RAW Predictions
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well and good. Last night the WWE Presented the two thousand and fifteen Summer Slam pay per view and for the first time ever the show was set to be a four hour extravaganza. The card was strong and the build up was mediocre but the night itself was a massive let down. I have already uploaded my SummerSlam Review and Reactions blog post and that will be linked bellow so you can have a read of what I thought about every match there. To keep thing plain and simple for now, the WWE failed to live up to the hype they gave the pay per view and whether we want to admit it or not, they didn't give us what we wanted. The actual matches were fantastic. We had some real match of the year candidates come through last night but the booking decisions were just stupid and so many thing left everyone more disappointed. I think it's safe to say that NXT Takeover was once again the better show. I will also link that Review and Reactions blog post bellow so you can check that out as well. Anyway, it's a new day and it's time to start looking at the next month in the WWE as we prepare for Night Of Champions, witch I don't even feel as a purpose any more. In today's blog post I'm going to be making my prediction for tonight's Monday night RAW and with some odd booking choices last night we have a lot to expect for the RAW after SummerSlam. Remember you can let me know what you thought of last night's how and what your predictions are for this weeks Monday night RAW by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
As I have already mentioned, SummerSlam was without a doubt a big disappointment. Don't get me wrong, we had some phenomenal matches, some of witch could easily be in the running for match of the month and even match of the year. However, the all round booking decisions were really poor. Thee first two matches were done really well and the end result was well done and there was no need to complain but after that things just went down hill. From the double count out ending to Rusev VS Dolph Ziggler to the god awful divas match that took place much later on in the show. There were so many times last night were me and my brother just looked at each other thought what the actual f**k is this. The RAW after SummerSlam is never as much of a big deal as the RAW after Wrestlemania but the WWE have a lot of making up and tiding up to do after last night and so I'm expecting a good night tonight. Let's take a look at what we could possibly see tonight.
Opening SummerSlam last night was Sheamus and Randy Orton and to be fair they did a great job. I know that plenty of you have been hating this feud and had no interest in the match but these guys really did put on a great match. They didn't have as long as they did at Battleground but they made the time work and as a result gave us a great opening match. Now, of course I was over the moon when Sheamus picked up the victory. He more than needed and deserved it, however, the night was nowhere near as strong for him as I was expecting. He had such a dominate and strong performance in he's one on one with Randy Orton witch is amazing but I was one hundred and ten percent certain that he would be making a cash in later on in the night during/after the John Cena/Seth Rollins match. I think we all did to be totally honest. The timing felt right and it felt like the most likely ending for that part of the show later on. So I was left really disappointed come the end of the night. When it comes to tonight however I'm once again getting my hopes up for a cash in, I know, I never learn. I will talk about this later on in the blog post but I'm expecting Kane to make a return tonight and attack Rollins leaving Sheamus with the perfect opportunity to cash in. To be honest, if we don't get a cash in tonight I'm going to be pretty frustrated because it's no secret that I hate the fact that they have put two of the championships on one superstars. I hate it. With the feud between Sheamus and Orton I don't think there is any reason for it to continue what so ever. They both need to move onto something new. There's no need for them to carry on feuding any longer. It will just become boring and over done and the WWE universe will hate it. Like I said, I think it will be interesting seeing what they do with Sheamus now. He's looking really strong at the moment and it would make sense for him to cash in tonight. The only problem there is that there isn't really a story surrounding the championship that Sheamus is in right now so there's a big question on whether or not the timing is one hundred percent right. He could go into a feud with Cena after the cash in I suppose. I'm expecting Sheamus to compete in a singles or tag team match tonight. He needs to keep he's momentum on a high and after last night he's looking for some fresh meat.Even if he doesn't cash in tonight, the WWE need to start paying more added attention to the fact he has the contract. Once again this could be a strong, important night for Mr Money in the bank. As for Orton, I really want to see him in something strong again. I've loved he's work with Sheamus but he needs something new. I'd love to see him in a match that we wouldn't expect so maybe an opponent like Rusev but its very unlikely. To be honest there isn't much going for both these superstars at the moment so it's possible the WWE will drag their feud out for another month unfortunately.
