5 Underdogs In the Women's Division
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World. I hope you are all have a great start tot he new year and are enjoying women's month here on my blog. I mentioned in my changes coming in two thousand and fifteen post (witch I will leave the link to bellow) that every two months I will be dedicating that whole month to a particular subject/topic and kicking off the new year, January has become Women's month here on Talk Wrestling World, and I have really been enjoying writing these posts up. Today is another little top five as I bring yo the top underdogs of the women's division. This simply is just a little list of five women from TNA and WWE who think are the dark horses of their division and will one day really surprise us. You can let me know what you think of today's blog post and who you think is the underdog of the women's division by leaving a comment below or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria. Finally, I will leave the links bellow to any recent posts so you can all keep up to date on everything.
5) Cameron
I know, I can already hear the negativity and hate for the women kicking off my top five underdogs in the women's division but please let me explain first! The reason I have put Cameron in this list is simply because I do believe she is an underdog and serious dark horse.I know I have moaned like crazy about her because lets face it she's not the most talented of women on the WWE divas roster. However,I have really seen a huge change in her lately and I do think despite the controversy surrounding it, Total Divas has really shown a good side to her.She has shown serious improvements in the ring I think we can all at least agree that her recent work has been pretty impressive. She's not been getting much ring time but when she has she has really shown improvements. Her wrestling ability is far from the level of a diva like Natalya but she has really improved and her matches are a lot more fluent and well put together and all round she is good improvements. With better gimmick (a much better gimmick) and more character and wrestling improvements she could be a future divas champion.
4) Summer Rae
At number four in my top five underdogs in the women's division is Summer Rae. I have written up several posts about Summer Rae explaining why I'm such a huge fan of hers. If you have been following me on twitter for a while now you will know what I haven't always been a huge of Summer Rae. In fact I used to be a pretty big hater of hers. But when I started paying more attention to her NXT work and the stuff she had done in her debut year alone I couldn't deny the fact she was pretty impressive and I very quickly became a big fan of hers. Summer is the perfect example of a diva in the WWE who has taken advantage of everything around her. She used NXT to full advantage, allowing it to be a place to improve herself both in the ring and as a character (also increasing her popularity), she also used the JBL and Cole show to once again increase her popularity and fan base, she was then announced as a cast member of Total divas and has also been announced as the first diva to ever feature in a WWE feature movie.Weather you like her or not Summer Rae is the real deal. Using all of these things has really helped create a strong character in the divas division and she has also become a pretty good wrestler in a short amount of time. She knows her character and what she wants to come across like perfectly and remains in character whenever she is in the ring wrestling. You should all go and check out her NXT matches if you haven't seen them already because I'm more than confident that you will be pretty impressed. She had some great matches with Paige and some strong storyline's being the centre piece of the NXT Divas division. Summer has improved massively over the past year and she honestly reminds me of a more modern Maryse and with further improvements in the ring we could have a serous up coming star this year with Summer Rae.
3) Brittany
Making her way in at number three in my top five underdogs in the women'd division is TNA Knockout Brittany. Over the past year I have made it more than clear that I'm not a fan of Brittany at all. I just don't like her character or her style or anything, no, I'm not a fan at all. However, I will be the first to admit she is a pretty decent wrestler and has had some of the best female wrestling matches of the past five years. Stepping in the ring with greats like Madison Rayne and Mia Yim, Brittany has proven me and a lot of other people wrong and that despite her terrible acting and mic work she's a strong wrestler and all round in ring performer. He move set is pretty wide and she always manages to impress me when she is in the ring. I have to admit I haven't been a fan of her work with Samuel Shaw I think she's better then that but she does play a great heel even though she can play a decent baby face also.
2) Alexa Bliss
Up next is the only NXT Diva to feature in this list, Alexa Bliss. If you're not aware of Alexa then it' probably because you don't watch NXT or you just haven't seen her on an episode of NXT yet. We haven't actually seen much of Alexa since she arrived on NXT TV but from what we have seen of her I have been very very impressed. Even though we haven't seen that much of her yet she already shown she has a vary diverse move set and brings something to the table no other diva has at the moment. I have seen a lot of people compare her to Kelly Kelly, different is, she's smaller and can actually wrestle. I can't wait to really start seeing more of her and I think two thousand and fifteen is going to be a huge year for Alexa.
