Night Of Champions Review and Reactions
Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog, I have for you today my Night of champions Review and Reactions. You can let me know what you thought of last night's action by leaving a comment bellow or tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
So it's the morning after Night of champions and well I have a lot to say. I need to start off by getting it out that I thought the PPV last night was all over the place and I'm really really annoyed and disappointed with the decision's made last night. The matches had great physicality but their was no story development or story telling and the results of last night's matches made no sense and I'm really angry with a lot of the show. The first match was for the WWE Tag team championships, witch saw current champs the Usos defend their titles against Goldust and Stardust. I thought this match was a great start to the show and was a solid match. I did think it was a little slow at first and it took some time for me to really get into it but once it really got started I was really into it and on the edge of my seat. Goldust was the stand out for me. I was not happy at all with the Oldust comment from the commentary team witch The Usos brought up last week. That really did wind me up the wrong way and I took it really seriously but I think Goldie came into the match last night and owned it! He shut up anyone who doubted him and think's he's too old for it. He hit some amazing spots and did a great job last night. Cody aka Stardust was also on point last night and did a great job picking up the win for him and Gold, making them the new tag team champion. I have been saying for months now that it has been time for new tag team champions and I'm glad these two are the new champs, they more than deserve it and it does make a lot of sense. I didn't like the way Stardust picked up the win but I was so happy with the fact those titles are around new waist. A par to me thought it would be a good idea to keep the Usos as champs for when the Ascension come up (witch should be very very soon) because I think they would feud better than the Ascension and Gold and Stardust but I might be wrong! Due to the way the match ended last night I think it's clear the two team'swill carry on feuding until Hell In a cell in five week's time. I think the WWE can get away with doing this. They had a great match last night and seem to really get the crowd going. I loved the Usos as tag team champs at first but I think they became really really boring as the time went on, Gold and Stardust is what was best for business last night and good move to make. I still think Harper and Rowan should be the tag team champions but If I get into that I wont stop. But all round great way to kick off the show and nice solid match.
Next up was the Sheamus' United States championship defence against Cesaro. For me this was match of the night by far. The two have amazing chemistry in the ring and Cesaro stays's in character from start to finish, He's a true talent and in my opinion was the stand out in this match, however they both did a great job. The only problem with this match was the ending and what a big big problem it was. After dominating a lot of the match Cesaro still didn't pick up the win last night and angry is an understatement for how I felt last night. I literally could of gone out in the middle of the road and screamed the neighbourhood down! What were the WWE thinking no having Cesaro as the new champ! It made no sense what do ever having Sheamus get the win last night and hold on to the title. The thing is I really worry for Cesaro now, with that loss last night there's nothing left for him to do and I really do think he's just going to be put at the bottom of the roster again. It was bad enough he was chasing after a mid card championship because let's face it Cesaro is far from mid card and is clearly championship, main event material, but putting him at the bottom of the roster in the jobbers section is just terrible. I honestly feel the WWE don't understand the talent they have with Cesaro, and just how much they can do with him, they really need to start showing and giving more respect to Cesaro. The only way they will keep him intresting now is if they carry on the feud with him and Sheamus but to be honest I don't know how this would work. The two have already feuded earlier on in the year and I don't know if it would be a success a second time round. It made no sense having Sheamus retain last night. The thing is they could of done so much with Cesaro as the US champ, having him in a feud with Jack Swagger would of made so much sense and would of gone down a treat with the fans could of easily been a top feud of the year. Sheamus doesn't need the championship and to be honest is better off without it. There's more they could do with him not being the champ and he's heel turn would be a lot easier without the championship. He's been a rubbish champ and they need to start booking him better after last night and the same goes for Cesaro. Have them feud for another month leading up to hell in a cell, but Cesaro really should be the US Champ right now and this was a really bad decision on WWE's behalf, there was some angry fans last night.
