RAW Review and Reactions
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well and good! It's Tuesday and I'm back with this weeks RAW Review and Reactions, and with only two weeks until Summer Slam, today's blog post is a nice big one for you! I will be taking you back through all of last nights action, recapping and telling you what I thought of every sing match, promo, and segment as we count down until the two thousand and fifteen Summer Slam pay per view. Before we get into this weeks RAW Review and Reactions blog post today, I fist have a couple of updates and reminders for you. First of all, this week will be the start of NXT Takeover Prediction week here on my blog. I mentioned last week but I've had to change things up this month because we have Summer Slam and NXT Takeover on the same week. So it made it had to have all the prediction post go up in one week. This week will be NXT Takeover Prediction week then next week it will be Summer Slam prediction week. I will be live tweeting throughout both shows and the Review post for both of them will be up the day after each show. NXT month is still going on my blog right now and it will be right up until the last post witch will be the NXT Takeover Brooklyn Review and Reactions next Sunday. Throughout this week the last big post in the series will be uploaded. I will link bellow any recent blog post including last weeks RAW Review and Reactions. You can also let me know what your predictions for tonight's show are by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
This weeks Monday night RAW kick started with the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Seth Rollins. I would have liked to have seen something a little different open the show just because we got the exact same thing the previous week but I aint going to complain too much, it could have been worse I suppose. Rollins gave us a similar promo to last week with the addition of recapping what happened at the start of the last RAW. Reminding us all of the proposal he made to John Cena last week; a championship VS Championship match, winner takes all. I still seriously hate this match with a passion. I'm convinced creative were high when they made this decision but I'm saving my moan about that for an entire other blog post. He also highlighted the fact that John Cena was yet to give a response/ awnser to the proposal and Rollins made a couple of digs and told everyone that the former fifteen time champion would either forfeit the title at Summer Slam or he will loose it anyway in a one on one match. They also plugged the fact that John Cena would be appearing on Tough Enough this week. The little promo was great actually. I enjoyed it way more than I was expecting to and I was pretty amused to be honest. It was nice seeing Cena not interrupt an opening of Monday night RAW. Instead Cesaro,Randy Orton and Kevin Owens all interrupted the champion and I could not have been happier. We have three awesome young, new superstars and one top veteran all in the ring at the same time. Not to mention these were four of my favourites so I was a very happy girl. I think I along with everyone else was just super glad to see something different in the opening and mixing up the feuds going on in the WWE right now. It so refreshing seeing something new and exciting and it felt like a different show just because it something different. The closing moments of the opening segment saw all three superstars claim to be the rightful one to a title shot all of witch attracted the attention of Triple H who announced that Randy Orton, Cesaro, and Kevin Owens would be competing a triple threat with the winner facing Seth Rollins in the main event. Now, that is how you kick off show, keep me interested, leave me wanting to carry on watching the show and give the entire WWE universe something different. I could not have been happier.
The first match of the night saw some divas action and for the first time since the start of the divas revolution we were having two full teams compete against each other as Team Bella took on Team Bad. I was so glad this match was booked for the show last night. The booking for the divas over the past month has been so so strong and we have seen some massive improvements but there are two divas in particular that we haven't seen enough of at all and both of them were in this match last night. Alicia Fox and Tamina. I am a fan of both of these divas. I think their both seriously underrated and unindustrialised and it's about time that they had their moment in the spotlight. Even though the divas revolution has been so outstanding I do think that they have gotten a little loss with the hype of the new divas. They have both struggled to find their place and role within their teams and the entire revolution so I was keeping my fingers crossed that they had a good night last night. I was hopeing that we were going to see the divas champion in one on one action just because we are yet to see so since the revolution began but the booking felt good and strong and I don't know about you but I was super excited for this match. We also had Paige, Charlotte, and Becky Lynch aka Team PCB were on commentary so it was a nice little touch and we had a great feel tot he match. Naomi was first to start off for her team and Alicia for hers but Foxy didn't stay in the match long before tagging in the divas champion, who was very dominate throughout the match and had a clean, strong showing. Sasha Banks by far had the strongest pop/crowd reaction. They freaking loved her last night, chanting that they wanted her in the ring and whenever she was in the ring the crowd came alive even more. Talking of the crowd, even when Banks wasn't in the ring they showed so much respect for the girls and they really got into the match. It was great seeing the divas champion and the NXT Women's Champion in the ring at the same time competing against one another. They worked fairly with one another and they brought out a good side of each other. Brie Bella also got a big pop last night and was pretty impressive. The ending was very very disappointing. I would of liked it if the match was longer and ended much better. I hated that Tamina was pinned and I just thought it was a messy ending and very similar to what we saw on Smackdown. I was disappointed. But what we got was decent and I really liked the mini brawl after and the stare down between Banks and Charlotte.
