Raw Review and Reactions
Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog. It's Tuesday witch mean's it's time for my RAW Review and Reactions. I will leave the link to last week's post at the end also. You can let me know what you thought of last night's action by leaving me a tweet at @TezangiVictoria or by commenting bellow.
So I thought last night's show was a pretty good one. It wasn't the best but it had some great moments that I really enjoyed... some more than other's witch I'm sure most of you know what I'm talking about after my tweets last night. One thing that did frustrate me and the rest of the world was the continuous mention of the "Season premier" witch I still have no idea what they were talking about, but hey it made a change from "only 9.99. This week RAW did the un thinkable and opened with an actual match... and a good one at that. It was so great to actually have a good match open the show instead of a crappy segment or promo. It was Chris Jericho and Bray Wyatt who kicked off the show with their steel cage match. This was a great way to start the show but a part of me think that it should of been the main event. I really do think that the WWE need to mix up their main event's a little. I'm getting so bored seeing the same type's of matches with the same people main event the show every single week, a change is very much needed and a steel cage match between Wyatt and Jericho would of been perfect and would of worked really well. The actual match I thought was amazing and a nice, solid, good quality match to start the show. I did say a lot last night on twitter and on my blog that Bray really did need to pick up a win last night, he need a strong, clean effective win and even though he did manage to pick up the victory it was a poor win and one of the worst Steel cage victories ever! It made him look weak and was just a bad bad way to win. I thought the attack afterwords was good, and it helped make their feud make more sense as Bray's whole goal was to get rid of Jericho and he sure did that, well with the help of Randy Orton. I think it would of been better if Bray picked up the win in a much stronger manner, maybe even by pin fall or actually escaping the cage properly and then attacking Jericho. But it felt like it was Randy who did the work in getting rid of Jericho after he attacked him backstage while he was being seen by the doctor. I thought this made no sense what so ever. It once again made Bray look weak and only pushed Orton as a heel even more. After everything that took place with Jericho last night I think it's safe to say that Jericho will not be retuning. I also think Harper and Rowan should of been in action last night, just so they could gain some much needed momentum and put them all back on the top again. Hopefully it will happen Friday on Smackdown.
There was then a segment between Intercontinental champion Dolph Ziggler and he's opponent for Night of Champions The Miz, witch involved Ziggler showing some "private" pictures of The Miz, including one of Damien "Mizdow" tanning a naked Miz, and Ziggler hitting the Zig Zag on Damien. I plan on doing a whole post all about this new thing for Damien Sandow later this week or maybe even today, I'm not sure yet. But I thought it was... entertaining and well not the worst part of the show. It added some more heat to their feud leading up to night of champions but I would loved to have seen Ziggler in action last night as well.
Diva's action now and as I predicted Rosa and Natalya teamed up, however to face the team of AJ Lee and the divas champion Paige. I think after watching Total Divas we all knew Rosa and Natalya would be tag teaming last night. I didn't really like the idea of AJ and Paige teaming up again. The two were entertaining to watch and Paige is actually pretty funny and is playing her role really well but I cant express how much I hate what they are doing with Paige and I just wanna see the Paige we saw in NXT. As for Rosa I thought she did all right, she clearly has a lot of in ring work to do but I thought she sold Paige's moves pretty well and it was nice to see her in some action, but it would be really nice to see her hit some good spot's. Natalya of course didn't get the time in the ring she deserved and AJ well AJ of course picked up the win for her and Paige, what a shocker!
There was then one of the best parts of the night and one of the best segments/ promo in a very long time when Paul Heyman hit the mic. I think we all know how much I love Heyman, as an advocate and as a Mic god. He is by far the best speaker in the WWE and well I just flat out love the guy.
Heyman didn't get much out at first, witch makes a change, as Cena's music hit and he made he's way to the ring. Once in the ring he would grab the mic hit annoying Cena mode and demanded Heyman said what he wanted to say to he's face. Heyman would go on to pass on a message from Brock Lesnar almost. Cena would then basically blow he's own trumpet when he mentioned that a 49 year old part timer was beat by Lesnar and we have not heard anything from him for the past six months and he on the other hand was beat by Lesnar and came back a week later and said let's go again. This really pissed me off. As Cena was making he's way out of the ring Heyman hit that mic and proved why he is a legend, a mic god! Pushing Cena's buttons, trying to make him snap at the audience. Cena then hit the mic again and well showed why I respect him so much. I'm very vocal on how much I can't stand John Cena but I 100% respect the guy and he proved why in last night's segment with Heyman. I genuinely thought this was amazing and one of the best thing's to happen all night. The chemistry between the two was amazing and really added that much more to the match between Cena and Lesnar at Night of champions. Both Cena and Heyman owned it last night and had one of the best segments in a while, both passionate, strong, entertaining and and effective and I really liked it. This led to the announcement later on in the show that next week Brock Lesnar will be at Monday night RAW.
