RAW Review and Reactions
Hey everyone, It's Tuesday and time for my RAW Review and Reactions. I will leave the link's to last week's post and last week's Top five and superstar of the week post at the end of this so you can check those out if you haven't done so already. You can also let me know what you thought of last nights action by leaving me a tweet at @TezangiVictoria.
So last night was probably one of the worst episodes of RAW of the year so far. It was just all over the place and the matches made no sense, It was like most of them were just thrown together for the sake of making up a three hour show. I thought the opening was weak and could of been a lot lot better. The best part of it was hearing HBK's theme again. The Hall of fame Forum was basically Hogan and Flair ass licking Cena and being apart of the ultimate Cena fanboy battle. Shawn made some good points and seemed to be the only legend talking sense. The forum was interrupted by Cena himself (surprise surprise). At that moment I completely lost interested in the whole segment.I don't know why, but last night I was not in the mood for Cena at all! I didn't wanna hear he's voice because everything that came of he's mouth last night irritated me, I didn't wanna see him in the ring and I certainly did not wanna see him with this whole new "aggressive" attitude. I didn't really pay much attention to what he was saying at all so I can't really make any comments apart from what I did hear just sounded like typical Cena saying everything I and the whole world predicted he would say in the first place.
The first match of the night saw Jack Swagger once again go head to head with Rusev with Lana at ringside. I have no idea what has happened to Zeb, I haven't read anything about him not being there and weather or not he will be coming back but he was absent again from last nights show. In my opinion I thought this was the match of the night (yep that's how bad the show was yesterday). It was the only match of the night that I really got into in fact a little too into and I thought we saw some good quality wrestling from both Swagger and Rusev. To be honest I didn't really wanna see these two have another match, I just feel like their whole feud was done and dusted after Summer Slam and there was no need for them to be back in the ring together. That being said as I just mentioned I thought the match was great. A true back and forth match that I really enjoyed and got into. I don't know how legit Swagger's injury is but he sold it really well last night. I do think he is a little Ill if the injury aint legit, in he's past couple of matches he aint looked he's best and something just aint been right with him. I've been a fan of Swaggers for a long time and I've always been annoyed with how the WWE have treated him. He had one great year and then everything else has been up and down. He has proven time and time again that he is main event material and does not deserve to be stuck as a mid carder. I understand what their trying to do with Rusev, because he's new and with the gimmick he has they wanna show he's strong and dominate and he is one to watch and take seriously but they could of done that and the same time given Swagger at least one good strong win over him. After last night I have no idea what on earth the WWE are doing with Jack. There's actually so much they could do with. I keep saying that it would make so much more sense for him to feud with Sheamus. With Sheamus being the United States champion and not American it would make sense with the gimmick Swagger has right now. It would also allow Sheamus to get the heel turn we have been waiting for for about one hundred years! And at the same time push Swagger as a face and have gold back around he's waist. He could have some good feuds holding that title as well. But instead they have some wired thing going on with him and Bo Dallas. I really do think they have fucked up Bo too. Some people might not know that Bo is actually the longest reigning NXT champion he's an extremely skilled wrestler with amazing mic skills to go with it. He's young, talented and very entertaining but the WWE are so focused on giving Randy Orton and John Cena the spotlight their forgetting the amazing new talent they have. As for Rusev he also needs a new feud and WWE need to stop making him look so invisible. He too could feud with Sheamus mainly because of the gimmick he has and it would make loads of sense and it would benefit both superstars.
There was then a number one contenders match between Rob Van Dam and Cesaro for the United states championship with Sheamus at commentary. This is another Prime example of Creative being drunk 99% of the time. I don't think there is anyone who wanted this match. It was short and boring and most of the attention was on Sheamus on commentary witch was also rubbish If i must say. Cesaro ended up picking the win witch was pretty predictable. I was saying last week how I think it's time RVD left and just became a trainer and worked over at the performance centre with the new talent because it's obvious there is nothing left for him any more. As for Cesaro, him and Sheamus have already feuded in witch was flat out boring in my opinion. These two could have one hell of a main event style match if they were given the chance but their past matches have been so boring and predictable that I just never got into the feud or them working together. It's all too been there done that for my liking. As for Cesaro I keep on saying it but they really have fucked up there. The man is pure talent is main event/championship material and I have no idea how many more times he has to prove that. Apparently WWE don't have anything major for him and waiting for the right time but in my eyes the right time was several months ago and they waisted it. Him holding the US title is waist and is just pointless. A get to know Cesaro post is coming up soon here on my blog, so watch out for that.