Tag team action next as the New Day took on Los Matadores. I wasn't jumping up and down with excitement over this match but it made sense and because I'm so into this match and the New Day were competing, I was okay with it. You guys all know that I'm the biggest New Day fan going and anything (literally anything) they do entertains me. It's got to the point where I find myself clapping along and saying their catchphrases. Even Xavier Woods is growing on me! Witch by the way, I never ever thought was possible. I will be honest, I wasn't super into the match but it was pretty good. Los matadores look freaking amazing throughout this match and actually received a great reaction from the crowd. They really did look fluent and clean last night I enjoyed watching them compete but of course I was all about team New Day and when they picked up a much needed victory I was very very happy. After the commercial break it was announced that at Summer Slam the Prime Time Players will defend their tag team championships against the Lucha Dragons, Los Matadores, and the New Day. That prediction post will be uploaded next week.
The big triple threat was up next and I could not have been any more excited. Cesaro VS Randy Orton VS Kevin Owens. How can you call yourself a wrestling fan and not be seriously excited for this match. It was everything you could have asked for and more. Three of my favourite current superstars. Three of the most popular superstars, all competing in the same ring at the same time. Now that is something special. I think what was even more great about this match was they all brought something different. They all have a great deal of experience and that showcases in the ring but their level of experience and the exact type of experience really does vary and it makes things so exciting. They all have different styles and different advantages and together they were bound to put on one heck of a match. I was hoping for a long length match so that we could really be treated to an awesome match. Closer to the start of the match we saw Owens try to "Walk Owens Walk" as Cesaro would say, but this week there was no hiding or running for the former NXT champion and the numbers were not on he's side.We some double work from Cesaro and Orton witch was to be expected but it made a great start to the match. Despite being at the hands of a couple of double team moments we did see the typical Kevin Owens. He stood out for all the reasons he has stood out in the past; mocking the other superstars in the match, the sneaky moves, and using the ring and he's surroundings to he's advantage. The man who was the star of this match from start to finish in my eyes was Randy Orton. The early stages of this match saw him take control and prove he is the true veteran in the ring and why he has grown to become one of the greatest superstars of this generation. He held he's own perfectly and gave the two former NXT stars a real run for their money. I was surprised with how little we saw of Cesaro at the start. I was expecting more from him and to stand out more but when the camera/attention was on him he took centre stage and left us all just as impressed and speechless as usual. He received a great reaction from the live crowd throughout the match, having bags of support. What became apparent pretty quick in this match was that you could not take your eyes off of the TV. There was always something crazy and exciting going on and you did not want to miss a single second. Owens going over the top rope was so out of the blue and so unexpected during that part of the match that I was just sitting on my sofa like "holy freaking crap I didn't see that coming". I think if there were any Kevin Owens doubters left (witch I don't get why their would be) he silenced them all once and for all last night. I also want to mention that I still feel the feels when Cesaro uses the sharp shooter in honour of Tyson Kidd. Talking of Cesaro, that guy never ever fails to impress and last night was no different. Owens was the one that brought the character in this match witch didn't come to a surprise to me but there was so much athleticism from all three superstars that it was just an epic epic match up.The closing moments were pretty freaking epic with Randy Orton giving out RKO's like he was a wrestling Santa with the end result seeing him pick up a huge win.
