Top 5 Superstars of Wrestlemania
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well. We are just under five weeks away from Wrestlemania thirty one witch of course means it's Wrestlemania season on my blog. I made the announcement before Christmas that I would be doing this series, where I upload posts centred all round Wrestlemania including top five's and tens, news and updates surrounding this years big event and the last week will of course be Prediction week. I have already uploaded a number of posts for the series and I will link the latest ones down bellow so you can go and check them all out and stay all up to date. I'm still looking for ideas on blog posts for the season so do let me know what posts you would like to see by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria. Some quick extra reminders; I will be live tweeting throughout the Wrestlemania kick off show and full pay per view and I will be hosting a Q&A two hours before the show. Finally, you can let me know also, who you think is Mr Wrestlemania and the top stars of the biggest event of the year either by leaving a comment bellow in the comments section or by dropping me a tweet at @TezangiVictoria. If you would like to see a part two of this post do let me know in the comment bellow.
5) John Cena
Kicking off my top five superstars of Wrestlemania (part one) is John Cena. You all know I'm far from the biggest John Cena fan but not even I can deny the fact that Cena has one of the most impressive Wrestlemania history. It was all the way back in two thousand and four when Cena defeated The Big show for the United States championship. Back then Cena was still the new guy and proving himself to the company and the fans but he was clearly a superstar to watch and one that would go on to make history. The following year at Wrestlemania twenty one in two thousand and five Cena was finally put centre stage and made a top star when he main evented and defeated JBL to become the WWE Champion it was a year later he did the exact same thing when he knocked off The Game, Triple to once again be crowned the WWE Champion. This pattern continued in two thousand and seven when he defeated Shawn Michaels to win the WWE Championship. At Wrestlemania twenty four Cena was still in the main event for the WWE Championship when he competed in a triple threat against Randy Orton and Triple, However this time it was Orton who walked away with gold around he's waist. Personally, when I think John Cena and Wrestlemania I straight away think of two thousand and nine when he competed in a triple threat against the big show and Edge for the World heavyweight championship. In my opinion this was one of Cena's best matches and strongest performances and in the end he walked away with the title, winning it for the first time at Mania. In two thousand and ten John won the WWE Championship yet again at the biggest event of the year this time defeating Batista, however the following year he wasn't so lucky, when he main evented for the same title but was defeated by the Miz. Then in both two thousand and twelve and thirteen he took on The Rock defeating him at Mania twenty nine. That brings us to last year where he got a win over the much younger, Bray Wyatt. Whether your a fan of Cena or not, you cannot deny that he has one of the most impressive Wrestlemania history, winning the WWE Championship four times at the event, the US championship once and the World Championship once. From two thousand and four all the way up to to thousand and eleven he competed for a title every year and has had some of the most memorable matches in Wrestlemania history.
4) Randy Savage
Up next, the man who will be inducted into the two thousand and fifteen hall of fame, the one and only, Randy Savage. I'm a huge huge fan of Randy Savage and I have been pretty much my entire life.I grew up watching he's older work and even to this day you will always find me watching my WCW dvd's and watching him in action. When I look back at Savage's work at Wrestlemania I'm surprised that he is not mentioned as a Mania legend whenever the season arrives. In nineteen eighty six, Savage defeated George Steele for the Intercontinental Championship, back when the title meant something. The following year he competed for the same championship but was defeated by Rick the Dragon Steamboat. To this day that match is considered to be on of the greatest contests in sports- entertainment history and one I know I will love and keep going back to every year. In nineteen eighty eighty, Savage had a seriously memorable performance when he won a tournament for the WWE championship. On the night he would defeat the likes of Butch Reed, Greg Valentine, One Man Gang and finally Ted DiBiase to become the champ. The following year he competed in one of my all time fave Wrestlemania matches, when he went one on one with Hulk Hogan for the WWE Championship. He may not of have one but the performance was enough. Nineteen ninety saw Savage compete in a mixed tag team match when he teamed up with Sensational Sherri to face Dusty Rhodes and Sapphire, but were on the loosing side. The following year he was defeated by Ultimate Warrior in a rematch. Nineteen ninety two was a good year for Savage when it comes to Wrestlemania, on the night he defeated Ric Flair for the WWE Championship. The next time we would see Randy at Mania was in 1994, where he defeated Crush and this would be the last time he competed at Mania. He may not have won all he's Wrestlemania matches but he had some of the most memorable matches in Wrestlemania history.
