RAW Review and Reactions
Hey guy's, It's Tuesday and time for RAW Review and Reactions. This week I will also begin my Summer Slam prediction and there will be more about the Summer Slam prediction series later today. I will leave the link to last week's RAW Review and Reactions post at the end of this so you can check that out if you haven't done so already. You can also let me know what you thought of last night's action by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
So last night brought the last RAW before Summer Slam and to be honest I was expecting a little more than what we got and little better. The night started out with an opening promo from Paul Heyman and of course Brock Lesnar, who just stood thee smiling and trying to look intimidating. Of course it was around ten minuets of Heyman gold and once again proved why he truly does deserve to be called the best person on the mic today. They showed (as usual) Lesnars Wrestlemania moment and shock of the year witch actually didn't get much of a reaction from the crowd, talking of the crowd they weren't the best despite the fact they were quit an adult crowd. In my opinion I thought it was a great way to kick off the show. Every week it's either the Authority or Roman Reigns who opens the show so I though it was great that Lesnar and Heyman kicked it off last night. Plus with both main event stars absent from last week's show I think they needed to open and start the show, there needed to be more heat to there little feud and get us more exited for the match this Sunday. Did they do that? I don't quit know. Heyman started the night out amazingly and really got us interested and gripped into the whole thing all on he's own but what we needed was actual physical contact between Lesnar and Cena. Two little speeches wasn't enough in my books. With Ambrose and Rollins we've seen action between the two of them every week, they've both been in one on one matches, delivered promo's and segments and have had physical contact in an outside of the ring, keeping us gripped and interested in the feud; with Cena and Lesnar we've had practically nothing. All we have had is the announcement of Lesnar being he's opponent, Cena respond, promo's and more Heyman on the mic. The two haven't been face to face in the ring, there's been no attack's no heat what so ever between the two. The passionate speeches have been really good but it's not enough for a main event feud for one of the biggest PPV's of the year. The closest we got last night was when Lesnar interrupted the celebration of Hogan Birthday were once again nothing happened. Lesnar got up close and into the faces of the legends in the ring witch resulted in John coming out to stop it all before anything happened, and just as we thought the two might actually collide Lesnar exited the ring. I do think it adds that little more excitement to there match, it makes us want it to happen more but for me I needed to see more between the two, we needed a collision of some kind. In the middle of the show John gave us he's little speech witch I have to admit was pretty good, real passionate and serious, and let's face it serious Cena is always the best Cena. He did call out Lesnar during the whole thing but surprise surprise nothing happened.
The first match of the night came from Roman Reigns. As we saw corporate Kane made he's return last night and I couldn't be more happy. I think if I had to hear him be referred to as "the demon Kane" one more time I would actually give it up on life, that and another Reigns VS Kane match. I think it was 100% the right thing to do putting Kane back in a suit. He was becoming extremely boring and irrelevant and I think if there going to put him back in in ring action there going to have to get rid of the mask completely and give him
something completely new, but as much as I hate to say it I don't think were gonna see Kane in action in the ring for a very long time and that's even if we do see him back in the ring again. I do feel that as director of operations he has a better role. He's no needed in any feud right now and is better off back in a suit and tie. Last night it was announced on the Pre show that Reigns would go one on one with a mystery opponent. To be honest I wasn't really bothered who it was, but it needed to be someone good and a real challenge for
him but I was extremely disappointed. Kane told Reigns once he was in the ring that he would be in another two on one handicap match however he would be facing Ryback and Curtis Axle this time round. This was just so pointless in my eyes. I'm a huge fan of Ryback but the WWE have really made a big mistake with him. Putting him in a tag team was on of the stupidest thing's they could ever do. He proved last year he is main event material and being a tag team is not were he should be. As for Axle, he's actually an amazing wrestler, but the guy has zero personality so wont go far what so ever. I think that if they kept on doing the right things with Ryback him and Reigns could be main eventing and could have an awesome feud but this is WWE after all. The match last night was just very very average. Very Reigns dominated as usual. I do think he has a lot more to show in the ring and last night was just way to predictable for my liking. After the match Reigns had a little interview with Renee in the ring were he showed off he's poor mic skills once again but it did help add that little more to him and Orton's feud. We then saw a little backstage segment between Randy and Kane were Kane told Orton he would have a match later on in the night with United states champion Sheamus. Yes that's right Sheamus actually turnt up for RAW this week. I have been trying to hard to hold back my anger with the Sheamus situation. As the United States champion and Summer Slam around the corner I think it was ridiculous that he was out of action on both RAW and Smackdown for three weeks, not to mention the fact he's not even defending he's title this Sunday. I really do think the WWE need to get the title off of him, get him in a feud, turn him heel and put him back as a main event star. As for last night In my opinion it was the match of the night. The two have great chemistry in the ring and have had great feuds and matches with and against each other. Of course Orton picked up the win and I suppose he did need the win after Reigns handicap win earlier on in the night.