Dean Ambrose and Luke Harper where in action next as they went one on one. Now, before we get talking about this match let's take a look at what we have seen in the past week. So last Thursday on Smackdown Roman Reigns proposed a tag team match between him and Ambrose VS Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper and the match was made official. Just to let you know, I have already written a prediction post for this match and it will be uploaded next week during Summer Slam prediction week on my blog. Of course I love that this match is going ahead and has been booked for Summer Slam. I do think that Wyatt has carried the feud a great deal but I am really excited for it. How could you not be? These are four are four of the top stars. They have great chemistry, great history and have proven they can put on a phenomenal match and I cannot wait for it. I was glad that we got to see Ambrose and Harper compete against one another last night. I know that they have faced each other quite a thew times before but I have always enjoyed their matches and because they are so diverse, so unique, so crazy, and so unpredictable, plus of course they have so much chemistry that they always deliver. Luke Harper started things off in search for early control but it didn't take too long for things to change and for Ambrose to take control. Just like their previous matches the key was for Ambrose to keep a good, fast pace but whenever he looked to be really taking control and slowly closing in, Harper out of nowhere would bounce back and push Ambrose right back tot he start again. There was a lot of action in this match, it was very fast paced and there was always something interesting and exciting happening. They both of course are also great at telling a story in a match and bringing bags of character and that is exactly what we got last night throughout this match. These guys did not disappoint what so ever last and I did enjoy the match a lot. Harper was very dominate throughout and really used height's height and weight advantage while Ambrose speeded things ups and brought the extreme feel to it. It was a very typical back and fourth match with no one superstars spending too much time in control before the other took over. I liked the action that was taken outside of the ring too, it made things even more exciting and fun to watch. The closing moments wee really well put together and I was so so glad that Luke Harper picked up the win because he seriously needed it. I don't have anything to moan about with this match. It was a decent length, it was exciting, good story telling and a great way tog get everyone excited for Summer Slam. Great showing from both superstars especially Harper.
Last night also saw Daniel Bryan make an appearance on the show as he took part in another showing of Miz TV. I'm not the biggest fan of Miz TV if I'm being totally honest but I do think they are fairly entertaining and Miz is so great on the mic and is so naturally funny and easy to watch that it makes it bearable. Like him or not he's one of the best speakers and greatest heels in the WWE today. I'm liking that the WWE are doing more of these and I hope this is something that sticks and is even more regular because they always do a great job fitting in the show and the Miz is one heck of a host. Daniel Bryan was the perfect guest for Miz TV. You guys know how much I love him and how long I have been a fan of he's. When you put him and Miz on the same screen, in the same ring, at the same time it's a nice little treat. We have seen in recent weeks that these guys have a great deal of banter from Tough Enough .I've said it before but he's my favourite Tough Enough Judge. Plus, let's be honest, I missed seeing Bryan on RAW every week, it's been a while. Before Bryan came out, Miz did make a couple of harsh yet amusing comments to Stephen Amell witch I found pretty awesome. Of course Bryan got a huge reaction last night being in he's home town. The whole thing was actually really good. I was genuinely surprised to see just how much I got into this. I wasn't expecting to enjoy it half as much as I did what so ever. I liked how Miz brought in he's feud with Ryback and the IC Championship. It all came together well. And of course when the Big Show came down to the ring things got even more interesting and of course when Ryback's music hit things just went up a whole other level. He got a great pop from the live crowd and he looked freaking amazing. Once again I surprised myself a lot with just how much I marked out over he's return because I was not expecting it in the slightest. He came back fighting strong and looking amazing and ready for Summer Slam. Kinda sucked that Miz took such a beating but then I remember that he is the reason Amanda is still on Tough Enough and I didn't give a crap what happened to him.
