RAW Review and Reactions
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well. Last night the WWE brought us the RAW after the first ever Fastlane Pay per view and to be fair it was a pretty decent show. After a huge pay per view the previous night, full of major revelations, announcements, returns and title changes, the fall out of the show was set to be a good but busy one and it was indeed. I have to admit I really struggled to stay awake, anyone living in the UK will know how difficult pay per view weekends are, four AM two night's in a row is a painful routine; but I got through it somehow and it's now time for my RAW Review and Reactions post. With so much to get through the WWE had a decent night and well, let's face it, if it kept me of all people awake last night, it must of been a pretty good show. Last night was all about building up the Wrestlemania card and it's feuds. That included creating new feuds and setting everything up for the biggest show of the year. Today I'm going to be taking you through everything that happened last night from start to finish and telling you exactly what I thought and how it will contribute to Wrestlemania. Some quick reminders before we get started with today's post; Wrestlemania season on my blog has now started and the link to the most recent post in the series will be listed bellow. This weekend I will also be uploading my top twenty matches of the month and my top fifteen superstars of the month so there is no top five once again but it will return next week. My fitness blog will also finally launch next week also! So keep an eye out for that if you are interested. The links to any recent posts including my Fastlane Review and Reactions. Finally, you can let me know what you thought of last night's episode of RAW and what you would like to see in Wrestlemania season by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Before the show started, it was reported that iconic tag team, The Bushwhackers were reported to be inducted into the Hall Of Fame and that was later confirmed. To be fair I don't really have a big opinion on this, I've never been a big fan of the Bushwhackers but they did bring a fair amount to the business and were an extremely talented tag team and even though I think another tag team should of been inducted but they more than deserve their place in the two thousand and fifteen hall of fame class.Let me know if you would like to see a special Hall Of Fame post in Wrestlemania season. Also before the show started it was announced that the current WWE World Heavyweight champion, Brock Lesnar would be appearing on the show alongside he's advocate, Paul Heyman.
The show kick started with a retuning Randy Orton. After he's shock return Sunday at Fastlane, the crowd and everyone at home where pumped to see the viper back on our screens after four months. After receiving a huge reaction, Orton addressed the WWE Universe and most importantly Mr Money in the bank, Seth Rollins. Expressing he's anger, he replayed what had happened four months ago when he received a beat down from the Authority, with Seth Rollins coming across as the main
attacker, witch of course he was. The viper made it clear what he's motives were and made it clear he was back and better than ever. After calling our Seth Rollins he ended up getting everyone but Rollins, including Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, The Big Show and Kane. Controlling the segment was Stephanie McMahon. I have commented several times over the past year how much Stephanie has been the centre piece of the bigger storyline's of the past couple of years and she did a great job last night playing her role perfectly. Her attempts to get Orton back on Team Authority, didn't go down too well and Randy continued to express that he wanted one thing, Seth Rollins and he was no longer apart of the "family". After that, it was the Big Show's turn to try and get Orton back on side, but the echo's of "You sold out" chants were loud and clear and still didn't work. It was clear that Stephanie dominated this opening segment and really made it a solid start to the show. She has played the top heel for a while now and she just seems to be getting better and better and better each time she is given a mic or put on out screens. The stare off between Triple H and Orton was a really nice touch also. The segment ended with Stephanie offering a business conference for Orton to return to the authority and he accepted the meeting. I personally liked the start to the show and thought it was a great, strong way to kick start the show.
Bad News Barrett then had some stuff to get off he's chest as the Intercontinental champion made he's way to the ring to address the WWE universe and he's opponent from the previous night, the lunatic fringe Dean Ambrose. It was at Fastlane the night before that Barrett scored a DQ win over Ambrose but left the show looking weak after a major beat down. The champ also had a vital accessory missing, the Intercontinental championship itself, as we all know, the night before Ambrose left the arena with the title. What really frustrated me about this however, was the fact that they did most of Barrett's promo during the ad break. This made no sense what so ever and really frustrated me. At commentary was R-truth, last week on Smackdown, Truth actually scored a win over the champ and so rightfully has a shot at the title. Meanwhile, Barrett took on the people's fave, Dolph Ziggler in a one on one match. These two are two of my all time faves and they are extremely talented wrestlers so I had no problem with the match at all, but everything did feel rushed and all over the place. Barrett needed a full, lengthy, strong promo aired on TV and THEN a good match. The addition of Truth at commentary was actually a nice touch but I really don't wanna see a title match between the two. The match itself was good, really good. These guys have had amazing matches in the past and have great chemistry in the ring and so the standards were high. After he's loss the night before in the six man tag match, Ziggler needed something strong to bounce back off of and this was perfect.He dominated the match very early on and of course sold every move like a true pro.Barrett also had an amazing performance last night, looking really strong and dominate at times and regained a lot of momentum after a poor ending for him in he's title match at Fastlane. What I didn't like about this match was Ziggler winning, Yes he needed the win and it did him a great deal of good and it did make sense to have Barrett loose I just hate the fact the champ lost yet another match. After the match Ambrose came out to tease Barrett and there was also some tensions between him and Ziggler too. Maybe a huge match for the title at Wrestlemania is on the card witch would be great in adding importance back to the title. I do have to say though, Dean looked great with that championship on him,and yes he did walk off with the title again.
