Turing Reigns heel would be next best move heading into Wrestlemania
The Shield
In late 2012, one of the most successful WWE faction in recent years was born. A faction made up with the first NXT champion Seth Rollins, the man with the hardcore background, the lunatic fringe Dean Ambrose and the Samoan sensation, Roman Reigns. The group very quickly grew in popularity and individually achieved great success on the main roster, with Ambrose picking up the United States championship and Rollins and Reigns scoring the tag team championships. All three superstars had started to shine for their own talents; We had Ambrose being not only the strongest speaker of faction but one of the strongest speakers on the roster, this meant that Reigns weak mic skills we're highlighted dramatically and he was put under pressure to work on he's character and promo work. As for wrestling ability, both Ambrose and Rollins had bags more experience, after working for several independent promotions and that really did show whenever they competed in the ring.Reigns had some impressive moves in he's set including the spear and the superman punch but he lacked being able to pull of basic moves, was unable to sell well, and all round had a limited move set; and when you're standing next to someone like Seth Rollins who has a crazy, impressive, endless move set, it doesn't look good. All that being said, Roman comes from a strong Samoan background,witch straight away puts him under even more pressure to deliver to a high standard and be up at the top with he's bloodline. He has a great body (not too big or too small) and clearly handsome looks, ticking the all the physical boxes the WWE look for in a top talent and the company have made it clear that they are extremely high on him, putting him in big matches and feuds and portraying him as the most successful one of the three while apart of the Shield; this included him getting the bigger wins, more spotlight and a more positive feedback from the commentary team. However the WWE universe we're quick to express that Roman Reigns was clearly to ready to be a main event star. With lack of experience, poor mic skills and a limited move set this young star was far from ready to take centre stage in one of sports entrainments biggest promotions and the WWE universe expressed that the torch should be passed on to the either one of Reigns fellow partners, longest reigning United
States champion Dean Ambrose or the now Mr Money in the bank, Seth Rollins.
Royal Rumble
This year the expectations for the Royal Rumble where higher than ever, with everyone wanting different superstars to come out the last man standing and going on to face Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. From Daniel Bryan to Dean Ambrose to Dolph Ziggler, everyone has an opinion on who they wanted to. A thew weeks back the Rumble took place with a wild live crowd in Philadelphia all waiting to see if their favourite would be the one to win the one of the most important matches of the year.However, when Roman Reigns eliminated Rusev to become the winner of the two thousand and fifteen Royal Rumble match, the arena was filled with a sea of heavy boos. Many believed that because Daniel Bryan was not entered last year and suffered a serious injury that this would be he's year, but when the WWE's obvious current favourite was left the last man standing the WWE universe blew up and could almost all agree on one thing; Roman Reigns should not have won the Royal Rumble match. With the fans taking to twitter many (including myself) expressed their anger and displeasure towards the result and the hash tag Cancel the WWE network trended for almost two whole straight days. I think the two reasons people where so angry was because one, they wanted either Bryan or Ziggler to be the winner and secondly Reigns just isn't ready. With such little experience and improvements Reigns has proved one thing over the past two to three years and that's that he is nor ready to be the WWE's top guy. Now there's no saying that won't change in the next couple of years, but he's only twenty nine and hasn't been wrestling for long at all and it really shows. With a very limited move set, weak mic skills and poor character, Reigns has proved time and time again he is not ready for centre stage, and the anger is so strong because there are guys like Bryan, Ziggler, Wyatt and Ambrose who are more than ready to be at the top. The two big questions now are, will Roman Reigns be ready by Wrestlemania? And will he be able to turn things around at Wrestlemania?
In July of two thousand and ten Reigns signed with World Wrestling Entertainment and started working down in the companies developmental territory, FCW. He debuted in September of that year using the name Roman Leakee. It took him a while to score a win but the first would come from a one on one match against Fahd Rakman. For the rest of the year Leakee wrestled mainly in tag team action and did a lot of work with Tyler Breeze, eventually being pretty successful. In January of two thousand and eleven he competed in a thirty man battle Royal but was eliminated. In two thousand and twelve Leakee became a main eventer when he defeated the FCW Heavyweight champion, Leo Kruger (now Adam Rose) and was in one of the most popular FCW matches when he competed in a triple threat match with Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins. When the WWE re-branded it's developmental territory from FCW to NXT Leakee was given the new name, Roman Reigns and debuted on October 31st defeating CJ Parker. He may not have been the most popular character in FCW or NXT (mainly because most people were interested more so in the likes of Dean Ambrose, Leo Kruger and Seth Rollins) the commentary team would continuously speak highly of him and make it clear that they thought he would have a massive future ahead of him.
