RAW Review and Reactions
Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog. It's Tuesday and time for my RAW Review and Reaction's. I will leave the link to last week's review and reactions and any other recent post. You can let me know what you thought of last night's action by leaving a comment below or tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
So last night brought us the RAW after Night of champions and after a decent show on Sunday I had high expectations of last night's show and to be fair it wasn't that bad, better than what we have been getting the past couple of week's anyway. The night started out in the best possible way, with Dean Ambrose's theme's echoing in the arena, wearing a black leather jacket and black wife beater, the female fans, including myself, were very very happy indeed. Once in the ring Ambrose hit the mic, witch is always a great thing, and began of course talking about Seth Rollins. He's opening sentence being " I'm not dead" perfect, just perfect. Ambrose has shown to be one of the best talkers in the WWE at the moment in fact in a while, but seeing he's stuff from year's back I know there is so much more left of him to show on the mic and the more mic time they give him the more he will blow away the entire WWE universe. Moving on, Cena would soon make an appearance and I think I vented my displeasure of this enough last night so I won't go too into it, But I really do think it's a bad idea putting Cena in the Ambrose/Rollins feud. It's clear there isn't much for Cena to do at the moment but putting him with Ambrose and Rollins is not a good idea. These two don't need Cena added to the mix and could really mess up the feud. Cena went on to vent he's anger towards Seth and made it clear he wanted to face Rollins tonight. To be honest I actually wanted Cena and Seth to have a match tonight and I mentioned it in my RAW predictions last night night witch I will leave the link to bellow; I just thought it would of made a lot of sense for them to have a match and they could of had a really good one and would of been nice first match of the night. The authority soon made their way out and Triple H announced that neither of them would be facing Seth on the night because Ambrose would be going one on one with Kane (even though he was suppose to face Orton and that would of been much much better) and Cena would go one on one with Randy Orton in the main event. Cena expressed his disapproval and he and Ambrose went off attacking the Authority with Ambrose and Rollins fighting off backstage all the way into the car park were Cena would soon appear again and Seth would drive off in a stolen car... I liked this opening segment actually 10/10. Well done WWE well done.
Right, first match of the night and Dolph Ziggler had he's re-match for the Intercontinental championship against new champ The Miz. I hate what the WWE are doing with not on the IC championship but all the championship's. For quit some time now the titles in the WWE have had such little importance and attention and it's such a shame. The IC championship is a title so many great's have held including Stone Cold, The Rock, Jericho and of course the first Pat Patterson and it such a shame to see it being so badly used and respected in the business. I hate how the IC and Divas championship is just getting thrown around lately going back and forth between two people. Miz was of course assisted to the ring by Sandow and Ziggler went it alone with no sign of R-Ziggler aka R-Truth. This for me, was match of the night. These two have had some really good matches and some really bad matches but last night was a great one. The crowd were into it, I was into it and of course the whole world loved the result and now Ziggler is a three time Intercontinental champion. Of course he picked up the win using the same tactics as Miz from the night before but still.To be honest I'm so bored of these two now. I'd rather Sandow get a win over Ziggler and he go on to feud for the championship turning on Miz and going on to become the champ in the next months or so. But year great match, match of the night and I'm more than happy that Ziggler is once again the champ. Jack Swagger then went one on one with BO Dallas. Now I have a big big problem with how the WWE have treated the guy's and girls who have come up the main roster from NXT. Bo Dallas, Big E. Emma and Paige have had a terrible time since coming up to the main roster and were better off in NXT. Paige has had two terrible title reigns and has had a complete character change, Emma is one of the best divas on the roster and she's just been booked terrible same goes for Big E and as for Bo he's the longest reigning NXT champions and one very gifted wrestler and performer and it's such a
shame they have him right at the bottom of the roster. I've been on/off with this feud but the matches have been entertaining and Swagger picked up another win over Bo. I really do think that the WWE need to sort out what their doing with Swagger because the guy is amazing and with the gimmick he has at the moment their's a lot they could do with him.
Time for Divas action now and after Sunday's episode of Total divas (witch I did a review and reaction post on and I will leave the link to that at the end) Summer Rae and Natalya went one on one. I think the WWE should pay more attention to these two and build a big feud with them. Now I know a lot of people aint that struck on Summer but I'm a huge fan of her's. I think she has so much potential and genuinely want's to improve and make a mark in the WWE. She has used FCW and NXT to her advantage and has grown so much in the WWE and has really developed as a wrestler. If you aint seen her NXT work make sure you go have a look at her matches on YouTube, trust me you will be impressed. As for Natalya I think the whole world know's how much I love her. I think she really does need to be put in a title shot and be given the respect and ring time she deserves. Later on in the night Nikki Bella hit the mic talking about why she lost at Night of champions. Now I hate to say it but I really do think Nikki did amazing Sunday. She was the stand out in the triple threat and I was really amazed with her work in the ring and really impressed. That being said she's still crap on the mic but still she's a pretty good wrestler. She then called out Brie who made her way to the ring looking amazing and the two shared a decent segment. Nikki then had a match with the new divas champion AJ Lee with Paige at commentary. I thought this match was actually pretty decent, yeah I liked it. Once again Nikki was dominate but AJ Lee the Cena of the divas division scooped up the win last minuet. Last night we also finally got to see a glimpse of the real Paige. Maybe the WWE are finally listening to the fans and giving us the Paige the whole WWE universe have been waiting to see, the Paige we got back in FCW and NXT. She had her black gear on, no skipping and her attitude was a lot like the Paige we used to have. Look's like AJ and Paige will carry on their feud for another month. For now I think it's best to keep the Bella's in a separate feud away from the Championship.
