RAW Review and Reactions
Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog. It's Tuesday witch mean's it's time for RAW Review and Reactions. I will leave the link to last week's post at the end of this so you can check that out if you want. You can also let me know what you thought of last night's action by leaving a comment bellow or tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Before I really get going I have to say that last night's show really wasn't great. I've been really disappointed with the past two week's. There's been nothing intresting or entertaining and nothing that has really stole the show or made me feel like it is was worth staying up so late to watch. To be fair I did think that last night's show was better than last week's but from what I remember reading last night throughout RAW a lot of people thought it was actually worse! The matches were a little longer and of a better quality than last weeks in my opinion but the booking is all over the place and a lot of what their doing is being thrown together and doesn't make much sense. The night started out with opening segment between the Authority, John Cena, Roman Reigns and Chris Jericho with Jericho actually opening she show. Now it was suppose to be Orton as the special guest for Jericho's Highlight Reel witch was announced on last week's episode of RAW. I have to admit I was looking forward to the Highlight Reel opening and was really disappointed when we didn't get what we was expecting and Triple H's music hit. At first I thought it was only going to be Hunter that came out to the ring and was just gonna take Orton's place and him and Jericho would maybe start something new but in the words of Dean Ambrose NOPE, we got Seth Rollins, Randy Orton and Kane also come out along side Triple H all in suits, witch as a female I was pretty damn happy about. Sorry guys. Now the actual segment was pretty good, better than last week's anyway. Cena didn't take long to make an appearance and yes everyone, serious Cena was still around. He made he's appearance when Triple H raised the suggestion that maybe someone else should challenge Lesnar at night of champions for the WWE Championship. It was then that Jericho and Randy both said they should face Lesnar with Kane shortly following (If Kane was put in a match at Night of Champions for the title I literally would of smashed my TV!). Rollins then got involved, who got a huge reaction from he's home town crowd. I love the idea of Seth cashing in at Night Of Champions. If they had Cena pick up the win after a brutal match and then had Seth cash in and become the new champ it would do wonders or the whole business and the storyline's would go through the roof! They could easily have Cena out for a couple of months to push the beating that Lesnar gave him and would empathise the "beast" image of Lesnar showing that even though he lost to Cena he was able to hurt him so bad he's out for several months. The following night Ambrose could come back and the two could feud for the championship, making their feud even more intresting than it already it. If Ambrose won he could feud with Cena when he returns by the time that's all done Reigns would be more than good enough to main event
and feud with Cena too. But hey that's just a dream scenario and I understand that it would never ever happen. Talking of Reigns he would soon make an appearance and join the segment were he declared that if there's gonna be someone else in the picture for a championship shot than he's name should be there. To be honest I think they need to sort their shit out with Reigns. I feel like it's all too much too soon for him. Their trying to hard to push him and make him out to be this big main event star and the truth is he's far from it at the moment. He doesn't have the mic skills, character, move set and strong enough ability yet and is clearly not ready to be the champ. The need to spend some time developing him and building him up slowly, I won't say much about this just because I'm going to be talking about this on Friday this week in a separate post. Any way the whole thing would lead to Hunter announcing the main event for the night witch would see Orton, Kane and Seth Rollins take on the team of Chris Jericho, Roman Reigns and John Cena. That's right another tag team main event.
We would then have the United States champion Sheamus team up with the Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler (yeah you read right Sheamus remember he was a wrestler this week) to face Cesaro, the number one contender for the US title and The Miz with of course he's stunt double Damien "Mizdow. To be honest I was mainly really distracted with the make up artist and Sandow at ringside. The actual match I thought was okay. A little predictable but it was a decent match, Ziggler was really over with the crowd and he was the stand out of the whole match in my opinion. The match was clearly more aimed at pushing the feud between Dolph and Miz as towards the end Cesaro and Sheamus disappeared somewhere and did there own thing elsewhere. Miz managed to pick up the win pinning Ziggler after the distraction from Damien. Look's like were gonna be getting Ziggler VS Miz at night of champions after all. Right Diva's time now and it was Layla. Summer Rae and Naomi facing the team of Eva Marie, Cameron and Rosa aka the "I can't wrestle and know I don't know anything about wrestling" team. This "match" was literally about sixty seconds and I learnt that Rosa is even worse than Eva freaking Marie. The whole point of this "match" was clearly to promote total divas season three, witch start's this Sunday. I also need to mention how beautiful Layla looked last night!