Rusev was in action next as he was suppose to go one on one with Mark Henry but after Lana and Summer Rae took the spotlight once again things didn't go to plan. Well not for Lana and Mark Henry anyway. The mini fight between Lana and Summer was actually decent and I like did a lot. I just really wish that we had Dolph Ziggler back. The girls however are seriously keeping this entire thing alive and strong.
A couple of months ago we saw Stephen Amell in the audience as a guest star for Monday night RAW. During the episode the Arrow star was confronted by Stardust and ever since the two have continued their feud online and the WWE have been building up, slowly, a match between the two for the two thousand and fifteen Summer Slam pay per view. Last night the actor appeared on RAW once again and things got way more interesting and exciting. Adrian Neville was in action last night as he took on King Barrett in one on one competition. These guys have so much history and so much chemistry and well their both fellow Brits so I was happy with this, the only thing that made me mad was of course the fact that I would have much rather seen Barrett booked even better but I'm not even going to touch on that topic and it's been than R-truth and Zack Ryder. Much much much better.The match however was very very short lived, literally a matter of seconds with Neville picking up the victory of course. But after the match Stardust came out of nowhere (literally) and attacked Neville and then centred he's attention on Stephen Amell but the actor took no crap and went straight for Stardust, fighting back. Now, when I say this I mean it, but Amell looked freaking amazing last night. We only got a little glimpse of what he can do but he is clearly a very athletic guy and looked like a true natural last night. I was seriously impressed and for the first time I actually think a celebrity will be able to put on a good match. I honestly got way too excited for this but I freaking loved it! A tag team match at Summer Slam was then announced. It will be Neville and Amell VS Stardust and King Barrett. I cannot not wait.
And finally, our main event. After defeating Cesaro and Kevin Owen earlier on in the night, Randy Orton had earned an opportunity to face Seth Rollins for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match. I was really looking forward to this match. These two have had some truly amazing amazing matches in the past and have so much chemistry and history. They always deliver when they step in the ring with one another and I knew that it was perfectly fine to get my hopes up
for a great match. Not to mention that before the match Sheamus conducted an interesting interview witch had us on the edge of our seats a little more. Rollins was great to watch last night. He played some good mind games with Orton and when he was in the ring he was very aggressive and I loved that. He took control and when he started to loose he did the classic heel move and got the hell out of the ring. They of course worked amazingly well together. You could tell they had history and they had awesome chemistry. Randy Orton did stand out for me again. He literally spent the entire night looking amazing. It was such a great night for him and I felt as thought it was about time he had a really strong night. The match itself I thought was great. It was really well put together and everything seemed to have fitted together well. It was everything you could have asked for in a main event. It was one of those matches that I just really really go into and all the predictability about the match disappeared. I loved seeing Rollins mock Orton and use he's moves, it was nice seeing him wok as top heel and compete like he is actually the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. The closing moments where great and literally the most intense moments of my life. Sheamus costing Orton the match and going to cash in the money in the bank briefcase had me yelling at my TV at 4:15 am, but that is what I love and I thought it was a great way to close the show this week.