After the ad break we saw the business meeting between The Authority and Randy Orton where Randy shook the hand of Seth Rollins, leading us to believe he was back on team Authority. It was also announced during the segment that the main event would be Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns VS Seth Rollins and Randy Orton. I was not happy at all at the fact there was going to be another tag team main event but it was a good segment.
Up next, tag team action and Darren Young and Titus O'Neil aka the Prime time players took on my favourites, The Ascension. I still don't understand why Young and O'Neil are back together and all buddy buddy but whatever. Now, I am still having to stand up for the Ascension. It frustrates me so much how I have to always back these guys up. If your gonna hate on superstar or tag team at least know their history and what they have achieved. These guys have been through so much and getting the Ascension from FCW to NXT to the main roster has been a long long journey and after so many changes and improvements these guys have earned their right to be wear they are. They don't choose who they wrestle, how their styled and what they say so cut them some slack. I will admit they need a lot of work on their mic ability and I do think they need someone to do the talking for them but they are going far anyway. Konnor and Viktor dominated the match but Young had a solid performance also. I was hoping he would get a push when he returned but there seems to be no signs in doing so. Surprisingly the prime time players scored the win but the Ascension got straight on the attack afterwards and were left the last men standing.
We then heard from the number one contender for Brock Lesnars' WWE Championship and the man who will be main eventing Wrestlemania thirty one, Roman Reigns. After having what was hands down the best match of he's solo career Reigns had a lot to smile about and was full of momentum. I mentioned in my Fastlane Review and Reactions that I gained a lot of respect for Roman on Sunday and he really did prove himself but he still has a long way to go before he is main event, top guy
material. He got a great reaction last night and he more than deserved but the thing is he can't get too comfortable. As I just said, he still has a lot of work to do. He's promo last night was not bad at all. I still think less is more. He doesn't need to put in crazy effort and add all the crazy stuff to it like The Rock and Bray Wyatt for example, if he just speaks and get on with it, he cuts a decent promo. Half way through however, Bryan interrupted the number one contender were he had a fair share of stuff to say and let's face it, he had some amazing points to make and he took control of this segment. I felt every single word he said and believed everything he was saying.He expressed how he was a Roman Reigns doubter and why and how he gave he's match the previous night all he had and at the end of it he congratulated Reigns and the two shook hands and showed some respect for one another witch was great to see. However, things took a darker turn when Paul Heyman arrived. The mood just changed a little and I loved it. Whenever Heyman comes out I'm glued on to my TV and I hang on every single word he says, last night was no different.What it did feel like last night however, was that everyone was just out to put over Reigns witch worked and was a good plan but I don't know, I just wasn't feeling it. Heyman of course did a great job selling the Mania main event and managed to make both Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns look really really good. I thought this was an amazing addition to the feud and really played a huge role in the build up to the mania main event.
Up next was the Tag team championship rematch. At Fastlane we saw Cesaro and Tyson Kidd crowned the new Tag team champions in what was a great match up and you all know I was not expecting them to win the match at all. I predicted in my prediction post the rematch would take place last night and so I kinda knew what to expect. I have to admit I'm still not completely sold on the idea of Cesaro ad Tyson Kidd being a tag team, I still think they are better off as singles but they are slowly changing my opinion. Cesaro was a strong performer right from the start of the match and throughout but the Usos were just on fire last night. I felt at times Tyson really struggled to stand out and was considered the weakest member of the match but he did have some great moments throughout the match. You will be happy to hear that the Usos are growing on me also. I'm not a major fan, far from it, but I am really enjoying watching them perfume lately. I thought this was a great tag team match witch after a great ending witch resulted in a DQ after Nattie got involved meant that Kidd and Cesaro retained the titles. I loved the addition of Nattie and Naomi and there involvements but it did look as if Nattie did suffer a legit injury. This was one of the top matches of the night for me.
