RAW Review And Reaction
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World and also welcome to my first RAW Review and Reactions post of two thousand and fifteen! Last year went by so fast, I have no idea where the time went and I can't believe you guys are still reading my posts, it means so much. I really can't wait to kick start this year and make it even better. You all know by now that January is Women's month on my blog and I have a post in the series going up later today, but as I have said before the series topics won't effect my regular post. This Saturday I will also be bringing back my top five superstars of the week post so there's also that to look forward too. I will leave the link's bellow to any recent posts so you can keep all up to date on everything. Finally, you can let me know what YOU thought of last nights show by leaving a comment bellow in the comments section or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Last night the WWE came live from Corpus Christi, Texas as the first Monday night RAW of two thousand and fifteen aired across the world including India for the first time. With Stephanie McMahon and Triple H, The Authority, back in power we were set for an intense show with some payback being injected on some of the roster (team Cena). They of course wasted no time reminding everyone they were back in control kicking off the year similarly to how they kicked off two thousand and fourteen. With the whole roster being assembled to the ring, including John Cena, who was the man forced to reinstate the Authority,everyone was ready to receive their punishments and rewards. The first superstar to be given he's reward was of course Mr Money in the bank himself, Seth Rollins, as Stephanie and Hunter gave him a spot in the WWE World Heavyweight championship match at the Royal Rumble pay per view. So, we now know that in around three weeks time Brock Lesnar will defend the title against John Cena and Seth Rolling. I like this idea. I think it makes the match much more interesting and allows Rollins to really get he's time to shine, as it becomes more clear the WWE are seriously high on him. Writing up my prediction post in a thew weeks time is going to be really intresting considering I have so many potential out comes in my head. Will Rollins cash in? Will Cena be able to defeat the odds and walk out the new champ? Or will Rollins simply be able to score a quick win out of nowhere making him the next and youngest WWE World heavyweight champion? The Authority also declared the night as "John Cena appreciation night" where they spent the night showing highlight clips of Cena's career. The first match of the night was also announced as Dolph Ziggler was set to defend he's Intercontinental championship against a recently returning Bad News Barrett.
Dolph Ziggler VS Bad News Barrett ( Intercontinental Championship match)
As announced at the start of the show by the Authority the first match of the night saw Dolph Ziggler defend he's Intercontinental championship against Bad News Barrett. We all saw Barrett return last week after spending around six to seven months out on injury. He's return match was strangely against Cesaro and he appeared to be working as a baby face however this week all of a sudden he was working as a top top heel, witch made no sense what so ever. I mentioned in my Review and Reactions post last week that it was nice seeing him work as a baby face but it clearly didn't last. When this match was first announced I was really pleased, these two put on an amazing match last year (one of the best of the year in fact) so I had high expectations of this one. You can imagine just how disappointed I was when Ziggler scored a quick win out of nowhere. I was expecting this to be a strong fifteen minuet match and so when the match ended like the way it did you can only imagine how angry I was. Some of you would of seen on twitter actually. However, Kane soon came out an announced that the match was actually a two out of three falls match after Ziggler received a big beat down from Barrett, at this point I could of jumped with joy and after Barrett scored the second pin fall they went to a ad break, finally they timed the break right! It was when that the match began to pick up a little and got a little less predictable but it was Barrett who was able to score the third and final win making him a five time Intercontinental champion. The only two problems I had with this
was that the title has changed so much over the past five months and I can't stand angry Ziggler fans! However, creatively I thought this was a real good idea. Barrett couldn't afford a loss last night and he was more than worthy of holding the title considering he never lost it in the first place. It's going to be intresting to see who the WWE push to challenge him for the title as it looks to be a great thew moths for Barrett and a Ziggler Heel turn seems very likely now.
The Ascension VS Local Wrestlers
We then saw newly debuted, The Ascension take on some local wrestlers. A thew days ago I wrote up a post about the Ascension discussing weather or not the WWE have gone too far with changing them up and I will leave a link to that bellow so you can check that out if you haven't already done so. I have a big big problem with what the WWE have done with the Ascension and last night was just a disaster. I honestly don't think I have ever been so angry at the commentary before in my whole life! I could threw something at the TV and cried, it was that bad. The WWE have completely got it all wrong with these two and they are living proof that NXT stars are better off staying down in NXT than coming up to the main roster. The huge theatrical image change is way too much and it's making it almost impossible for the older fans in particular who haven't seen their work in NXT to connect with them. With a terrible crowd they received next to no reaction what so ever from the live crowd witch made me mad as it is. Then things got worse when they both got on the mic (one thing WWE need to learn, never let Konnor on the mic, he has not got the intimidating voice to go with the look at all). From that point everything just went down hill when they decided to mention Demolition and Road Warriors. This seriously needs to stop. I hate how the WWE are so fixated on having the Ascension as the new Road Warriors, I could seriously go on about this all day long, but what the hell are they thinking. The WWE seriously need to stop living in the past and trying to turn new talent into old talent. These guys have their own image and style they don't need to be dressed up to be identical to historic tag teams. Then things got EVEN worse with the stupid announce team who thought it was a good idea to fuck up the careers of Konnor and Viktor in a matter of minuets saying things like "they will never be as good as road warriors" and as for JBL, former NXT GM I couldn't be more disappointed. Anyway, the Ascension scored the win and are clearly working now as heels.