3) Shawn Michaels
Up next at number three is the man they call, Mr Shawn Michaels aka Shawn Michaels. Once again, I grew up a major Shawn Michaels fan and to this day you will still catch me re-living he's greatest moments. The whole world knows that Shawn Michaels is a legend when it comes to Wrestlemania. From he's outstanding matches to crazy, amazing entrances, Michaels will forever go down in history as one of the greatest men in sports entertainment history and one of the best performers in Wrestlemania history. Michaels first grace the Mania stage back in nineteen eighty nine at Wrestlemania five, when he was apart of the Rockers. On the night he and tag team partner Marty Jannetty were defeat by twin towers. The following year the Rockers were once again defeated this time Orient Express. Michaels first Mania success would come in nineteen ninety one when the Rockers defeated Haku and The Barbarian. At Wrestlemania eight, Michaels competed at the big event as a singles for the first time knocking off El Matador. The following year Michaels was defeated by Tatanka. At Wrestlemania ten Michaels had one of the best matches I have ever seen and one that will forever be a favourite of mine, of course I'm talking about the IC Championship ladder between Michaels and Razor Ramon. Shawn may not have one the match but he was a stand of the night and stole the show. Another memorable match took place the following year when Michaels took on Bret Hart and won the match. To this day this is a match and feud that everybody talks including myself on the night he won the WWF Championship. Michaels would be at commentary for the match up between the Undertaker and Sid but did not compete on the night. In 1998, Michaels competed in yet another huge against Stone Cold Steve Austin but was not successful. In the years to come Shawn would compete in matches at Wrestlemania against the likes Chris Jericho, Triple, Chris Benoit, John Cena, Vince McMahon, Kurt Angle, Undertaker and Ric Flair. He was also the special guest referee for the Triple H/ Undertaker match.I think it's safe to say he has earned the name Mr Wrestlemania.
2) Undertaker
At number two and just missing out on the number one spot is the Undertaker. Now, I'm not going to write much here because I have a full post I want to do all based just around the Undertaker so make sure to keep a look out for the link to that on Twitter and Tumblr in the next couple of weeks. The Undertaker will always be known as one of the best charters and strongest talents in sports entrainment history. Talking of history, he hold one of the great streaks in sports entertainment history, with he's amazing 21-1 streak at Wrestlemania. It's crazy to think that for twenty one straight years, the Undertaker won every single one of he's Wrestlemania match ups. I will admit I'm still upset about the ending of the streak last year but the man is simply a legend and during he's streak he defeated the likes of Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Kane,Sycho Sid, King Kong Bundy, Jimmy Snuka and so many more. Many superstars will come and go and make history at Wrestlemania, but none will match the one and only, the dead man himself, the Undertaker.

1) Hulk Hogan
And finally, the number one spot, To be honest there was only one man that could of claimed the top spot. Of course I'm talking about the man behind Hulkamania, the one and only, Hulk Hogan. Where do I even begin. You say Wrestlemania and you think Hulk Hogan. He's kind of like the driving force behind the product and without him I don't even think Wrestlemania would be where it is today. Just like with the undertaker, I will be doing a special post for Hogan so make sure to keep an eye out for the link to that in the next couple of weeks. If you look back right at the start of Wrestlemania, he featured in the first ever show and from that point onwards would either main event every Wrestlemania or participate in a major, huge match. Over the years he would compete against the likes of Andre the giant, The Rock, Mr T, Roddy Pipper, Randy Savage and many many many more. Remember to look out for my special post on Hogan next week.
5) John Cena
Kicking off my top five superstars of Wrestlemania (part one) is John Cena. You all know I'm far from the biggest John Cena fan but not even I can deny the fact that Cena has one of the most impressive Wrestlemania history. It was all the way back in two thousand and four when Cena defeated The Big show for the United States championship. Back then Cena was still the new guy and proving himself to the company and the fans but he was clearly a superstar to watch and one that would go on to make history. The following year at Wrestlemania twenty one in two thousand and five Cena was finally put centre stage and made a top star when he main evented and defeated JBL to become the WWE Champion it was a year later he did the exact same thing when he knocked off The Game, Triple to once again be crowned the WWE Champion. This pattern continued in two thousand and seven when he defeated Shawn Michaels to win the WWE Championship. At Wrestlemania twenty four Cena was still in the main event for the WWE Championship when he competed in a triple threat against Randy Orton and Triple, However this time it was Orton who walked away with gold around he's waist. Personally, when I think John Cena and Wrestlemania I straight away think of two thousand and nine when he competed in a triple threat against the big show and Edge for the World heavyweight championship. In my opinion this was one of Cena's best matches and strongest performances and in the end he walked away with the title, winning it for the first time at Mania. In two thousand and ten John won the WWE Championship yet again at the biggest event of the year this time defeating Batista, however the following year he wasn't so lucky, when he main evented for the same title but was defeated by the Miz. Then in both two thousand and twelve and thirteen he took on The Rock defeating him at Mania twenty nine. That brings us to last year where he got a win over the much younger, Bray Wyatt. Whether your a fan of Cena or not, you cannot deny that he has one of the most impressive Wrestlemania history, winning the WWE Championship four times at the event, the US championship once and the World Championship once. From two thousand and four all the way up to to thousand and eleven he competed for a title every year and has had some of the most memorable matches in Wrestlemania history.