We then heard from the one and only Bray Wyatt, and after he made it clear he was going after the Dead man, everyone was excited to hear what he had to say next and what was about to go down in this storyline. I do have a post going up later on in Wrestlemania season on my blog about Bray Wyatt and passing the torch to him so keep an eye out for that. I do think Wyatt is the perfect man for the new face of fear and it's clear the WWE have huge huge huge plans for him. He's a great wrestler, outstanding talking, he has an amazing character and works it perfectly, we are witnessing serious greatness in Wyatt, this feud will e the making of him. The promo he cut last night was great also and another really nice touch.
Up next, Stardust was in action as he took on Jack Swagger. You all know by now how much I love Jack Swagger. I have been a fan of he's from the get go and it really bothers me how badly he is treated. He's such a big talent! He's still young and there is stuff they could do with him or at least a lot they could of done with him last year. I can't stand how they have him job to superstars left, right and centre. He had a decent performance last night but the booking was odd and the match was pretty random but it was Swagger who scored the win the problem is is that win does nothing for him but I'm glad he won. Goldust interrupting was probably my fave part of this section of the night.
John Cena then addressed the WWE universe, after he's loss against Rusev the previous night at Fastlane. Of course he cut a typical Cena promo and I have to admit that at this point in the show I was really really tired so I wasn't paying as much attention. I did however, wake up when Lana and Rusev came out, witch I never thought I would of said. Lana of course cut a great promo and well, you all know how much I'm becoming a major Rusev fan.
Divas action next and we got a nice little tag team match with Paige and Emma teaming up to face the Bella twins. I'm really not feeling this Bella's/Paige feud at all and I have no idea why they are continuing it. They have had some great matches however and their Fastlane one was not bad. It was ice seeing Paige and Emma back in the ring together, anyone who has seen their NXT work knows how well they work together. This match was literally not even two minuets. This really pissed me off. A three hour show and you can't even give your divas ten minuets? This is something that really needs to change. I've said it many times before but NXT is a one hour show and they have in the past fitted in two solid divas matches. It made me so angry seeing them only get thirty minuets last night, proof as to why the NXT girls should stay in NXT. I loved seeing how the WWE universe reacted however, with #GiveDivasAChance trending world wide last night. I'm really hoping the WWE realise the fans care about the divas division and make some changes.
We also found out last night that Ryback, Curtis Axel and Damien Sandow will all compete in the Andre the giant battle royal at Wrestlemania. Ryback also won a match against Curtis last night.
It was then finally main event time and Randy Orton and Seth Rollins teamed up to face Daniel Bryan and the man who will main event Wrestlemania, Roman Reigns. You all know how I feel about tag team main event matches and so I wasn't jumping with joy for the match but these are four top talents in the WWE right now so it wasn't as bad. Bryan and Reigns work really really well together, they have proved that throughout this past month and last night was no different. I thought the match should of been longer. I think they waisted a lot time during the last hour of the show witch
they could of used in the main event. The match it self I thought was great. It was a nice main event all four superstars have so much chemistry. Randy had a great performance last night but to be fair they all did it was just that I was paying extra attention to Randy. Out of all the superstars I think Roman had the weakest performance but it wasn't a terrible one at all. This is the type of main event I want to see, amazing. As the match went on the tensions between Orton and Rollins continued and it was Daniel Bryan who was able to score the win for he's team. After the match Orton and Rollins had a little more tension but nothing major went down between the two witch was disappointing.
All round I thought that this was actually a really good show, yes there were some things that I would of changed but all round a good show.
Fastlane Review and Reactions
Before the show started, it was reported that iconic tag team, The Bushwhackers were reported to be inducted into the Hall Of Fame and that was later confirmed. To be fair I don't really have a big opinion on this, I've never been a big fan of the Bushwhackers but they did bring a fair amount to the business and were an extremely talented tag team and even though I think another tag team should of been inducted but they more than deserve their place in the two thousand and fifteen hall of fame class.Let me know if you would like to see a special Hall Of Fame post in Wrestlemania season. Also before the show started it was announced that the current WWE World Heavyweight champion, Brock Lesnar would be appearing on the show alongside he's advocate, Paul Heyman.
