Superstar of the week: Adrian Neville
Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog. It's Sunday and time for my superstar of the week. I will leave the link to yesterday's top five superstar of the week, where you can see who just missed out on the number one spot. You can also let me know who your superstar of the week is by leaving a comment bellow or tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
So last week saw John Cena claim the number one spot, this week's it's NXT Champion Adrian Neville. Neville is my first ever NXT superstar to be my superstar of the week, but there really was no one else who could of been at this week's number one spot. He has completely owned and stole this week. The like's of Seth Rollins and Sami Zayn came close but there is no doubt that this week's superstar of the week is Adrian Neville. I need to make a quick note that the fact that Neville is British does not make me bias, okay!? So we first saw Neville in action this week on Monday night RAW in the special NXT match up to promote NXT Takeover two: Fatal four way, where he teamed with Sami Zayn to face Tyler Breeze and Tyson Kidd, all three he would face later on in the week at Takeover. The match was by far the match of the night and the three NXT superstars (and Tyson Kidd) put to shame all the main roster guy's and completely stole the show. As a fan of NXT I was so proud of all of them and the reaction they got from the crowd and the fan's online at home was amazing! All four guy's did so well on the night and really did make the night but for me it was Neville that stood out quit a bit. I admit it was Zayn who was in the match the most but when Neville got the tag the crowd were stunned with what he began doing in the ring. He brought something new, something we haven't seen on the main roster in a very very long time. Even though the crowd wasn't quit sure who he was (some of them anyway) by the end of the night they where on their feet showing the respect, appreciation and excitement for Adrian Neville. When he hit that Red Arrow the crowd where in pure amazement and even though I have seen it done a thousand time's on NXT even I was like " wow this guy is freaking amazing!". He got a great reaction from the crowd managing to pick up the win for him and Zayn. He managed to build great momentum for NXT live show that was in a thew day's time and to be honest I thought it was a great thing to do and made him look strong and left people wanting to see more from him and wanting to see him on the main roster again. I honestly believe this match made a lot of people actually tune in on Thursday fro the live NXT show, witch I did a review and reactions post on on Friday witch I will leave the link to at the end also. He was also involved in a little backstage interview along side partner of the night but one of three opponents for takeover Sami Zayn. I thought this interview was really good and it helped build up the heat for the main event at takeover. We began to see signs of Neville maybe turning heel and began to show a little bit of ignorance, witch to be honest I'm not sure I feel about yet, but it did make me want Thursday to hurry up so I could see how it would plan out on the night and how much we would see a change in Neville even more. Thursday soon rolled around and on the Pre-show (hosted by Renee Young, Alex Riley and Jason Albert) and at one point of the show they showed an interview Alex Riley had earlier on in the week with all four men involved in the main event fatal four way. Here Neville once again came across aground and a little cocky and it was more of that new Neville we would see more of in the actual show. Once again I thought this went well and was a good idea, adding something more to the lead up and the actual match. I also want to quickly point out how well I think Neville's mic skills are. I do think it's obvious that because of he's accent he does need to speak a lot slower and more clearly then some other's but I think he does it well and it come's across good. He's no Bray Wyatt or Dean Ambrose, no, but he's fairly good and I just wanted to point that out quickly in this post. The match soon came about and what a match it was. By far the match of the night, match of the year and possibly one of my all time favourite fatal four way matches. I have to admit I have never ever liked fatal four way matches but after this one my opinion on them has completely changed! All four superstars where on point, they all gave it one hundred percent, and they all stood out for individual reasons. If I could I would of had them all as my superstar of the week, but I could only choose one and I choose Neville. For me there was something different about Neville last Thursday. He wanted the win so badly and did anything and everything to make sure that title remained around he's waist and the he would be announced as still the NXT Champion by the end of the night; and in the process he blew us all away. With he's over the top rope stunts, amazing ring work, selling and slight character change Neville was a stop stand out of the whole night and I gained even more respect for him, if that was even possible. He just kept on going and kept on getting better. He made a thew heel like moves, for example pulling the referee out of the ring by the ankle as Zayn was about to pick up the win, but I liked this and it kinda made me want him to really turn heel! After this week I think he could pull it off for a while in the lead up to he's main roster official proper debut. He did pick up the win cleanly and it was a great match. I was a little annoyed at the ending just because I wanted Zayn to win but hey it was an amazing match up so I aint gonna moan about it. I'd love to see Zayn and Neville feud now in much more detail for the title, without Kidd and Breeze just so Zayn can get the title before going up to the main roster. Neville then had an appearance on the Fall-out show where he was interviewed by Renee Young and got an interesting reaction from the crowd. This week Neville was by far the stand out and was clearly the superstar of the week. But who was your superstar of the week? Let me know by leaving a comment bellow or tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Top five superstars of the week:
NXT Takeover TWO: Review and Reactions
Should Renee Young Join RAW commentary team?
