Summer Slam Predictions: Roman Reigns VS Randy Orton

Roman Reigns VS Randy Orton

Hey guys, it's the sixth post in my Summer Slam prediction series. As you all know throughout the week I have been making my predictions for this year's summer slam card. So far I have made my predictions for the match up's between, Rusev and Jack Swagger, Paige and AJ Lee, Chris Jericho and Bray Wyatt, the miz and Dolph Ziggler and Brie Bella and Stephanie McMahon. I will leave the link's to those post at the end of this one so you can check those out if you haven't done so already. You can also let me know what your predictions are and who you are supporting this weekend by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.

So it's time to make my predictions for the one on one match between Roman Reigns and Randy Orton. Now, I think everyone know's how much I hate this feud and how much I hate this match up for Sunday. I just think the two have terrible chemistry in the ring and the two do not at all compliment each other in the ring what so ever. The two have been feuding since the Shield/Evolution feud witch was around four months ago. I just think the two need to part ways. I'm getting bored of the two of them in the ring together full stop. But personal opinions aside on the whole thing let's take a look at the two superstars. Let's talk roman reigns. It's clear the guy is a hot talent right now and we all know Vince is in love with the guy. He's the WWE's dream superstar, tall, fairly big weighing exactly 265 pounds, good looking, family history and tattoos. But if we look at what we have seen from him so far it hasn't been much or at least what we expected of him. I really do believe that since the Shield Split a thew months ago Roman has suffered on he's own. Whilst Rollins and Ambrose have been feuding together and been put away from title opportunity the two have been had the current hottest feud in WWE. As for Roman they have put him straight in these big feuds and big matches and I think it's worked against them. Thought the Shields run they built him up as the powerhouse, the main eventer but to be honest I've been very disappointed. He's move set is very very limited, he's mic skills are poor and he lack character and charisma. I do think he has improved a lot though over the past year or so. He's mic skills have got better and he does look more conformable on the mic. I know a lot of people will be like "why are you so bothered about mic skill's" but it's because its so important. It's not enough to be good looking and good in the ring. You have to have it all, mic skills, character, ring ability, wrestling ability. I understand he hasn't got the most experience in the world but he still has a lot of time to grow, he's still young and has a lot more to show, and I still believe he is going to be a big big star in WWE. This weekend I think is a make or break weekend or Roman Reigns. I feel like he has to win this Sunday. He needs to show the hype was worth it. He needs to show he's main event material and he's one to watch and see as a future champion. He needs to show more in the ring, we need to see more from this weekend. I do think if he picks up the win it will open a lot of doors but at the same time we need to see the back of this feud this weekend. There is no need what so ever for this feud to continue after summer slam. Reigns needs to be involved in a big feud that will give him the right push. Who that will be I don't know. As for Randy Orton I couldn't give a crap to be honest. I think the overall match will be okay. It should be pretty lengthy and I think it needs to be. I think it's likely Orton will pick up the win but I really do hope Reigns picks it up. Reigns does have the most momentum going into Summer Slam but remember Orton has that big win over Sheamus from this past week's RAW show on he's side. It's clear Reigns does need the win more than Randy does and I think the WWE need to show they have faith in new talent. With having Cena as the WWE World Heavyweight champion and the old dogs still at the top they need to show they are giving the new guys as much of a push and as much attention as they are the older superstars. 

Rusev VS Jack Swagger:

AJ Lee VS Paige:

The Miz VS Dolph Ziggler:

Brie Bella VS Stephanie McMahon:

Chris Jericho VS Bray Wyatt:


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