RAW Review and Reactions
Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog. It's Tuesday and time for my RAW Review and Reactions. I will leave the link's to last week's edition of Review and Reaction at the end of this so you can go check that out if you want to, and any other recent post that I think you should go check out. You can also let me know what you thought of last night's action by leaving a comment bellow or dropping me a tweet at @TezangiVictoria.
So last night was the last RAW before night of champions and because of that I did have high expectation of the show, because let's face it, it had to be a good one. They had to show big development and added heat to each feud going into Night of champions; but it was just a terrible show. I have to admit I did think it went by pretty quick last night, but I thought their was some pointless, stupid thing's done that they didn't need to do and waisted time doing the unnecessary stuff when they could of used that time to do something intresting and exciting leading up to Sunday's PPV. This was just an all round disappointing show, there was a thew good matches but nothing that intresting and got me excited for the PPV on Sunday. The night opened with Heyman in the middle of the ring with a mic in he's hands, there is no better sentence than that is there? However we didn't get to hear much of him as Cena made an appearance pretty quick into the opening and well the best thing I can say about this is that he did have new black shorts that I really did like actually, well done Cena you did something right for once. Anyway when he was in the ring the Cena would hit the mic demanding to know where Lesnar is and that if he didn't get Lesnar tonight he would fight Heyman. Only in wrestling is it okay for a grown man to threaten to attack an older man it be okay and he come's across as the good guy. Anyway, Heyman told Cena that Lesnars plain had been delayed, Cena then told Heyman that he had until half time for Lesnar to show up or like it or not he would be fighting the one and only Paul Heyman. During the first ad break Cena put Heyman in he's locker room and had the Great Kahli guard the door and stop Heyman from leaving. Heyman played he's part well as usual and it was nice to see Kahli actually involved in something... even though he wasn't wrestling but still it was nice to see him being put to some use. I thought this was a great opening segment. Cena and Heyman work well together in segments and Heyman is just great. Later on in the night when it had reached half time, Cena went to get Heyman and dragged him to the ring. Once in the ring Heyman would hit those mind games and give us one heck of a segment again with Cena. He really did hit a harsh spot in Cena and really pushed he's buttons. Heyman just proves every single week why he is a legend and the best at what he does. It was actually truly gripped with this part of the show and Heyman just owned it. Once he had pushed him to far and Cena threw him out of the ring Lesnars music hit and he made he's way slowly down the ramp and around to he's advocate to help him up. As they made their way back backstage I was convinced that the two would not be colliding before their PPV match , but when Lesnar stepped up to the ramp and into the ring the two did collide and as Cena was hit with a German suplex We all thought it was over however, Cena came back at Lesnar outside of the ring an security had to come to break the two up. I thought it was really important that two did collide before Night of champions so I'm so glad they did but I thought how it was done was very weak and disappointing. I expected a lot more and for it to be a lost more barbaric, it has however added some more heat to the feud, and did allow Cena to gain some momentum.
Match up time now and it was Jack Swagger VS Bo Dallas. Now I thought this was a stupid idea and they should saved this for Night Of champions, even for the Pre-show if there wasn't any space on the actual show; it's a feud that has been getting strong week by week and something the WWE have been pushing quit a bit, so why they put the match on Monday night RAW only a six day's away from the actual PPV, I don't know. The match was actually pretty decent. I managed to really get into it and I thought it was Bo's best performance on the main roster so far. I have been pretty disappointed with the direction they have gone with BO since bringing him up to the main roster but in the words of Dallas him self, I BOlieve things will turn around for him in the future, He's still really young and well he is the longest reigning NXT champion so yeah. Anyway the match was pretty good and there was some good spots hit. Swagger picked up a much needed win. Swagger really did need that win last night and I'm so glad he got it. As I said before I do think this match should of been on the PPV Sunday, and I'm not sure what they are going to do with the two of them next, so this should be intresting. It seem's there's nothing for both of them at the moment on the roster, I really do think putting Swagger in the picture for the United States championship still does make sense to do.