Working as a heel
While in NXT Reigns would work as a strong heel and he really did do a good job. Recently there has been a video of Roman floating around of him being interviewed and doing an amazing job on the mic. This was easily he's best piece of mic work. If you haven't seen it I will try and link it bellow so you can check it out. This is a perfect example of him proving he can cut a good promo and he can show a lot f character. I have to admit I was really really impressed with what I saw. We've never really seen Reigns deliver that well on the mic on the main roster. Working as a heel, using that character, allowed him to really shine and stand out. He was clearly extremely comfortable in the role and new what he was doing. He knew how to portray he's character to the best ability, he knew how to grab attention, he had charisma, he was entertaining, and even though the character wasn't the best, he made it work. We then of course saw him work in one of the biggest factions in WWE history, the Shield, were he worked as a another big heel. Now, he's mic work might not have been the best, of course standing next to Dean Ambrose who's a pro in that area, he's clearly going to stand out for all the wrong reasons, but he made a convincing bad guy. There was something about him that really got under the skin of the WWE universe and it wasn't just because he was stealing the attention off every man's wife. He has proved throughout the early stages of he's career he makes an all round better heel. He's mic work as a baby face is weak, dull,it has no character and he's focusing so much on what he needs to say that it has no affect what so ever on the fans and he comes across boring and cringey.
Why turning Reigns heel is best move
The WWE universe have made it clear they do not have the belief in Roman Reigns that he can go one to become the top guy in sports entertainments biggest promotion, well not at the moment anyway. The reaction he got at the Royal Rumble pay per view was on of the worse reactions I have seen in recent years. But the WWE really could use that in their favour. Turning Reigns into the bad guy really would make a lot of sense. Half of the WWE universe cant stand the guy as it is and when he becomes the WWE World Heavyweight champion at Wrestlemania (witch we all know he will) can you imagine how angry everyone is going to be even though we have all been predicting it for months and can see it coming. If Reigns can use a little of the character he has in NXT, the cocky, arrogant, better than everyone else, person, it would really get under the skin of the fans even more but at the same time it would really work. It will allow him to really shine and show everyone that he's worthy champion, and we all know he works better as a heel so the mic work will be much much better. I also think turning him heel in time for Wrestlemania, will also allow him to grow. If we look at stars like the Rock and Sheamus they all used that process of going from good to bad to becoming some of the best wrestlers in the WWE. The exact same could work for Reigns. If they want him to be the next big huge baby face then kick starting him as a top heel may be the way to go. There's no need to rush him to much just yet. Cena is still around and still standing strong, if they just slow down a little and let him grow then he could very easily follow in the footsteps of Cena but has to show improvements and he has to show is worthy of being the next top guy and he hasn't done that yet. Working as a heel will allow him to be much more diverse and show a lot lot more and also allow the fans to build more a connection with him.

Daniel Bryan is Key in Reigns heel run
There's no doubt about it, Daniel Bryan is the biggest baby face in the WWE right now and he has been for a couple of years. The fans just freaking love him. We all now know that at the Fastlane pay
per view Bryan and Reigns will go one on one for the chance to face Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania. Now, Bryan is key in Reigns turning heel and all round improving as a performer. Already we have seen so much better character and mic work from Reigns just through the tensions between him and Bryan. He's work on RAW and Smackdown this past week has been some of the best mic work we have seen from him ever. I mentioned a thew times recently that I think the best thing Reigns can do is go by the phrase, less is more, because it really is with him. The more laid back attitude he has had recently has allowed him to pull off better promos/segment performances while before when he was thinking about it too much and trying to sound as best as he can it wasn't working at all. Now, the tensions between Bryan and Reigns are really working in Reigns favour. When the two go one on one at Fastlane, Roman really is going to be pushed to he's limits and forced to step it up a notch. The angrier he gets with Bryan the more he comes a across as a heel and the better he's work is. Bryan will be key in Reign showing more in he's move set, showing more character, selling well and improving all-round.
I honestly think the best move would be to turn Reigns heel. It would allow him to work better, show more, improve more, gradually make he's way to the top spot, market him better as a potential champion and champion when he is one. And I do think it would help Lesnar also as it looks he's time with WWE is ending. Let me know what you think by leaving a comment bellow.
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