Dean Ambrose then had he's match with Kane. The match was okay. It could of been a lot better and would of been ten times better if he was facing Orton. I was so made Seth interfered in the match. Ambrose really did need to pick up a strong win last night and it was such a shame he didn't. The WWE need to stop making him look so weak and give him some strong win's because at the moment it's Seth with some great matches and win's on he's side. The Authority would then lock Ambrose in a room, witch I thought was pretty Ironic that Ambrose was in Lockdown... yeah. Next match United States champion Sheamus teamed up with the Usos to face the team of Cesaro and new tag team champions Gold and Stardust. This match was just so boring. It was a pretty strong match but it was so boring and went on for far too long. Cesaro and Stardust were stand out's for me and I like the idea that they are carrying on the feud with the two tag teams and Cesaro and Sheamus. Good decisions. Mark Henry had another match with Rusev, yeah this match was actually okay and strangely I did get into it. It was good that Rusev picked up another win after the ref stopped the match when Henry was just out of it. They really are building up Rusev well and making him look very strong and dominate and a superstar to watch and that will shine in the future. Another tag match now and Slater and Titus had a match with Adam Rose and....The Bunny. That's right...the Bunny. I have no comment. None.
Main event time and I hated it. I really did. The match was good really good but we've seen Orton and Cena wrestle together so many time's the two can't possibly show us anything we aint seen before. Of course it ended in DQ. There was box outside the ring and of course we were made to believe the Authority would attempted to get rid of Cena the same way they tried to with Ambrose. However when Cane took the lid thingy off guess who was their... only Dean Freaking Ambrose. Perfect. Just freaking perfect. Cena and Ambrose took out Kane, Orton and Rollins and were left standing tall at the end of the night. Looks like we may get a tag match next week on RAW.I liked last night's show a lot actually. It weren't amazing but it was good and much better than what we have been getting. But what did you think? Let me know by leaving a comment bellow or tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
RAW Predictions:
RAW Review and Reactions:
Total Divas Season 3 episode 3 Review and Reactions:
Night of champions Predictions:
So last night brought us the RAW after Night of champions and after a decent show on Sunday I had high expectations of last night's show and to be fair it wasn't that bad, better than what we have been getting the past couple of week's anyway. The night started out in the best possible way, with Dean Ambrose's theme's echoing in the arena, wearing a black leather jacket and black wife beater, the female fans, including myself, were very very happy indeed. Once in the ring Ambrose hit the mic, witch is always a great thing, and began of course talking about Seth Rollins. He's opening sentence being " I'm not dead" perfect, just perfect. Ambrose has shown to be one of the best talkers in the WWE at the moment in fact in a while, but seeing he's stuff from year's back I know there is so much more left of him to show on the mic and the more mic time they give him the more he will blow away the entire WWE universe. Moving on, Cena would soon make an appearance and I think I vented my displeasure of this enough last night so I won't go too into it, But I really do think it's a bad idea putting Cena in the Ambrose/Rollins feud. It's clear there isn't much for Cena to do at the moment but putting him with Ambrose and Rollins is not a good idea. These two don't need Cena added to the mix and could really mess up the feud. Cena went on to vent he's anger towards Seth and made it clear he wanted to face Rollins tonight. To be honest I actually wanted Cena and Seth to have a match tonight and I mentioned it in my RAW predictions last night night witch I will leave the link to bellow; I just thought it would of made a lot of sense for them to have a match and they could of had a really good one and would of been nice first match of the night. The authority soon made their way out and Triple H announced that neither of them would be facing Seth on the night because Ambrose would be going one on one with Kane (even though he was suppose to face Orton and that would of been much much better) and Cena would go one on one with Randy Orton in the main event. Cena expressed his disapproval and he and Ambrose went off attacking the Authority with Ambrose and Rollins fighting off backstage all the way into the car park were Cena would soon appear again and Seth would drive off in a stolen car... I liked this opening segment actually 10/10. Well done WWE well done.