If there was one thing that didn't disappoint last night it was the Tag Team division. I can honestly sit here and say that these guys impressed me a heck of a lot! They had such a great night and I was not expecting it what so ever. The match was one of my favourites of the night and of the month and once again, I was not expecting it at all. The man of the match without a doubt was Big E. I went to bed last night and I was still thinking about how amazing Big E was in this match. When you look at the whole card last night and what we got, this match did feel like the only one that was fun. It didn't feel like it was a do or die situation. It was easy to watch, easy to get into and just all round so much fun to watch.I of course was left delighted with the end result of the match with the New Day becoming two time Tag Team Champion. Honestly, if you saw my reaction you would have thought I needed sectioning. Even my mum looked at me like I was mental. It was all round a great night for the tag team division and I'm hopeing now that we can keep the division at this high. I don't want to see the New Day feud with The Prime Time Players any more. They have been feuding since Money In The Bank and there's no need for it to continue any more. Saying that, I'm defiantly expecting to see the Prime Time Players evoke their rematch tonight. Just so that we can get that out of the way and we can start to see something new.The Prime Time Players have nothing to be ashamed off after last night. They may have dropped the titles but they had such an amazing, strong night and if your gonna drop your championships that's the way to do it. Knowing the WWE, it's likely that they will have the two teams feud even longer but I wan't something new as does everyone else and I honestly believe that the next team in the running to becoming champions is the Lucha Dragons. They had a decent showing last night and they look to be slowly making there way up to becoming champions. We can also expect to see more tag teams starting to make their name known even more and crepe into the title picture. So we can start paying more attention to teams like the Lucha Dragons and the Ascension.
Another one of my favourite matches of the night last night was Dolph Ziggler VS Rusev, however the ending was just terrible. I was really enjoying the match as was everyone else. They really were putting on an amazing match full of story telling and outstanding wrestling and then for some stupid reason the match ended in a double count out. I don't think anyone saw that ending coming what so ever. It was so disappointing. To have such a great match and for it to end that way, I absolutely hated it and it was the start of the rest of a bad night. Of course this feud is far from over. There is still so much left to see here and so much left to do and as I mentioned in my prediction post earlier today, I cannot wait to see where they go next. Throughout the match we saw Lana and Summer Rae go at it and it was a key part in the closing moments of this match and after the bell had rang we got to see even more action witch was great. This feud will be going for a couple of months or so just because there's so much left to do in the whole storyline. What we all expecting to see at some point is a one on one match between Summer Rae and Lana. It's bound to happen we are just waiting for it to actually be announced and to go ahead. It's likely to happen at Night Of Champions but I think we would all love to see it happen tonight. There's a small possibility we could get it tonight and at Night of Champions there's either a rematch between Ziggler and Rusev or a mixed tag team match. Regardless it should be great watching what we see in this storyline next.
If I had to choose the match that I was most disappointed with I would have to say it was Ambrose and Reigns VS Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper. I was really expecting a lot from this match and it failed to deliver to the standard that everyone had. These are four of my favourite superstars on the roster right now and with their history and chemistry you had to expect something amazing while the match was good it wasn't the phenomenal match I was expecting what so ever. It should have been
much longer and much more exciting. It's such a shame that it didn't live up to the expectations. I was also expecting a heel turn from either Dean Ambrose or Roman Reigns and I know I wasn't alone with that. I was pretty certain that one of them was going to be turning on the other and so when we got nothing I was once again rally disappointed. I do still think that one of them will be turning on the other very soon. Tonight is bound to be a long night and it we all expecting a massive show. If the WWE want to make up for last night and make tonight a big deal then turning one these guys heel is key. I can defiantly see it happening tonight and even though I love heel Ambrose and it seems like the most likely heel turn, I honestly think that Reigns works better as a heel and if we look at things in the long run this does seem like the best move to make. I'd love to see a segment between these two tonight in the ring and at some point a heel turn. As for Wyatt and Harper, I'm a little worried about them. Figuring out where they go from here isn't easy. If I had to decide on what to do with them at the moment I would say they are best taking a couple of months out of action and waiting for Rowan to make a return. It would be great if Wyatt turnt he's attentions to someone like Cesaro just because a match between those two would be freaking epic but I'm not expecting that at all, not yet anyway. I'd love to see both Wyatt and Harper booked strong. Maybe we could see Wyatt and Orton feud for a while. That's something I would defiantly be interested in.
