Night Of Champions Predictions: Dolph Ziggler VS The Miz
Dolph Ziggler VS The Miz
Intercontinental Championship
Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog. It's the second day in my Night of Champions prediction series. I will leave the link to yesterday's post, witch was my predictions for the match up between Mark Henry and Rusev. You can let me know who you are supporting and what your predictions are for Sunday's live shot by leaving a comment bellow or tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
So today we are first looking at the title match up for the Intercontinental championship, where Dolph will defend he's championship against The Miz. This is another feud I have been On/Off with. I was really into it at first but it's just started to get really boring lately and a little predictable. As we all know Ziggler won the championship from the Miz at last months big PP, Summer Slam and I along with pretty much everyone else was so happy with the result. I've been waiting what seem's like forever for Ziggler to get he's hands on the championship and although he's far from being mid card and only worthy of being IC champ, at least it's something and at least he is getting some TV time with a championship around he's waist. The reaction he got from the crowd and online when the defeated the Miz was insane and I think we were all a little shocked that the WWE let him become the champ. I have to admit that I do hate the fact he's still not main eventing, being put in good feuds with the top guy's and having bigger championship shots but at the moment there is no space for him right at the top so I do think it's a good idea having him in a pretty decent mid card feud with a mid card championship. As for the Miz, I think you all already know that I loved the gimmick change and I still do but I think the WWE are just using it all wrong, There's quit a bit they could do with this gimmick and ow that Sandow is involved there is even more they could do with it, but instead they have this okay feud with him and Ziggler that is slowly get boring, Talking of Sandow I think it's him that's keeping this feud alive to be honest. I've just started finding the Miz boring and so far Sandow play's Miz better than Miz. I really do hope the WWE know all the different exciting things they could do with Sandow with this gimmick. Now last week on Smackdown Ziggler brought he's own stunt double and of course it was R-truth. I put my hands up I found this way too funny and thought it was an intresting idea and thing to do. I don't think there was a need to add R-Ziggler but it did make it a little more intresting and fun to watch, but I am already a little sick of it. This Sunday I think this match will be one to watch. It will probably be one of the weaker matches of the night but these two do have the potential to have one heck of a match and they have already proved that in previous matches together. Sandow and Truth will most probably assist Ziggler and Miz to the ring and remain at ringside witch should be intresting to say the least. I think these two will play a big part in the match especially Sandow. We've had to tag team matches with these four witch have been okay I guess, nothing major or to jump and scream about but they've been okay. I think it's very very likely that Sandow will cost Miz the match this Sunday, witch would be a good idea to help push Sandow in some way and get him out their a bit and more in the title picture. I think Miz could surprise us and have one really good performance this weekend, but I don't think he would win. It would be a real bad idea if they had him win, yes they could do quit a bit with him as champ but it would piss off a lot of Ziggler and fans would do nothing for Ziggler leaving him back at the bottom with nothing to do, unless they have them feud for another month or so witch I really don't want to see. But then there's nothing really for Miz to do if he doesn't win so it's a little difficult. It a strong possibility that they will have Miz pick up the win for the clear reason's with the lack of respect the company seem to have for Ziggler. I'm gonna predict Miz but supporting Dolph. And I think it's Dolph with the most momentum going into the match this Sunday. But what do you think? Who are you supporting and what are your predictions? Let me know by leaving a comment bellow or dropping me a tweet at @TezangiVictoria.
Night of champions predictions Mark Henry VS Rusev
Intercontinental Championship
Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog. It's the second day in my Night of Champions prediction series. I will leave the link to yesterday's post, witch was my predictions for the match up between Mark Henry and Rusev. You can let me know who you are supporting and what your predictions are for Sunday's live shot by leaving a comment bellow or tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
So today we are first looking at the title match up for the Intercontinental championship, where Dolph will defend he's championship against The Miz. This is another feud I have been On/Off with. I was really into it at first but it's just started to get really boring lately and a little predictable. As we all know Ziggler won the championship from the Miz at last months big PP, Summer Slam and I along with pretty much everyone else was so happy with the result. I've been waiting what seem's like forever for Ziggler to get he's hands on the championship and although he's far from being mid card and only worthy of being IC champ, at least it's something and at least he is getting some TV time with a championship around he's waist. The reaction he got from the crowd and online when the defeated the Miz was insane and I think we were all a little shocked that the WWE let him become the champ. I have to admit that I do hate the fact he's still not main eventing, being put in good feuds with the top guy's and having bigger championship shots but at the moment there is no space for him right at the top so I do think it's a good idea having him in a pretty decent mid card feud with a mid card championship. As for the Miz, I think you all already know that I loved the gimmick change and I still do but I think the WWE are just using it all wrong, There's quit a bit they could do with this gimmick and ow that Sandow is involved there is even more they could do with it, but instead they have this okay feud with him and Ziggler that is slowly get boring, Talking of Sandow I think it's him that's keeping this feud alive to be honest. I've just started finding the Miz boring and so far Sandow play's Miz better than Miz. I really do hope the WWE know all the different exciting things they could do with Sandow with this gimmick. Now last week on Smackdown Ziggler brought he's own stunt double and of course it was R-truth. I put my hands up I found this way too funny and thought it was an intresting idea and thing to do. I don't think there was a need to add R-Ziggler but it did make it a little more intresting and fun to watch, but I am already a little sick of it. This Sunday I think this match will be one to watch. It will probably be one of the weaker matches of the night but these two do have the potential to have one heck of a match and they have already proved that in previous matches together. Sandow and Truth will most probably assist Ziggler and Miz to the ring and remain at ringside witch should be intresting to say the least. I think these two will play a big part in the match especially Sandow. We've had to tag team matches with these four witch have been okay I guess, nothing major or to jump and scream about but they've been okay. I think it's very very likely that Sandow will cost Miz the match this Sunday, witch would be a good idea to help push Sandow in some way and get him out their a bit and more in the title picture. I think Miz could surprise us and have one really good performance this weekend, but I don't think he would win. It would be a real bad idea if they had him win, yes they could do quit a bit with him as champ but it would piss off a lot of Ziggler and fans would do nothing for Ziggler leaving him back at the bottom with nothing to do, unless they have them feud for another month or so witch I really don't want to see. But then there's nothing really for Miz to do if he doesn't win so it's a little difficult. It a strong possibility that they will have Miz pick up the win for the clear reason's with the lack of respect the company seem to have for Ziggler. I'm gonna predict Miz but supporting Dolph. And I think it's Dolph with the most momentum going into the match this Sunday. But what do you think? Who are you supporting and what are your predictions? Let me know by leaving a comment bellow or dropping me a tweet at @TezangiVictoria.
Night of champions predictions Mark Henry VS Rusev
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