We then had some more tag team action and this time it was Big Show and Mark Henry VS Luke Harper and Erick Rowan from the Wyatt family. Now I actually thought this match was pretty good. I was a little disappointed with the ending but apart from that I thought it was good. I have to point out how impressed I've been with Erick Rowan over the past couple of week's. I say it a lot, but I do think he's the weak link of the three members of the Wyatt family and Harper was stealing the show most of the time but Rowan has been really improving and is giving Harper a run for he's money. He's moves look better executed, there seems to be more of a flow to he's matches and he's move set it improving a lot too, that being said I do think Luke is still the stronger of the two. For me, last night it was Erick who stole the match and kept me watching. I was saying a lot last night how Harper and Rowan needed to pick up the win. Show and Henry really didn't need another clean win last night. I do love the idea of them two being a tag team for the obvious reasons but Harper and Rowan need to
be seen as a tag team to take seriously and ones to be seen s future tag team champions and having them being buried by Show and Henry week after week is just going to do the opposite. The match ended in DQ after Rusev got involved in the middle of the match. I don't quit know how I feel about the Henry/Rusev feud. It's kinda all out of the blue. Rusev picking up a win over the Henry would be good or he's career and would push him a lot! But does he really need the push? In my opinion I think they need to have a good hard think about what their going to do with Rusev. Later on in the night the two squared off again, however Rusev got out the ring before Henry could get in. There was also a backstage segment with Show and Henry, where Mark expressed that he's main attention has to be on Rusev at the moment and not the tag team. Not sure this is a good idea if I'm honest but hey ho.
Jack Swagger went one on one with Curtis Axel and managed to pick up a much needed win. I do hope they get Curtis doing something intresting now that Ryback will be out for a while. At the end of the match BO started talking about how Swagger had let down the country and had examples of people who suffered due to Swagger's loss against Rusev at Summer Slam. Yes this actually happened. I'm still yes/no on this thing with Swagger and Bo Dallas, I'd rather just see them get in the ring together already. Rusev also had a one on one match last night Against Zack Ryder and of course picked up the win in like ten seconds! Titus O'Neil failed to get the win over Adam Rose last night also, and Heath Slater got attacked by the bunny. That bunny has some serious anger management problems he should get sorted.
Back to the divas and Stephanie announced in a backstage segment with Triple H that she has an announcement for Nikki Bella. I'm not even gonna make a comment on the "growing up Bella" thing we was made to sit through last night. Stephanie told Nikki that she would get a shot at the divas championship and that's when Brie made an appearance along side AJ Lee and the divas champion Paige. Now I thought this segment was one of the best parts of the night and I was so happy to see so much heat and attention surrounded by the Divas championship. Personally I'd love to see a fatal four way at night of champions between the four girls, just because it will be something different and I would actually want to watch that. Will it happen? It seem's very likely after last night.
Jimmy Uso went head to head with Goldust, with Goldust picking up a much needed win. But it was not over there, and Star and Goldust attacked both Usos, in what I thought was a well done attack ad Jey sold she crap out of the injured leg. I've said enough how much I love the heel turn and I will leave the link at the end to my superstar of the week post from last week as it was actually Gold and Stardust who where my superstars of the week.
Main event time and as I mentioned earlier it was Roman Reigns, Chris Jericho and John Cena facing the team of Kane, Seth Rollins and Randy Orton. The match I thought was really good and for me it was Jericho who stood out the most and stole the match, Of course it was Reigns who picked up the win for he's team after he speared and pinned Kane. There was nothing new from Roman Reigns and I still have a problem with how Roman executes some of he's moves but it came to no surprise to me when he made the pin. By the end of the night it was Cena with a smile on he's face, looks like serious Cena aint gonna be sticking around after all.
