RAW Review and Reactions
Hey everyone, welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well. So it's that time of the week again, RAW Review and Reactions. I honestly regret staying up until four AM last night. The show was just not good at all in my opinion. We had the odd couple of good matches but nothing that made me think it was worth staying up for. I was extremely extremely disappointed to see there was no NXT Match. Considering there is a live NXT show this Wednesday I thought it made perfect sense to showcase some of the talent that have a match this week on the live show. It would of helped promote NXT and the WWE network and let's face it, the more an NXT star get's time on the main roster, the more their popularity will grow and the transition from NXT to the main roster will be a lot smoother. We had no returns or surprise appearances, there was no other matches announced for the Fastlane pay per view and there were weak build ups for the current feuds. It was a poor night but I have all my reviews and reactions ready for you today. Remember my NXT Takeover Rival predictions are almost all up now and I will be live tweeting throughout the show tomorrow. My Fastlane predictions start next Monday and Wrestlemania season has started on my blog. The links to any recent posts will be listed bellow and finally, you can let me know what YOU thought of last nights show and what you would like to see in Wrestlemania season by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
So the night kicked off with one of the most controversial superstars on the main roster at the current moment, Roman Reigns, as he addressed Daniel Bryan, the Authority and the WWE Universe, claiming that he was not afraid to face Bryan at any moment and that beating him was not going to be a problem saying that the Wrestlemania main event was he's. When Bryan made he's first appearance of the night the tensions between the two top stars grew even more (as predicted) and the more they both spoke the more Reigns came across like a heel. Last week I did actually write up a post about why I think the best next move is to turn Reigns heel and I will leave the link to that post bellow also. I will be the first to admit that Roman didn't do too bad on the mic last night. As I said recently, I do find he works better when he's in heel mode and the less he says the better because it just comes across better. With the heavy tensions between the two, the Authority took advantage and announced that the first match of the night would force Reigns and Bryan to put their differences aside and forget about their match at Fastlane, and team up to face Kane and the big show.
Roman Reigns & Daniel Bryan VS Kane & Big Show
So, the first match was a tag team match (one of many to take place on the night) as Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan were forced to team up to face Kane and the Big Show. Now, I have literally no interest what so ever with anything involving Kane and Big Show. Over the past couple of months we have seen way to many matches up between Roman Reigns and the big show, and Kane and Daniel Bryan, there was no way I was in the mood for another one. I have to admit, because of that I hardly watched the match. It was all way too predicable and I saw no point in paying too much attention. But from what I did see, to be fair it wasn't a terrible match, it was just because of how predicable it was that made not really wanna pay attention.The match of course ended in DQ after the big show through Reigns over the time keepers area and chairs got involved. The Authority of course then through another spanner in the works and announced that the main event would see Reigns and Bryan team up once again to face J&J Security, Kane, the Big show and Seth Rollins.
Ryback VS Seth Rollins
It was then time for the Authorities golden to take centre stage as he went one on one with the big guy, Ryback. I'm really worried at the moment for Erick Rowan, Dolph Ziggler and Ryback, there's nothing strong for any of them at the moment with the main event picture so busy, it's going to be really difficult to get them into something really solid for Wrestlemania. Anyway, this wasn't the best match in the world to say the least. The two have hardly any chemistry in the ring and it just didn't have any feel to it in my opinion. But the two are both amazing athletes and they had some great spots. With J&J Security at ringside, Rollins had a little advantage. Throughout the match Nobel and Mercury tried their best to through Ryback off track and give Rollins the time to take advantage. But
of course, we got yet another DQ win, when J&J security got too involved and interrupting the match and attacking Ryback. To be honest I don't think this match did anything for either of these superstars what so ever and the booking could of been a much better.
