Top Five NXT Moments of all time
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well and good! As NXT month rolls on I have an all new blog post for you today and this time we are taking a look at my top five NXT moments of all time. This is a post that I have wanted to write and upload for a long time but I thought that the best time to do it would be for NXT month/season. It just feels like the right time to do it. Keep in mind that this blog post/list is one hundred percent my own opinions. Just because these are my top five moments it doesn't mean that it has to be yours or anyone else's. Now there have been many amazing moments in NXT over the past couple of years and so narrowing it down to just five was super difficult. If you would like a part two then do let me know before the end of the month and I will get that done and uploaded for you. As usual I will link bellow any recent blog posts in the series and any recent review and reactions posts from the week. Finally, you can let me know what you thought of today's blog post and what has been your favourite NXT moment of all time by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
5) Becky Lynch's Standing ovation
Kicking off my top five NXT moments in history is one of the most recent moments in the list going back to NXT Takeover Unstoppable and the NXT Women's championship match on the night. As you will remember, Sasha Banks defended the championship against Becky Lynch in what was simply a phenomenal match. I have spoken about a million times already and it featured in my top five divas NXT matches of all time so I will link that post bellow so you can go and see what I thought of the whole match if you haven't already seen it. After having her best performance to date Becky Lynch had more than earned the respect of the NXT universe and every single person in the locker room. Honestly, the level at witch she performed on was just amazing. She took it to a whole new level and gave the champ, Sasha Banks a real run for her money. Together they put on what was quite easily the greats female pro wrestling match in not just NXT history but WWE history. They had the longest match of the night and stole the whole entire show. When the match had ended and Sasha Banks had gone to the back her music had stopped and the attention went on Lynch. The reaction she got was amazing. The entire crowd were on there feet giving her a standing ovation. There was not a single person left seated and it was such a beautiful site. Everyone was on their feet showing her so much respect. They chanted her name and sang her theme song getting her back on her feet and they didn't stop until she was no longer insight. I have honestly never seen so much respect shown to female wrestler and such a great reaction from women's match. It was such a goosebumps moment and I may have even got a little emotional. She walked into the match the underdog, the girl we hadn't seen as much of and she left one of the most respected women in all of the WWE and known as one of the best female wrestlers in the company. She gained so much respect and it was such a history making, highlight of the year moment and I just had to put it in my top five NXT moments of all time.
4) Sami Zayn's championship victory
Up is a moment I think we can all agree is one of the greatest in NXT history. Every single time I think about I get goosebumps and I have the biggest smile on my face! So it was all the way back on December eleventh last year at NXT Takeover R Evolution that Zayn went one on one with Adrian Neville in what was just an outstanding match. It featured in my top fifty matches of the year and I will try and link that bellow so you can go and check that out if you want to and see what I thought of the entire match. It was one of those matches that you just knew was going to be history making and it was. It's a match that to this day everyone talks about and has gone down to be one of the greatest matches in NXT and WWE history. If you have been living under a rock and haven't seen this match then seriously go and give it a watch because you have seriously been missing out. It had so much heart and passion and the fan involvement was insane. Pretty much every single person in the arena and at home was backing Zayn. There was a big big build up and storyline to the match that was all based around Zayn finally winning the big one. It meant so much to Sami Zayn and the fans and it made the match so much more exciting and on edge. The closing moments where perfect. The crowd never lost interest or fell silent for a single moment in the match but towards the end the energy just went up a whole other level. The one, two, three count was just amazing and when you think back you almost witness it in slow motion. When he got the win it was probably the biggest pop I have ever heard in NXT. It was the end of a long long journey but the start of an even longer one and it was such a history making moment. The locker room came out to congratulate him and it just felt amazing. Everything came together so so well. It was a year long story that had come together and to and end and it was just amazing. A moment I will never stop talking about and a moment that makes me a proud Sami Zayn fan.