Another huge let down last night was the divas three team elimination match. Once again, I was really looking forward to this match. The build up was strong, there was a clear story behind the match and everyone was expecting a lot due to the hype around the match and the whole divas revolution storyline, but this match did not come anywhere near what we were all expecting. Don't get me wrong, the match had some great moments and spots but it did't deliver at all. Team BAD were eliminated way too early on in the match. They didn't get to showcase enough what so ever and then from that point onwards there was so many messy moments and at the end the closing moments were just bad. I liked that Becky Lynch picked up the win for her team as I mentioned in my review and reactions post. I was expecting team PCB to win but I was expecting Paige or Charlotte to get the win so that put a little smile on my face but the ending was just bad. The match was nothing on the Sasha Banks VS Bayley match at NXT Takeover. So tonight the WWE have some making up to do here as well. It's evident that Nikki Bella will be dropping her Divas Championship very very soon. I am one of those fans that is praying that she doesn't suppress AJ Lee's title reign. If she does become the longest reigning divas champion (witch she probably will) I will be beyond pissed off, I'm not even going to pretend that I wouldn't be. Nikki will either drop the title at Night Of Champions or tonight. I of course would prefer it if she dropped it tonight. Both Charlotte and Sasha Banks have made Nikki tap out and so we could see a number one contenders match tonight between the two divas with the winner facing Nikki either later on in the night or at Night Of Champions. I feel like the WWE still have a lot of proving to do with the divas revolution. Two matches and and an extra seven minuets isn't enough. We need more story telling and more convincing. We're still into getting the level of work on the main roster divas division like what we have in the NXT women's division.
Cesaro and Kevin Owens had a phenomenal match last night. It was easily one of the best of the night and one of the only matches that had a clean, good ending. I do think that these two will feud for a little longer. There doesn't seem like a reason for it to go on any longer but it seems likely knowing the WWE. I'm still waiting for Owens VS Ambrose feud but I'm not expecting that any time soon if I'm being honest. I'm also expecting Paul Heyman to make an appearance tonight and have a good old moan about the ending of last night's main event. Witch should be interesting. We will defiantly be getting a round three at some point between these two, most likely at Wrestlemania thirty two.
And finally, last night we saw Seth Rollins make history when he became both the WWE World Heavyweight Champion and the United States Champion. You guys know that I absolutely hated this decision. I hate the fact that he is holding both Championships. I think it was a stupid decision and the closing moments were ridiculous. Obviously that is not going to be the end of things and we can expect a big story continuing in tonight's show. What I'm expecting to see is a rematch between John Cena and Seth Rollins and then a return from Kane who attack Rollins and then we see Sheamus cash in the Money in the bank brief case. I know it sounds a little out there but it's what I personally really would love to see on the show tonight and I do think that it's likely. I'm hopeing the WWE wouldn't
be stupid enough to put both those championships on one person. If that does happen tonight then it means we can see Sheamus and Cena feud heading into Night Of Champions and then Kane and Rollins feud witch makes sense. One thing that will most definitely see tonight is an opening, boastful promo from Seth Rollins witch will be difficult to sit through.
Let me know what you predictions are for tonight's show and what you thought of SummerSlam by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
NXT Takeover Brooklyn Review and Reactions
Summer Slam Review and Reactions
As I have already mentioned, SummerSlam was without a doubt a big disappointment. Don't get me wrong, we had some phenomenal matches, some of witch could easily be in the running for match of the month and even match of the year. However, the all round booking decisions were really poor. Thee first two matches were done really well and the end result was well done and there was no need to complain but after that things just went down hill. From the double count out ending to Rusev VS Dolph Ziggler to the god awful divas match that took place much later on in the show. There were so many times last night were me and my brother just looked at each other thought what the actual f**k is this. The RAW after SummerSlam is never as much of a big deal as the RAW after Wrestlemania but the WWE have a lot of making up and tiding up to do after last night and so I'm expecting a good night tonight. Let's take a look at what we could possibly see tonight.
