Superstar Of the week: Goldust & Stardust

So this week saw my first tag team claim the number one spot and that tag team is Goldust and Stardust. I mentioned in my top five post that I found it difficult to decide who to have at number one just because we aint had the best of shows this week and no one has really stood out that much for me personally. That being said there was one or should I say two people who really did stand out for me and that was the team of Gold and Stardust. Now over the past thew months, since the introduction of "Stardust" the new change in gimmick for Cody Rhodes I've been unsure about him and the decision, I literally thought this was the end for Cody and it was just gonna bury him but I couldn't of been more wrong. At first I hate the gimmick and to be honest I'm still not in love with it and I still have mixed feelings about how it works, don't get me wrong I think Cody is doing a great job with it and is working the gimmick amazingly but in my opinion their's only one dust and that's Goldust. But I think it's done wonders for Cody and has really made people see him in a different way and maybe even shut the haters up a little. Over the year's I did have my doubts about Cody. He sounds like the perfect wrestler when you look at the obvious things for example, he's good looking, he's still very young, he has a family of wrestler's and has a great body, But it's not all looks and history from him. One thing I do love about Cody is he's never relied on he's father and brothers career or tried to be like them. The moment he came into the WWE he was different from both of them and it was clear that this Rhodes boy was here to make a legacy of he's own and make a true name for himself and that's what he did; coming into the WWE he has proved that he is by far a tag team guy, being a part of Legacy with Randy Orton and Ted Dibiase witch in it's own it pretty amazing to be apart of a faction with the like's of Randy Orton so early in he's career! It was around this time we saw him become the Tag team champion along side Deibase and from then we've seen him tag team with Damien Sandow and of course he's brother Goldust. But he's also had a fairly good singles career holding the IC championship, but the WWE have never showed he's full potential and what he can really do. Over the year's he had has proved that he can work almost any gimmick and I've been really impressed with the way he has worked the Stardust gimmick. He's promo work with Goldust has been...well entertaining to say the least and he works the character well and let's just say is effective. I do think they carried on the promo's a little too much before we actually got to see more of them in the ring together but once they were in the ring I was really impressed once again. Not only had Cody shown great promo/mic skills but he showed he's diversity as both a performer and professional wrestler. The Stardust gimmick has really open my eyes to the extent of Cody's skill. The move's he's doing now as Stardust we've never seen him do before and there things I never thought he could do. He's move set has widened so much and the new stuff he's doing in the ring is done almost to perfection is executed so well and on point and it's great to watch. It's also been awesome seeing how he good he works the crowd and just all round pulls off a gimmick that I never ever thought he could pull off and make work and make me enjoy watching. But the work hasn't all be down to Cody, I've been a fan of Goldust for as long as I can remember. He was one of the Wrestlers my Granddad (who got me hooked on wrestling from the beginning) would love to watch as a performer, character and wrestler and I always enjoyed watching him too and that's never faded. To this day I continue to love watching Goldust perform and I mention it a lot but I think it's amazing how well he work's this gimmick in particular in the PG era. The two have been working amazing together way before the Stardust gimmick introduction but I've been loving the chemistry between the two for the past couple of months, but I have felt something was missing and this week I found out what it was that was missing. This past Monday on RAW we saw the heel turn of Gold and Stardust when they had a tag team match with the Tag team champions the Usos witch ended in attack on Jimmy and Jey from the Stardust and Goldust. I have to admit I was not expecting that attack/heel tun what so ever so it came to a big big surprise. I thought it was done really well and it was nice to not only see Goldust finally have heel turn but to have Cody back as a heel just because I feel that's where he belongs and it's what he pulls off best. The overall match I thought was actually pretty good, nothing to jump and scream about but it was good and the two teams have great chemistry in the ring together witch always changes the match up. It was by far the heel turn that was missing for the two. I think as a heel I can enjoy the tag team and concept of the idea of the two of them and Cody's current gimmick. There's also so much more they can do with them as a heel tag team and it will be much more entertaining and intresting to watch. I have to give creative a tap on the back for this one, good choice there, really good choice. It work's so well and the two pull it off amazingly. It also doesn't seem so childish as a heel. I thought it was all a little too much and too child friendly when they were baby faces but as heel's it brings something very different to the tag division. The two then picked up a victory on main event against Los Matadores in what was actually another pretty good match. And then Stardust took on Jimmy Uso on Smackdown however It was Jimmy who picked up the win on the night. After the match both Stardust and Goldust attacked the Usos, reinforcing the heel turn. I think it's becoming clear that at night of champions the two will have their shot at the tag team championships. Will they become the new champs on the night? I really don't know to be honest. The tag division seem's to be all over the place, but I have been saying for a long time it's time for a change in champs. I strongly believe that this has been the week for both Stardust and Goldust and have stole not only the show's but the week as a whole and I personally can't wait to see what the two bring tomorrow night on RAW. Remember I will have my RAW predictions post up tomorrow evening two hours before the show. And as I mentioned before you can let me know who your superstar of the week is by either leaving a comment bellow or tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Top 5 superstars of the week:
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