Tough Enough Review and Reactions: Week 8
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well and good! So it's week five of Tough Enough and the competition is only getting harder. This week saw the most dramatic and entertaining show if the season so far witch means there is loads to review in today's blog post. With one more contestant out of the competition and a big week over and done with, things are starting to get serious for the five remaining contestants. I mentioned in last weeks review and reaction that I'm going to be keeping everything the way it is in these posts so the format will not be changing just because I think it works best and you guys seem to like it just the way it is. I want to let you guys know that I'm really really enjoying doing these blog post and watching the show. They are currently my favourite blog post to write and I'm so glad you guys have been enjoying.Last week NXT month started and run all the way through until the middle of August. I mentioned last week that because of the fact we have NXT Takeover and Summer Slam one day after the other it would mean I would of had no time to upload all the NXT blog post for the series I would of likes to and I didn't want to push it back another month, so the first post will be up sometime this week and NXT Review and Reactions post will be up every week from this week as well. I will link bellow and recent blog post including last weeks RAW Predictions and Review and Reactions. Finally,you can let me know what you thought of this weeks Tough Enough by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
So we are at week eight and as the competition slowly draws to an end things got real serious this week. We know it got serious this week because we didn't get much of the reality side of the show. For the first time in the series we actually had more wrestling than drama witch was so nice and refreshing to see. At the start of the show we saw Amanda and Georgia express the fact that they were frustrated that Sara Lee and ZZ have the fan votes all of the time because they are popular. To be fair, I understood where they were coming from. Regardless of how good or bad they are they will both remain in the competition because they are so popular with the WWE Universe and that may be unfair but I think it comes back down to the WWE making the wrong decisions for how the show was going to be run this year. I keep saying it but they should of had the coaches be the ones who decides who leaves every week and then at the end the fans vote for the winners. Maybe they will change things up for the next season. Later on in the show Georgia and Amanda read some hateful tweets witch I kinda liked. Amanda did grow on me this week and while I may not like her at all the fact that she is embracing being hated is really changing my mind on her. I don't think Georgia took the hate as well as Amanda did. We also saw the bromance between Tanner and Josh continue witch I like to see as well. Yes, it competition but it's nice to see the contestants take a seat back, relax and just be a little friendly rather than being down each others throats every week. One thing that did really frustrate me in this episode was a comment that GiGi made at the start of the show when she mentioned that being relate-able isn't important when it's the most important thing. I don't think she meant to say that word and was actually trying to go for something else but she should have thought before she spoke. I liked however that ZZ got involved and corrected her and made he's feelings known because it was so important and he made some smart comments that did him some real good.
There was only one challenge this week but it was the biggest one yet as the contestants had to put everything they have learnt so far together and put on their first match in front of a crowd but not just any crowd, a crowd full of NXT superstars and Divas. I honestly thought that there was no better challenge for this week. I loved that they had to perform in front of the NXT superstars and divas. These are the guys and girls that everyone is talking about. They have an idea what all the contestants are going through and what they are going to have to go through in the future so I thought it was great. It was of course extremely intimidating and everyone single one of them would have been nervous but it was a really good way of showing them what is to come in the future and give them all a taste of what their WWE careers will look and feel like. For the challenge the contestants were joined by Chris Jericho who was probably my favourite special guest. He was very hands on with the contestants and gave them really good advice that seriously helped every single one of them. I seriously started wishing that we could see Jericho on the show as a guest every week because I think he gave them the strongest and best advice to date. So the guys and girls were pared up and first we had Josh and ZZ. These guys impressed me the most and had my favourite match. Josh is on a role right now and he had the best all round performance of the entire bunch. He gets better and better every single week and he worked so well with ZZ. Talking of ZZ he impressed me too. I was not expecting him to do half as good as he did. He listened to the advice, he knew what to do, and he did it well. I was so so surprise with what we saw from him this week. Then we had Amanda and Sara Lee. Sara Lee was the worse of the day and it really frustrated me. The fact that she still hasn't got it at week eight is so worrying. I like the girl, I really like her but it's taking her much much longer than the others and while she did show some improvements it didn't feel like it was enough. Amanda on the other hand was really really good and it kills me to say it but she impressed me a heck of a lot. Finally, Tanner and GiGi. They had a good story and GiGi was impressive apart from the one little fall she had, but she picked her self up really well and I liked that. They both worked so well together and listened to one another and as a result we got a decent showing. Tanner is still lacking character and charisma but he's getting better and what we saw from him at the end was impressive and I liked it a lot. I thought the challenge was really really good this week. It showed how far everyone had come and they all had a great showing. Josh was by far the strongest while Sara Lee struggled with the most basic of things. The theme of this week was story telling and Josh and ZZ did that down to perfection in their match as did GiGi and Tanner.
