put into it but it wasn't over done. He has everything it takes to be a top star he just needs that big push. Now is one hundred per cent the time to start allowing him to take on the big guys of NXT and time for he's big push.
1) Solomon Crowe
And finally, at number one in my top five NXT stars that I think deserve a push is Solomon Crowe. You guys are all know Solomon Crowe and I'm sure that most of you know about he's time before WWE. I'm planning on writing a get to know Solomon Crowe so if you would like to see that let me know in the comments bellow. Now, so far Solomon has had a slow build up. He's a huge, massive hit with the NXT Universe. Most people know about he's history and work with Dean Ambrose before the WWE so he's very very popular and has the fans backing him one hundred per cent. So far we haven't seen half of what he is made of. I do think that the WWE have some big plans for him and I can one hundred per sent see him as an IC champion in a couple of years time. I think the slow build up will work but I really want to see him get a little push. So more promos, because he's great on the mic, more segments, more interviews, longer matches and maybe even a little feud. Get him in the ring with a guy like Tyler Breeze for fifteen minuets and he will blog everyone's minds. I'm a huge Solomon Crowe and I know he can go far in the WWE he just needs a push and really get started.
Let me know who you think deserves a push on the NXT Roster by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
5) Bull Dempsey

Up next is a superstar who we all know and love, Tyler Breeze. Now, Breeze is no stranger to the top spot. He is easily one of the top guys of NXT and one of the strongest talents in all of the WWE today. He has been in the championship picture. he has main evented but there is still something missing. He's booking hasn't been all that strong over the past couple of months and it's such a shame. I have a blog post coming up where I discuss whether or not Tyler Breeze is the next Dolph Ziggler so keep an eye out for that. But he does come across like he is. He's a great talent but just can't seem to just about get the top prize. I do think he has what it takes to be NXT champion and I do think it is just going to come down to the right moment. He has been working WWE dark matches for about a year now but I really would love to see him as the NXT Champion. I think if the WWE spent more time pushing Breeze and booking him stronger then he could easily and quickly make he's way back to the championship picture. I do think there are some big names in he's way but he's one of the best talents in all of NXT and so having him in line for the next NXT champion would go down perfectly fine with the fans.
3) Tye Dillinger
Coming in at number three in my top five NXT Stars that deserve a push is Tye Dillinger. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think I have written a get to know Tye Dillinger before. If I haven't then I will one hundred per cent be up for writing one. Now, I'm a big big fan of Tye. He has so much experience, so much passion and could bring so much to the WWE and NXT and I think it's a shame he hasn't had a good start yet. He has it all; experience, good looks, good body, good character, wrestling ability, but there's something the WWE don't see in him. I think the biggest mistake made was having him and Jason Jordan split. I honestly think they had so much potential. Yeah, they had a little dated feel but there is so much that they could have done and I think they had so much potential. I think finding a place for Tye is going to be difficult but he is a great wrestler with a great look. At the moment it does still feel like he's one half of a broken tag team lost in the division. But I really like this guy and I think if they changed he's style up a little then he could do some great things on the roster. Put him in the ring with the top names and let him have a fifteen minuet match, you will be surprised.
2) Baron Corbin
At number two in my top five NXT stars that deserve a push is Baron Corbin. I have spoken about Baron Corbin here on my blog about million times before and I'm pretty sure most of you are bored out of your minds of hearing me go on and one about Baron freaking Corbin. I promise I wont talk about him too much these season. Now, it's no secret, I'm a big big fan of Baron Corbin. From the moment I first saw him I was hooked. You look at him and you know that he is a star. Baron Corbin is a man that has it all. The look, the size, the height, the intensity, the dominance. He's something different and he stands out. At the moment all we are seeing is short squash matches and it's not enough. He's had two short lived feuds that he has come up on top of but it's not enough. Now is the time that the WWE start taking a new approach with Corbin. We know he's dominate, we know he's intense and we know he has star quality, it's time to take it up a notch now. We have seen a video package of him targeting the big names of NXT and I really liked it. There was a great deal of effort put into it but it wasn't over done. He has everything it takes to be a top star he just needs that big push. Now is one hundred per cent the time to start allowing him to take on the big guys of NXT and time for he's big push.
1) Solomon Crowe
And finally, at number one in my top five NXT stars that I think deserve a push is Solomon Crowe. You guys are all know Solomon Crowe and I'm sure that most of you know about he's time before WWE. I'm planning on writing a get to know Solomon Crowe so if you would like to see that let me know in the comments bellow. Now, so far Solomon has had a slow build up. He's a huge, massive hit with the NXT Universe. Most people know about he's history and work with Dean Ambrose before the WWE so he's very very popular and has the fans backing him one hundred per cent. So far we haven't seen half of what he is made of. I do think that the WWE have some big plans for him and I can one hundred per sent see him as an IC champion in a couple of years time. I think the slow build up will work but I really want to see him get a little push. So more promos, because he's great on the mic, more segments, more interviews, longer matches and maybe even a little feud. Get him in the ring with a guy like Tyler Breeze for fifteen minuets and he will blog everyone's minds. I'm a huge Solomon Crowe and I know he can go far in the WWE he just needs a push and really get started.
Let me know who you think deserves a push on the NXT Roster by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
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