Diva's action time now and it was the WWE divas champion Paige teaming up with Nikki Bella to face AJ Lee and Brie Bella. This match had been hyped and talked about all week so I had big expectation's of it, so you can imagine just how disappointed I was with what we actually got. It was just flat out terrible. Paige was in the ring most of the time, Brie was average and AJ and Nikki didn't even get into the match! It was short and the action was just average. Paige was the stand out of course and picked up the win for her and Nikki after she pinned Brie. It was a weak way to add more heat for Night of Champions. It made the outcome a little predictable, hinting big time that Brie will get involve and cost Nikki the match. At the end of the match Nikki hit the rack attack on Brie, I do have to admit that I do like Nikki's finisher and probably one of the best divas finishers at the moment. Later on the night there was a second divas match, I do like the fact that we are seeing more divas matches in one night; this time it was Naomi VS Cameron. I kinda knew this match would happen after this past Sunday's episode of total divas. I have no idea where to start with this match. It was decent to say the least. I have no idea why it was longer and better than the big tag match they hyped all week last week but yeah. Cameron made a fool of herself when she told the ref to pin Naomi while she was on her stomach...yeah and she genuinely looked like she was waiting for the ref to count. I have to point out that Cameron did hit some nice shots last night and showed some improvements big time but it was Naomi who picked up the win locking in one heck of a submission hold, even though she didn't get to lock it all in properly. Decent match though I have to say.
Chris Jericho went one on one with Kane also last night. This match was actually pretty good and it was nice seeing two future hall of famers in the ring together. It was a fairly good length and there was some real good moments in it and one of the best matches of the night. Jericho picked up the win witch was pretty much much needed going into Night of champions on Sunday.
Big show and Bray Wyatt had a match also last night. I hate the idea of these two feuding and I think they need to make their mind up on what they want to do next with Bray and they need to find something quick, big time because this feud is just not working out what so ever. The match was pretty boring and It was Show who picked up the DQ win after Harper and Rowan got involved breaking up the pin Show had on Bray. This just made Bray look weak and I hated it!
Ziggler and R- Ziggler teamed up again to face Miz and Mizdow. I wasn't into this match at all! I though Sandow looked good last night alongside R-truth. This is an intresting move for Truth but I don't think it will go anywhere unlike Sandow and the Mizdow thing. The US Champ Sheamus teamed up with the Tag team champs The Usos last night to face Gold and Stardust and Cesaro. This match was one of the stronger matches of the night. Cesaro and Stardust where the stand outs for me and it added some nice extra heat to both feuds leading up to Night of champions Sunday. And allowed Cesaro to gain lots more momentum going into he's match, alongside Gold and Stardust.
Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins had their first one on one match last night also. I thought this was just another bad idea and it made no sense for the two to have a match only six days away from their Nigh of champions PPV match. That being said the match was the match of the night for me and I did feel like Seth carried it throughout. I think it has made their NOC match a little predictable but it was a good solid match for the night, It just made no sense to do it last night, and took a lot away from the Sunday match. Rusev and Mark Henry closed the night, witch I have no idea why because the whole thing was boring as hell! Henry gained some much needed momentum going into their match this Sunday, it just made no freaking sense what so ever to have them close the show last night.
My night of champions predictions start TODAY. So make sure to watch out for the link to the first prediction post.
RAW Review and Reactions:
Total Divas Season 3 Episode 2 Review and Reactions:
NXT Takeover two Reivew and Reactions
Superstar of the week:
Top five superstars of the week:
So last night was the last RAW before night of champions and because of that I did have high expectation of the show, because let's face it, it had to be a good one. They had to show big development and added heat to each feud going into Night of champions; but it was just a terrible show. I have to admit I did think it went by pretty quick last night, but I thought their was some pointless, stupid thing's done that they didn't need to do and waisted time doing the unnecessary stuff when they could of used that time to do something intresting and exciting leading up to Sunday's PPV. This was just an all round disappointing show, there was a thew good matches but nothing that intresting and got me excited for the PPV on Sunday. The night opened with Heyman in the middle of the ring with a mic in he's hands, there is no better sentence than that is there? However we didn't get to hear much of him as Cena made an appearance pretty quick into the opening and well the best thing I can say about this is that he did have new black shorts that I really did like actually, well done Cena you did something right for once. Anyway when he was in the ring the Cena would hit the mic demanding to know where Lesnar is and that if he didn't get Lesnar tonight he would fight Heyman. Only in wrestling is it okay for a grown man to threaten to attack an older man it be okay and he come's across as the good guy. Anyway, Heyman told Cena that