3) Finn Balor's NXT Takeover R Evolution Entrance
At number three in my top five NXT moments of all time is something that since I witnessed I have not stopped talking about. Once again going back to NXT Takeover R Evolution, Finn Balor got everyone talking when he gave us one of the best entrances in WWE history. Now, I was a fan of Finn Balor's way before he came to the WWE. Watching him as Prince Devitt for so long really allowed me to see him evolve as a character and I got to see so many different entrances and so I was one of the people that spent a long time waiting for him to debut he's body art on NXT and that special entrance. I was one of those people that were questioning whether or not the WWE would be letting him use the body are and have the entrance we all wanted. At NXT Takeover R Evolution back in December of last year all our questions where answered when Balor's music hit and he debuted the body art, demon look. The reaction it got from the crowd just mental. No one knew what to chant or how to react and I remember watching it at home and just marking out like a crazy person. One minuet I was sitting there just watching my lap top the next I'm up on my feet chanting, clapping and marking out as though I was actually there in the building. Everything about it was so amazing. I was so unexpected and it all just came together so well. It was haunting, entertaining and captivating. Everyone was left talking about him and I don't know about you but I have never heard an entrance get a "Holy shit", "marking out" and "this is awesome" chant. The building just went crazy for Balor and the reaction he got online was just as mental. It was one of the highlights of the night and year and one of the greatest moments in NXT history.
2) Kevin Owens Début night
Up next and in at number two is Kevin Owens debut night in NXT. We are yet again going back to NXT Takeover R Evolution for this one as it was on this night that Owens made he's official NXT TV debut and what a night it was for him. When I first heard that Kevin (previously known as Kevin Steen) had signed a contract with World Wrestling Entertainment I was over the moon. I have been a fan of he's for a very very long time and I like to consider myself one of he's biggest fans and supporters. He's one of the best wrestlers in the world and I spent a lot of time hopeing that he would come to NXT. The signing was a huge huge deal and twitter blew up when it was announced he was joining the roster. We all wanted to see him in action and we didn't have to wait too long for him to arrive in NXT. We were told that at NXT Takeover R Evolution Steen would be debuting as Kevin Owens and so there was so much hype around he's debut and the live special. I was so shocked to see him actually kick start the night. I mean come on, it doesn't really get much better than Kevin freaking Owens debuting and starting off the night now does it? At first no one knew who was coming down to the ring when he's music hit but as soon as the name Owens came up the crowd went insane and the building was on fire! Everyone was cheering and screaming at the top of their lungs and the energy changed completely. I was sitting at home watching from my TV screen and I was marking like mad! The match itself saw him take on CJ Parker and while it only lasted around eight minuets it was eight minuets of magic. Owens spent most of the time in control of the match and had an epic showing. For anyone who wasn't aware of he's work before that night must of been amazed. He fit all of he's great moves into one little match. It was such a great taster of what is to come from him. He had everyone on their feet and had one of the best and memorable debuts in NXT history. Later on in the night during the closing moments of the show he got everyone talking once again when he ruined the championship celebration for he's former friend Sami Zayn. This was just amazing! It was one of the best heel turns I have ever ever seen. It was so unexpected and so well done. The story being told, the effect it had, the reaction it got, everything about it was perfect. The debut night of Kevin Owens was history making and easily one of the greatest moments in NXT history.
