SummerSlam Predictions: Prime Time Players VS New Day VS Lucha Dragons VS Los Matadores
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Tag Team Championship match |
This Sunday, live on the WWE Network and Cable TV the Prime Time Players will defend their tag team championships in a fatal four against Los Matadores, The New Day, and the Lucha Dragons. I am actually looking forward to this match as it's a fairly unpredictable match (witch of course I love) and the build up has been despite a little messy also fairly decent. But who will be walking out of one of the biggest pay per views of the year the WWE Tag Team Champions? Well, in today's blog post I'm going to be taking you back through all of the action from the past month, recapping what each team has been up to and then finally giving you my last bold predictions. With so much to get through let's waste no more time and jump right into the blog post.
Today, we are first going to be taking a look at the current tag team champions, the Prime Time Players. The past month has been yet another strong one for the champs. They have continued to keep the entire WWE universe entertained and their booking has been strong. It's always refreshing now days seeing champions being booked like champions. That's not to say that I wouldn't have done things a little differently for these guys over the past four weeks or so. Since the Battleground pay per view Darren Young and Titus O'Neil have continued to spend most of them time feuding with the New Day, competing in various tag team matches including a six man tag team match against the former tag team champions and the Prime Time Players and Mark Henry. In every single match they have competed in the champs have been stand outs and picked up bags of momentum along the way. I'll be totally honest I am a fan of the Prime Time Players but for me it's been Darren Young that has stood out the most for me. I one hundred and ten per cent believe that he is the better wrestler of the two. I enjoy watching him more and he does have a wider more interesting move set than Titus. I do think that O'Neil is still a little messy sometimes but he's so strong and powerful and so fun to watch that it's hard to critic him to be honest. I have really enjoyed hearing the champs on commentary. Their always fun to watch and listen too. They have bags of character and are genuinely funny guys. We've seen them really keep the tag division alive and interesting and it's that that has kept me paying attention to the division. Now, Young and O'Neill have been the tag team champions for a thew months now and we all know how often the WWE have been changing tag team champions over the past ten months or so, so I won't be surprised if the prime time players do drop the title this weekend. I've already mentioned before that there is a great deal of unpredictability in the tag team division and that is what I really love. I genuinely don't know who the titles could go to next and when they will be dropped. Even though Young and O'Neil have been great champions and they are still looking strong it feels as though it's time for new champions and slowly but surely they are running out of good, interesting things to do. I still get the feeling their a little limited and going into this match there's a huge chance they could leave without the titles. However, I'm not ruling out them holding onto the championships a little a longer but either way I'm confident that they will have a good night. Young is bound to stand out and impress us all while O'Neil will bring a lot of power to the match. Together they both bring bags of character and charisma and will be keeping us all entertained.
One of the three teams that will be looking to take the tag team championships away from the Prime Time Players is Los Matadores. I'll be honest, I've never ever been a fan of Los Matadores. I've never liked the gimmick, their style, they've never stood out for me and I've never been impressed by them. However, in months they have almost completely turnt my opinions around. I'm not sitting here saying that I'm going to be jumping up and down their music hits and chanting for them throughout their matches but they have managed to impress me quite a bit recently. I love how fluent and clean they are in the ring. Everything they do is so neat and I have really liked watching them compete recently, maybe it's because I've actually been paying more attention to them but I have got a new interest in their work witch I didn't see coming at all. I am interested in seeing what they have in store for us this weekend. They seem to work really well with all three teams and have put on decent performances in previous matches against. I'm particularly excited to see them get in the ring with the Lucha Dragons. Their styles are a little similar and they have a decent amount of chemistry so it should be fun to watch. I am expecting these guys to be stand outs. Their going into this match as the dark horses by far but I'm one hundred and ten percent expecting them to impress me. I doubt they will steal the match and be the number one stand outs but I do think they will be the guys we are left saying " oh wow, I didn't see that coming" about. They have a lot to show and given time they could impress us all. Do I think they will be leaving Summer Slam as the tag team champions? In all honesty, no I don't. Because of the unpredictability and the way the tag division is run I'm not completely ruling it out but looking at the build up for this match and what we have seen over the past month I cannot see them leaving as the champs at all. They haven't really had a role or place in the build up and I was actually pretty surprised to see them added to the match in the first place. I'm confident they will have a great performance and El Torito will play an interesting, fun role, but now isn't their time and they won't be becoming the tag team champions any time soon.