Last night we also saw Seth Rollins got one on one with Rob Van Dam after the two were suppose to have a match last week during the beat the clock challenge. The match was not too bad, it could of been a little longer but Seth managed to pick up the win cleanly without an interference from Dean Ambrose. I'm hoping that Friday on Smackdown Ambrose get's a one on one match and get's to pick up another win without an interference from Rollins and with Ambrose not in action last night it look's like we might at least get the match. As Rollins made he's way back backstage he became suspicious of the massive box on the stage posing as a birthday gift, and as he turnt he's back on it Ambrose kicked himself out the box and attacked
Rollins. Pure gold. Just gold. I'm telling you I'm never going to get bored of this feud. Ambrose got a little mic time and that's all we got from the two. I think the WWE purposely toned it down with the Ambrose/Rollins feud. Everyone is enjoying there feud so much more then the Reigns/ Orton and Lesnar/Cena feud's and these two are suppose the main two, so I think they tried to to calm down the heat on this feud but to be honest I think it did the opposite.
Also last night we Slater picked up another win, this time over Dolph Ziggler. Once again Miz at commentary. I do think Ziggler and Miz make the perfect mid card feud but I do feel like they needed to do a little more than the same thing for three whole weeks between the two. Jack Swagger had a one on one match with Cesaro, this for me was the second match of the night. The two have great chemistry in the ring and I think it would of been much much better if they had these two feuding instead of Swagger and Rusev. Talking of Swagger the guy looked really bad last night. He just looked ill in my opinion but he had a great match anyway. AJ Lee also had a match with Eva Marie were Eva won. I'm not even gonna comment on that because I think I said enough about that last night. It was all thanks to the distraction from Paige, after the match and Paige's little message to AJ, AJ attacked Eva and skipped off back backstage after two laps around the ring.
We also saw an interview between Bray Wyatt and Chris Jericho, well it mainly more awesomeness from Bray Wyatt but the whole thing was actually really good and helped build some more heat to there feud. I mentioned it last night but I do feel that after this feud with Jericho they need to put Bray in a title shot. He has proved over the past year he's not only main event material but championship material. I'd say around Hell in a cell he should be champion or at least in a championship match.
The worst part of the night has to come from the new addition to the Brie/Stephanie feud. Last night they added the cheating storyline to it all, were Daniel Bryan is suppose to be having an affair with "Megan". The whole thing was just stupid un unnecessary. There feud already had enough heat and enough going on there was no need to add anything else to the whole thing. The segment though was actually pretty entertaining. The Megan girl couldn't act to save her life though. Brie slapping her kinda made the later night's action a little predicable but when she hit that Yes lock on Stephanie had no choice but to smile. I do love how there using there Husbands moves because there own just aint good enough. Stephanie announced in the ring after that the two would have there match on the night instead of waiting until Sunday at Summer Slam but of course this was a lie and just another twist to the whole thing. As Brie made her way to the ring in her new attire and got herself ready for the match Stephanie came out still in her normal clothes and told everyone that the two wont be having there match tonight, and instead Brie got a taste of her own medicine when Megan pressed charges and Brie was arrested.
The night ended with Hogans birthday celebration were it was legends everywhere. The celebration continued as RAW went off air. It was really great seeing all the legends back in the ring together at the same time and the NWO reunion really made my night!
So last night brought the last RAW before Summer Slam and to be honest I was expecting a little more than what we got and little better. The night started out with an opening promo from Paul Heyman and of course Brock Lesnar, who just stood thee smiling and trying to look intimidating. Of course it was around ten minuets of Heyman gold and once again proved why he truly does deserve to be called the best person on the mic today. They showed (as usual) Lesnars Wrestlemania moment and shock of the year witch actually didn't get much of a reaction from the crowd, talking of the crowd they weren't the best despite the fact they were quit an adult crowd. In my opinion I thought it was a great way to kick off the show. Every week it's either the Authority or Roman Reigns who opens the show so I though it was great that Lesnar and Heyman kicked it off last night. Plus with both main event stars absent from last week's show I think they needed to open and start the show, there needed to be more heat to there little feud and get us more exited for the match this Sunday. Did they do that? I don't quit know. Heyman started the night out amazingly and really got us interested and gripped into the whole thing all on he's own but what we needed was actual physical contact between Lesnar and Cena. Two little speeches wasn't enough in my books. With Ambrose and Rollins we've seen action between the two of them every week, they've both been in one on one matches, delivered promo's and segments and have had physical contact in an outside of the ring, keeping us gripped and interested in the feud; with Cena and Lesnar we've had practically nothing. All we have had is the announcement of Lesnar being he's opponent, Cena respond, promo's and more Heyman on the mic. The two haven't been face to face in the ring, there's been no attack's no heat what so ever between the two. The passionate speeches have been really good but it's not enough for a main event feud for one of the biggest PPV's of the year. The closest we got last night was when Lesnar interrupted the celebration of Hogan Birthday were once again nothing happened. Lesnar got up close and into the faces of the legends in the ring witch resulted in John coming out to stop it all before anything happened, and just as we thought the two might actually collide Lesnar exited the ring. I do think it adds that little more excitement to there match, it makes us want it to happen more but for me I needed to see more between the two, we needed a collision of some kind. In the middle of the show John gave us he's little speech witch I have to admit was pretty good, real passionate and serious, and let's face it serious Cena is always the best Cena. He did call out Lesnar during the whole thing but surprise surprise nothing happened.