Now let's take a look at the contestants individual performances of the week:
I'm going to start things off this week by taking a look at ZZ because he really impressed me this week. When I heard what the challenge was I really did fear for ZZ. I was worried that he wasn't going to get through the whole match and would struggle to keep up with Josh but he didn't at all. He showed so much character throughout the match. I loved the facial expressions, the crowd interaction, what he did in between each move. He proved this week that he is putting the work in and he is actually taking this seriously. I don't think he is as strong as Josh is right now but the thing with ZZ is the fans love him and with him getting better in the ring he's a serious threat and could easily walk away the winner in two weeks time. I'm so glad that he stepped up and started showing some improvement. He executed every move well and he did a great job telling a story witch was the whole point of this week's show. I was also surprised with how well he worked with Josh. I think Josh pushed him and together they delivered a great story and ZZ had he's best week yet. The comments he made about being relate-able also put him in my good books this week. It was nice seeing him speak up and speak sense. A great week for ZZ and it's so refreshing not having to moan about him.
I never ever thought I would be sitting her saying this but Amanda impressed me this week. It's no secret that I do not like Amanda at all. Every single week since week two I have had nothing but harsh comments and things to say about her but not even I can deny the fact that she had a good week this week. I really like that she is embracing being hated by the WWE universe. It means that she already has a character and she is working it so well. She's almost so mean and so horrible that you have to like it if you get what I mean. I still hate some of the comments she makes but its those comments that make her the character that she is and gets everyone talking. And as I mentioned earlier I liked her response to the hate tweets and I'm glad they showed that in this weeks show. Her performance in the challenge this week was strong too. For the first time in this competition I honestly looked at Amanda and thought, yeah this girl could be a WWE diva. She was comfortable in the ring, she told a story, he worked the crowd and she used her surroundings. She came across like the perfect heel and she knew what to do. Of course she still has a lot of work to do and she was a little shaky but she is getting there and she's improving. I would love it however if she could begin to show us a difference between Amanda the character and Amanda the normal girl.
Once again, star of the week this week was Josh. This guy just has it. I'm officially a huge fan of Josh and he one hundred and ten percent has my vote for the win. You look at the line up this year and Josh is the one that has come really really far from the start. It's Josh that has lost weight, worked on he's cardio, listened the coaches and judges, it's Josh that has built a connection with he's fans, and it's Josh that has worked on he's character.He comes across like a genuine nice guy outside of the ring that does make a couple of stupid comments at times but he has helped the other contestants when needed and he's proven to be someone that people like to work and like to teach.You look at him and you know he's a WWE superstar. There is something real special about him and I'm rooting for him all the way. He did so so well in the challenge this week. He came across like a really strong heel, he was impressive in the ring, I said it last week but for a guy he's size he's real quick and seriously impressive. He worked so so well with ZZ, he connected with the fans well, he knew who he was as a character and most importantly he told a story. I honestly believe that if you give Josh two years down in NXT this guy could be something really special and could go really really far in the WWE and he is the only person at the moment I feel that way about. Maybe Amanda too.
Tanner and Sara Lee
So this week Tanner and Sara Lee found themselves in the bottom three again. I love Sara Lee. I have been backing her from day one and she's been my favourite from the get go but this girl just is not getting it. The fact that it is week eight and she is still struggling and still not getting the basics is seriously worrying. I totally related to Booker in this episode because even the smiling pissed me off. I was legit yelling at my lap top "STOP SMILING". This was her time to stand out and prove people wrong and she just didn't do that. I will give it to her, she looked better in the ring and did show us some improvements but her character is lacking big time. She did have a good save me speech too and of course she got the most amount of votes. Tanner was another one that showed improvements this week and a lot of them but is still lacking when it comes to character. I have so much faith in Tanner and I honestly do believe that with time he could be a great WWE superstar but he needs to work much much harder on he's character and charisma to make it. It's the only thing stopping him because he is good in the ring but he needs to be able to tell a story and connect with the fans and he aint doing that at the moment. He's getting there and he showed that at the end of the match but it's taking him longer than Josh and with ZZ improving, Tanner needs to up he's game.
