RAW Review And Reactions

So the night kicked off with an opening segment from the Authority; Stephanie, Triple H, Kane, Randy Orton and Seth Rollins, all in witch got the dress code apart from Kane. I have to admit though it did look pretty cool. I also think it was pretty smart of Randy, after pissing off most of he's female fans earlier on in the day he knew exactly how to make it up to everyone..black suit. Once they were all in the ring it was Stephanie and Triple H who took control of the mic first. Talking about Summer Slam and what was coming up later on in the night. The announcement's consist of a main event contract signing between Stephanie and Brie Bella for their match at Summer Slam with Triple H and Nikki Bella present also, and a beat the clock challenge between Seth and Dean Ambrose, with the person who pick's up the win in the shortest time granted the gift of being able to choose the stipulation for their match at Summer Slam. It was said that Ambrose will go one on one with Alberto Del Rio and Seth would face Rob Van Dam. I was actually really looking forward to Dean's match. Last week at Main event he and Del Rio had an amazing match, that I actually had as my match of the week and I will leave the link to that post at the end of this one. As for
Seth's match, I was not that bothered, the two had a pretty good match a month or two ago but to be honest I wasn't in the mood for RVD. They quickly mentioned the main event for Summer Slam (like we needed reminding) and we also got an... intresting but pretty good promo later on in the night. I found it stupid that both the main event superstars for the one of the biggest PPV's of the year weren't there, but hey, a Cena fee Raw... I aint complaining. The topic then turnt to Randy Orton and Roman Reigns, witch led to the interruption of Reigns. I have said it enough times, But I really aint interested in the whole thing between these two. We also learnt in this time that Roman has still not improved on the mic as he addressed the Authority from the crowd, witch I liked actually. Hunter then announced the first match of the night, Roman Reigns VS Kane for the 100th time this time in a last man standing match. I don't think the WWE understand that it doesn't matter what stipulation you add to the match, if two superstars have no chemistry in the ring it's always going to be boring. That being said, the match was okay. It took me a while to get into it but I suppose the stipulation made it a bit more bearable. Once again Roman was busted open (only a little) but did need stitches. He managed to pick up the win, once the Ref remembered he had to count. To be fair it was a pretty good way to open the show. I'm liking how were getting awesome matches at the beginning of the show instead of just the last hour.
We the got to see the promo made for the Summer Slam main event match between John Cena and Brock Lesnar. I do have to admit it was pretty awesome, however very UFC inspired. I actually think Lesnar is good on the mic, it's just the fact he has the least intimidating voice ever! I do however think it was completely unnecessary that they showed it twice. The fact that they both weren't there was stupid but I think the promo did make up for it and kinda left you waiting to see what will happen next. Hopefully next week they will both be on the show and we get to actually see some action between the two, or at least have them both in the ring together at the same time. I have to give the WWE a pat on the back though for that Promo because everything about it was right and did help build the feud for the match, Apart from the urine bit...yeah that was a little odd. We also got a little backstage promo thing from Adam Rose. Now I do feel sorry for the guy, it just looks like Adam Rose is getting bored of Adam Rose. The whole thing was pointless and a waste of time. I think they need come up with some kind of idea for this guy, after all they called him up to the main roster before Sami Zayn.
It was then time for some Sandow entertainment. This time he had to face Texas home by Mark Henry, witch he obviously lost. I know a lot of people are saying that the WWE are just burying him more and more but I think there doing the complete opposite. At the end of the day he's on our screens every single week, and weather we are booing him or cheering him were talking about him and he's getting a reaction. The controversy sounding he's character of the week keep's him relevant and entertaining and some cant wait to see who he's going to be next. I've been a Sandow fan from the begging and I know he has more than just a jobber or mid carder. The guy has skill and both amazing wrestling talent and Mic skills, all you have to do is look at he's FCW work and the small things he has done over the years. I've said from the start of this whole Identity thing that I really do believe this is going to work in Sandows favour. If the WWE play it right it would be awesome if he held the IC title with this whole character change gimmick thing. Will they do it and show him the respect he deserves? I don't know, I doubt it but I'm gonna stay positive and BOlieve.
Talking of BO he once again went on on one with R-truth, were he managed to pick up the win. I have no idea what this whole thing is about. I swear if they actually give these two a feud... ah I just don't know. I think the WWE need to take BO away from R-truth. There matches are the most boring things to watch and they have no chemistry in the ring what so ever. I think they need to put him in the run for a mid card title shot, either for the IC or US championship. As I mentioned the US championship let's talk Sheamus. He's going into three week's without having a TV appearance. I have no idea what the hell is going on with this man. I've heard several different things about this guy, one minuet he's sick, then he's on holiday then he's doing a promotional thing, I just don't know but what I do know is Summer Slam is just around the corner. One of the biggest PPV's of the year, and he is the United states champion there for he's ass needs to be on RAW, Samckdown, Main event what ever! Three week's out of action is just ridiculous! He had 6 months out on injury last year he cant afford to be out of more action. When he does finally remember he has a job and come's back he better come back as a heel.