All round, I was surprised with just how much I enjoyed this weeks Monday night RAW. I thought we had a number of amazing matches and segments. We had some awesome story development, great matches announced, and even some strong backstage work that I liked. I would rate this weeks show a solid eight and a half out of ten. My match of the night was of course the triple threat and my two favourite segment/brawls of the night were the Lana/Summer Rae fight and the first physical meeting between Stardust and Stephen Amell. A great night. Let me know what you thought of the show by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
RAW Predictions
RAW Review and Reactions
NXT Takeover Brooklyn Predictions: Kevin Owens VS Finn Balor
This weeks Monday night RAW kick started with the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Seth Rollins. I would have liked to have seen something a little different open the show just because we got the exact same thing the previous week but I aint going to complain too much, it could have been worse I suppose. Rollins gave us a similar promo to last week with the addition of recapping what happened at the start of the last RAW. Reminding us all of the proposal he made to John Cena last week; a championship VS Championship match, winner takes all. I still seriously hate this match with a passion. I'm convinced creative were high when they made this decision but I'm saving my moan about that for an entire other blog post. He also highlighted the fact that John Cena was yet to give a response/ awnser to the proposal and Rollins made a couple of digs and told everyone that the former fifteen time champion would either forfeit the title at Summer Slam or he will loose it anyway in a one on one match. They also plugged the fact that John Cena would be appearing on Tough Enough this week. The little promo was great actually. I enjoyed it way more than I was expecting to and I was pretty amused to be honest. It was nice seeing Cena not interrupt an opening of Monday night RAW. Instead Cesaro,Randy Orton and Kevin Owens all interrupted the champion and I could not have been happier. We have three awesome young, new superstars and one top veteran all in the ring at the same time. Not to mention these were four of my favourites so I was a very happy girl. I think I along with everyone else was just super glad to see something different in the opening and mixing up the feuds going on in the WWE right now. It so refreshing seeing something new and exciting and it felt like a different show just because it something different. The closing moments of the opening segment saw all three superstars claim to be the rightful one to a title shot all of witch attracted the attention of Triple H who announced that Randy Orton, Cesaro, and Kevin Owens would be competing a triple threat with the winner facing Seth Rollins in the main event. Now, that is how you kick off show, keep me interested, leave me wanting to carry on watching the show and give the entire WWE universe something different. I could not have been happier.
The first match of the night saw some divas action and for the first time since the start of the divas revolution we were having two full teams compete against each other as Team Bella took on Team Bad. I was so glad this match was booked for the show last night. The booking for the divas over the past month has been so so strong and we have seen some massive improvements but there are two divas in particular that we haven't seen enough of at all and both of them were in this match last night. Alicia Fox and Tamina. I am a fan of both of these divas. I think their both seriously underrated and unindustrialised and it's about time that they had their moment in the spotlight. Even though the divas revolution has been so outstanding I do think that they have gotten a little loss with the hype of the new divas. They have both struggled to find their place and role within their teams and the entire revolution so I was keeping my fingers crossed that they had a good night last night. I was hopeing that we were going to see the divas champion in one on one action just because we are yet to see so since the revolution began but the booking felt good and strong and I don't know about you but I was super excited for this match. We also had Paige, Charlotte, and Becky Lynch aka Team PCB were on commentary so it was a nice little touch and we had a great feel tot he match. Naomi was first to start off for her team and Alicia for hers but Foxy didn't stay in the match long before tagging in the divas champion, who was very dominate throughout the match and had a clean, strong showing. Sasha Banks by far had the strongest pop/crowd reaction. They freaking loved her last night, chanting that they wanted her in the ring and whenever she was in the ring the crowd came alive even more. Talking of the crowd, even when Banks wasn't in the ring they showed so much respect for the girls and they really got into the match. It was great seeing the divas champion and the NXT Women's Champion in the ring at the same time competing against one another. They worked fairly with one another and they brought out a good side of each other. Brie Bella also got a big pop last night and was pretty impressive. The ending was very very disappointing. I would of liked it if the match was longer and ended much better. I hated that Tamina was pinned and I just thought it was a messy ending and very similar to what we saw on Smackdown. I was disappointed. But what we got was decent and I really liked the mini brawl after and the stare down between Banks and Charlotte.