Paige VS Brie Bella
Up next, divas action as number one contender for the divas championship, Paige, took on Brie Bella. You all know by now, I'm personally not a fan at all of this current feud between Paige and Nikki Bella. It just feels like there is no effort being put into their feud what so ever. I mentioned it in my prediction post, witch I will also leave a link to bellow, that when you look at the current storyline with the NXT divas it's such a huge difference. The fans are actually interested in the match that will take place tomorrow at NXT Takeover Rival, while the match up between Paige and Nikki set to take place next Sunday has no feel or interest to it. While no one can really predict the out come of the NXT Women's championship we all know what will go down at Fastlane between these two divas. All that being said, the match last night wasn't too bad. It was a little longer then what we are used to but only by a couple of minuets. I'm always saying it but, NXT is only a one hour show but they manage to fit in two solid divas matches last week with a decent length, yet the main roster girls struggle to get ten minuets on TV during a three hour show.The build up to the Fastlane championship has been beyond weak and has all been about the colour of Paige's skin....yeah I know. This match was all about Paige gaining even more momentum and the victory over Brie meant she got that moment build.
Lana and Rusev pay tribute to John Cena
We then saw Lana and Rusev pay tribute to John Cena. Now, we all knew this was not genuine and was all very sarcastic and things got very heated, very quickly between the super athlete and the fifteen time world champion, John Cena. I have to admit, I have been really disappointed with the build up to this match. I know that they can't put to much into this build up because it's all going to be about their Wrestlemania match but it just feels that the WWE are too focused on Reigns, Rollins and Bryan and the big storyline going on there, to focus on all the other storyline's that do have the potential to be pretty amazing. This was a nice little addition to the build up to their Fastlane pay per view and it was nice seeing and hearing Rusev talk more and take more control (even though I wouldn't have minded hearing more of Lana). When Cena decided to get smart on the mic, as he usually does, Rusev responded with of course, violence, as the two broke out in a brawl that left Rusev the last man standing when the US Champ took advantage of a minor injury Cena showed during the night.
Bray Wyatt VS Dolph Ziggler
Up next, after their amazing match last week on RAW, former Intercontinental champion, Dolph Ziggler attempted to gain some retribution against Bray Wyatt as the two went one on one once again. As I just said, last week these guys had an outstanding match so I had no problem what so ever seeing the two compete again and this match was just as good as their previous one. These two are amazing amazing wrestlers and all round performers. They know how to entertain and put on a great match at the same time.Their are just two superstars who you could honestly watch compete all night long. Their move sets and talent is endless and they really do work extremely well together. After a viscous drop kick Wyatt was left bleeding from the nose but it didn't phase him what so ever and he carried on, dominating a good chunk of the match. Despite another great performance, Ziggler was left receiving yet another Sister Abigail and Wyatt scored he's second win over Ziggler in two weeks. I understand that the WWE are currently trying to build Wyatt up for a big match at Wrestlemania, and the hints as to who he's opponent will be continued in a promo he delivered later on in the night, but I'm really worrying for Ziggler. He seems to be all over he place on the roster at the moment and can't stay in anything solid. Two losses in a row to Wyatt is doing him no favours, but he's amazing performances will always keep him one of the most talked about superstars of the week.
In other news, the new day defeated Gold and Stardust, after Stardust left the ring, leaving Goldust competing on he's own and receiving another loss. The WWE are currently showing some tensions between the two brothers witch I'm hoping leads to Cody coming back because I'm beyond bored of the stardust gimmick. The tensions between the two continued backstage, a match between the two is
likely to be announced for either Fastlane or Wrestlemania. Sting also responded to Triple H in a rather dramatic way and we now know Sting will be at the Fastlane pay per view. Tyson Kidd and Cesaro scored a win over the current tag team champions, The Usos, witch of course means they are in the line for a shot at the tag team championship, I predicted this a month back but as I said it last week, I honestly just think they are only keeping the Usos busy while the WWE build up the Ascension. But it was actually a pretty good tag match between these guys last night and Kidd and Cesaro had a great performance, and are really growing as a tag team. Sin Cara also defeated Damien Mizdow. Dean Ambrose defeated Curtis Axel and the build up to the future title match between Dean and Bad News Barrett continued.