Roman Reigns VS Big Show
Up next, saw the rivalry between Roman Reigns and the Big Show continue as the two went one on one live last night. I think you can all imagine what I'm gonna say next...I could not give a crap about this match. I don't think this feud is doing anything for Show and Reigns. The WWE are suppose to be really high on Reigns when the reality of it is is Ambrose and Rollins are getting much better treatment. Since returning Reigns has not main RAW or been involved in a strong match. Building him up for the Royal Rumble has been weak and the fans are still not showing any faith in him being a top star in the company. Admittedly, I wasn't paying much attention to this match but from what I did see it was't too bad and could of been worse. Even though Reigns tried to use speed to he's advantage and it was looking like he was finally going to score a win, Big show ended it all driving a steel step into Reigns. However, Roman was the man left laughing and standing as he got he's payback on Show spearing him while he was holding the steps.
Natalya VS Nikki Bella
Divas time now and Natalya was set to take on Divas champion Nikki Bella in a none title match. Paige also made an appearance as she made herself comfortable at ringside for Natalya and after attacking Brie it looks as if Paige is now once again working as a baby face. The match was short and simple and was clearly there to promote total divas and set up a potential title match for the future. Anyway it was Natalya who scored the win off of the distraction and with another win over the champ it looks as if Nattie might be getting a title shot. I also think it's possible we could get a fatal four way for the divas championship at the Royal Rumble if they don't go with just Natalya VS Nikki. It would be nice to see something a little different and with Brie and Paige not being in anything big it would be a good chance for them to showcase some ring work. Possible divas matches next week include a tag team match between Paige and Natalya and the Bella twins, Paige VS Brie Bella or Paige VS Nikki and after next week the next divas championship match should be either announced or made clear as to what it will be and who will be in it.
Other matches...
Other matches included Luke Harper VS Erick Rowan. I have said way to many times how I don't like the treatment of Rowan, I feel like the WWE really fucked up a big chance of putting him really over and setting up for a strong future when they had him loose to Big show at TLC then the night after the pay per view. He recently had a great match with Tyson Kidd on superstars so go check that out if you haven't seen it already. As for Luke Harper, it's clear the WWE don't really know what to do with him next and I hope they find something really strong to put him in. I'd love to see these two really be able to go at it in a big feud, they could really bring something new and exciting and
amazing too, I just think they need to hold off the idea for a while considering how much both them are in need of a push at the moment. Alicia Fox also teamed with Damien Mizdow and The Miz to take on the Usos and Naomi in what was an okay match. I was hardly watching it because I had no interest but I remember thinking Naomi was a beast in the ring last night! We also had Ryback VS Seth Rollins and Kane in a handicap match witch was a decent match up that I had no interest in for some reason. It was a good match I just wasn't really interested, maybe because I was really tired at this point. Of course Rollins and Kane walked out with the win.
Dean Ambrose VS Bray Wyatt
The final match in the Bray Wyatt/Dean Ambrose story of course took place last night as the two went one on one in an ambulance match. I think everyone was disappointed with this feud. Despite the amazing matches including last nights, the WWE didn't pay enough attention on this feud and were to busy with other big storyline's. It was clearly missing something big and failed to live up to the high expectations the WWE universe has. I mentioned last night that Deans' next feud needs to be really stripped back and less barbaric. I love extreme matches as much as the next person and he's really in he's element but some of you will know he's also an amazing technical wrestler as he's shown in he's work before the WWE and he's FCW work and he hasn't been able to show that because of the crazy stuff they have put him in. With Barrett working as a heel and holding the IC title it opens a new door for Ambrose. A potential shot at the championship and a calmer feud is right there and we all know these two could put on a great feud. The match last night was amazing I just didn't like the ending. For some reason they had Dean loose another big match and major feud, witch makes no sense. He's next feud is going to be really important in building he's future and so it should be intresting to see what the WWE have in store next for both of these superstars.