Opening SummerSlam last night was Sheamus and Randy Orton and to be fair they did a great job. I know that plenty of you have been hating this feud and had no interest in the match but these guys really did put on a great match. They didn't have as long as they did at Battleground but they made the time work and as a result gave us a great opening match. Now, of course I was over the moon when Sheamus picked up the victory. He more than needed and deserved it, however, the night was nowhere near as strong for him as I was expecting. He had such a dominate and strong performance in he's one on one with Randy Orton witch is amazing but I was one hundred and ten percent certain that he would be making a cash in later on in the night during/after the John Cena/Seth Rollins match. I think we all did to be totally honest. The timing felt right and it felt like the most likely ending for that part of the show later on. So I was left really disappointed come the end of the night. When it comes to tonight however I'm once again getting my hopes up for a cash in, I know, I never learn. I will talk about this later on in the blog post but I'm expecting Kane to make a return tonight and attack Rollins leaving Sheamus with the perfect opportunity to cash in. To be honest, if we don't get a cash in tonight I'm going to be pretty frustrated because it's no secret that I hate the fact that they have put two of the championships on one superstars. I hate it. With the feud between Sheamus and Orton I don't think there is any reason for it to continue what so ever. They both need to move onto something new. There's no need for them to carry on feuding any longer. It will just become boring and over done and the WWE universe will hate it. Like I said, I think it will be interesting seeing what they do with Sheamus now. He's looking really strong at the moment and it would make sense for him to cash in tonight. The only problem there is that there isn't really a story surrounding the championship that Sheamus is in right now so there's a big question on whether or not the timing is one hundred percent right. He could go into a feud with Cena after the cash in I suppose. I'm expecting Sheamus to compete in a singles or tag team match tonight. He needs to keep he's momentum on a high and after last night he's looking for some fresh meat.Even if he doesn't cash in tonight, the WWE need to start paying more added attention to the fact he has the contract. Once again this could be a strong, important night for Mr Money in the bank. As for Orton, I really want to see him in something strong again. I've loved he's work with Sheamus but he needs something new. I'd love to see him in a match that we wouldn't expect so maybe an opponent like Rusev but its very unlikely. To be honest there isn't much going for both these superstars at the moment so it's possible the WWE will drag their feud out for another month unfortunately.
If there was one thing that didn't disappoint last night it was the Tag Team division. I can honestly sit here and say that these guys impressed me a heck of a lot! They had such a great night and I was not expecting it what so ever. The match was one of my favourites of the night and of the month and once again, I was not expecting it at all. The man of the match without a doubt was Big E. I went to bed last night and I was still thinking about how amazing Big E was in this match. When you look at the whole card last night and what we got, this match did feel like the only one that was fun. It didn't feel like it was a do or die situation. It was easy to watch, easy to get into and just all round so much fun to watch.I of course was left delighted with the end result of the match with the New Day becoming two time Tag Team Champion. Honestly, if you saw my reaction you would have thought I needed sectioning. Even my mum looked at me like I was mental. It was all round a great night for the tag team division and I'm hopeing now that we can keep the division at this high. I don't want to see the New Day feud with The Prime Time Players any more. They have been feuding since Money In The Bank and there's no need for it to continue any more. Saying that, I'm defiantly expecting to see the Prime Time Players evoke their rematch tonight. Just so that we can get that out of the way and we can start to see something new.The Prime Time Players have nothing to be ashamed off after last night. They may have dropped the titles but they had such an amazing, strong night and if your gonna drop your championships that's the way to do it. Knowing the WWE, it's likely that they will have the two teams feud even longer but I wan't something new as does everyone else and I honestly believe that the next team in the running to becoming champions is the Lucha Dragons. They had a decent showing last night and they look to be slowly making there way up to becoming champions. We can also expect to see more tag teams starting to make their name known even more and crepe into the title picture. So we can start paying more attention to teams like the Lucha Dragons and the Ascension.