RAW Review and Reactions:
Superstars of the week Goldust and Stardust:
Before I really get going I have to say that last night's show really wasn't great. I've been really disappointed with the past two week's. There's been nothing intresting or entertaining and nothing that has really stole the show or made me feel like it is was worth staying up so late to watch. To be fair I did think that last night's show was better than last week's but from what I remember reading last night throughout RAW a lot of people thought it was actually worse! The matches were a little longer and of a better quality than last weeks in my opinion but the booking is all over the place and a lot of what their doing is being thrown together and doesn't make much sense. The night started out with opening segment between the Authority, John Cena, Roman Reigns and Chris Jericho with Jericho actually opening she show. Now it was suppose to be Orton as the special guest for Jericho's Highlight Reel witch was announced on last week's episode of RAW. I have to admit I was looking forward to the Highlight Reel opening and was really disappointed when we didn't get what we was expecting and Triple H's music hit. At first I thought it was only going to be Hunter that came out to the ring and was just gonna take Orton's place and him and Jericho would maybe start something new but in the words of Dean Ambrose NOPE, we got Seth Rollins, Randy Orton and Kane also come out along side Triple H all in suits, witch as a female I was pretty damn happy about. Sorry guys. Now the actual segment was pretty good, better than last week's anyway. Cena didn't take long to make an appearance and yes everyone, serious Cena was still around. He made he's appearance when Triple H raised the suggestion that maybe someone else should challenge Lesnar at night of champions for the WWE Championship. It was then that Jericho and Randy both said they should face Lesnar with Kane shortly following (If Kane was put in a match at Night of Champions for the title I literally would of smashed my TV!). Rollins then got involved, who got a huge reaction from he's home town crowd. I love the idea of Seth cashing in at Night Of Champions. If they had Cena pick up the win after a brutal match and then had Seth cash in and become the new champ it would do wonders or the whole business and the storyline's would go through the roof! They could easily have Cena out for a couple of months to push the beating that Lesnar gave him and would empathise the "beast" image of Lesnar showing that even though he lost to Cena he was able to hurt him so bad he's out for several months. The following night Ambrose could come back and the two could feud for the championship, making their feud even more intresting than it already it. If Ambrose won he could feud with Cena when he returns by the time that's all done Reigns would be more than good enough to main event
and feud with Cena too. But hey that's just a dream scenario and I understand that it would never ever happen. Talking of Reigns he would soon make an appearance and join the segment were he declared that if there's gonna be someone else in the picture for a championship shot than he's name should be there. To be honest I think they need to sort their shit out with Reigns. I feel like it's all too much too soon for him. Their trying to hard to push him and make him out to be this big main event star and the truth is he's far from it at the moment. He doesn't have the mic skills, character, move set and strong enough ability yet and is clearly not ready to be the champ. The need to spend some time developing him and building him up slowly, I won't say much about this just because I'm going to be talking about this on Friday this week in a separate post. Any way the whole thing would lead to Hunter announcing the main event for the night witch would see Orton, Kane and Seth Rollins take on the team of Chris Jericho, Roman Reigns and John Cena. That's right another tag team main event.
We would then have the United States champion Sheamus team up with the Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler (yeah you read right Sheamus remember he was a wrestler this week) to face Cesaro, the number one contender for the US title and The Miz with of course he's stunt double Damien "Mizdow. To be honest I was mainly really distracted with the make up artist and Sandow at ringside. The actual match I thought was okay. A little predictable but it was a decent match, Ziggler was really over with the crowd and he was the stand out of the whole match in my opinion. The match was clearly more aimed at pushing the feud between Dolph and Miz as towards the end Cesaro and Sheamus disappeared somewhere and did there own thing elsewhere. Miz managed to pick up the win pinning Ziggler after the distraction from Damien. Look's like were gonna be getting Ziggler VS Miz at night of champions after all. Right Diva's time now and it was Layla. Summer Rae and Naomi facing the team of Eva Marie, Cameron and Rosa aka the "I can't wrestle and know I don't know anything about wrestling" team. This "match" was literally about sixty seconds and I learnt that Rosa is even worse than Eva freaking Marie. The whole point of this "match" was clearly to promote total divas season three, witch start's this Sunday. I also need to mention how beautiful Layla looked last night!