Lesnars plain had been delayed, Cena then told Heyman that he had until half time for Lesnar to show up or like it or not he would be fighting the one and only Paul Heyman. During the first ad break Cena put Heyman in he's locker room and had the Great Kahli guard the door and stop Heyman from leaving. Heyman played he's part well as usual and it was nice to see Kahli actually involved in something... even though he wasn't wrestling but still it was nice to see him being put to some use. I thought this was a great opening segment. Cena and Heyman work well together in segments and Heyman is just great. Later on in the night when it had reached half time, Cena went to get Heyman and dragged him to the ring. Once in the ring Heyman would hit those mind games and give us one heck of a segment again with Cena. He really did hit a harsh spot in Cena and really pushed he's buttons. Heyman just proves every single week why he is a legend and the best at what he does. It was actually truly gripped with this part of the show and Heyman just owned it. Once he had pushed him to far and Cena threw him out of the ring Lesnars music hit and he made he's way slowly down the ramp and around to he's advocate to help him up. As they made their way back backstage I was convinced that the two would not be colliding before their PPV match , but when Lesnar stepped up to the ramp and into the ring the two did collide and as Cena was hit with a German suplex We all thought it was over however, Cena came back at Lesnar outside of the ring an security had to come to break the two up. I thought it was really important that two did collide before Night of champions so I'm so glad they did but I thought how it was done was very weak and disappointing. I expected a lot more and for it to be a lost more barbaric, it has however added some more heat to the feud, and did allow Cena to gain some momentum.
Match up time now and it was Jack Swagger VS Bo Dallas. Now I thought this was a stupid idea and they should saved this for Night Of champions, even for the Pre-show if there wasn't any space on the actual show; it's a feud that has been getting strong week by week and something the WWE have been pushing quit a bit, so why they put the match on Monday night RAW only a six day's away from the actual PPV, I don't know. The match was actually pretty decent. I managed to really get into it and I thought it was Bo's best performance on the main roster so far. I have been pretty disappointed with the direction they have gone with BO since bringing him up to the main roster but in the words of Dallas him self, I BOlieve things will turn around for him in the future, He's still really young and well he is the longest reigning NXT champion so yeah. Anyway the match was pretty good and there was some good spots hit. Swagger picked up a much needed win. Swagger really did need that win last night and I'm so glad he got it. As I said before I do think this match should of been on the PPV Sunday, and I'm not sure what they are going to do with the two of them next, so this should be intresting. It seem's there's nothing for both of them at the moment on the roster, I really do think putting Swagger in the picture for the United States championship still does make sense to do.

Chris Jericho went one on one with Kane also last night. This match was actually pretty good and it was nice seeing two future hall of famers in the ring together. It was a fairly good length and there was some real good moments in it and one of the best matches of the night. Jericho picked up the win witch was pretty much much needed going into Night of champions on Sunday.
Big show and Bray Wyatt had a match also last night. I hate the idea of these two feuding and I think they need to make their mind up on what they want to do next with Bray and they need to find something quick, big time because this feud is just not working out what so ever. The match was pretty boring and It was Show who picked up the DQ win after Harper and Rowan got involved breaking up the pin Show had on Bray. This just made Bray look weak and I hated it!
Ziggler and R- Ziggler teamed up again to face Miz and Mizdow. I wasn't into this match at all! I though Sandow looked good last night alongside R-truth. This is an intresting move for Truth but I don't think it will go anywhere unlike Sandow and the Mizdow thing. The US Champ Sheamus teamed up with the Tag team champs The Usos last night to face Gold and Stardust and Cesaro. This match was one of the stronger matches of the night. Cesaro and Stardust where the stand outs for me and it added some nice extra heat to both feuds leading up to Night of champions Sunday. And allowed Cesaro to gain lots more momentum going into he's match, alongside Gold and Stardust.
Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins had their first one on one match last night also. I thought this was just another bad idea and it made no sense for the two to have a match only six days away from their Nigh of champions PPV match. That being said the match was the match of the night for me and I did feel like Seth carried it throughout. I think it has made their NOC match a little predictable but it was a good solid match for the night, It just made no sense to do it last night, and took a lot away from the Sunday match. Rusev and Mark Henry closed the night, witch I have no idea why because the whole thing was boring as hell! Henry gained some much needed momentum going into their match this Sunday, it just made no freaking sense what so ever to have them close the show last night.

RAW Review and Reactions:
Total Divas Season 3 Episode 2 Review and Reactions:
NXT Takeover two Reivew and Reactions
Superstar of the week:
Top five superstars of the week:
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