4) Randy Savage

3) Shawn Michaels
Up next at number three is the man they call, Mr Shawn Michaels aka Shawn Michaels. Once again, I grew up a major Shawn Michaels fan and to this day you will still catch me re-living he's greatest moments. The whole world knows that Shawn Michaels is a legend when it comes to Wrestlemania. From he's outstanding matches to crazy, amazing entrances, Michaels will forever go down in history as one of the greatest men in sports entertainment history and one of the best performers in Wrestlemania history. Michaels first grace the Mania stage back in nineteen eighty nine at Wrestlemania five, when he was apart of the Rockers. On the night he and tag team partner Marty Jannetty were defeat by twin towers. The following year the Rockers were once again defeated this time Orient Express. Michaels first Mania success would come in nineteen ninety one when the Rockers defeated Haku and The Barbarian. At Wrestlemania eight, Michaels competed at the big event as a singles for the first time knocking off El Matador. The following year Michaels was defeated by Tatanka. At Wrestlemania ten Michaels had one of the best matches I have ever seen and one that will forever be a favourite of mine, of course I'm talking about the IC Championship ladder between Michaels and Razor Ramon. Shawn may not have one the match but he was a stand of the night and stole the show. Another memorable match took place the following year when Michaels took on Bret Hart and won the match. To this day this is a match and feud that everybody talks including myself on the night he won the WWF Championship. Michaels would be at commentary for the match up between the Undertaker and Sid but did not compete on the night. In 1998, Michaels competed in yet another huge against Stone Cold Steve Austin but was not successful. In the years to come Shawn would compete in matches at Wrestlemania against the likes Chris Jericho, Triple, Chris Benoit, John Cena, Vince McMahon, Kurt Angle, Undertaker and Ric Flair. He was also the special guest referee for the Triple H/ Undertaker match.I think it's safe to say he has earned the name Mr Wrestlemania.
2) Undertaker
At number two and just missing out on the number one spot is the Undertaker. Now, I'm not going to write much here because I have a full post I want to do all based just around the Undertaker so make sure to keep a look out for the link to that on Twitter and Tumblr in the next couple of weeks. The Undertaker will always be known as one of the best charters and strongest talents in sports entrainment history. Talking of history, he hold one of the great streaks in sports entertainment history, with he's amazing 21-1 streak at Wrestlemania. It's crazy to think that for twenty one straight years, the Undertaker won every single one of he's Wrestlemania match ups. I will admit I'm still upset about the ending of the streak last year but the man is simply a legend and during he's streak he defeated the likes of Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Kane,Sycho Sid, King Kong Bundy, Jimmy Snuka and so many more. Many superstars will come and go and make history at Wrestlemania, but none will match the one and only, the dead man himself, the Undertaker.

1) Hulk Hogan
And finally, the number one spot, To be honest there was only one man that could of claimed the top spot. Of course I'm talking about the man behind Hulkamania, the one and only, Hulk Hogan. Where do I even begin. You say Wrestlemania and you think Hulk Hogan. He's kind of like the driving force behind the product and without him I don't even think Wrestlemania would be where it is today. Just like with the undertaker, I will be doing a special post for Hogan so make sure to keep an eye out for the link to that in the next couple of weeks. If you look back right at the start of Wrestlemania, he featured in the first ever show and from that point onwards would either main event every Wrestlemania or participate in a major, huge match. Over the years he would compete against the likes of Andre the giant, The Rock, Mr T, Roddy Pipper, Randy Savage and many many many more. Remember to look out for my special post on Hogan next week.
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