Tag team action next as the New Day took on Los Matadores. I wasn't jumping up and down with excitement over this match but it made sense and because I'm so into this match and the New Day were competing, I was okay with it. You guys all know that I'm the biggest New Day fan going and anything (literally anything) they do entertains me. It's got to the point where I find myself clapping along and saying their catchphrases. Even Xavier Woods is growing on me! Witch by the way, I never ever thought was possible. I will be honest, I wasn't super into the match but it was pretty good. Los matadores look freaking amazing throughout this match and actually received a great reaction from the crowd. They really did look fluent and clean last night I enjoyed watching them compete but of course I was all about team New Day and when they picked up a much needed victory I was very very happy. After the commercial break it was announced that at Summer Slam the Prime Time Players will defend their tag team championships against the Lucha Dragons, Los Matadores, and the New Day. That prediction post will be uploaded next week.

Dean Ambrose and Luke Harper where in action next as they went one on one. Now, before we get talking about this match let's take a look at what we have seen in the past week. So last Thursday on Smackdown Roman Reigns proposed a tag team match between him and Ambrose VS Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper and the match was made official. Just to let you know, I have already written a prediction post for this match and it will be uploaded next week during Summer Slam prediction week on my blog. Of course I love that this match is going ahead and has been booked for Summer Slam. I do think that Wyatt has carried the feud a great deal but I am really excited for it. How could you not be? These are four are four of the top stars. They have great chemistry, great history and have proven they can put on a phenomenal match and I cannot wait for it. I was glad that we got to see Ambrose and Harper compete against one another last night. I know that they have faced each other quite a thew times before but I have always enjoyed their matches and because they are so diverse, so unique, so crazy, and so unpredictable, plus of course they have so much chemistry that they always deliver. Luke Harper started things off in search for early control but it didn't take too long for things to change and for Ambrose to take control. Just like their previous matches the key was for Ambrose to keep a good, fast pace but whenever he looked to be really taking control and slowly closing in, Harper out of nowhere would bounce back and push Ambrose right back tot he start again. There was a lot of action in this match, it was very fast paced and there was always something interesting and exciting happening. They both of course are also great at telling a story in a match and bringing bags of character and that is exactly what we got last night throughout this match. These guys did not disappoint what so ever last and I did enjoy the match a lot. Harper was very dominate throughout and really used height's height and weight advantage while Ambrose speeded things ups and brought the extreme feel to it. It was a very typical back and fourth match with no one superstars spending too much time in control before the other took over. I liked the action that was taken outside of the ring too, it made things even more exciting and fun to watch. The closing moments wee really well put together and I was so so glad that Luke Harper picked up the win because he seriously needed it. I don't have anything to moan about with this match. It was a decent length, it was exciting, good story telling and a great way tog get everyone excited for Summer Slam. Great showing from both superstars especially Harper.
Last night also saw Daniel Bryan make an appearance on the show as he took part in another showing of Miz TV. I'm not the biggest fan of Miz TV if I'm being totally honest but I do think they are fairly entertaining and Miz is so great on the mic and is so naturally funny and easy to watch that it makes it bearable. Like him or not he's one of the best speakers and greatest heels in the WWE today. I'm liking that the WWE are doing more of these and I hope this is something that sticks and is even more regular because they always do a great job fitting in the show and the Miz is one heck of a host. Daniel Bryan was the perfect guest for Miz TV. You guys know how much I love him and how long I have been a fan of he's. When you put him and Miz on the same screen, in the same ring, at the same time it's a nice little treat. We have seen in recent weeks that these guys have a great deal of banter from Tough Enough .I've said it before but he's my favourite Tough Enough Judge. Plus, let's be honest, I missed seeing Bryan on RAW every week, it's been a while. Before Bryan came out, Miz did make a couple of harsh yet amusing comments to Stephen Amell witch I found pretty awesome. Of course Bryan got a huge reaction last night being in he's home town. The whole thing was actually really good. I was genuinely surprised to see just how much I got into this. I wasn't expecting to enjoy it half as much as I did what so ever. I liked how Miz brought in he's feud with Ryback and the IC Championship. It all came together well. And of course when the Big Show came down to the ring things got even more interesting and of course when Ryback's music hit things just went up a whole other level. He got a great pop from the live crowd and he looked freaking amazing. Once again I surprised myself a lot with just how much I marked out over he's return because I was not expecting it in the slightest. He came back fighting strong and looking amazing and ready for Summer Slam. Kinda sucked that Miz took such a beating but then I remember that he is the reason Amanda is still on Tough Enough and I didn't give a crap what happened to him.