We then had Dolph Ziggler defend the Intercontinental championship against The Miz, with R-Ziggler and Damien Midow at ringside. This match was just a car crash. From the dreadful commentary to the having Sandow and Truth at ringside to the actual match and ending. We hardly saw any of the match and it was hard to focus on it because of the amount of attention on the commentary. It really up set's me to think how the IC and US championships have become to irrelevant and have such little if any importance. The IC championship is just being thrown around like it means nothing and it's a shame to think amazing past champs consist of the like's of Stone cold, The Rock, Jericho, Chyna, Jeff Hardy and so many more held it with such pride and it meant so much back then and now it literally has no importance what so ever. The WWE need too work on making their gold more important and relevant. The match, what we saw of it was just terrible, nothing intresting, no amazing spots, and it was just impossible to get into. The worst part of it was the ending. So Miz picked up the win becoming the new IC champion. This made no sense what so ever. Ziggler has had the worst title reign ever and It makes me so mad to see the little respect the WWE clearly have for Ziggler and it's such a shame. I really do hope they move him on to something new and get him as far away from the Miz feud as possible. However I do have to admit I think this decision could be a good one. For Sandow anyway.With Miz as the champ again they could do so much with it and could finally give Sandow that push the whole world has been waiting for. On the kick off show Everyone spoke so well of Sandow and seem's to think he is the better out of him and Miz, and now as Miz is the champ they could so easily turn Sandow face and make him feud with Miz for the championship. It would make great TV and we could finally see the amazing talent that is Damien Sandow. Time to break away from championships and the next match saw Mark Henry go head to head with Rusev. This was the match I was least looking forward too, but I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt and try and really get into it. I thought it was an al-right match. I'm starting to really like Rusev as a competitor now and he shined last night. I thought it was a little predictable that Rusev was gonna win but still decent match, I just worry now for Henry because there's just nothing left for him and no need for the two to carry on feuding. Next up the best part of the night and our lunatic fringe made he's return looking amazing! After getting himself declare as the winner for the match between Reigns as he got the fall fit win Rollins challenged anyone in the locker room to a match and what did we get? Only Dean freaking Ambrose coming out of a taxi (that he didn't pay for) storming to that ring and getting right on the attack. Amazing. I need to make a public apology the neighbourhood for my severe marking out at 2: 30 am in the morning. I'm so so so happy Ambrose is back and with Reigns out these are gonna be a great thew months for these two, I plan on doing a separate post on this later on the week so that's all I'm gonna say for now.
Then it was time for Chris Jericho step in the ring with Randy Orton. I thought this was a strong match actually. It was just extremely difficult to be excited about and really get into because it just felt like a filler and the feud was so out of the blue. It was great however seeing two legends and future hall of famers go at in the ring again and they both did a great job. The ending was done really well and Randy managed to pick up a much needed win. I think it's so clear the WWE have no idea what to do next with Orton. Hopefully we will see something new start up tonight on RAW. But he had a great performance alongside Jericho last night in a good match. Divas championship time now and Paige defended her title in a triple threat match against AJ Lee and Nikki Bella. Now I hate to say it but the true fact is Nikki Bella was the stand out last night and proved a lot of haters and doubters wrong, including myself. She did amazing last night and 100% stole the match. Her wrestling last night was just on point and she hit some amazing moves looking really good in the ring and I have t admit there came a time I was ok with the idea of her maybe becoming the new divas champion. What I hated was the ending again. I'm so mad at the WWE for giving AJ the championship I love her but STOP GIVING AJ THE DIVAS CHAMPIONSHIP. I'm so bored of AJ being the champ now.Paige has had two terrible title reigns and it really upsets me to see how much they have changed her and how little of the Paige we saw in NXT and FCW we see now on the main roster. AJ being champ again makes no sense and I'm so angry with this decision. Bad move WWE very bad move. There's just no story development here and it's just stupid! Hopefully now we can see the anti diva, the real Paige. As for Nikki Bella, so impressed and really do think she need's more time in the ring to off what she can do because guy's it's official Nikki Bella CAN wrestle.
Now it's time for the main event and I almost have no words. I thought the match, what we got of it anyway was really good and was shaping up to be on heck of a main event and had me on the edge of my seat. Cena was getting more offence than he did back at Summer Slam but it was Lesnar once again in control. But then all of a sudden Seth got involved causing the DQ. This really didn't make me happy. I was so into the match and then he had to come and ruin it. I think it's so obvious now that Cena and Lesnar will go head to head again at Hell in a cell witch to be honest I don't actually mind. What puzzled me last night was why Seth got involved and why on earth he tried to cash in!? I honestly think he should of actually been able to cash in and it really pissed me off when Cena messed all that up and to be honest I don't actually understand why Cena did stop the cash in. I'm still a little confused with last night's closing actions but yeah...
It was a messy show and left me with my emotions all over the place. There was no story development or storytelling but there was great physicality and some good matches. But what did you think? Let me know by leaving a comment bellow or tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
So it's the morning after Night of champions and well I have a lot to say. I need to start off by getting it out that I thought the PPV last night was all over the place and I'm really really annoyed and disappointed with the decision's made last night. The matches had great physicality but their was no story development or story telling and the results of last night's matches made no sense and I'm really angry with a lot of the show. The first match was for the WWE Tag team championships, witch saw current champs the Usos defend their titles against Goldust and Stardust. I thought this match was a great start to the show and was a solid match. I did think it was a little slow at first and it took some time for me to really get into it but once it really got started I was really into it and on the edge of my seat. Goldust was the stand out for me. I was not happy at all with the Oldust comment from the commentary team witch The Usos brought up last week. That really did wind me up the wrong way and I took it really seriously but I think Goldie came into the match last night and owned it! He shut up anyone who doubted him and think's he's too old for it. He hit some amazing spots and did a great job last night. Cody aka Stardust was also on point last night and did a great job picking up the win for him and Gold, making them the new tag team champion. I have been saying for months now that it has been time for new tag team champions and I'm glad these two are the new champs, they more than deserve it and it does make a lot of sense. I didn't like the way Stardust picked up the win but I was so happy with the fact those titles are around new waist. A par to me thought it would be a good idea to keep the Usos as champs for when the Ascension come up (witch should be very very soon) because I think they would feud better than the Ascension and Gold and Stardust but I might be wrong! Due to the way the match ended last night I think it's clear the two team'swill carry on feuding until Hell In a cell in five week's time. I think the WWE can get away with doing this. They had a great match last night and seem to really get the crowd going. I loved the Usos as tag team champs at first but I think they became really really boring as the time went on, Gold and Stardust is what was best for business last night and good move to make. I still think Harper and Rowan should be the tag team champions but If I get into that I wont stop. But all round great way to kick off the show and nice solid match.