1) Finn Balor's NXT Championship Victory
And finally, my number one spot for the top five NXT moments of all time goes to the most recent event in the list; Finn Balor's NXT Championship victory back at the Beat in the east show. I wrote a lot about this match recently and I'm going to insert some of what I wrote in that blog post about the match because it will make why this is at number one make even more sense. The build up to this match was amazing. It was something that years and years in the making. A career in the making. It had such an amazing feel to it. Owens and Balor tore the house down and put on one of the greatest matches of the year. I really really got into this match. I don't think I have ever been as into a match as I was this one or at least not in a very long time anyway. The fact that Balor won this match in Tokyo made everything so much more special. After following he's career so much I actually got kinda emotional when he won it and was given the championship. Everything about it was so special and even though this wasn't at an NXT show it was with two NXT superstars and was for the NXT championship so this had to go in the list and it had to go at number one. Here is why it is my all time time favourite NXT moment in more detail:
"And finally, we are going all the way back to the fourth of July when the Beast in the East show live from Tokyo Japan took place and Kevin Owens took on Finn Balor one on one for the NXT championship. The build up to this match was great. The WWE had put a lot of effort into making this an all star match up and that is exactly what it was. The hype was lived up to, the expectations were exceeded, and this was by far not only the match of the month but one of the best matches of the entire year. After weeks, months even, of a great build up these two finally stepped in the ring together, one on one for the NXT Championship. Before we get into the actual match I want to talk about that build up. For weeks, since he became number one contender at NXT Takeover Unstoppable, Finn Balor was on a momentum high. He managed to pick up huge, clean victories over the likes of Tyler Breeze, Tye Dillinger, Rhyno and even the champ, Kevin Owens. He was made centre of attention on the NXT roster and when he wasn't in the ring competing everyone was still talking about him. We were treated to a three part mini documentary that told the story of Finn Balor generating even more attention. I thought it was an amazing idea and great Documentary, if you haven't seen it I really advise that you check it out. It was such a key part in the build up. It allowed the NXT universe to connect with Balor on a much more personal level and to be fair it was a big clue to how the championship match was going to end. There was then the little video that they did with Balor promoting the show and he's "demon" side coming out witch I loved as well. All of this tied together amazingly well and made the match something it wouldn't of been without it. The entire build up gave this match I haven't seen any other match have. There was a massive story in it and that's what I loved. It was as if we had bee invited into Finn's life and we were all in the big journey with him. Coming back to Japan, the place that truly made him a star was the story of this match. It was about Balor picking up the big one in the place that made him. It was such an important big ."
chapter of he's life and career and we all felt apart of it. I haven't ever watched a match and it had had that feel to it. The energy from the moment Balor entered the arena to the moment he left was insane. It felt as though I was right there, in Japan watching the action from ringside. I don't think I have been that into a match all year round. I was cheering, clapping, banging the table, and screaming at my lap top like a mad person. The actual wrestling was mental! The diversity, the skill, the technique,it was all just amazing. These guys pushed each other to the limits and brought out the very very best in each other. Owens brought so much character. Throwing the flowers before the match started, the blatant disrespect shown it all just made the match a whole lot better. Throughout the match you Owens just kept reminding us why we should hate him but then he would just put on such a great performance that you have to admire him as a wrestler. He had a dominate performance but it was Balor who picked up the big win in the end. I was honestly expecting Owens to retain just because I was convinced he was dropping the title to someone else so that was a great surprise. I remember jumping up and down, cheering and clapping like I was there. I may even of had a little tear or two. It all just tied together so well. Balor brought so much heart and passion that I loved every moment of this match. I knew from the moment it finished that this was going to be the match of the month. It had a phenomenal story, outstanding wrestling, and it all just came together perfectly. There is no other match that could of topped this and so it deserves to be my match of July
5) Becky Lynch's Standing ovation
Kicking off my top five NXT moments in history is one of the most recent moments in the list going back to NXT Takeover Unstoppable and the NXT Women's championship match on the night. As you will remember, Sasha Banks defended the championship against Becky Lynch in what was simply a phenomenal match. I have spoken about a million times already and it featured in my top five divas NXT matches of all time so I will link that post bellow so you can go and see what I thought of the whole match if you haven't already seen it. After having her best performance to date Becky Lynch had more than earned the respect of the NXT universe and every single person in the locker room. Honestly, the level at witch she performed on was just amazing. She took it to a whole new level and gave the champ, Sasha Banks a real run for her money. Together they put on what was quite easily the greats female pro wrestling match in not just NXT history but WWE history. They had the longest match of the night and stole the whole entire show. When the match had ended and Sasha Banks had gone to the back her music had stopped and the attention went on Lynch. The reaction she got was amazing. The entire crowd were on there feet giving her a standing ovation. There was not a single person left seated and it was such a beautiful site. Everyone was on their feet showing her so much respect. They chanted her name and sang her theme song getting her back on her feet and they didn't stop until she was no longer insight. I have honestly never seen so much respect shown to female wrestler and such a great reaction from women's match. It was such a goosebumps moment and I may have even got a little emotional. She walked into the match the underdog, the girl we hadn't seen as much of and she left one of the most respected women in all of the WWE and known as one of the best female wrestlers in the company. She gained so much respect and it was such a history making, highlight of the year moment and I just had to put it in my top five NXT moments of all time.