Sheamus then remembered he was a wrestler again when he was actually put in a match with a good opponent. Sheamus' booking has been really really bad lately, I hate the fact that he's the United states champion and he hardly wrestles. Everyone was quick to mean about Dean not defending the title back when he was the United states champ Sheamus hardly get's anything. Last night he was given a great opponent, Seth Rollins. Now these two could have one hell of a match but we didn't get that last night. The match was okay, it could of been a little longer but they both had some great spots. Cesaro made an appearance half way through the match and began distracting Sheamus, witch would lead to Seth picking up the win hitting the curb stomp. Cesaro would then make he's way into the ring and attack Sheamus. It was also nice seeing Cesaro in a suit, nice treat for the ladies.
Adam Rose went one on one with Titus O'Neil again and of course Adam picked up the win and the bunny went nut's again and went around attacking people again. If it's Darren Young I'm gonna mark the hell out! Los Matadores had a tag team match against Gold and Stardust, the match was shot and very one sided and of course very predictable, with Stardust picking up the win for him and Goldust. After the match The Usos attacked both Gold and Stardust and got an intresting reaction from the crowd.
Of course Jerry springer was at the show last night trying to sort out the problems between Nikki and Brie Bella when to be honest he just made thing's worse. The segment was alright, not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Nikki did take it too far again in my opinion. The addition of JJ made it intresting and well it was entertaining to say the least,
Main event time, and it was Roman Reigns VS Randy Orton in a Summer Slam re-match. This match was actually pretty good, of course Orton carried the match and hit some great moves.Reigns on the other hand showed nothing new as usual. I thought he was quit messy last night but I was expecting anything great. It was a nice main event but as I mentioned earlier I'd rather of seen Jericho and Bray Wyatt main event instead. By the end of the night Reigns got attacked by Orton, Rollins and Kane in the steel cage and I thought this was a good idea. It made Reigns look human and not so invisible. Seth stood out when he almost killed him self and got an insane reaction from the crowd of course. I think it's clear we're gonna get a handicap match at night of champions witch I wouldn't mind seeing but I really want Reigns and Orton to part now. Their feud is more than over done and there is no need for it to continue. They both need something new. The both really need new feuds and just something different because it really is getting pretty boring.
All together I thought it was an intresting show last night, better than what we have got over the past couple of week and I think their was some good progression in every storyline and feud, adding heat and excrement leading up to night of champions. Let me know what you thought of last night's action by leaving a comment bellow or tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
RAW Review and Reactions:
So I thought last night's show was a pretty good one. It wasn't the best but it had some great moments that I really enjoyed... some more than other's witch I'm sure most of you know what I'm talking about after my tweets last night. One thing that did frustrate me and the rest of the world was the continuous mention of the "Season premier" witch I still have no idea what they were talking about, but hey it made a change from "only 9.99. This week RAW did the un thinkable and opened with an actual match... and a good one at that. It was so great to actually have a good match open the show instead of a crappy segment or promo. It was Chris Jericho and Bray Wyatt who kicked off the show with their steel cage match. This was a great way to start the show but a part of me think that it should of been the main event. I really do think that the WWE need to mix up their main event's a little. I'm getting so bored seeing the same type's of matches with the same people main event the show every single week, a change is very much needed and a steel cage match between Wyatt and Jericho would of been perfect and would of worked really well. The actual match I thought was amazing and a nice, solid, good quality match to start the show. I did say a lot last night on twitter and on my blog that Bray really did need to pick up a win last night, he need a strong, clean effective win and even though he did manage to pick up the victory it was a poor win and one of the worst Steel cage victories ever! It made him look weak and was just a bad bad way to win. I thought the attack afterwords was good, and it helped make their feud make more sense as Bray's whole goal was to get rid of Jericho and he sure did that, well with the help of Randy Orton. I think it would of been better if Bray picked up the win in a much stronger manner, maybe even by pin fall or actually escaping the cage properly and then attacking Jericho. But it felt like it was Randy who did the work in getting rid of Jericho after he attacked him backstage while he was being seen by the doctor. I thought this made no sense what so ever. It once again made Bray look weak and only pushed Orton as a heel even more. After everything that took place with Jericho last night I think it's safe to say that Jericho will not be retuning. I also think Harper and Rowan should of been in action last night, just so they could gain some much needed momentum and put them all back on the top again. Hopefully it will happen Friday on Smackdown.