Roman Reigns & Daniel Bryan VS J&J Security, Seth Rollins, Kane, Big Show
Main event time now, and Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan were forced to team up one again, this time to take on J&J Security, Kane, the big show and Seth Rollins. Once again, I hardly had any interest in this match just because I found it too predicable. This has been a regular thing for a while now with the WWE main events; it's like we all know what the main event is going to be and how it's going to end before she show has even started. Last night it was Bryan that spent most of the time in the ring competing, and was dominated by the opposite team. When things got out of hand, Erick Rowan, Dolph Ziggler and Ryback made an appearance, witch I didn't see the point of. As I predicted it was Reigns who scored the win for him and Bryan at the end of the night we saw even more tensions between the two when Reigns pushed Bryan to the floor, of course leaving a flood of boo's from the live crowd.
So that's what I thought of the show, but what did you think? Leave a comment bellow letting me know.
So the night kicked off with one of the most controversial superstars on the main roster at the current moment, Roman Reigns, as he addressed Daniel Bryan, the Authority and the WWE Universe, claiming that he was not afraid to face Bryan at any moment and that beating him was not going to be a problem saying that the Wrestlemania main event was he's. When Bryan made he's first appearance of the night the tensions between the two top stars grew even more (as predicted) and the more they both spoke the more Reigns came across like a heel. Last week I did actually write up a post about why I think the best next move is to turn Reigns heel and I will leave the link to that post bellow also. I will be the first to admit that Roman didn't do too bad on the mic last night. As I said recently, I do find he works better when he's in heel mode and the less he says the better because it just comes across better. With the heavy tensions between the two, the Authority took advantage and announced that the first match of the night would force Reigns and Bryan to put their differences aside and forget about their match at Fastlane, and team up to face Kane and the big show.
Roman Reigns & Daniel Bryan VS Kane & Big Show
So, the first match was a tag team match (one of many to take place on the night) as Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan were forced to team up to face Kane and the Big Show. Now, I have literally no interest what so ever with anything involving Kane and Big Show. Over the past couple of months we have seen way to many matches up between Roman Reigns and the big show, and Kane and Daniel Bryan, there was no way I was in the mood for another one. I have to admit, because of that I hardly watched the match. It was all way too predicable and I saw no point in paying too much attention. But from what I did see, to be fair it wasn't a terrible match, it was just because of how predicable it was that made not really wanna pay attention.The match of course ended in DQ after the big show through Reigns over the time keepers area and chairs got involved. The Authority of course then through another spanner in the works and announced that the main event would see Reigns and Bryan team up once again to face J&J Security, Kane, the Big show and Seth Rollins.
Ryback VS Seth Rollins
It was then time for the Authorities golden to take centre stage as he went one on one with the big guy, Ryback. I'm really worried at the moment for Erick Rowan, Dolph Ziggler and Ryback, there's nothing strong for any of them at the moment with the main event picture so busy, it's going to be really difficult to get them into something really solid for Wrestlemania. Anyway, this wasn't the best match in the world to say the least. The two have hardly any chemistry in the ring and it just didn't have any feel to it in my opinion. But the two are both amazing athletes and they had some great spots. With J&J Security at ringside, Rollins had a little advantage. Throughout the match Nobel and Mercury tried their best to through Ryback off track and give Rollins the time to take advantage. But

Paige VS Brie Bella
Up next, divas action as number one contender for the divas championship, Paige, took on Brie Bella. You all know by now, I'm personally not a fan at all of this current feud between Paige and Nikki Bella. It just feels like there is no effort being put into their feud what so ever. I mentioned it in my prediction post, witch I will also leave a link to bellow, that when you look at the current storyline with the NXT divas it's such a huge difference. The fans are actually interested in the match that will take place tomorrow at NXT Takeover Rival, while the match up between Paige and Nikki set to take place next Sunday has no feel or interest to it. While no one can really predict the out come of the NXT Women's championship we all know what will go down at Fastlane between these two divas. All that being said, the match last night wasn't too bad. It was a little longer then what we are used to but only by a couple of minuets. I'm always saying it but, NXT is only a one hour show but they manage to fit in two solid divas matches last week with a decent length, yet the main roster girls struggle to get ten minuets on TV during a three hour show.The build up to the Fastlane championship has been beyond weak and has all been about the colour of Paige's skin....yeah I know. This match was all about Paige gaining even more momentum and the victory over Brie meant she got that moment build.