4) Sami Zayn's championship victory
Up is a moment I think we can all agree is one of the greatest in NXT history. Every single time I think about I get goosebumps and I have the biggest smile on my face! So it was all the way back on December eleventh last year at NXT Takeover R Evolution that Zayn went one on one with Adrian Neville in what was just an outstanding match. It featured in my top fifty matches of the year and I will try and link that bellow so you can go and check that out if you want to and see what I thought of the entire match. It was one of those matches that you just knew was going to be history making and it was. It's a match that to this day everyone talks about and has gone down to be one of the greatest matches in NXT and WWE history. If you have been living under a rock and haven't seen this match then seriously go and give it a watch because you have seriously been missing out. It had so much heart and passion and the fan involvement was insane. Pretty much every single person in the arena and at home was backing Zayn. There was a big big build up and storyline to the match that was all based around Zayn finally winning the big one. It meant so much to Sami Zayn and the fans and it made the match so much more exciting and on edge. The closing moments where perfect. The crowd never lost interest or fell silent for a single moment in the match but towards the end the energy just went up a whole other level. The one, two, three count was just amazing and when you think back you almost witness it in slow motion. When he got the win it was probably the biggest pop I have ever heard in NXT. It was the end of a long long journey but the start of an even longer one and it was such a history making moment. The locker room came out to congratulate him and it just felt amazing. Everything came together so so well. It was a year long story that had come together and to and end and it was just amazing. A moment I will never stop talking about and a moment that makes me a proud Sami Zayn fan.
3) Finn Balor's NXT Takeover R Evolution Entrance
At number three in my top five NXT moments of all time is something that since I witnessed I have not stopped talking about. Once again going back to NXT Takeover R Evolution, Finn Balor got everyone talking when he gave us one of the best entrances in WWE history. Now, I was a fan of Finn Balor's way before he came to the WWE. Watching him as Prince Devitt for so long really allowed me to see him evolve as a character and I got to see so many different entrances and so I was one of the people that spent a long time waiting for him to debut he's body art on NXT and that special entrance. I was one of those people that were questioning whether or not the WWE would be letting him use the body are and have the entrance we all wanted. At NXT Takeover R Evolution back in December of last year all our questions where answered when Balor's music hit and he debuted the body art, demon look. The reaction it got from the crowd just mental. No one knew what to chant or how to react and I remember watching it at home and just marking out like a crazy person. One minuet I was sitting there just watching my lap top the next I'm up on my feet chanting, clapping and marking out as though I was actually there in the building. Everything about it was so amazing. I was so unexpected and it all just came together so well. It was haunting, entertaining and captivating. Everyone was left talking about him and I don't know about you but I have never heard an entrance get a "Holy shit", "marking out" and "this is awesome" chant. The building just went crazy for Balor and the reaction he got online was just as mental. It was one of the highlights of the night and year and one of the greatest moments in NXT history.
