Tough Enough Review and Reactions Week Seven
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well and good! So it's week five of Tough Enough and the competition is only getting harder. This week saw the most dramatic and entertaining show if the season so far witch means there is loads to review in today's blog post. With one more contestant out of the competition and a big week over and done with, things are starting to get serious for the five remaining contestants. I mentioned in last weeks review and reaction that I'm going to be keeping everything the way it is in these posts so the format will not be changing just because I think it works best and you guys seem to like it just the way it is. I want to let you guys know that I'm really really enjoying doing these blog post and watching the show. They are currently my favourite blog post to write and I'm so glad you guys have been enjoying.Last week NXT month started and run all the way through until the middle of August. I mentioned last week that because of the fact we have NXT Takeover and Summer Slam one day after the other it would mean I would of had no time to upload all the NXT blog post for the series I would of likes to and I didn't want to push it back another month, so the first post will be up sometime this week and NXT Review and Reactions post will be up every week from this week as well. I will link bellow and recent blog post including last weeks RAW Predictions and Review and Reactions. Finally,you can let me know what you thought of this weeks Tough Enough by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Okay, so it's week seven and let's take a look at the drama's that took place this week on Tough Enough. Throughout week six we saw the girls continue to be at war with the "regular chicks" VS "The Bikini Models" dominate a great deal of show and after Amanda got the chance to remain in the competition in true controversial style the start of this weeks show saw a lot of the same drama's continue. Straight away we saw the little growing feud between Chelsea and Amanda grow and to be honest I'm bored and done with it. I do like Chelsea. She's one of my favourite girls and she has been the one person in this competition to actually grow on me but her confidence is slowly starting to be mistaken for an ego and sometimes I do find her awkward and cringe worthy to watch. I didn't like the continuous bitching between the two blondes. I get where Chelsea was coming from. I didn't like the fact that Amanda stayed last week because she's hot. No one did, and we all expected that to be a hot topic throughout this weeks show. Luckily things didn't turn nasty and dramatic because I had a huge headache last night and I was not in the mood to hear two bleach blondes yell at one another. Throughout the episode however, the girls did struggle to work with one another and their personal problems took control a lot. It's clear these girls do not like each other and they made sure everyone knew that last night. GiGi and her problems with Sara Lee stayed strong too. The war going on between the four girls is dominating the show a great deal and even though it get's on my nerves a lot it makes good TV. The pretty, bikini girl models do come across the worse but it's always good having a good guy and a bad guy in reality TV and these girls are giving us good reality TV. I was glad that when GiGi did try and be a little rude, overly confident, and to be honest patronising towards Sara Lee that Sara didn't just sit there and take it like the nice girl she is. It was great seeing her speak up and let Georgia know that she is not going to be walked over and spoken down to. Of course the other storyline for this weeks show was all about ZZ and him needing to prove himself. I'm a ZZ fan just like everyone else in the world but this episode was the icing on the cake. He proved that the WWE and Tough Enough is not the place for him. Comments he made and how weak he was showcased that this just isn't the place for him. Tanner and Josh both made it clear they didn't see him as competition and that they wanted him gone. To be honest I don't think ZZ is competition for them physically and in the ring but all round ZZ is there biggest competition because the fans love him and they are the ones keeping him in. He's winning when it comes to popularity, that makes him competition. I didn't really like Josh's approach to things I think he said some things I didn't agree with but we saw him turn things around later on in the show and give ZZ the help and praise that he needed and I respected that with Josh. ZZ however did let everyone know he had reached he's breaking point and he couldn't play the nice guy any more and I'm glad he did. Obviously this was brewing inside of him. He's taken a lot of heat from the start and I did like that he made it clear he was annoyed. I was glad that the guys helped him out and gave him the praise he needed too.