There was then a segment between Intercontinental champion Dolph Ziggler and he's opponent for Night of Champions The Miz, witch involved Ziggler showing some "private" pictures of The Miz, including one of Damien "Mizdow" tanning a naked Miz, and Ziggler hitting the Zig Zag on Damien. I plan on doing a whole post all about this new thing for Damien Sandow later this week or maybe even today, I'm not sure yet. But I thought it was... entertaining and well not the worst part of the show. It added some more heat to their feud leading up to night of champions but I would loved to have seen Ziggler in action last night as well.
Diva's action now and as I predicted Rosa and Natalya teamed up, however to face the team of AJ Lee and the divas champion Paige. I think after watching Total Divas we all knew Rosa and Natalya would be tag teaming last night. I didn't really like the idea of AJ and Paige teaming up again. The two were entertaining to watch and Paige is actually pretty funny and is playing her role really well but I cant express how much I hate what they are doing with Paige and I just wanna see the Paige we saw in NXT. As for Rosa I thought she did all right, she clearly has a lot of in ring work to do but I thought she sold Paige's moves pretty well and it was nice to see her in some action, but it would be really nice to see her hit some good spot's. Natalya of course didn't get the time in the ring she deserved and AJ well AJ of course picked up the win for her and Paige, what a shocker!
There was then one of the best parts of the night and one of the best segments/ promo in a very long time when Paul Heyman hit the mic. I think we all know how much I love Heyman, as an advocate and as a Mic god. He is by far the best speaker in the WWE and well I just flat out love the guy.
Heyman didn't get much out at first, witch makes a change, as Cena's music hit and he made he's way to the ring. Once in the ring he would grab the mic hit annoying Cena mode and demanded Heyman said what he wanted to say to he's face. Heyman would go on to pass on a message from Brock Lesnar almost. Cena would then basically blow he's own trumpet when he mentioned that a 49 year old part timer was beat by Lesnar and we have not heard anything from him for the past six months and he on the other hand was beat by Lesnar and came back a week later and said let's go again. This really pissed me off. As Cena was making he's way out of the ring Heyman hit that mic and proved why he is a legend, a mic god! Pushing Cena's buttons, trying to make him snap at the audience. Cena then hit the mic again and well showed why I respect him so much. I'm very vocal on how much I can't stand John Cena but I 100% respect the guy and he proved why in last night's segment with Heyman. I genuinely thought this was amazing and one of the best thing's to happen all night. The chemistry between the two was amazing and really added that much more to the match between Cena and Lesnar at Night of champions. Both Cena and Heyman owned it last night and had one of the best segments in a while, both passionate, strong, entertaining and and effective and I really liked it. This led to the announcement later on in the show that next week Brock Lesnar will be at Monday night RAW.
Sheamus then remembered he was a wrestler again when he was actually put in a match with a good opponent. Sheamus' booking has been really really bad lately, I hate the fact that he's the United states champion and he hardly wrestles. Everyone was quick to mean about Dean not defending the title back when he was the United states champ Sheamus hardly get's anything. Last night he was given a great opponent, Seth Rollins. Now these two could have one hell of a match but we didn't get that last night. The match was okay, it could of been a little longer but they both had some great spots. Cesaro made an appearance half way through the match and began distracting Sheamus, witch would lead to Seth picking up the win hitting the curb stomp. Cesaro would then make he's way into the ring and attack Sheamus. It was also nice seeing Cesaro in a suit, nice treat for the ladies.
Adam Rose went one on one with Titus O'Neil again and of course Adam picked up the win and the bunny went nut's again and went around attacking people again. If it's Darren Young I'm gonna mark the hell out! Los Matadores had a tag team match against Gold and Stardust, the match was shot and very one sided and of course very predictable, with Stardust picking up the win for him and Goldust. After the match The Usos attacked both Gold and Stardust and got an intresting reaction from the crowd.
Of course Jerry springer was at the show last night trying to sort out the problems between Nikki and Brie Bella when to be honest he just made thing's worse. The segment was alright, not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Nikki did take it too far again in my opinion. The addition of JJ made it intresting and well it was entertaining to say the least,
Main event time, and it was Roman Reigns VS Randy Orton in a Summer Slam re-match. This match was actually pretty good, of course Orton carried the match and hit some great moves.Reigns on the other hand showed nothing new as usual. I thought he was quit messy last night but I was expecting anything great. It was a nice main event but as I mentioned earlier I'd rather of seen Jericho and Bray Wyatt main event instead. By the end of the night Reigns got attacked by Orton, Rollins and Kane in the steel cage and I thought this was a good idea. It made Reigns look human and not so invisible. Seth stood out when he almost killed him self and got an insane reaction from the crowd of course. I think it's clear we're gonna get a handicap match at night of champions witch I wouldn't mind seeing but I really want Reigns and Orton to part now. Their feud is more than over done and there is no need for it to continue. They both need something new. The both really need new feuds and just something different because it really is getting pretty boring.

RAW Review and Reactions:
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