Match of the week: Dean Ambrose VS Seth Rollins

Hey guys, I'm back today with my match of the week post. This should of been up yesterday but instead I had a get to know up witch I will leave the link to at the end of this so you can check that out if you aint done so already. I will also leave a link to last week's RAW review and reactions. You can let me know what your match of the week was by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.

So this week's or should I say last week's match of the week comes from the falls count anywhere match up between Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins on last week's episode of Monday night RAW. As we all know the night before at Summer Slam the two had an amazing lumberjack match witch I wrote loads about in my Summer Slam Reactions and superstar of the week post witch I will leave all the links to at the end. When Triple H announced in a backstage segment with Rollins and Kane that the WWE universe would be choosing the stipulation of their match for later on in the night I first didn't think it was even gonna happen and that if it did I didn't think it would be the main event! But to my surprise it did go ahead and it was the main event. As a fan of both Ambrose and Rollins I'm so proud of far they have come and I don't just mean from the Shield days. I've been following their career's since their day's before WWE and to think Tyler Black and Jon Moxley are main eventing WWE's Monday night RAW is just amazing! I was really worried for the two of them leading up to the split of the Shield because it was obvious that the WWE favoured Roman Reigns, that was clear throughout the time the Shield were together and I was convinced that Reigns would go on to main event and get the big shots and Ambrose and Rollins would be left as mid carders. But the reality is, is that its Dean and Seth that are slight stealing the spotlight. Their feud has been amazing, in fact one of the best feuds we have had in a long long time and a lot of people are talking more about them two than Reigns. I plan on doing another blog post all about the feud between Ambrose and Rollins later this week so keep an eye out for that in the up coming days. Now, back to the actual action from Monday. I thought the stipulation was a good one and it allowed them to be much more aggressive and ruthless because pretty much anything goes. To be honest I thought all three of the stipulations we could choose from where really good and no matter what the fans had chosen you just knew the two of them would steal the show. And steal the show they did. I have mentioned several times that I do wish they used the fact it was falls count anywhere a little more and stayed of the ring a bit more and mad some more pins out side of the ring and around the arena. I also would of liked it if the match was a little longer. I have big problem with the length of main events lately not just in WWE but in TNA also. That being said, for the time they had I thought the match was amazing and lived up to their match from the previous night. Literally from start to finish it action packed and just back and forth back and forth. Once again they both showed great wrestling skills and we saw new work from the pair of them. Their was character throughout witch I loved, I think there are a lot of superstars who once they're are in the ring they loose character and it just becomes two guys throwing punches. With both Ambrose and Rollins they stayed in character, from the facial expressions to the way they executed moves  to how they yelled at each other throughout the match and so on. Talking of executing moves I thought everything they done was done almost to perfection. Every move they did was done cleanly and nothing really looked wrongly messy if you know what I mean. And the two all round have amazing chemistry in the ring. They completely compliment each other in the ring and they both bring something new to the business.  I genuinely believe the WWE has never had two superstars like these two. They work amazingly in the ring together, their convincing and entraining and  I think they play their roles really really well for a PG era especially Ambrose, having the character he has. I thought the crowd made the match even better, I always say that a good crowd can change a match completely! They were clearly 100% behind Ambrose witch as an Ambrose fan made me happy of course. Something I haven't mentioned yet is the level of extreme that both these superstars are prepared to go to. We saw the level's Seth will go back when he was in the Shield and they had their more extreme six man tag competition and that being said I think it's clear he still has a lot lot more to show as a singles competitor. As for Ambrose I genuinely think he's an Attitude era guy stuck in the PG era. He has an extreme sense about him and he makes you think about ECW days purely because he himself is very ECW. I loved the use of the chairs, tables and everything else they used, I think the creativity of both superstars is amazing and they used everything they could access to their full advantage. The ending of the match I thought was great. I think it was an amazing way to write out Ambrose whilest he goes off and films Lockdown.  I do think it made him look a bit weak. They keep having him get beat down and I think it would of been different if they thought of something else a little more creative but overall I thought it was great and really well done. It looked great on camera and the storyline of missing Ambrose makes the whole thing even more exciting and adds more to their feud allowing it to continue and go on even longer. Remember I will post more about this feud later on in the week!

Top 5 superstars of the week:

Superstar of the week: Seth Rollins

RAW Review and Reactions:

Summer Slam Reactions:

Get to know Bram:


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