Why Daniel Bryan VS Sheamus is best move for both superstars
What you been up to Bryan?
There's simply no denying it, Daniel Bryan is currently one of the most talented and popular WWE superstars. The past three year's have seen he's career go from strength to strength and I don't think even Daniel himself could have predicted could the amazing past thew year's he has had. Bryan's career started out in the indies and he really did make a name for himself in that scene, he actually took on Cena earlier on in he's career in a trial match but if course we wouldn't see him make it until he was a contestant on NXT were despite the fact The Miz was he's pro he managed to win the fans over and even though he has had the odd couple of heel turns the WWE universe remained extremely loyal to him and the yes (and no) chant are still going strong three years down the line. Bryan really has changed the idea of what a main event star is and challenged the stereotypes, proving that hight, weight and looks doesn't come into the equation, he has the wrestling ability, the ambition, the drive, the charisma and the crowd love and appreciation and it's all that that has made made him one of the most must see, talented, popular superstars right now. He's the perfect example that hard work really does pay off and with the help of belief, you will achieve whatever it is you want to achieve. The past couple of years the WWE have been focusing on the storyline of Daniel Bryan VS The authority and let's face it, it's worked massively and has been the true turning point in Daniel career. He kick started two thousand and fourteen in the best way possible, being apart of every single Monday night RAW either main eventing or being apart of one of the biggest matches of the night. He then of course went on to have an amazing performance at the Elimination Chamber and we then have Wrestlemania. Daniel really couldn't of asked for anything more during Wrestlemania season, essentially being apart of two feuds mixed into one, Bryan took on one of the all time greats, Triple H at the biggest pay per view of the year, Wrestlemania and managed to defeat him but he also then main evented the show going up against two other greats of this generation, Batista and Randy Orton, in the end defeating them both in a triple threat match to become the new WWE World Heavyweight champion. It was about a month or two after Wrestlemania that things began to change and with only one pay per view title defence, Bryan was forced to take time out of action due to a career threatening neck injury and we wouldn't see Bryan in action for nine months. But if we look at what he did right right at the start of twenty fourteen with Bray Wyatt, he really did shine there also, having one of the best matches of the year once again, that time at the Royal Rumble pay per view. With Bryan now back in action after retuning last Thursday on Smackdown things have really started to shake up with the top superstars and with Wrestlemania season now active, feuds for the biggest show of the year are beginning to kick start. Now, it appears the WWE still have plans to have Bryan work with the Authority storyline, But heading into Wrestlemania, what is best for business for Daniel Bryan? Say he doesn't win the Royal Rumble, what's the next best thing for him? Or even after Wrestlemania, what will be the best direction for him, when it comes to feuds and storyline's? With so many up an coming talents around there's a good mixture of superstars Bryan could rival with this year? I have written in the past that he would pull of an amazing feud with Mr Money in the bank, Seth Rollins (the link to that post will be bellow) but I think the best move for him leading into Wrestlemania would be to step back in the ring with an older rival.
What You been up to Sheamus?

The History of Daniel Bryan VS Sheamus
Now, we all know these two are not strangers in the ring. A thew years back the WWE had them in a feud witch went right through to Wrestlemania, seeing Bryan drop the title to Sheamus in a under ten seconds. But the two have had some amazing matches against each other. Take the two out of three falls match between the two at Extreme Rules, this was one of my all time fave two out of three falls matches. Their feud was really strong and they had some great matches up even when the feud was over they had some amazing one on one matches. I was disappointed they never got to have a longer match that year at Wrestlemania and so this is the perfect time to allow them both to really have a big, strong Wrestlemania match and steal the show. Plus, they are both at bigger stages in their career. Bryan is much higher on the roster and a much bigger main event star, so stronger booking makes perfect sense.
So why is a Daniel Bryan VS Sheamus feud best for both of these superstars and why would it be a success going into Wrestlemania? Well first off neither of these superstars have anything solid right now. They both need to be put in something different. When it comes to Bryan I do still think he needs to carry on doing some work with the Authority but I don't think there is a single person in the world who wants to see more Kane VS Bryan matches. What they could do is bring back Sheamus back as some kind of Authority figure/role. It doesn't have to be a permanent thing bug he could simply be the extra muscle. Kane is yet to be able to defeat Bryan so they could easily go down the storyline of Sheamus being the one to do the Authority's dirty work and take down Bryan. I have said for months now why I think Sheamus needs to turn heel and I will insert a little section from a previous post where I spoke more about this. Sheamus always did work much much better as a heel. He's feud with Triple H was amazing and it really was a the making of him and defined he's career. All round he works much better as a heel, coming across more convincing and entertaining. The truth of the matter is that Sheamus the booking was much stronger for Sheamus when he was a heel, he was a bigger hit with the fans and he's image and wrestling style is best suited for a heel.As I just mentioned the past two years have not been all that great for Sheamus at all. Over the course of the two years he has been out of action for a year in total and even though he has had he's strong moments he really has struggled to get into something strong and the baby face run has weakened him and made he's storyline's much more limited. I have to admit I was expecting him to return to action at the Royal Rumble and it would of been the perfect time to start a feud between the two, just my eliminating Bryan it would add heat. When it comes to turning Sheamus heel the WWE would have no problems what so ever. Bryan is the biggest baby face right now, anyone that touches him gets a bad reaction from the crowd and so as soon as they have Sheamus attack Bryan in any kind of way it will add he heat and he will be made one of the biggest heels in the company. The two have a great history, witch I have already spoke about, so the previous heat is still there and the two have
great chemistry in the ring. If the WWE don't turn Sheamus heel and kick start a feud between him ad Bryan before Wrestlemania than they could be in serious trouble and re-building Sheamus would much much more difficult. The best way to turn him into a major heel, give him a purpose ad make him relevant is by putting him in a hot feud with the biggest star in the company right now. But Bryan too could benefit from this. He needs some new and an even bigger challenge, Sheamus is that challenge.
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