The theme this week was team work, something that all the girls struggled with. I liked this theme. Of course being in the WWE, being a pro wrestler, team work is so so key and so important and I thought it was about time this was a theme in the competition. The first challenge was in the ring and with a strong cardio warm up ZZ struggled a lot. I get that the warm up was hard, it was intense and challenging but this is week seven of Tough Enough and if your falling behind and finding it that difficult then you should not be there, Plain and simple. I was watching him move around the ring and I was literally yelling at my lap top! I felt like I actually became Billy Gunn. I felt the frustration, I felt the anger, I felt like I wanted to slap ZZ in the face, chuck some water in he's face and push him because he was really struggling and it just wasn't good enough. In the actual challenge he struggled too. He couldn't keep with Tanner what so ever. He was messy and he didn't stand out for the right reasons. There was one slam that he did witch impressed us all but as Billy or Booker said, it was the best thing he has done in seven weeks and that just isn't good enough. Someone else that struggled was Amanda. This chick seriously let the Miz and he's comments on her looks go straight to her head. She didn't deliver in both challenges this week. In the first one I thought she was messy in the ring and I do think Chelsea played a role with that witch I will get into more later on.But I was expecting Amanda to be better. I didn't see an improvement from last week and I couldn't see the potential in her I see in the other girls. It really angers me that this girl is still her because she does not have what it takes. GiGi surprised me this week but not for good reasons. Plain and simple, she was sloppy. She wasn't half as good as she usually is in the ring and I wasn't all that impressed with her. I was expecting way more and she didn't deliver to the standard that was expected of her. Sara was better. Yes, she's still a little sloppy and she needs a great deal of work but she is getting better week after week and she's slowly growing into a WWE diva it's just taking her more time than the other girls from some reason. I think GiGi over reacted with the bump she took but Sara should have apologised, one hundred per cent. Josh for me was the star this week. He was bloody amazing in this challenge. He looked like a true WWE superstar. Him and Tanner have such great chemistry and work so well with each other. It was the first time that I watched two competitors compete and see them as two guys who could be working in the WWE as Superstars. They both were so strong and looked so great and I don't have a bad word to say. Both Josh and Tanner also did great in the second challenge. Josh took full control and impressed me again as did Tanner. ZZ was awesome in the second challenge as well. He stepped it up, took control and impressed me big time. The girls were real sloppy in the second challenge and none of them stood out for me.
Let's now take a look at each contestants individual performance this week.
Josh and Tanner
With no doubts what so ever, Josh was the star of the show this week. I have had such a change of heart over the past couple of weeks. Josh has turnt things around completely for me. I started out a fan, then I really disliked him and now I'm rooting for him as the winner. He is the one contestant that has improved every single week more and more, growing every single week. He's the one that we have seen make the changes, make the improvements, grow and show that he has what it takes to be a WWE superstar. I'm one hundred per cent rooting for him as the winner and I do think that he could top ZZ in the popularity contest and walk away with the contract. This week he blew me away. So so so impressive. When he was moving in that ring he looked like a WWE superstar. I felt like I was watching an NXT star train. You look at Josh and you know he looks like a WWE superstar. He's big, he has a great height, he's good looking, the girls love him, the guys love him and he's coach-able. Josh has come so far since starting out in the competition and he's doing great. It was awesome seeing him help ZZ out and give him the guidance and praise that he needed. He really embraced team work week and came across amazingly well.Tanner did a great job also this week. He looked very very strong in the ring. He works amazingly well with Josh. They have a great deal of chemistry and he stood out for me both when he competed with Josh and with ZZ. He did great job in the second challenge and once again I liked how he treated the ZZ situation. What he needs to do now is seriously start working on he's promo work and he's charisma because he's really weak in that area and it has to be improved big time.