So last week saw John Cena claim the number one spot, this week's it's NXT Champion Adrian Neville. Neville is my first ever NXT superstar to be my superstar of the week, but there really was no one else who could of been at this week's number one spot. He has completely owned and stole this week. The like's of Seth Rollins and Sami Zayn came close but there is no doubt that this week's superstar of the week is Adrian Neville. I need to make a quick note that the fact that Neville is British does not make me bias, okay!? So we first saw Neville in action this week on Monday night RAW in the special NXT match up to promote NXT Takeover two: Fatal four way, where he teamed with Sami Zayn to face Tyler Breeze and Tyson Kidd, all three he would face later on in the week at Takeover. The match was by far the match of the night and the three NXT superstars (and Tyson Kidd) put to shame all the main roster guy's and completely stole the show. As a fan of NXT I was so proud of all of them and the reaction they got from the crowd and the fan's online at home was amazing! All four guy's did so well on the night and really did make the night but for me it was Neville that stood out quit a bit. I admit it was Zayn who was in the match the most but when Neville got the tag the crowd were stunned with what he began doing in the ring. He brought something new, something we haven't seen on the main roster in a very very long time. Even though the crowd wasn't quit sure who he was (some of them anyway) by the end of the night they where on their feet showing the respect, appreciation and excitement for Adrian Neville. When he hit that Red Arrow the crowd where in pure amazement and even though I have seen it done a thousand time's on NXT even I was like " wow this guy is freaking amazing!". He got a great reaction from the crowd managing to pick up the win for him and Zayn. He managed to build great momentum for NXT live show that was in a thew day's time and to be honest I thought it was a great thing to do and made him look strong and left people wanting to see more from him and wanting to see him on the main roster again. I honestly believe this match made a lot of people actually tune in on Thursday fro the live NXT show, witch I did a review and reactions post on on Friday witch I will leave the link to at the end also. He was also involved in a little backstage interview along side partner of the night but one of three opponents for takeover Sami Zayn. I thought this interview was really good and it helped build up the heat for the main event at takeover. We began to see signs of Neville maybe turning heel and began to show a little bit of ignorance, witch to be honest I'm not sure I feel about yet, but it did make me want Thursday to hurry up so I could see how it would plan out on the night and how much we would see a change in Neville even more. Thursday soon rolled around and on the Pre-show (hosted by Renee Young, Alex Riley and Jason Albert) and at one point of the show they showed an interview Alex Riley had earlier on in the week with all four men involved in the main event fatal four way. Here Neville once again came across aground and a little cocky and it was more of that new Neville we would see more of in the actual show. Once again I thought this went well and was a good idea, adding something more to the lead up and the actual match. I also want to quickly point out how well I think Neville's mic skills are. I do think it's obvious that because of he's accent he does need to speak a lot slower and more clearly then some other's but I think he does it well and it come's across good. He's no Bray Wyatt or Dean Ambrose, no, but he's fairly good and I just wanted to point that out quickly in this post. The match soon came about and what a match it was. By far the match of the night, match of the year and possibly one of my all time favourite fatal four way matches. I have to admit I have never ever liked fatal four way matches but after this one my opinion on them has completely changed! All four superstars where on point, they all gave it one hundred percent, and they all stood out for individual reasons. If I could I would of had them all as my superstar of the week, but I could only choose one and I choose Neville. For me there was something different about Neville last Thursday. He wanted the win so badly and did anything and everything to make sure that title remained around he's waist and the he would be announced as still the NXT Champion by the end of the night; and in the process he blew us all away. With he's over the top rope stunts, amazing ring work, selling and slight character change Neville was a stop stand out of the whole night and I gained even more respect for him, if that was even possible. He just kept on going and kept on getting better. He made a thew heel like moves, for example pulling the referee out of the ring by the ankle as Zayn was about to pick up the win, but I liked this and it kinda made me want him to really turn heel! After this week I think he could pull it off for a while in the lead up to he's main roster official proper debut. He did pick up the win cleanly and it was a great match. I was a little annoyed at the ending just because I wanted Zayn to win but hey it was an amazing match up so I aint gonna moan about it. I'd love to see Zayn and Neville feud now in much more detail for the title, without Kidd and Breeze just so Zayn can get the title before going up to the main roster. Neville then had an appearance on the Fall-out show where he was interviewed by Renee Young and got an interesting reaction from the crowd. This week Neville was by far the stand out and was clearly the superstar of the week. But who was your superstar of the week? Let me know by leaving a comment bellow or tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Top five superstars of the week:
NXT Takeover TWO: Review and Reactions
Should Renee Young Join RAW commentary team?
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