Right, first match of the night and Dolph Ziggler had he's re-match for the Intercontinental championship against new champ The Miz. I hate what the WWE are doing with not on the IC championship but all the championship's. For quit some time now the titles in the WWE have had such little importance and attention and it's such a shame. The IC championship is a title so many great's have held including Stone Cold, The Rock, Jericho and of course the first Pat Patterson and it such a shame to see it being so badly used and respected in the business. I hate how the IC and Divas championship is just getting thrown around lately going back and forth between two people. Miz was of course assisted to the ring by Sandow and Ziggler went it alone with no sign of R-Ziggler aka R-Truth. This for me, was match of the night. These two have had some really good matches and some really bad matches but last night was a great one. The crowd were into it, I was into it and of course the whole world loved the result and now Ziggler is a three time Intercontinental champion. Of course he picked up the win using the same tactics as Miz from the night before but still.To be honest I'm so bored of these two now. I'd rather Sandow get a win over Ziggler and he go on to feud for the championship turning on Miz and going on to become the champ in the next months or so. But year great match, match of the night and I'm more than happy that Ziggler is once again the champ. Jack Swagger then went one on one with BO Dallas. Now I have a big big problem with how the WWE have treated the guy's and girls who have come up the main roster from NXT. Bo Dallas, Big E. Emma and Paige have had a terrible time since coming up to the main roster and were better off in NXT. Paige has had two terrible title reigns and has had a complete character change, Emma is one of the best divas on the roster and she's just been booked terrible same goes for Big E and as for Bo he's the longest reigning NXT champions and one very gifted wrestler and performer and it's such a
shame they have him right at the bottom of the roster. I've been on/off with this feud but the matches have been entertaining and Swagger picked up another win over Bo. I really do think that the WWE need to sort out what their doing with Swagger because the guy is amazing and with the gimmick he has at the moment their's a lot they could do with him.
Time for Divas action now and after Sunday's episode of Total divas (witch I did a review and reaction post on and I will leave the link to that at the end) Summer Rae and Natalya went one on one. I think the WWE should pay more attention to these two and build a big feud with them. Now I know a lot of people aint that struck on Summer but I'm a huge fan of her's. I think she has so much potential and genuinely want's to improve and make a mark in the WWE. She has used FCW and NXT to her advantage and has grown so much in the WWE and has really developed as a wrestler. If you aint seen her NXT work make sure you go have a look at her matches on YouTube, trust me you will be impressed. As for Natalya I think the whole world know's how much I love her. I think she really does need to be put in a title shot and be given the respect and ring time she deserves. Later on in the night Nikki Bella hit the mic talking about why she lost at Night of champions. Now I hate to say it but I really do think Nikki did amazing Sunday. She was the stand out in the triple threat and I was really amazed with her work in the ring and really impressed. That being said she's still crap on the mic but still she's a pretty good wrestler. She then called out Brie who made her way to the ring looking amazing and the two shared a decent segment. Nikki then had a match with the new divas champion AJ Lee with Paige at commentary. I thought this match was actually pretty decent, yeah I liked it. Once again Nikki was dominate but AJ Lee the Cena of the divas division scooped up the win last minuet. Last night we also finally got to see a glimpse of the real Paige. Maybe the WWE are finally listening to the fans and giving us the Paige the whole WWE universe have been waiting to see, the Paige we got back in FCW and NXT. She had her black gear on, no skipping and her attitude was a lot like the Paige we used to have. Look's like AJ and Paige will carry on their feud for another month. For now I think it's best to keep the Bella's in a separate feud away from the Championship.
Dean Ambrose then had he's match with Kane. The match was okay. It could of been a lot better and would of been ten times better if he was facing Orton. I was so made Seth interfered in the match. Ambrose really did need to pick up a strong win last night and it was such a shame he didn't. The WWE need to stop making him look so weak and give him some strong win's because at the moment it's Seth with some great matches and win's on he's side. The Authority would then lock Ambrose in a room, witch I thought was pretty Ironic that Ambrose was in Lockdown... yeah. Next match United States champion Sheamus teamed up with the Usos to face the team of Cesaro and new tag team champions Gold and Stardust. This match was just so boring. It was a pretty strong match but it was so boring and went on for far too long. Cesaro and Stardust were stand out's for me and I like the idea that they are carrying on the feud with the two tag teams and Cesaro and Sheamus. Good decisions. Mark Henry had another match with Rusev, yeah this match was actually okay and strangely I did get into it. It was good that Rusev picked up another win after the ref stopped the match when Henry was just out of it. They really are building up Rusev well and making him look very strong and dominate and a superstar to watch and that will shine in the future. Another tag match now and Slater and Titus had a match with Adam Rose and....The Bunny. That's right...the Bunny. I have no comment. None.

RAW Predictions:
RAW Review and Reactions:
Total Divas Season 3 episode 3 Review and Reactions:
Night of champions Predictions:
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