2) Kevin Owens Début night
Up next and in at number two is Kevin Owens debut night in NXT. We are yet again going back to NXT Takeover R Evolution for this one as it was on this night that Owens made he's official NXT TV debut and what a night it was for him. When I first heard that Kevin (previously known as Kevin Steen) had signed a contract with World Wrestling Entertainment I was over the moon. I have been a fan of he's for a very very long time and I like to consider myself one of he's biggest fans and supporters. He's one of the best wrestlers in the world and I spent a lot of time hopeing that he would come to NXT. The signing was a huge huge deal and twitter blew up when it was announced he was joining the roster. We all wanted to see him in action and we didn't have to wait too long for him to arrive in NXT. We were told that at NXT Takeover R Evolution Steen would be debuting as Kevin Owens and so there was so much hype around he's debut and the live special. I was so shocked to see him actually kick start the night. I mean come on, it doesn't really get much better than Kevin freaking Owens debuting and starting off the night now does it? At first no one knew who was coming down to the ring when he's music hit but as soon as the name Owens came up the crowd went insane and the building was on fire! Everyone was cheering and screaming at the top of their lungs and the energy changed completely. I was sitting at home watching from my TV screen and I was marking like mad! The match itself saw him take on CJ Parker and while it only lasted around eight minuets it was eight minuets of magic. Owens spent most of the time in control of the match and had an epic showing. For anyone who wasn't aware of he's work before that night must of been amazed. He fit all of he's great moves into one little match. It was such a great taster of what is to come from him. He had everyone on their feet and had one of the best and memorable debuts in NXT history. Later on in the night during the closing moments of the show he got everyone talking once again when he ruined the championship celebration for he's former friend Sami Zayn. This was just amazing! It was one of the best heel turns I have ever ever seen. It was so unexpected and so well done. The story being told, the effect it had, the reaction it got, everything about it was perfect. The debut night of Kevin Owens was history making and easily one of the greatest moments in NXT history.
1) Finn Balor's NXT Championship Victory
And finally, my number one spot for the top five NXT moments of all time goes to the most recent event in the list; Finn Balor's NXT Championship victory back at the Beat in the east show. I wrote a lot about this match recently and I'm going to insert some of what I wrote in that blog post about the match because it will make why this is at number one make even more sense. The build up to this match was amazing. It was something that years and years in the making. A career in the making. It had such an amazing feel to it. Owens and Balor tore the house down and put on one of the greatest matches of the year. I really really got into this match. I don't think I have ever been as into a match as I was this one or at least not in a very long time anyway. The fact that Balor won this match in Tokyo made everything so much more special. After following he's career so much I actually got kinda emotional when he won it and was given the championship. Everything about it was so special and even though this wasn't at an NXT show it was with two NXT superstars and was for the NXT championship so this had to go in the list and it had to go at number one. Here is why it is my all time time favourite NXT moment in more detail:
"And finally, we are going all the way back to the fourth of July when the Beast in the East show live from Tokyo Japan took place and Kevin Owens took on Finn Balor one on one for the NXT championship. The build up to this match was great. The WWE had put a lot of effort into making this an all star match up and that is exactly what it was. The hype was lived up to, the expectations were exceeded, and this was by far not only the match of the month but one of the best matches of the entire year. After weeks, months even, of a great build up these two finally stepped in the ring together, one on one for the NXT Championship. Before we get into the actual match I want to talk about that build up. For weeks, since he became number one contender at NXT Takeover Unstoppable, Finn Balor was on a momentum high. He managed to pick up huge, clean victories over the likes of Tyler Breeze, Tye Dillinger, Rhyno and even the champ, Kevin Owens. He was made centre of attention on the NXT roster and when he wasn't in the ring competing everyone was still talking about him. We were treated to a three part mini documentary that told the story of Finn Balor generating even more attention. I thought it was an amazing idea and great Documentary, if you haven't seen it I really advise that you check it out. It was such a key part in the build up. It allowed the NXT universe to connect with Balor on a much more personal level and to be fair it was a big clue to how the championship match was going to end. There was then the little video that they did with Balor promoting the show and he's "demon" side coming out witch I loved as well. All of this tied together amazingly well and made the match something it wouldn't of been without it. The entire build up gave this match I haven't seen any other match have. There was a massive story in it and that's what I loved. It was as if we had bee invited into Finn's life and we were all in the big journey with him. Coming back to Japan, the place that truly made him a star was the story of this match. It was about Balor picking up the big one in the place that made him. It was such an important big ."
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Finn Balor VS Kevin Owens at Beast in the east |
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