something completely new, but as much as I hate to say it I don't think were gonna see Kane in action in the ring for a very long time and that's even if we do see him back in the ring again. I do feel that as director of operations he has a better role. He's no needed in any feud right now and is better off back in a suit and tie. Last night it was announced on the Pre show that Reigns would go one on one with a mystery opponent. To be honest I wasn't really bothered who it was, but it needed to be someone good and a real challenge for
him but I was extremely disappointed. Kane told Reigns once he was in the ring that he would be in another two on one handicap match however he would be facing Ryback and Curtis Axle this time round. This was just so pointless in my eyes. I'm a huge fan of Ryback but the WWE have really made a big mistake with him. Putting him in a tag team was on of the stupidest thing's they could ever do. He proved last year he is main event material and being a tag team is not were he should be. As for Axle, he's actually an amazing wrestler, but the guy has zero personality so wont go far what so ever. I think that if they kept on doing the right things with Ryback him and Reigns could be main eventing and could have an awesome feud but this is WWE after all. The match last night was just very very average. Very Reigns dominated as usual. I do think he has a lot more to show in the ring and last night was just way to predictable for my liking. After the match Reigns had a little interview with Renee in the ring were he showed off he's poor mic skills once again but it did help add that little more to him and Orton's feud. We then saw a little backstage segment between Randy and Kane were Kane told Orton he would have a match later on in the night with United states champion Sheamus. Yes that's right Sheamus actually turnt up for RAW this week. I have been trying to hard to hold back my anger with the Sheamus situation. As the United States champion and Summer Slam around the corner I think it was ridiculous that he was out of action on both RAW and Smackdown for three weeks, not to mention the fact he's not even defending he's title this Sunday. I really do think the WWE need to get the title off of him, get him in a feud, turn him heel and put him back as a main event star. As for last night In my opinion it was the match of the night. The two have great chemistry in the ring and have had great feuds and matches with and against each other. Of course Orton picked up the win and I suppose he did need the win after Reigns handicap win earlier on in the night.

Rollins. Pure gold. Just gold. I'm telling you I'm never going to get bored of this feud. Ambrose got a little mic time and that's all we got from the two. I think the WWE purposely toned it down with the Ambrose/Rollins feud. Everyone is enjoying there feud so much more then the Reigns/ Orton and Lesnar/Cena feud's and these two are suppose the main two, so I think they tried to to calm down the heat on this feud but to be honest I think it did the opposite.
Also last night we Slater picked up another win, this time over Dolph Ziggler. Once again Miz at commentary. I do think Ziggler and Miz make the perfect mid card feud but I do feel like they needed to do a little more than the same thing for three whole weeks between the two. Jack Swagger had a one on one match with Cesaro, this for me was the second match of the night. The two have great chemistry in the ring and I think it would of been much much better if they had these two feuding instead of Swagger and Rusev. Talking of Swagger the guy looked really bad last night. He just looked ill in my opinion but he had a great match anyway. AJ Lee also had a match with Eva Marie were Eva won. I'm not even gonna comment on that because I think I said enough about that last night. It was all thanks to the distraction from Paige, after the match and Paige's little message to AJ, AJ attacked Eva and skipped off back backstage after two laps around the ring.
We also saw an interview between Bray Wyatt and Chris Jericho, well it mainly more awesomeness from Bray Wyatt but the whole thing was actually really good and helped build some more heat to there feud. I mentioned it last night but I do feel that after this feud with Jericho they need to put Bray in a title shot. He has proved over the past year he's not only main event material but championship material. I'd say around Hell in a cell he should be champion or at least in a championship match.
The worst part of the night has to come from the new addition to the Brie/Stephanie feud. Last night they added the cheating storyline to it all, were Daniel Bryan is suppose to be having an affair with "Megan". The whole thing was just stupid un unnecessary. There feud already had enough heat and enough going on there was no need to add anything else to the whole thing. The segment though was actually pretty entertaining. The Megan girl couldn't act to save her life though. Brie slapping her kinda made the later night's action a little predicable but when she hit that Yes lock on Stephanie had no choice but to smile. I do love how there using there Husbands moves because there own just aint good enough. Stephanie announced in the ring after that the two would have there match on the night instead of waiting until Sunday at Summer Slam but of course this was a lie and just another twist to the whole thing. As Brie made her way to the ring in her new attire and got herself ready for the match Stephanie came out still in her normal clothes and told everyone that the two wont be having there match tonight, and instead Brie got a taste of her own medicine when Megan pressed charges and Brie was arrested.
The night ended with Hogans birthday celebration were it was legends everywhere. The celebration continued as RAW went off air. It was really great seeing all the legends back in the ring together at the same time and the NWO reunion really made my night!
RAW Review and Reactions
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