Divas action next, and once again Paige went one on one with Natalya in witch to be fair was an okay match for the time. I'm still waiting for them to give these two a match like their NXT one because that was one of the best divas matches we have seen in very very long time. Natalya is still wearing that horrid attire witch I have no idea why they even gave her because it looks terrible in my opinion but it seems a lot of people like it. By the end of the match AJ was back out their and allowed a distraction allowing Natalya to get a nice closeline to Paige before leaving the ring. There was then a moment in the ring when I was convinced AJ an Paige were gonna kiss but of course they didn't, well AJ kissed Paieg's hand but yeah I think I know where this storyline is going.Roman Reigns was involved in another, yes another handicap match this time against Seth Rollins and Kane.I really don't think there was any need for Kane to be in this match. It makes sense yeah but it would of been much much much better if it was just Reigns and Rollins. The match would of been longer and much much better. What we got last night was short and pretty boring and the ending sucked. As for the attack afterwards that was really entertaining and I liked what they did there. I also thought it was amazing there was no Randy Orton involved. The pointless matches of the night consisted of Bo Dallas VS Kofi where Kofi was just got even more buried to be honest. Heath Slater and Titus O'Neill faced Los Matadores in witch was actually an entertaining match and I strangely really got into, another sign of how bad the show was last night. Dolph Ziggler faced Damien "Mizdow" witch made me wish they had done what they did with Sandow last night a long time ago. I'm happy there continuing the feud with Miz and Ziggler and I kinda do like the way their doing it too, I doubt it will go one for much longer but for now its all right.
Nikki and Brie Bella had a family Reconciliation witch was more like an episode of Jerry Springer. I thought Brie was much much better last night on the mic then Nikki. It seems less forced with Brie and more effective as a viewers point of view but I have to admit Nikki did do a good job last night and played her role really well as "the evil twin sister" even though she may have over done it towards the end a little. I think we all know where this is going with these two but I thought the segment last night was really good and Nikki really is doing great as a heel, She's clearly a natural born heel and I have to admit I've grown to love this storyline.
Main event time and I don't think I have ever been so angry with a main event in my life. Not only was the actual match just plain ridiculous but they officially buried one of their biggest stars at the moment.The main event started out as John Cena VS Bray Wyatt and straight away when I heard of the announcement of this match I knew it was gonna be bad news for Bray. The literally made him look terrible last night and he jobbed to Cena like there was no tomorrow. I thought this was one of the worst ideas creative has ever made! Bray had such a big win at summer slam over Chris Jericho then a week later he's jobbing to Cena. He had no offence what so ever and Cena just pissed me off throughout the match. It ended in DQ when Harper and Rowan got involved however it turnt into a six man tag match with Big show and Mark Henry teaming with Cena. I literally had no interest in this match what so ever. I have no idea what on earth they are doing with the Wyatts right now but whatever it is they need to hurry up and sort it out! It was also announced that Mark Henry and Big show will be involved in a tag team match against Harper and Rowan this Friday on Smackdown...again.
RAW Review and Reactions:
Top 5 superstars of the week:
Superstar of the week Seth Rollins:
So last night was probably one of the worst episodes of RAW of the year so far. It was just all over the place and the matches made no sense, It was like most of them were just thrown together for the sake of making up a three hour show. I thought the opening was weak and could of been a lot lot better. The best part of it was hearing HBK's theme again. The Hall of fame Forum was basically Hogan and Flair ass licking Cena and being apart of the ultimate Cena fanboy battle. Shawn made some good points and seemed to be the only legend talking sense. The forum was interrupted by Cena himself (surprise surprise). At that moment I completely lost interested in the whole segment.I don't know why, but last night I was not in the mood for Cena at all! I didn't wanna hear he's voice because everything that came of he's mouth last night irritated me, I didn't wanna see him in the ring and I certainly did not wanna see him with this whole new "aggressive" attitude. I didn't really pay much attention to what he was saying at all so I can't really make any comments apart from what I did hear just sounded like typical Cena saying everything I and the whole world predicted he would say in the first place.