Finally The Authority celebrated "John Cena appreciation night" witch ended pretty bad for Ryback, Erick Rowan and Dolph Ziggler as by the end of the night they were all fired. I have to admit I have next to no opinion on this. I thought the show all together was weak especially for the first year of the show. With all three fired it's safe to say the Authority are well and truly back in power and this sets up a possible Dolph Ziggler heel turn in the future and another Ziggler/Cena feud.
I wasn't a fan of last nights show but what did you think? Leave a comment bellow letting me know.
RAW Predictions
Total divas review and reactions
5 underdogs in the women's divison
Have the WWE gone too far in changing the Ascension
Last night the WWE came live from Corpus Christi, Texas as the first Monday night RAW of two thousand and fifteen aired across the world including India for the first time. With Stephanie McMahon and Triple H, The Authority, back in power we were set for an intense show with some payback being injected on some of the roster (team Cena). They of course wasted no time reminding everyone they were back in control kicking off the year similarly to how they kicked off two thousand and fourteen. With the whole roster being assembled to the ring, including John Cena, who was the man forced to reinstate the Authority,everyone was ready to receive their punishments and rewards. The first superstar to be given he's reward was of course Mr Money in the bank himself, Seth Rollins, as Stephanie and Hunter gave him a spot in the WWE World Heavyweight championship match at the Royal Rumble pay per view. So, we now know that in around three weeks time Brock Lesnar will defend the title against John Cena and Seth Rolling. I like this idea. I think it makes the match much more interesting and allows Rollins to really get he's time to shine, as it becomes more clear the WWE are seriously high on him. Writing up my prediction post in a thew weeks time is going to be really intresting considering I have so many potential out comes in my head. Will Rollins cash in? Will Cena be able to defeat the odds and walk out the new champ? Or will Rollins simply be able to score a quick win out of nowhere making him the next and youngest WWE World heavyweight champion? The Authority also declared the night as "John Cena appreciation night" where they spent the night showing highlight clips of Cena's career. The first match of the night was also announced as Dolph Ziggler was set to defend he's Intercontinental championship against a recently returning Bad News Barrett.
Dolph Ziggler VS Bad News Barrett ( Intercontinental Championship match)
As announced at the start of the show by the Authority the first match of the night saw Dolph Ziggler defend he's Intercontinental championship against Bad News Barrett. We all saw Barrett return last week after spending around six to seven months out on injury. He's return match was strangely against Cesaro and he appeared to be working as a baby face however this week all of a sudden he was working as a top top heel, witch made no sense what so ever. I mentioned in my Review and Reactions post last week that it was nice seeing him work as a baby face but it clearly didn't last. When this match was first announced I was really pleased, these two put on an amazing match last year (one of the best of the year in fact) so I had high expectations of this one. You can imagine just how disappointed I was when Ziggler scored a quick win out of nowhere. I was expecting this to be a strong fifteen minuet match and so when the match ended like the way it did you can only imagine how angry I was. Some of you would of seen on twitter actually. However, Kane soon came out an announced that the match was actually a two out of three falls match after Ziggler received a big beat down from Barrett, at this point I could of jumped with joy and after Barrett scored the second pin fall they went to a ad break, finally they timed the break right! It was when that the match began to pick up a little and got a little less predictable but it was Barrett who was able to score the third and final win making him a five time Intercontinental champion. The only two problems I had with this

The Ascension VS Local Wrestlers
We then saw newly debuted, The Ascension take on some local wrestlers. A thew days ago I wrote up a post about the Ascension discussing weather or not the WWE have gone too far with changing them up and I will leave a link to that bellow so you can check that out if you haven't already done so. I have a big big problem with what the WWE have done with the Ascension and last night was just a disaster. I honestly don't think I have ever been so angry at the commentary before in my whole life! I could threw something at the TV and cried, it was that bad. The WWE have completely got it all wrong with these two and they are living proof that NXT stars are better off staying down in NXT than coming up to the main roster. The huge theatrical image change is way too much and it's making it almost impossible for the older fans in particular who haven't seen their work in NXT to connect with them. With a terrible crowd they received next to no reaction what so ever from the live crowd witch made me mad as it is. Then things got worse when they both got on the mic (one thing WWE need to learn, never let Konnor on the mic, he has not got the intimidating voice to go with the look at all). From that point everything just went down hill when they decided to mention Demolition and Road Warriors. This seriously needs to stop. I hate how the WWE are so fixated on having the Ascension as the new Road Warriors, I could seriously go on about this all day long, but what the hell are they thinking. The WWE seriously need to stop living in the past and trying to turn new talent into old talent. These guys have their own image and style they don't need to be dressed up to be identical to historic tag teams. Then things got EVEN worse with the stupid announce team who thought it was a good idea to fuck up the careers of Konnor and Viktor in a matter of minuets saying things like "they will never be as good as road warriors" and as for JBL, former NXT GM I couldn't be more disappointed. Anyway, the Ascension scored the win and are clearly working now as heels.