Rusev was in action next as he was suppose to go one on one with Mark Henry but after Lana and Summer Rae took the spotlight once again things didn't go to plan. Well not for Lana and Mark Henry anyway. The mini fight between Lana and Summer was actually decent and I like did a lot. I just really wish that we had Dolph Ziggler back. The girls however are seriously keeping this entire thing alive and strong.
A couple of months ago we saw Stephen Amell in the audience as a guest star for Monday night RAW. During the episode the Arrow star was confronted by Stardust and ever since the two have continued their feud online and the WWE have been building up, slowly, a match between the two for the two thousand and fifteen Summer Slam pay per view. Last night the actor appeared on RAW once again and things got way more interesting and exciting. Adrian Neville was in action last night as he took on King Barrett in one on one competition. These guys have so much history and so much chemistry and well their both fellow Brits so I was happy with this, the only thing that made me mad was of course the fact that I would have much rather seen Barrett booked even better but I'm not even going to touch on that topic and it's been than R-truth and Zack Ryder. Much much much better.The match however was very very short lived, literally a matter of seconds with Neville picking up the victory of course. But after the match Stardust came out of nowhere (literally) and attacked Neville and then centred he's attention on Stephen Amell but the actor took no crap and went straight for Stardust, fighting back. Now, when I say this I mean it, but Amell looked freaking amazing last night. We only got a little glimpse of what he can do but he is clearly a very athletic guy and looked like a true natural last night. I was seriously impressed and for the first time I actually think a celebrity will be able to put on a good match. I honestly got way too excited for this but I freaking loved it! A tag team match at Summer Slam was then announced. It will be Neville and Amell VS Stardust and King Barrett. I cannot not wait.
And finally, our main event. After defeating Cesaro and Kevin Owen earlier on in the night, Randy Orton had earned an opportunity to face Seth Rollins for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match. I was really looking forward to this match. These two have had some truly amazing amazing matches in the past and have so much chemistry and history. They always deliver when they step in the ring with one another and I knew that it was perfectly fine to get my hopes up
for a great match. Not to mention that before the match Sheamus conducted an interesting interview witch had us on the edge of our seats a little more. Rollins was great to watch last night. He played some good mind games with Orton and when he was in the ring he was very aggressive and I loved that. He took control and when he started to loose he did the classic heel move and got the hell out of the ring. They of course worked amazingly well together. You could tell they had history and they had awesome chemistry. Randy Orton did stand out for me again. He literally spent the entire night looking amazing. It was such a great night for him and I felt as thought it was about time he had a really strong night. The match itself I thought was great. It was really well put together and everything seemed to have fitted together well. It was everything you could have asked for in a main event. It was one of those matches that I just really really go into and all the predictability about the match disappeared. I loved seeing Rollins mock Orton and use he's moves, it was nice seeing him wok as top heel and compete like he is actually the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. The closing moments where great and literally the most intense moments of my life. Sheamus costing Orton the match and going to cash in the money in the bank briefcase had me yelling at my TV at 4:15 am, but that is what I love and I thought it was a great way to close the show this week.
All round, I was surprised with just how much I enjoyed this weeks Monday night RAW. I thought we had a number of amazing matches and segments. We had some awesome story development, great matches announced, and even some strong backstage work that I liked. I would rate this weeks show a solid eight and a half out of ten. My match of the night was of course the triple threat and my two favourite segment/brawls of the night were the Lana/Summer Rae fight and the first physical meeting between Stardust and Stephen Amell. A great night. Let me know what you thought of the show by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
RAW Predictions
RAW Review and Reactions
NXT Takeover Brooklyn Predictions: Kevin Owens VS Finn Balor
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