The show kick started with a retuning Randy Orton. After he's shock return Sunday at Fastlane, the crowd and everyone at home where pumped to see the viper back on our screens after four months. After receiving a huge reaction, Orton addressed the WWE Universe and most importantly Mr Money in the bank, Seth Rollins. Expressing he's anger, he replayed what had happened four months ago when he received a beat down from the Authority, with Seth Rollins coming across as the main

Bad News Barrett then had some stuff to get off he's chest as the Intercontinental champion made he's way to the ring to address the WWE universe and he's opponent from the previous night, the lunatic fringe Dean Ambrose. It was at Fastlane the night before that Barrett scored a DQ win over Ambrose but left the show looking weak after a major beat down. The champ also had a vital accessory missing, the Intercontinental championship itself, as we all know, the night before Ambrose left the arena with the title. What really frustrated me about this however, was the fact that they did most of Barrett's promo during the ad break. This made no sense what so ever and really frustrated me. At commentary was R-truth, last week on Smackdown, Truth actually scored a win over the champ and so rightfully has a shot at the title. Meanwhile, Barrett took on the people's fave, Dolph Ziggler in a one on one match. These two are two of my all time faves and they are extremely talented wrestlers so I had no problem with the match at all, but everything did feel rushed and all over the place. Barrett needed a full, lengthy, strong promo aired on TV and THEN a good match. The addition of Truth at commentary was actually a nice touch but I really don't wanna see a title match between the two. The match itself was good, really good. These guys have had amazing matches in the past and have great chemistry in the ring and so the standards were high. After he's loss the night before in the six man tag match, Ziggler needed something strong to bounce back off of and this was perfect.He dominated the match very early on and of course sold every move like a true pro.Barrett also had an amazing performance last night, looking really strong and dominate at times and regained a lot of momentum after a poor ending for him in he's title match at Fastlane. What I didn't like about this match was Ziggler winning, Yes he needed the win and it did him a great deal of good and it did make sense to have Barrett loose I just hate the fact the champ lost yet another match. After the match Ambrose came out to tease Barrett and there was also some tensions between him and Ziggler too. Maybe a huge match for the title at Wrestlemania is on the card witch would be great in adding importance back to the title. I do have to say though, Dean looked great with that championship on him,and yes he did walk off with the title again.
After the ad break we saw the business meeting between The Authority and Randy Orton where Randy shook the hand of Seth Rollins, leading us to believe he was back on team Authority. It was also announced during the segment that the main event would be Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns VS Seth Rollins and Randy Orton. I was not happy at all at the fact there was going to be another tag team main event but it was a good segment.
Up next, tag team action and Darren Young and Titus O'Neil aka the Prime time players took on my favourites, The Ascension. I still don't understand why Young and O'Neil are back together and all buddy buddy but whatever. Now, I am still having to stand up for the Ascension. It frustrates me so much how I have to always back these guys up. If your gonna hate on superstar or tag team at least know their history and what they have achieved. These guys have been through so much and getting the Ascension from FCW to NXT to the main roster has been a long long journey and after so many changes and improvements these guys have earned their right to be wear they are. They don't choose who they wrestle, how their styled and what they say so cut them some slack. I will admit they need a lot of work on their mic ability and I do think they need someone to do the talking for them but they are going far anyway. Konnor and Viktor dominated the match but Young had a solid performance also. I was hoping he would get a push when he returned but there seems to be no signs in doing so. Surprisingly the prime time players scored the win but the Ascension got straight on the attack afterwards and were left the last men standing.
We then heard from the number one contender for Brock Lesnars' WWE Championship and the man who will be main eventing Wrestlemania thirty one, Roman Reigns. After having what was hands down the best match of he's solo career Reigns had a lot to smile about and was full of momentum. I mentioned in my Fastlane Review and Reactions that I gained a lot of respect for Roman on Sunday and he really did prove himself but he still has a long way to go before he is main event, top guy
material. He got a great reaction last night and he more than deserved but the thing is he can't get too comfortable. As I just said, he still has a lot of work to do. He's promo last night was not bad at all. I still think less is more. He doesn't need to put in crazy effort and add all the crazy stuff to it like The Rock and Bray Wyatt for example, if he just speaks and get on with it, he cuts a decent promo. Half way through however, Bryan interrupted the number one contender were he had a fair share of stuff to say and let's face it, he had some amazing points to make and he took control of this segment. I felt every single word he said and believed everything he was saying.He expressed how he was a Roman Reigns doubter and why and how he gave he's match the previous night all he had and at the end of it he congratulated Reigns and the two shook hands and showed some respect for one another witch was great to see. However, things took a darker turn when Paul Heyman arrived. The mood just changed a little and I loved it. Whenever Heyman comes out I'm glued on to my TV and I hang on every single word he says, last night was no different.What it did feel like last night however, was that everyone was just out to put over Reigns witch worked and was a good plan but I don't know, I just wasn't feeling it. Heyman of course did a great job selling the Mania main event and managed to make both Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns look really really good. I thought this was an amazing addition to the feud and really played a huge role in the build up to the mania main event.