This week we saw Georgia go home and I was a little annoyed about this. I don't think she deserved to go home at all. She has been so consistent and has proven that she has what it takes to be WWE. I think it was comments she made and the fact she is struggling to connect with the fans that put her in
the bottom three and of course got her out of the competition. She didn't have the best of weeks this week with the fall in the match, the comments she made and the fact that the crowd boo'd her when she was supposed to be the baby face. It was all these little things that worked against her this week but like I said I don't think she should have gone at all and even though I love Sara Lee I feel as though she should have left this week. GiGi may be out of the competition but she has been so strong throughout the past eight weeks and I'm sure she has grabbed the attention of some of the bigger names backstage. I know for a fact this is not the last time we will see her and we see GiGi inside a WWE ring sooner than we think.
Let me know what you thought of this weeks show and who YOU thought should have left by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
So we are at week eight and as the competition slowly draws to an end things got real serious this week. We know it got serious this week because we didn't get much of the reality side of the show. For the first time in the series we actually had more wrestling than drama witch was so nice and refreshing to see. At the start of the show we saw Amanda and Georgia express the fact that they were frustrated that Sara Lee and ZZ have the fan votes all of the time because they are popular. To be fair, I understood where they were coming from. Regardless of how good or bad they are they will both remain in the competition because they are so popular with the WWE Universe and that may be unfair but I think it comes back down to the WWE making the wrong decisions for how the show was going to be run this year. I keep saying it but they should of had the coaches be the ones who decides who leaves every week and then at the end the fans vote for the winners. Maybe they will change things up for the next season. Later on in the show Georgia and Amanda read some hateful tweets witch I kinda liked. Amanda did grow on me this week and while I may not like her at all the fact that she is embracing being hated is really changing my mind on her. I don't think Georgia took the hate as well as Amanda did. We also saw the bromance between Tanner and Josh continue witch I like to see as well. Yes, it competition but it's nice to see the contestants take a seat back, relax and just be a little friendly rather than being down each others throats every week. One thing that did really frustrate me in this episode was a comment that GiGi made at the start of the show when she mentioned that being relate-able isn't important when it's the most important thing. I don't think she meant to say that word and was actually trying to go for something else but she should have thought before she spoke. I liked however that ZZ got involved and corrected her and made he's feelings known because it was so important and he made some smart comments that did him some real good.
There was only one challenge this week but it was the biggest one yet as the contestants had to put everything they have learnt so far together and put on their first match in front of a crowd but not just any crowd, a crowd full of NXT superstars and Divas. I honestly thought that there was no better challenge for this week. I loved that they had to perform in front of the NXT superstars and divas. These are the guys and girls that everyone is talking about. They have an idea what all the contestants are going through and what they are going to have to go through in the future so I thought it was great. It was of course extremely intimidating and everyone single one of them would have been nervous but it was a really good way of showing them what is to come in the future and give them all a taste of what their WWE careers will look and feel like. For the challenge the contestants were joined by Chris Jericho who was probably my favourite special guest. He was very hands on with the contestants and gave them really good advice that seriously helped every single one of them. I seriously started wishing that we could see Jericho on the show as a guest every week because I think he gave them the strongest and best advice to date. So the guys and girls were pared up and first we had Josh and ZZ. These guys impressed me the most and had my favourite match. Josh is on a role right now and he had the best all round performance of the entire bunch. He gets better and better every single week and he worked so well with ZZ. Talking of ZZ he impressed me too. I was not expecting him to do half as good as he did. He listened to the advice, he knew what to do, and he did it well. I was so so surprise with what we saw from him this week. Then we had Amanda and Sara Lee. Sara Lee was the worse of the day and it really frustrated me. The fact that she still hasn't got it at week eight is so worrying. I like the girl, I really like her but it's taking her much much longer than the others and while she did show some improvements it didn't feel like it was enough. Amanda on the other hand was really really good and it kills me to say it but she impressed me a heck of a lot. Finally, Tanner and GiGi. They had a good story and GiGi was impressive apart from the one little fall she had, but she picked her self up really well and I liked that. They both worked so well together and listened to one another and as a result we got a decent showing. Tanner is still lacking character and charisma but he's getting better and what we saw from him at the end was impressive and I liked it a lot. I thought the challenge was really really good this week. It showed how far everyone had come and they all had a great showing. Josh was by far the strongest while Sara Lee struggled with the most basic of things. The theme of this week was story telling and Josh and ZZ did that down to perfection in their match as did GiGi and Tanner.