Amanda and ZZ
Amanda continued to irritate the heck out of me this week. I flat out do not like the girl. She has a serious ego and she get's under my skin. I think she is so unlike-able and she isn't winning any fans at all. The comments the Miz made on her looks the previous week went straight to head and I just wanted to punch her in the face because the things coming out of her mouth left me so frustrated. If she was in the bottom three this week there is no doubt that she would have gone. She's not showing fast, strong improvements in the ring. She didn't work good in a team and didn't stand out. She was pretty decent in the second challenge but nothing that made me change my opinions of her. The same goes for ZZ, difference is, is I like ZZ, I just do think he has what it takes. He is trying. That's clear when he was in the gym. He's trying but just not hard enough. No matter what the fans are going to back him and love him but this guy is not a WWE superstar. He doesn't have what it takes right now. I say "right now" because he is only nineteen years old. Say, in two years time I think he would be ready and would be the right time for him to start trying to become a WWE superstar but right now it's just not he's time. He was sloppy in the ring and he's cardio is beyond poor. It should not be this bad at seven weeks in. He did do amazingly well in the second challenge. He really took control and stood out and I liked that he stood up for himself and let everyone know how he was feeling.
Sara Lee and Georgia
I literally had enough of GiGi this week. She has been one of my favourites from the start and I have really backed her but this was not a good week for her. I do think that her sweet act is just an act. I think she's a nice girl but she plays up to the cameras a little and tries to be little miss nice and cute way too much for my liking. I think she has a real mean side and we are seeing more of that as the weeks go by. I found her to be a little patronising this week. I get that she was mad and scared about the bump she took but I did thinks he over reacted a little and I didn't like her reaction. She was weak in both challenges and I know that she is way better than what we saw from her this week. I hope that being in the bottom three was a little wake up call and a push and she gets back on her game next week because this wasn't a good week. Sara Lee had good and bad moments. She was terrible in the second challenge. It kind of felt like she wasn't trying hard enough and I wasn't impressed. However, in the ring she impressed me a great deal. She may have had a couple of bad and messy moments but all round she showed a lot of improvement. Sara Lee has it. It's just taking her more time than the other girls. She does have something special but she needs to start stepping it up even more because time is not on her side. I also didn't like how she didn't apologise to GiGi.
So this week, Chelsea was sent packing after the Miz put her in the bottom three and with GiGi being saved by Paige, Chelsea was left saying good by. To be honest I don't think the right person left at all. I think the bottom three should have been, Amanda, ZZ, and Sara Lee. I get why Chelsea was put in the bottom three but I don't think she should have gone at all. However, with her fire, her determination and her passion for the WWE I doubt this is the last we will see of her. The thing with Chelsea this week was that had some real bad moments. I found her cringe worthy and awkward to watch at times and even though she said she wasn't I do think that she was trying to throw Amanda
off. I didn't like how cocky she was, I didn't like how she over sold and even sold as much as she did in the first place. She looked good in the ring but she wasn't listening. I do think we will see her in the future but for now this is the end for her.
Do you think that the right person left this week? Let me know what YOU thought of last night's show by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Tough Enough Review and Reactions Week 6
RAW Review and Reactions
Why Finn Balor is already the WWE's next big thing
Okay, so it's week seven and let's take a look at the drama's that took place this week on Tough Enough. Throughout week six we saw the girls continue to be at war with the "regular chicks" VS "The Bikini Models" dominate a great deal of show and after Amanda got the chance to remain in the competition in true controversial style the start of this weeks show saw a lot of the same drama's continue. Straight away we saw the little growing feud between Chelsea and Amanda grow and to be honest I'm bored and done with it. I do like Chelsea. She's one of my favourite girls and she has been the one person in this competition to actually grow on me but her confidence is slowly starting to be mistaken for an ego and sometimes I do find her awkward and cringe worthy to watch. I didn't like the continuous bitching between the two blondes. I get where Chelsea was coming from. I didn't like the fact that Amanda stayed last week because she's hot. No one did, and we all expected that to be a hot topic throughout this weeks show. Luckily things didn't turn nasty and dramatic because I had a huge headache last night and I was not in the mood to hear two bleach blondes yell at