Next up was the Sheamus' United States championship defence against Cesaro. For me this was match of the night by far. The two have amazing chemistry in the ring and Cesaro stays's in character from start to finish, He's a true talent and in my opinion was the stand out in this match, however they both did a great job. The only problem with this match was the ending and what a big big problem it was. After dominating a lot of the match Cesaro still didn't pick up the win last night and angry is an understatement for how I felt last night. I literally could of gone out in the middle of the road and screamed the neighbourhood down! What were the WWE thinking no having Cesaro as the new champ! It made no sense what do ever having Sheamus get the win last night and hold on to the title. The thing is I really worry for Cesaro now, with that loss last night there's nothing left for him to do and I really do think he's just going to be put at the bottom of the roster again. It was bad enough he was chasing after a mid card championship because let's face it Cesaro is far from mid card and is clearly championship, main event material, but putting him at the bottom of the roster in the jobbers section is just terrible. I honestly feel the WWE don't understand the talent they have with Cesaro, and just how much they can do with him, they really need to start showing and giving more respect to Cesaro. The only way they will keep him intresting now is if they carry on the feud with him and Sheamus but to be honest I don't know how this would work. The two have already feuded earlier on in the year and I don't know if it would be a success a second time round. It made no sense having Sheamus retain last night. The thing is they could of done so much with Cesaro as the US champ, having him in a feud with Jack Swagger would of made so much sense and would of gone down a treat with the fans could of easily been a top feud of the year. Sheamus doesn't need the championship and to be honest is better off without it. There's more they could do with him not being the champ and he's heel turn would be a lot easier without the championship. He's been a rubbish champ and they need to start booking him better after last night and the same goes for Cesaro. Have them feud for another month leading up to hell in a cell, but Cesaro really should be the US Champ right now and this was a really bad decision on WWE's behalf, there was some angry fans last night.

Then it was time for Chris Jericho step in the ring with Randy Orton. I thought this was a strong match actually. It was just extremely difficult to be excited about and really get into because it just felt like a filler and the feud was so out of the blue. It was great however seeing two legends and future hall of famers go at in the ring again and they both did a great job. The ending was done really well and Randy managed to pick up a much needed win. I think it's so clear the WWE have no idea what to do next with Orton. Hopefully we will see something new start up tonight on RAW. But he had a great performance alongside Jericho last night in a good match. Divas championship time now and Paige defended her title in a triple threat match against AJ Lee and Nikki Bella. Now I hate to say it but the true fact is Nikki Bella was the stand out last night and proved a lot of haters and doubters wrong, including myself. She did amazing last night and 100% stole the match. Her wrestling last night was just on point and she hit some amazing moves looking really good in the ring and I have t admit there came a time I was ok with the idea of her maybe becoming the new divas champion. What I hated was the ending again. I'm so mad at the WWE for giving AJ the championship I love her but STOP GIVING AJ THE DIVAS CHAMPIONSHIP. I'm so bored of AJ being the champ now.Paige has had two terrible title reigns and it really upsets me to see how much they have changed her and how little of the Paige we saw in NXT and FCW we see now on the main roster. AJ being champ again makes no sense and I'm so angry with this decision. Bad move WWE very bad move. There's just no story development here and it's just stupid! Hopefully now we can see the anti diva, the real Paige. As for Nikki Bella, so impressed and really do think she need's more time in the ring to off what she can do because guy's it's official Nikki Bella CAN wrestle.
Now it's time for the main event and I almost have no words. I thought the match, what we got of it anyway was really good and was shaping up to be on heck of a main event and had me on the edge of my seat. Cena was getting more offence than he did back at Summer Slam but it was Lesnar once again in control. But then all of a sudden Seth got involved causing the DQ. This really didn't make me happy. I was so into the match and then he had to come and ruin it. I think it's so obvious now that Cena and Lesnar will go head to head again at Hell in a cell witch to be honest I don't actually mind. What puzzled me last night was why Seth got involved and why on earth he tried to cash in!? I honestly think he should of actually been able to cash in and it really pissed me off when Cena messed all that up and to be honest I don't actually understand why Cena did stop the cash in. I'm still a little confused with last night's closing actions but yeah...

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