Summer Slam Predictions: Stephanie Mcmahon VS Brie Bella

                                                  Stephanie McMahon VS Brie Bella 

Hey everyone! Time for post number four in my Summer Slam prediction series. So far I have made my predictions for the following matches: Jack Swagger VS Rusev, Paige VS AJ Lee, The Miz VS Dolph Ziggler. I will leave the links to those post at the end of this one so you can check those out if you haven't done so already. You can also let me know what your predictions are and who you are supporting this Sunday by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.

The first match I'm talking about today is the second divas match up of the night, this one between Stephanie McMahon and Brie Bella. I'm gonna get it out straight away, I have seriously struggled to get into this feud from the get go. That being said I've grown to love the idea at least. It's been so much TV time for the divas and the two have main evented several RAW's and have been the main attraction of most show's over the past month. We ain't seen two women be so important and have such a big big storyline in a very very long time. The build up has been amazing has kept my interested in it over the past couple of weeks. I do feel like they have made such a big deal out of this that it's a little too much. It's almost over shadowed the main event and it look's like they have made more of an effort with this match than they have the actual main event. We've had interviews with Michael Cole from the two of them, a contract signing, "arrest" and a cheating storyline added to it all. I do think the whole cheating thing was useless and a waist of time. It was 100% unbelievable and they really didn't need to add it to the storyline. It already had enough heat and enough going on and the addition of Daniel Bryan cheating on Brie was just not effective or needed at all. But all together the build up has been pretty awesome. I think it's done wonders for the divas division, the two have great chemistry in and outside of the ring and it's kept Daniel Bryan relevant even though he's out. It's really showed how amazing of a heel Stephanie is and she's delivered some amazing promo's/segments throughout the feud, but we have also seen an improvement in Brie also. Yes, she is probably the worst actress in spots entertainment ever but she has improved a lot since she's been out of action. There's been more passion and belief in her work and the acting has improved a lot! I also think the addition of Nikki and Hunter has really made the feud so much more better and personal and I'm glad the feud is with Brie and not Nikki because let's be honest Brie is the better in ring competitor. But the personal attacks on Nikki has paid a great tribute to the build up.
When it comes to the actual match, I really ain't looking forward to it. It's probably gonna be later on in the night but to be honest I'd rather see it over and done with. The actual match (if it even happens properly) is likely to be one sided and consist of poor wrestling skills. Let's face it Stephanie is pure crap in the ring and I hate the idea that we have to watch her in the ring. I would rather of seen someone come back and fight Brie or make her face Nikki (witch isn't much of a better opponent). You never know though, Stephanie might be pretty intresting to watch...maybe. As for Brie I think she's going to completely dominate the match and lead us all to believe she's gonna win. There's two way's I can see this whole thing ending this Sunday. Either Brie will actually win and go on to celebrate during the night however have her sister turn on her the next night on RAW. Or we see the Nikki heel turn we have all been waiting for actually happen on the night. To be honest I think this is more likely and is what most people believe will happen. I predict the match ending in DQ because of the interruption of Nikki Bella as her and Hunter are at ringside during the match. It will probably be announced by triple H that they "always have a plan B" and this time Nikki is the plan B. We then the following night on RAW see Nikki officially join the Authority allowing the feud between Brie Bella and the Authority continue for another couple of months. I do believe we will for sure see Nikki turn heel this weekend. It's the only way the feud can continue and stay intresting and one to watch. I also think Nikki makes the perfect heel anyway and it's about time they go separate ways. I do think the feud will continue regardless of Sunday's events. I'm predicting Stephanie for the win and she's also who I want to win too. But what do you think? Let me know what your predictions are and who you are supporting this Sunday by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.

The Miz VS Dolph Ziggler:

Paige VS AJ Lee

Rusev VS Jack Swagger


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