one another. Throughout the episode however, the girls did struggle to work with one another and their personal problems took control a lot. It's clear these girls do not like each other and they made sure everyone knew that last night. GiGi and her problems with Sara Lee stayed strong too. The war going on between the four girls is dominating the show a great deal and even though it get's on my nerves a lot it makes good TV. The pretty, bikini girl models do come across the worse but it's always good having a good guy and a bad guy in reality TV and these girls are giving us good reality TV. I was glad that when GiGi did try and be a little rude, overly confident, and to be honest patronising towards Sara Lee that Sara didn't just sit there and take it like the nice girl she is. It was great seeing her speak up and let Georgia know that she is not going to be walked over and spoken down to. Of course the other storyline for this weeks show was all about ZZ and him needing to prove himself. I'm a ZZ fan just like everyone else in the world but this episode was the icing on the cake. He proved that the WWE and Tough Enough is not the place for him. Comments he made and how weak he was showcased that this just isn't the place for him. Tanner and Josh both made it clear they didn't see him as competition and that they wanted him gone. To be honest I don't think ZZ is competition for them physically and in the ring but all round ZZ is there biggest competition because the fans love him and they are the ones keeping him in. He's winning when it comes to popularity, that makes him competition. I didn't really like Josh's approach to things I think he said some things I didn't agree with but we saw him turn things around later on in the show and give ZZ the help and praise that he needed and I respected that with Josh. ZZ however did let everyone know he had reached he's breaking point and he couldn't play the nice guy any more and I'm glad he did. Obviously this was brewing inside of him. He's taken a lot of heat from the start and I did like that he made it clear he was annoyed. I was glad that the guys helped him out and gave him the praise he needed too.
The theme this week was team work, something that all the girls struggled with. I liked this theme. Of course being in the WWE, being a pro wrestler, team work is so so key and so important and I thought it was about time this was a theme in the competition. The first challenge was in the ring and with a strong cardio warm up ZZ struggled a lot. I get that the warm up was hard, it was intense and challenging but this is week seven of Tough Enough and if your falling behind and finding it that difficult then you should not be there, Plain and simple. I was watching him move around the ring and I was literally yelling at my lap top! I felt like I actually became Billy Gunn. I felt the frustration, I felt the anger, I felt like I wanted to slap ZZ in the face, chuck some water in he's face and push him because he was really struggling and it just wasn't good enough. In the actual challenge he struggled too. He couldn't keep with Tanner what so ever. He was messy and he didn't stand out for the right reasons. There was one slam that he did witch impressed us all but as Billy or Booker said, it was the best thing he has done in seven weeks and that just isn't good enough. Someone else that struggled was Amanda. This chick seriously let the Miz and he's comments on her looks go straight to her head. She didn't deliver in both challenges this week. In the first one I thought she was messy in the ring and I do think Chelsea played a role with that witch I will get into more later on.But I was expecting Amanda to be better. I didn't see an improvement from last week and I couldn't see the potential in her I see in the other girls. It really angers me that this girl is still her because she does not have what it takes. GiGi surprised me this week but not for good reasons. Plain and simple, she was sloppy. She wasn't half as good as she usually is in the ring and I wasn't all that impressed with her. I was expecting way more and she didn't deliver to the standard that was expected of her. Sara was better. Yes, she's still a little sloppy and she needs a great deal of work but she is getting better week after week and she's slowly growing into a WWE diva it's just taking her more time than the other girls from some reason. I think GiGi over reacted with the bump she took but Sara should have apologised, one hundred per cent. Josh for me was the star this week. He was bloody amazing in this challenge. He looked like a true WWE superstar. Him and Tanner have such great chemistry and work so well with each other. It was the first time that I watched two competitors compete and see them as two guys who could be working in the WWE as Superstars. They both were so strong and looked so great and I don't have a bad word to say. Both Josh and Tanner also did great in the second challenge. Josh took full control and impressed me again as did Tanner. ZZ was awesome in the second challenge as well. He stepped it up, took control and impressed me big time. The girls were real sloppy in the second challenge and none of them stood out for me.
Let's now take a look at each contestants individual performance this week.