Lana and Rusev pay tribute to John Cena
We then saw Lana and Rusev pay tribute to John Cena. Now, we all knew this was not genuine and was all very sarcastic and things got very heated, very quickly between the super athlete and the fifteen time world champion, John Cena. I have to admit, I have been really disappointed with the build up to this match. I know that they can't put to much into this build up because it's all going to be about their Wrestlemania match but it just feels that the WWE are too focused on Reigns, Rollins and Bryan and the big storyline going on there, to focus on all the other storyline's that do have the potential to be pretty amazing. This was a nice little addition to the build up to their Fastlane pay per view and it was nice seeing and hearing Rusev talk more and take more control (even though I wouldn't have minded hearing more of Lana). When Cena decided to get smart on the mic, as he usually does, Rusev responded with of course, violence, as the two broke out in a brawl that left Rusev the last man standing when the US Champ took advantage of a minor injury Cena showed during the night.
Bray Wyatt VS Dolph Ziggler
Up next, after their amazing match last week on RAW, former Intercontinental champion, Dolph Ziggler attempted to gain some retribution against Bray Wyatt as the two went one on one once again. As I just said, last week these guys had an outstanding match so I had no problem what so ever seeing the two compete again and this match was just as good as their previous one. These two are amazing amazing wrestlers and all round performers. They know how to entertain and put on a great match at the same time.Their are just two superstars who you could honestly watch compete all night long. Their move sets and talent is endless and they really do work extremely well together. After a viscous drop kick Wyatt was left bleeding from the nose but it didn't phase him what so ever and he carried on, dominating a good chunk of the match. Despite another great performance, Ziggler was left receiving yet another Sister Abigail and Wyatt scored he's second win over Ziggler in two weeks. I understand that the WWE are currently trying to build Wyatt up for a big match at Wrestlemania, and the hints as to who he's opponent will be continued in a promo he delivered later on in the night, but I'm really worrying for Ziggler. He seems to be all over he place on the roster at the moment and can't stay in anything solid. Two losses in a row to Wyatt is doing him no favours, but he's amazing performances will always keep him one of the most talked about superstars of the week.
In other news, the new day defeated Gold and Stardust, after Stardust left the ring, leaving Goldust competing on he's own and receiving another loss. The WWE are currently showing some tensions between the two brothers witch I'm hoping leads to Cody coming back because I'm beyond bored of the stardust gimmick. The tensions between the two continued backstage, a match between the two is
likely to be announced for either Fastlane or Wrestlemania. Sting also responded to Triple H in a rather dramatic way and we now know Sting will be at the Fastlane pay per view. Tyson Kidd and Cesaro scored a win over the current tag team champions, The Usos, witch of course means they are in the line for a shot at the tag team championship, I predicted this a month back but as I said it last week, I honestly just think they are only keeping the Usos busy while the WWE build up the Ascension. But it was actually a pretty good tag match between these guys last night and Kidd and Cesaro had a great performance, and are really growing as a tag team. Sin Cara also defeated Damien Mizdow. Dean Ambrose defeated Curtis Axel and the build up to the future title match between Dean and Bad News Barrett continued.
Roman Reigns & Daniel Bryan VS J&J Security, Seth Rollins, Kane, Big Show
Main event time now, and Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan were forced to team up one again, this time to take on J&J Security, Kane, the big show and Seth Rollins. Once again, I hardly had any interest in this match just because I found it too predicable. This has been a regular thing for a while now with the WWE main events; it's like we all know what the main event is going to be and how it's going to end before she show has even started. Last night it was Bryan that spent most of the time in the ring competing, and was dominated by the opposite team. When things got out of hand, Erick Rowan, Dolph Ziggler and Ryback made an appearance, witch I didn't see the point of. As I predicted it was Reigns who scored the win for him and Bryan at the end of the night we saw even more tensions between the two when Reigns pushed Bryan to the floor, of course leaving a flood of boo's from the live crowd.
So that's what I thought of the show, but what did you think? Leave a comment bellow letting me know.
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