Roman Reigns VS Big Show
Up next, saw the rivalry between Roman Reigns and the Big Show continue as the two went one on one live last night. I think you can all imagine what I'm gonna say next...I could not give a crap about this match. I don't think this feud is doing anything for Show and Reigns. The WWE are suppose to be really high on Reigns when the reality of it is is Ambrose and Rollins are getting much better treatment. Since returning Reigns has not main RAW or been involved in a strong match. Building him up for the Royal Rumble has been weak and the fans are still not showing any faith in him being a top star in the company. Admittedly, I wasn't paying much attention to this match but from what I did see it was't too bad and could of been worse. Even though Reigns tried to use speed to he's advantage and it was looking like he was finally going to score a win, Big show ended it all driving a steel step into Reigns. However, Roman was the man left laughing and standing as he got he's payback on Show spearing him while he was holding the steps.
Natalya VS Nikki Bella
Divas time now and Natalya was set to take on Divas champion Nikki Bella in a none title match. Paige also made an appearance as she made herself comfortable at ringside for Natalya and after attacking Brie it looks as if Paige is now once again working as a baby face. The match was short and simple and was clearly there to promote total divas and set up a potential title match for the future. Anyway it was Natalya who scored the win off of the distraction and with another win over the champ it looks as if Nattie might be getting a title shot. I also think it's possible we could get a fatal four way for the divas championship at the Royal Rumble if they don't go with just Natalya VS Nikki. It would be nice to see something a little different and with Brie and Paige not being in anything big it would be a good chance for them to showcase some ring work. Possible divas matches next week include a tag team match between Paige and Natalya and the Bella twins, Paige VS Brie Bella or Paige VS Nikki and after next week the next divas championship match should be either announced or made clear as to what it will be and who will be in it.
Other matches...
Other matches included Luke Harper VS Erick Rowan. I have said way to many times how I don't like the treatment of Rowan, I feel like the WWE really fucked up a big chance of putting him really over and setting up for a strong future when they had him loose to Big show at TLC then the night after the pay per view. He recently had a great match with Tyson Kidd on superstars so go check that out if you haven't seen it already. As for Luke Harper, it's clear the WWE don't really know what to do with him next and I hope they find something really strong to put him in. I'd love to see these two really be able to go at it in a big feud, they could really bring something new and exciting and
amazing too, I just think they need to hold off the idea for a while considering how much both them are in need of a push at the moment. Alicia Fox also teamed with Damien Mizdow and The Miz to take on the Usos and Naomi in what was an okay match. I was hardly watching it because I had no interest but I remember thinking Naomi was a beast in the ring last night! We also had Ryback VS Seth Rollins and Kane in a handicap match witch was a decent match up that I had no interest in for some reason. It was a good match I just wasn't really interested, maybe because I was really tired at this point. Of course Rollins and Kane walked out with the win.
Dean Ambrose VS Bray Wyatt
The final match in the Bray Wyatt/Dean Ambrose story of course took place last night as the two went one on one in an ambulance match. I think everyone was disappointed with this feud. Despite the amazing matches including last nights, the WWE didn't pay enough attention on this feud and were to busy with other big storyline's. It was clearly missing something big and failed to live up to the high expectations the WWE universe has. I mentioned last night that Deans' next feud needs to be really stripped back and less barbaric. I love extreme matches as much as the next person and he's really in he's element but some of you will know he's also an amazing technical wrestler as he's shown in he's work before the WWE and he's FCW work and he hasn't been able to show that because of the crazy stuff they have put him in. With Barrett working as a heel and holding the IC title it opens a new door for Ambrose. A potential shot at the championship and a calmer feud is right there and we all know these two could put on a great feud. The match last night was amazing I just didn't like the ending. For some reason they had Dean loose another big match and major feud, witch makes no sense. He's next feud is going to be really important in building he's future and so it should be intresting to see what the WWE have in store next for both of these superstars.
Finally The Authority celebrated "John Cena appreciation night" witch ended pretty bad for Ryback, Erick Rowan and Dolph Ziggler as by the end of the night they were all fired. I have to admit I have next to no opinion on this. I thought the show all together was weak especially for the first year of the show. With all three fired it's safe to say the Authority are well and truly back in power and this sets up a possible Dolph Ziggler heel turn in the future and another Ziggler/Cena feud.
I wasn't a fan of last nights show but what did you think? Leave a comment bellow letting me know.
RAW Predictions
Total divas review and reactions
5 underdogs in the women's divison
Have the WWE gone too far in changing the Ascension
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