We then had some more tag team action and this time it was Big Show and Mark Henry VS Luke Harper and Erick Rowan from the Wyatt family. Now I actually thought this match was pretty good. I was a little disappointed with the ending but apart from that I thought it was good. I have to point out how impressed I've been with Erick Rowan over the past couple of week's. I say it a lot, but I do think he's the weak link of the three members of the Wyatt family and Harper was stealing the show most of the time but Rowan has been really improving and is giving Harper a run for he's money. He's moves look better executed, there seems to be more of a flow to he's matches and he's move set it improving a lot too, that being said I do think Luke is still the stronger of the two. For me, last night it was Erick who stole the match and kept me watching. I was saying a lot last night how Harper and Rowan needed to pick up the win. Show and Henry really didn't need another clean win last night. I do love the idea of them two being a tag team for the obvious reasons but Harper and Rowan need to
be seen as a tag team to take seriously and ones to be seen s future tag team champions and having them being buried by Show and Henry week after week is just going to do the opposite. The match ended in DQ after Rusev got involved in the middle of the match. I don't quit know how I feel about the Henry/Rusev feud. It's kinda all out of the blue. Rusev picking up a win over the Henry would be good or he's career and would push him a lot! But does he really need the push? In my opinion I think they need to have a good hard think about what their going to do with Rusev. Later on in the night the two squared off again, however Rusev got out the ring before Henry could get in. There was also a backstage segment with Show and Henry, where Mark expressed that he's main attention has to be on Rusev at the moment and not the tag team. Not sure this is a good idea if I'm honest but hey ho.
Jack Swagger went one on one with Curtis Axel and managed to pick up a much needed win. I do hope they get Curtis doing something intresting now that Ryback will be out for a while. At the end of the match BO started talking about how Swagger had let down the country and had examples of people who suffered due to Swagger's loss against Rusev at Summer Slam. Yes this actually happened. I'm still yes/no on this thing with Swagger and Bo Dallas, I'd rather just see them get in the ring together already. Rusev also had a one on one match last night Against Zack Ryder and of course picked up the win in like ten seconds! Titus O'Neil failed to get the win over Adam Rose last night also, and Heath Slater got attacked by the bunny. That bunny has some serious anger management problems he should get sorted.
Back to the divas and Stephanie announced in a backstage segment with Triple H that she has an announcement for Nikki Bella. I'm not even gonna make a comment on the "growing up Bella" thing we was made to sit through last night. Stephanie told Nikki that she would get a shot at the divas championship and that's when Brie made an appearance along side AJ Lee and the divas champion Paige. Now I thought this segment was one of the best parts of the night and I was so happy to see so much heat and attention surrounded by the Divas championship. Personally I'd love to see a fatal four way at night of champions between the four girls, just because it will be something different and I would actually want to watch that. Will it happen? It seem's very likely after last night.
Jimmy Uso went head to head with Goldust, with Goldust picking up a much needed win. But it was not over there, and Star and Goldust attacked both Usos, in what I thought was a well done attack ad Jey sold she crap out of the injured leg. I've said enough how much I love the heel turn and I will leave the link at the end to my superstar of the week post from last week as it was actually Gold and Stardust who where my superstars of the week.
Main event time and as I mentioned earlier it was Roman Reigns, Chris Jericho and John Cena facing the team of Kane, Seth Rollins and Randy Orton. The match I thought was really good and for me it was Jericho who stood out the most and stole the match, Of course it was Reigns who picked up the win for he's team after he speared and pinned Kane. There was nothing new from Roman Reigns and I still have a problem with how Roman executes some of he's moves but it came to no surprise to me when he made the pin. By the end of the night it was Cena with a smile on he's face, looks like serious Cena aint gonna be sticking around after all.
RAW Review and Reactions:

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