There was also another segment between Lana and Rusev and Jack Swagger and Zeb. This was after Rusev's match with Sin Cara witch we didn't get to see because it began and ended in the break.Enough said. The whole thing was actually pretty good between the four. Am I looking forward to the actual match though? Not really.
Fandango had another one on one match with Diego. This was another waste of 5 minuets. I get what there doing with the whole Summer Rae, Layla and Fandango thing but it's all getting a little boring now and if the going to do anything else they may as well just get it over and done with.To be honest I just want to see Summer back in the ring. She has a lot to show and I think there just wasting there time with her. The same can be said for Fandango. The guy is an amazing wrestler but they are yet to show him the respect he deserves. Get him in a good feud like he's Jericho one and make us want to watch him! In other new's Goldust and "Stardust" were back in action last night and faced Rybaxle for the 1000th time. I hate this with Cody. Don't get me wrong it's funny and entertaining, but it's doing nothing for him. Yes were seeing some amazing new moves from Cody we aint seen before but it's just not working for me. In my eyes Cody is championship material and deserves way more than what he is getting and I just believe that with this gimmick it's just doing nothing for he's career. As for Ryback and Curtis, I give up. These two are great individual wrestlers but should not at all be in a tag team! I've said that enough times already. We then got to see Dean Ambrose VS Alberto Del Rio. I was not disappointed during this match at all. The two of them work so well in the ring together and the match was for me match of the night. It was a back and forth match and I stayed interested in the match throughout and so did the crowd. Talking of the crowd, they were 100% behind Ambrose. I think these two are just awesome in the ring and they gave us one hell of a match. Dean picked up the win in 15:42 witch had me crying! Half way through the match I was convinced Rollins would be wining the beat the clock challenge. We then had Chris Jericho in some one on one action with Luke Harper. As we all know I'm a huge huge fan or Harper so was more than happy when this match was announced. The whole point of it was if Jericho won Harper would be band from ringside during The Wyatt/Jericho match at Summer Slam. The match last night was actually pretty good. It would of been much much better if it was a little longer though. Harper should great skills once again and he's power bomb looked like the most painful thing invented to man kind. It all ended in DQ witch mean's Bray is going it alone at Summer Slam. Later on in the night Bray did what he did best and hit the promo on the us. Once again it
was another captivating little speech and had me listening to every single word. Dolph Ziggler also faced Cesaro with The Miz at commentary. It was also announced Ziggler will face Miz at Summer Slam for the IC championship. I couldn't be more happy about this. The two have had two amazing matches already and they have great chemistry in the ring together. As for Cesaro, he had two great week and now... well not he's back to being the piss taken out of. This was also 3 week's in a row Ziggler has won on RAW.
It was then time for Seth's turn and to see if he could beat ambrose's time. As he made he's way to the ring we awaited from RVD who made he's way to the ring also and got prepared for the match however there was announcement that said Rob was not Rollin's opponent instead Heath Slater was. Apart of me was extremely annoyed the other part of me was jumping with joy for Heath. It took Dean no time to make an appearance and get up to trouble. He began stealing drinks and popcorn, opening the briefcase, ripping up the contract and pouring drink and popcorn into the case. He then went on to take JBL's hat and pounce around the announce area with it on (witch by the way was pretty sexy if I must say so). The whole thing distracted Rollins and allowed Slater to pick up the win. Yes you read right, Heath Slater beat Seth Rollins at a RAW main event! The world is coming to an end. This mean's that Ambrose get's to choose the stipulation for he's and Rollins match at Summer Slam, and he will announce the stipulation Friday on Smackdown.
Kane also gave up he's mask, witch hopefully means no more Demon Kane. The whole Demon thing was actually killing me and I'd rather see him go back to corporate Kane to be honest. What will be next for the Kane? There was also a back stage interview with Paige,and it was announced AJ will return tonight on Main event. Hopefully we get a AJ Lee pipe Bomb.
It was then time for the only divas action of the night, the contract signing between Stephanie and Brie Bella. I was hopeing to see Nikki turn heel last night and be announced as the special guest referee for Summer Slam, but it didn't happen. Instead both Bella's got pedigree. To be fair it was an okay ending to the show, but could of been better.
RAW Review and Reactions:
Match of the week: Dean Ambrose VS Alberto Del Rio
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