Up next is the New Day. To be honest, nothing has really changed in the past month. I'm still a mega New Day fan and if anything my love for them has just increased! I've legit resorted to chanting and clapping along during their entrance and throughout their matches. I've even started liking Xavier Woods, witch you guys know is a pretty big deal for me. They have by far been the ones to keep me the most entertained in the tag division throughout the past month, again. Their promos,segments, and backstage interviews have had me in stitches and I have been so entertained. We have seen them continue to feud with the tag team champions, the Prime Time Players. I love the chemistry between the two teams. The obviously wok amazingly well together and know how to keep us all entertained. I've loved the banter between the two teams this month and they have seriously kept me watching the tag team division and looking forward to what is to come. They have been the team I have most bee excited about watching and it has honestly made my night several weeks seeing the New Day compete or just make some kind of appearance. I'll be honest I was really worried about these guys after they dropped the tag team titles witch I mentioned in last months prediction post but they had another good month in July, in fact a great month. When they lost to the Prime Time Players again at Battleground I was once again worried about their booking and where they would be going. I was almost convinced we were going to see the New Day go south and they would slowly be made into jokes. However, yet again, they remained at the top of he division and their booking remained decent too. Going into Summer Slam and this tag team match they are the popular choice to win and take the titles from the Prime Time Players. Their one hundred percent the team I'm backing this weekend without a doubt and I do honestly believe that they have a shot. They have a fair amount of momentum and have been the centre of attention in the build up for the Summer Slam tag team championship match. I wouldn't be surprised if they did leave as the champs this Sunday and I wouldn't be moaning about it at all. They of course have the numbers on their side with Xavier Woods at ringside. He's always there playing some kind of role and if they do pick up the victory, Woods will play a vital role in the win without a doubt. These guys are for me the most entertaining team to watch and the most diverse. Their the ones that everyone is talking about and so they will have a lot of attention on them. I do hope that if they loose they won't suffer too badly, but I'm backing these guys regardless.
And finally, we have former NXT Tag Team Champions, the Lucha Dragons. Just like with Adrian Neville the WWE have used the slow build up approach with the Lucha Dragons. They haven't rushed them at all and it's been so effective. It's unbelievable refreshing seeing new talent have a slow build up, taking their time to adjust and make their way to the top, and like I have already said, it's paid off. They have a huge following and are slowly making their way up the ladder. Unlike Los Matadores, these guys do feel like they have a role and place in this match. Over the past couple of months we have seen them compete in several decent tag team matches and they have had some kind of story with the New Day and the Prime Time Players. What I love the most about the Lucha Dragons is that they are just so so fun to watch. It's okay to expect a lot from them because they always perform to such a high standard. They work amazingly well together as a team but they also work amazingly well with every single other team that is in this match. Their unpredictable, exciting, and you actually look forward to watching them compete. Do I think they could be the next tag team champions? Yeah, I actually do. I think these guys have a huge shot at walking out of Summer Slam as the tag team champions. We may not have seen all that much of them on RAW and Smackdown, or as much as the New Day but they have picked up a great deal of momentum after working and picking up some decent victories on Main Event and Superstar. I feel as though the timing is the only
thing holding these guys back.I still feel as though they have more to show and need a bigger pus before they take the tag team championships but I'm not ruling it out and I strongly believe we could be looking at the winners with these two. No matter what the end result is for the Lucha Dragons, I'm confident that they will be the stand outs of this match an it will be the start of something real big for them.
thing holding these guys back.I still feel as though they have more to show and need a bigger pus before they take the tag team championships but I'm not ruling it out and I strongly believe we could be looking at the winners with these two. No matter what the end result is for the Lucha Dragons, I'm confident that they will be the stand outs of this match an it will be the start of something real big for them.
I am looking forward to this match. I will admit that I wasn't at first but with time it has really grown on me and I cannot wait to see what goes down. I feel as though this is going to be a very fun, fast paced match witch will actually impress us all. I don't know if I'm setting myself up for disappoint but I'm expecting a lot in this match. There's a nice mixture of talent and styles heading into this match witch I really really love. I wasn't actually expecting this match to be a fatal four way at all, I thought it was just simply going to be the New Day VS The prime time players but I like that we have something a little different even though its not THAT different. I'm of course backing New Day but I honestly think that any of these teams have a fair shot of walking away the tag team champions. However, I want to know what YOU think. Let me know what your predictions are by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
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