Up next was the Tag team championship rematch. At Fastlane we saw Cesaro and Tyson Kidd crowned the new Tag team champions in what was a great match up and you all know I was not expecting them to win the match at all. I predicted in my prediction post the rematch would take place last night and so I kinda knew what to expect. I have to admit I'm still not completely sold on the idea of Cesaro ad Tyson Kidd being a tag team, I still think they are better off as singles but they are slowly changing my opinion. Cesaro was a strong performer right from the start of the match and throughout but the Usos were just on fire last night. I felt at times Tyson really struggled to stand out and was considered the weakest member of the match but he did have some great moments throughout the match. You will be happy to hear that the Usos are growing on me also. I'm not a major fan, far from it, but I am really enjoying watching them perfume lately. I thought this was a great tag team match witch after a great ending witch resulted in a DQ after Nattie got involved meant that Kidd and Cesaro retained the titles. I loved the addition of Nattie and Naomi and there involvements but it did look as if Nattie did suffer a legit injury. This was one of the top matches of the night for me.
We then heard from the one and only Bray Wyatt, and after he made it clear he was going after the Dead man, everyone was excited to hear what he had to say next and what was about to go down in this storyline. I do have a post going up later on in Wrestlemania season on my blog about Bray Wyatt and passing the torch to him so keep an eye out for that. I do think Wyatt is the perfect man for the new face of fear and it's clear the WWE have huge huge huge plans for him. He's a great wrestler, outstanding talking, he has an amazing character and works it perfectly, we are witnessing serious greatness in Wyatt, this feud will e the making of him. The promo he cut last night was great also and another really nice touch.
Up next, Stardust was in action as he took on Jack Swagger. You all know by now how much I love Jack Swagger. I have been a fan of he's from the get go and it really bothers me how badly he is treated. He's such a big talent! He's still young and there is stuff they could do with him or at least a lot they could of done with him last year. I can't stand how they have him job to superstars left, right and centre. He had a decent performance last night but the booking was odd and the match was pretty random but it was Swagger who scored the win the problem is is that win does nothing for him but I'm glad he won. Goldust interrupting was probably my fave part of this section of the night.
John Cena then addressed the WWE universe, after he's loss against Rusev the previous night at Fastlane. Of course he cut a typical Cena promo and I have to admit that at this point in the show I was really really tired so I wasn't paying as much attention. I did however, wake up when Lana and Rusev came out, witch I never thought I would of said. Lana of course cut a great promo and well, you all know how much I'm becoming a major Rusev fan.
Divas action next and we got a nice little tag team match with Paige and Emma teaming up to face the Bella twins. I'm really not feeling this Bella's/Paige feud at all and I have no idea why they are continuing it. They have had some great matches however and their Fastlane one was not bad. It was ice seeing Paige and Emma back in the ring together, anyone who has seen their NXT work knows how well they work together. This match was literally not even two minuets. This really pissed me off. A three hour show and you can't even give your divas ten minuets? This is something that really needs to change. I've said it many times before but NXT is a one hour show and they have in the past fitted in two solid divas matches. It made me so angry seeing them only get thirty minuets last night, proof as to why the NXT girls should stay in NXT. I loved seeing how the WWE universe reacted however, with #GiveDivasAChance trending world wide last night. I'm really hoping the WWE realise the fans care about the divas division and make some changes.
We also found out last night that Ryback, Curtis Axel and Damien Sandow will all compete in the Andre the giant battle royal at Wrestlemania. Ryback also won a match against Curtis last night.
It was then finally main event time and Randy Orton and Seth Rollins teamed up to face Daniel Bryan and the man who will main event Wrestlemania, Roman Reigns. You all know how I feel about tag team main event matches and so I wasn't jumping with joy for the match but these are four top talents in the WWE right now so it wasn't as bad. Bryan and Reigns work really really well together, they have proved that throughout this past month and last night was no different. I thought the match should of been longer. I think they waisted a lot time during the last hour of the show witch
they could of used in the main event. The match it self I thought was great. It was a nice main event all four superstars have so much chemistry. Randy had a great performance last night but to be fair they all did it was just that I was paying extra attention to Randy. Out of all the superstars I think Roman had the weakest performance but it wasn't a terrible one at all. This is the type of main event I want to see, amazing. As the match went on the tensions between Orton and Rollins continued and it was Daniel Bryan who was able to score the win for he's team. After the match Orton and Rollins had a little more tension but nothing major went down between the two witch was disappointing.
All round I thought that this was actually a really good show, yes there were some things that I would of changed but all round a good show.
Fastlane Review and Reactions
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