Josh and Tanner
With no doubts what so ever, Josh was the star of the show this week. I have had such a change of heart over the past couple of weeks. Josh has turnt things around completely for me. I started out a fan, then I really disliked him and now I'm rooting for him as the winner. He is the one contestant that has improved every single week more and more, growing every single week. He's the one that we have seen make the changes, make the improvements, grow and show that he has what it takes to be a WWE superstar. I'm one hundred per cent rooting for him as the winner and I do think that he could top ZZ in the popularity contest and walk away with the contract. This week he blew me away. So so so impressive. When he was moving in that ring he looked like a WWE superstar. I felt like I was watching an NXT star train. You look at Josh and you know he looks like a WWE superstar. He's big, he has a great height, he's good looking, the girls love him, the guys love him and he's coach-able. Josh has come so far since starting out in the competition and he's doing great. It was awesome seeing him help ZZ out and give him the guidance and praise that he needed. He really embraced team work week and came across amazingly well.Tanner did a great job also this week. He looked very very strong in the ring. He works amazingly well with Josh. They have a great deal of chemistry and he stood out for me both when he competed with Josh and with ZZ. He did great job in the second challenge and once again I liked how he treated the ZZ situation. What he needs to do now is seriously start working on he's promo work and he's charisma because he's really weak in that area and it has to be improved big time.
Amanda and ZZ
Amanda continued to irritate the heck out of me this week. I flat out do not like the girl. She has a serious ego and she get's under my skin. I think she is so unlike-able and she isn't winning any fans at all. The comments the Miz made on her looks the previous week went straight to head and I just wanted to punch her in the face because the things coming out of her mouth left me so frustrated. If she was in the bottom three this week there is no doubt that she would have gone. She's not showing fast, strong improvements in the ring. She didn't work good in a team and didn't stand out. She was pretty decent in the second challenge but nothing that made me change my opinions of her. The same goes for ZZ, difference is, is I like ZZ, I just do think he has what it takes. He is trying. That's clear when he was in the gym. He's trying but just not hard enough. No matter what the fans are going to back him and love him but this guy is not a WWE superstar. He doesn't have what it takes right now. I say "right now" because he is only nineteen years old. Say, in two years time I think he would be ready and would be the right time for him to start trying to become a WWE superstar but right now it's just not he's time. He was sloppy in the ring and he's cardio is beyond poor. It should not be this bad at seven weeks in. He did do amazingly well in the second challenge. He really took control and stood out and I liked that he stood up for himself and let everyone know how he was feeling.
Sara Lee and Georgia
I literally had enough of GiGi this week. She has been one of my favourites from the start and I have really backed her but this was not a good week for her. I do think that her sweet act is just an act. I think she's a nice girl but she plays up to the cameras a little and tries to be little miss nice and cute way too much for my liking. I think she has a real mean side and we are seeing more of that as the weeks go by. I found her to be a little patronising this week. I get that she was mad and scared about the bump she took but I did thinks he over reacted a little and I didn't like her reaction. She was weak in both challenges and I know that she is way better than what we saw from her this week. I hope that being in the bottom three was a little wake up call and a push and she gets back on her game next week because this wasn't a good week. Sara Lee had good and bad moments. She was terrible in the second challenge. It kind of felt like she wasn't trying hard enough and I wasn't impressed. However, in the ring she impressed me a great deal. She may have had a couple of bad and messy moments but all round she showed a lot of improvement. Sara Lee has it. It's just taking her more time than the other girls. She does have something special but she needs to start stepping it up even more because time is not on her side. I also didn't like how she didn't apologise to GiGi.

off. I didn't like how cocky she was, I didn't like how she over sold and even sold as much as she did in the first place. She looked good in the ring but she wasn't listening. I do think we will see her in the future but for now this is the end for her.
Do you think that the right person left this week? Let me know what YOU thought of last night's show by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Tough Enough Review and Reactions Week 6
RAW Review and Reactions
Why Finn Balor is already the WWE's next big thing
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