1) Taryn Terrell
Finally, at number one in my top five underdogs in the women's division is Taryn Terrell. I have seriously become a massive fan of Taryn Terrell.Over the past year or so she has really really improved and shut the mouths of all the haters. Her one on one matches with Gail Kim have been not only some of the best knockouts matches of all time but some of the best female pro wrestling matches I've ever seen. She's come such a long way from being little Tiffany in WWE. She has a strong character, amazing amazing wrestling ability and she has more than earned the right to be the TNA Knockouts champion. She's the perfect example of a women who has worked every single day to get to where she is and improve herself. I would go as far to say she is one of the best female wrestlers around at the moment and despite having the barbie girl image she can wrestle just as good as any of the veterans on the TNA roster. I predict and amazing year for Taryn and I can't wait to see were her title reign goes and to talk about her more on Talk Wrestling world
Who to watch in 2015
5) Cameron
I know, I can already hear the negativity and hate for the women kicking off my top five underdogs in the women's division but please let me explain first! The reason I have put Cameron in this list is simply because I do believe she is an underdog and serious dark horse.I know I have moaned like crazy about her because lets face it she's not the most talented of women on the WWE divas roster. However,I have really seen a huge change in her lately and I do think despite the controversy surrounding it, Total Divas has really shown a good side to her.She has shown serious improvements in the ring I think we can all at least agree that her recent work has been pretty impressive. She's not been getting much ring time but when she has she has really shown improvements. Her wrestling ability is far from the level of a diva like Natalya but she has really improved and her matches are a lot more fluent and well put together and all round she is good improvements. With better gimmick (a much better gimmick) and more character and wrestling improvements she could be a future divas champion.
4) Summer Rae
At number four in my top five underdogs in the women's division is Summer Rae. I have written up several posts about Summer Rae explaining why I'm such a huge fan of hers. If you have been following me on twitter for a while now you will know what I haven't always been a huge of Summer Rae. In fact I used to be a pretty big hater of hers. But when I started paying more attention to her NXT work and the stuff she had done in her debut year alone I couldn't deny the fact she was pretty impressive and I very quickly became a big fan of hers. Summer is the perfect example of a diva in the WWE who has taken advantage of everything around her. She used NXT to full advantage, allowing it to be a place to improve herself both in the ring and as a character (also increasing her popularity), she also used the JBL and Cole show to once again increase her popularity and fan base, she was then announced as a cast member of Total divas and has also been announced as the first diva to ever feature in a WWE feature movie.Weather you like her or not Summer Rae is the real deal. Using all of these things has really helped create a strong character in the divas division and she has also become a pretty good wrestler in a short amount of time. She knows her character and what she wants to come across like perfectly and remains in character whenever she is in the ring wrestling. You should all go and check out her NXT matches if you haven't seen them already because I'm more than confident that you will be pretty impressed. She had some great matches with Paige and some strong storyline's being the centre piece of the NXT Divas division. Summer has improved massively over the past year and she honestly reminds me of a more modern Maryse and with further improvements in the ring we could have a serous up coming star this year with Summer Rae.
3) Brittany
Making her way in at number three in my top five underdogs in the women'd division is TNA Knockout Brittany. Over the past year I have made it more than clear that I'm not a fan of Brittany at all. I just don't like her character or her style or anything, no, I'm not a fan at all. However, I will be the first to admit she is a pretty decent wrestler and has had some of the best female wrestling matches of the past five years. Stepping in the ring with greats like Madison Rayne and Mia Yim, Brittany has proven me and a lot of other people wrong and that despite her terrible acting and mic work she's a strong wrestler and all round in ring performer. He move set is pretty wide and she always manages to impress me when she is in the ring. I have to admit I haven't been a fan of her work with Samuel Shaw I think she's better then that but she does play a great heel even though she can play a decent baby face also.
2) Alexa Bliss

1) Taryn Terrell
Finally, at number one in my top five underdogs in the women's division is Taryn Terrell. I have seriously become a massive fan of Taryn Terrell.Over the past year or so she has really really improved and shut the mouths of all the haters. Her one on one matches with Gail Kim have been not only some of the best knockouts matches of all time but some of the best female pro wrestling matches I've ever seen. She's come such a long way from being little Tiffany in WWE. She has a strong character, amazing amazing wrestling ability and she has more than earned the right to be the TNA Knockouts champion. She's the perfect example of a women who has worked every single day to get to where she is and improve herself. I would go as far to say she is one of the best female wrestlers around at the moment and despite having the barbie girl image she can wrestle just as good as any of the veterans on the TNA roster. I predict and amazing year for Taryn and I can't wait to see were her title reign goes and to talk about her more on Talk Wrestling world
Who to watch in 2015
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