The first match of the night saw Jack Swagger once again go head to head with Rusev with Lana at ringside. I have no idea what has happened to Zeb, I haven't read anything about him not being there and weather or not he will be coming back but he was absent again from last nights show. In my opinion I thought this was the match of the night (yep that's how bad the show was yesterday). It was the only match of the night that I really got into in fact a little too into and I thought we saw some good quality wrestling from both Swagger and Rusev. To be honest I didn't really wanna see these two have another match, I just feel like their whole feud was done and dusted after Summer Slam and there was no need for them to be back in the ring together. That being said as I just mentioned I thought the match was great. A true back and forth match that I really enjoyed and got into. I don't know how legit Swagger's injury is but he sold it really well last night. I do think he is a little Ill if the injury aint legit, in he's past couple of matches he aint looked he's best and something just aint been right with him. I've been a fan of Swaggers for a long time and I've always been annoyed with how the WWE have treated him. He had one great year and then everything else has been up and down. He has proven time and time again that he is main event material and does not deserve to be stuck as a mid carder. I understand what their trying to do with Rusev, because he's new and with the gimmick he has they wanna show he's strong and dominate and he is one to watch and take seriously but they could of done that and the same time given Swagger at least one good strong win over him. After last night I have no idea what on earth the WWE are doing with Jack. There's actually so much they could do with. I keep saying that it would make so much more sense for him to feud with Sheamus. With Sheamus being the United States champion and not American it would make sense with the gimmick Swagger has right now. It would also allow Sheamus to get the heel turn we have been waiting for for about one hundred years! And at the same time push Swagger as a face and have gold back around he's waist. He could have some good feuds holding that title as well. But instead they have some wired thing going on with him and Bo Dallas. I really do think they have fucked up Bo too. Some people might not know that Bo is actually the longest reigning NXT champion he's an extremely skilled wrestler with amazing mic skills to go with it. He's young, talented and very entertaining but the WWE are so focused on giving Randy Orton and John Cena the spotlight their forgetting the amazing new talent they have. As for Rusev he also needs a new feud and WWE need to stop making him look so invisible. He too could feud with Sheamus mainly because of the gimmick he has and it would make loads of sense and it would benefit both superstars.
There was then a number one contenders match between Rob Van Dam and Cesaro for the United states championship with Sheamus at commentary. This is another Prime example of Creative being drunk 99% of the time. I don't think there is anyone who wanted this match. It was short and boring and most of the attention was on Sheamus on commentary witch was also rubbish If i must say. Cesaro ended up picking the win witch was pretty predictable. I was saying last week how I think it's time RVD left and just became a trainer and worked over at the performance centre with the new talent because it's obvious there is nothing left for him any more. As for Cesaro, him and Sheamus have already feuded in witch was flat out boring in my opinion. These two could have one hell of a main event style match if they were given the chance but their past matches have been so boring and predictable that I just never got into the feud or them working together. It's all too been there done that for my liking. As for Cesaro I keep on saying it but they really have fucked up there. The man is pure talent is main event/championship material and I have no idea how many more times he has to prove that. Apparently WWE don't have anything major for him and waiting for the right time but in my eyes the right time was several months ago and they waisted it. Him holding the US title is waist and is just pointless. A get to know Cesaro post is coming up soon here on my blog, so watch out for that.

Nikki and Brie Bella had a family Reconciliation witch was more like an episode of Jerry Springer. I thought Brie was much much better last night on the mic then Nikki. It seems less forced with Brie and more effective as a viewers point of view but I have to admit Nikki did do a good job last night and played her role really well as "the evil twin sister" even though she may have over done it towards the end a little. I think we all know where this is going with these two but I thought the segment last night was really good and Nikki really is doing great as a heel, She's clearly a natural born heel and I have to admit I've grown to love this storyline.
Main event time and I don't think I have ever been so angry with a main event in my life. Not only was the actual match just plain ridiculous but they officially buried one of their biggest stars at the moment.The main event started out as John Cena VS Bray Wyatt and straight away when I heard of the announcement of this match I knew it was gonna be bad news for Bray. The literally made him look terrible last night and he jobbed to Cena like there was no tomorrow. I thought this was one of the worst ideas creative has ever made! Bray had such a big win at summer slam over Chris Jericho then a week later he's jobbing to Cena. He had no offence what so ever and Cena just pissed me off throughout the match. It ended in DQ when Harper and Rowan got involved however it turnt into a six man tag match with Big show and Mark Henry teaming with Cena. I literally had no interest in this match what so ever. I have no idea what on earth they are doing with the Wyatts right now but whatever it is they need to hurry up and sort it out! It was also announced that Mark Henry and Big show will be involved in a tag team match against Harper and Rowan this Friday on Smackdown...again.
RAW Review and Reactions:
Top 5 superstars of the week:
Superstar of the week Seth Rollins:
I only watched the last hour of RAW last night. I think we came in at the Brie/Nikki segment. I have no problem with their sibling rivalry storyline. However, I got a bit insulted at the end when Nikki made the comment "I wish you had died in the womb". My daughter, whose twin DID die in the womb, was watching and that kind of was a bad thing to say. Other than that the segment was good considering who was in it. I think the only matches I saw was the Reigns vs Rollins/Kane (sadly that was a bore), Bo Dallas vs Kofi (bore), and Cena vs Bray which turned into Cena, Henry, Big Show vs Wyatt Family (shrug).
ReplyDeleteI thought the ending of the Nikki/Brie segment was just real bad. the i wish u died in the womb thing was a bit too much