Now let's take a look at the contestants individual performances of the week:
I'm going to start things off this week by taking a look at ZZ because he really impressed me this week. When I heard what the challenge was I really did fear for ZZ. I was worried that he wasn't going to get through the whole match and would struggle to keep up with Josh but he didn't at all. He showed so much character throughout the match. I loved the facial expressions, the crowd interaction, what he did in between each move. He proved this week that he is putting the work in and he is actually taking this seriously. I don't think he is as strong as Josh is right now but the thing with ZZ is the fans love him and with him getting better in the ring he's a serious threat and could easily walk away the winner in two weeks time. I'm so glad that he stepped up and started showing some improvement. He executed every move well and he did a great job telling a story witch was the whole point of this week's show. I was also surprised with how well he worked with Josh. I think Josh pushed him and together they delivered a great story and ZZ had he's best week yet. The comments he made about being relate-able also put him in my good books this week. It was nice seeing him speak up and speak sense. A great week for ZZ and it's so refreshing not having to moan about him.
I never ever thought I would be sitting her saying this but Amanda impressed me this week. It's no secret that I do not like Amanda at all. Every single week since week two I have had nothing but harsh comments and things to say about her but not even I can deny the fact that she had a good week this week. I really like that she is embracing being hated by the WWE universe. It means that she already has a character and she is working it so well. She's almost so mean and so horrible that you have to like it if you get what I mean. I still hate some of the comments she makes but its those comments that make her the character that she is and gets everyone talking. And as I mentioned earlier I liked her response to the hate tweets and I'm glad they showed that in this weeks show. Her performance in the challenge this week was strong too. For the first time in this competition I honestly looked at Amanda and thought, yeah this girl could be a WWE diva. She was comfortable in the ring, she told a story, he worked the crowd and she used her surroundings. She came across like the perfect heel and she knew what to do. Of course she still has a lot of work to do and she was a little shaky but she is getting there and she's improving. I would love it however if she could begin to show us a difference between Amanda the character and Amanda the normal girl.
Once again, star of the week this week was Josh. This guy just has it. I'm officially a huge fan of Josh and he one hundred and ten percent has my vote for the win. You look at the line up this year and Josh is the one that has come really really far from the start. It's Josh that has lost weight, worked on he's cardio, listened the coaches and judges, it's Josh that has built a connection with he's fans, and it's Josh that has worked on he's character.He comes across like a genuine nice guy outside of the ring that does make a couple of stupid comments at times but he has helped the other contestants when needed and he's proven to be someone that people like to work and like to teach.You look at him and you know he's a WWE superstar. There is something real special about him and I'm rooting for him all the way. He did so so well in the challenge this week. He came across like a really strong heel, he was impressive in the ring, I said it last week but for a guy he's size he's real quick and seriously impressive. He worked so so well with ZZ, he connected with the fans well, he knew who he was as a character and most importantly he told a story. I honestly believe that if you give Josh two years down in NXT this guy could be something really special and could go really really far in the WWE and he is the only person at the moment I feel that way about. Maybe Amanda too.
Tanner and Sara Lee
So this week Tanner and Sara Lee found themselves in the bottom three again. I love Sara Lee. I have been backing her from day one and she's been my favourite from the get go but this girl just is not getting it. The fact that it is week eight and she is still struggling and still not getting the basics is seriously worrying. I totally related to Booker in this episode because even the smiling pissed me off. I was legit yelling at my lap top "STOP SMILING". This was her time to stand out and prove people wrong and she just didn't do that. I will give it to her, she looked better in the ring and did show us some improvements but her character is lacking big time. She did have a good save me speech too and of course she got the most amount of votes. Tanner was another one that showed improvements this week and a lot of them but is still lacking when it comes to character. I have so much faith in Tanner and I honestly do believe that with time he could be a great WWE superstar but he needs to work much much harder on he's character and charisma to make it. It's the only thing stopping him because he is good in the ring but he needs to be able to tell a story and connect with the fans and he aint doing that at the moment. He's getting there and he showed that at the end of the match but it's taking him longer than Josh and with ZZ improving, Tanner needs to up he's game.
This week we saw Georgia go home and I was a little annoyed about this. I don't think she deserved to go home at all. She has been so consistent and has proven that she has what it takes to be WWE. I think it was comments she made and the fact she is struggling to connect with the fans that put her in
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John Cena special guest on this weeks show |
Let me know what you thought of this weeks show and who YOU thought should have left by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
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