If I had to choose the match that I was most disappointed with I would have to say it was Ambrose and Reigns VS Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper. I was really expecting a lot from this match and it failed to deliver to the standard that everyone had. These are four of my favourite superstars on the roster right now and with their history and chemistry you had to expect something amazing while the match was good it wasn't the phenomenal match I was expecting what so ever. It should have been
much longer and much more exciting. It's such a shame that it didn't live up to the expectations. I was also expecting a heel turn from either Dean Ambrose or Roman Reigns and I know I wasn't alone with that. I was pretty certain that one of them was going to be turning on the other and so when we got nothing I was once again rally disappointed. I do still think that one of them will be turning on the other very soon. Tonight is bound to be a long night and it we all expecting a massive show. If the WWE want to make up for last night and make tonight a big deal then turning one these guys heel is key. I can defiantly see it happening tonight and even though I love heel Ambrose and it seems like the most likely heel turn, I honestly think that Reigns works better as a heel and if we look at things in the long run this does seem like the best move to make. I'd love to see a segment between these two tonight in the ring and at some point a heel turn. As for Wyatt and Harper, I'm a little worried about them. Figuring out where they go from here isn't easy. If I had to decide on what to do with them at the moment I would say they are best taking a couple of months out of action and waiting for Rowan to make a return. It would be great if Wyatt turnt he's attentions to someone like Cesaro just because a match between those two would be freaking epic but I'm not expecting that at all, not yet anyway. I'd love to see both Wyatt and Harper booked strong. Maybe we could see Wyatt and Orton feud for a while. That's something I would defiantly be interested in.
Another huge let down last night was the divas three team elimination match. Once again, I was really looking forward to this match. The build up was strong, there was a clear story behind the match and everyone was expecting a lot due to the hype around the match and the whole divas revolution storyline, but this match did not come anywhere near what we were all expecting. Don't get me wrong, the match had some great moments and spots but it did't deliver at all. Team BAD were eliminated way too early on in the match. They didn't get to showcase enough what so ever and then from that point onwards there was so many messy moments and at the end the closing moments were just bad. I liked that Becky Lynch picked up the win for her team as I mentioned in my review and reactions post. I was expecting team PCB to win but I was expecting Paige or Charlotte to get the win so that put a little smile on my face but the ending was just bad. The match was nothing on the Sasha Banks VS Bayley match at NXT Takeover. So tonight the WWE have some making up to do here as well. It's evident that Nikki Bella will be dropping her Divas Championship very very soon. I am one of those fans that is praying that she doesn't suppress AJ Lee's title reign. If she does become the longest reigning divas champion (witch she probably will) I will be beyond pissed off, I'm not even going to pretend that I wouldn't be. Nikki will either drop the title at Night Of Champions or tonight. I of course would prefer it if she dropped it tonight. Both Charlotte and Sasha Banks have made Nikki tap out and so we could see a number one contenders match tonight between the two divas with the winner facing Nikki either later on in the night or at Night Of Champions. I feel like the WWE still have a lot of proving to do with the divas revolution. Two matches and and an extra seven minuets isn't enough. We need more story telling and more convincing. We're still into getting the level of work on the main roster divas division like what we have in the NXT women's division.
Cesaro and Kevin Owens had a phenomenal match last night. It was easily one of the best of the night and one of the only matches that had a clean, good ending. I do think that these two will feud for a little longer. There doesn't seem like a reason for it to go on any longer but it seems likely knowing the WWE. I'm still waiting for Owens VS Ambrose feud but I'm not expecting that any time soon if I'm being honest. I'm also expecting Paul Heyman to make an appearance tonight and have a good old moan about the ending of last night's main event. Witch should be interesting. We will defiantly be getting a round three at some point between these two, most likely at Wrestlemania thirty two.
And finally, last night we saw Seth Rollins make history when he became both the WWE World Heavyweight Champion and the United States Champion. You guys know that I absolutely hated this decision. I hate the fact that he is holding both Championships. I think it was a stupid decision and the closing moments were ridiculous. Obviously that is not going to be the end of things and we can expect a big story continuing in tonight's show. What I'm expecting to see is a rematch between John Cena and Seth Rollins and then a return from Kane who attack Rollins and then we see Sheamus cash in the Money in the bank brief case. I know it sounds a little out there but it's what I personally really would love to see on the show tonight and I do think that it's likely. I'm hopeing the WWE wouldn't
be stupid enough to put both those championships on one person. If that does happen tonight then it means we can see Sheamus and Cena feud heading into Night Of Champions and then Kane and Rollins feud witch makes sense. One thing that will most definitely see tonight is an opening, boastful promo from Seth Rollins witch will be difficult to sit through.
Let me know what you predictions are for tonight's show and what you thought of SummerSlam by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
NXT Takeover Brooklyn Review and Reactions
Summer Slam Review and Reactions
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