Royal Rumble Predictions: The New Age Outlaws VS The Ascension
Hello everyone, Welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well. As you know this Sunday the WWE will present the first pay per view of the year, the two thousand and fourteen Royal Rumble, kick starting the Road to Wrestlemania. This mean's I'm back with predictions week. Throughout the whole of this week leading right up to the Royal Rumble it's self, I will uploading my predictions for every match on the card including the actual Royal Rumble match. Now, I have already mentioned that this month things will be a little different due to the format of this pay per view. I will still be doing individual predictions for the matches set for the show but for the actual Royal Rumble match I will be uploading mini predictions covering different possible outcomes of the match, just so there is more content and so you get a better feel of what my full predictions are heading into the pay per view. I will be sure to leave the links bellow to any recent posts so you can stay all up to date, and finally, you can let me know what YOUR predictions are for this Sunday's live show by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
This past Monday on RAW the WWE announced that the Ascension would be taking on WWE legends the New age outlaws this Sunday at the Royal Rumble Pay per view, this of course was during the RAW Reunion episode of the show. I know you all know full well how I feel about this match and the Ascension so I'm gonna keep it as short and simple as I can. I'm gonna insert some of the comments I have made on my blog bellow then I will write up my predictions and a why I think this an important weekend for the Ascension.
"We then saw newly debuted, The Ascension take on some local wrestlers. A thew days ago I wrote up a post about the Ascension discussing weather or not the WWE have gone too far with changing them up and I will leave a link to that bellow so you can check that out if you haven't already done so. I have a big big problem with what the WWE have done with the Ascension and last night was just a disaster. I honestly don't think I have ever been so angry at the commentary before in my whole life! I could threw something at the TV and cried, it was that bad. The WWE have completely got it all wrong with these two and they are living proof that NXT stars are better off staying down in NXT than coming up to the main roster. The huge theatrical image change is way too much and it's making it almost impossible for the older fans in particular who haven't seen their work in NXT to connect with them. With a terrible crowd they received next to no reaction what so ever from the live crowd witch made me mad as it is. Then things got worse when they both got on the mic (one thing WWE need to learn, never let Konnor on the mic, he has not got the intimidating voice to go with the look at all). From that point everything just went down hill when they decided to mention Demolition and Road Warriors. This seriously needs to stop. I hate how the WWE are so fixated on having the Ascension as the new Road Warriors, I could seriously go on about this all day long, but what the hell are they thinking. The WWE seriously need to stop living in the past and trying to turn new talent into old talent. These guys have their own image and style they don't need to be dressed up to be identical to historic tag teams. Then things got EVEN worse with the stupid announce team who thought it was a good idea to fuck up the careers of Konnor and Viktor in a matter of minuets saying things like "they will never be as good as road warriors" and as for JBL, former NXT GM I couldn't be more disappointed. Anyway, the Ascension scored the win and are clearly working now as heels."
"I don't even know if I can talk about the next part of the show without smashing my lap top. So, the WWE thought it was a great idea to build up one of their hottest, most promising tag teams they have for several weeks to have them beaten down by legends including their god damn heel tag commentator. I have never ever felt so angry and happy at the same time and I have to admit the beat down of the Ascension really did ruin the whole reunion for me and I could't enjoy it the way I wanted to. I have so much faith and belief in the Ascension and I had so many high hopes for them going up to the main roster but it's just been a disaster.They build them up weakly, they change their style completely and the have them beat down. I just want to strangle the creative team! Seriously, who thought it was a good idea to have the heel commentator beat down the HEEL tag team!? It makes no sense. I've also decided I hate JBL and anything involving him makes me want to scream! It was announced that at the Royal Rumble the Ascension would take on the new age out laws, predictions for that match will be up late this week. "
Since coming up to the main roster the Ascension have really struggled to connect with the fans and make a dramatic impact. This is one hundred per cent down to the WWE and not Konnor and Viktor. They have completely changed their style and what the team are all about and have had them cut terrible promos, giving them the complete wrong image. It as if I can't even recognise them any more. The dramatic changes have meant that the fans have not connected what so ever and the original fans to question their potential on the main roster. I personally have expressed serious anger about this for weeks now and continue to defend the team, knowing how much they have bee through to get to wear they are today and the history of the tag team. These guys are not two wannabes with next to no talent, they have proven for years they are a tag team to watch, being the longest reining NXT tag team champions, having a huge fowling, big merchandise sales and dominating NXT tag division
these guys are a serious business and money yet the WWE continue to fail them time and time again. This Sunday will be their first pay per view and I'm really hopeing this is a good because this weekend is seriously seriously important in defying and shaping their career on the main roster. A loss at the Royal Rumble will not only make no sense what so ever but will flat out ruin the careers of two up and coming talents. There's no questions about it, The Ascension MUST defeat the new age outlaws this Sunday. Don't get me wrong, I love the New age outlaws, their one of my all time fave tag teams but I'm one hundred per cent behind the Ascension. A win over one of the most successful tag teams in WWE history would really change things around for the Ascension, it would cement a solid first year for them and prove they are worth the hype. But they need to do the proving big time, they have to get a decent amount of time in the ring and let's be honest, this has to be one of their best matches ever for this to pay off. I may legit through something at my TV if they loose this weekend.
Royal Rumble predictions part 1
Royal rumble predictions: The miz & damien mizdow vs the usos
Royal Rumble predictions part 2
This past Monday on RAW the WWE announced that the Ascension would be taking on WWE legends the New age outlaws this Sunday at the Royal Rumble Pay per view, this of course was during the RAW Reunion episode of the show. I know you all know full well how I feel about this match and the Ascension so I'm gonna keep it as short and simple as I can. I'm gonna insert some of the comments I have made on my blog bellow then I will write up my predictions and a why I think this an important weekend for the Ascension.
"We then saw newly debuted, The Ascension take on some local wrestlers. A thew days ago I wrote up a post about the Ascension discussing weather or not the WWE have gone too far with changing them up and I will leave a link to that bellow so you can check that out if you haven't already done so. I have a big big problem with what the WWE have done with the Ascension and last night was just a disaster. I honestly don't think I have ever been so angry at the commentary before in my whole life! I could threw something at the TV and cried, it was that bad. The WWE have completely got it all wrong with these two and they are living proof that NXT stars are better off staying down in NXT than coming up to the main roster. The huge theatrical image change is way too much and it's making it almost impossible for the older fans in particular who haven't seen their work in NXT to connect with them. With a terrible crowd they received next to no reaction what so ever from the live crowd witch made me mad as it is. Then things got worse when they both got on the mic (one thing WWE need to learn, never let Konnor on the mic, he has not got the intimidating voice to go with the look at all). From that point everything just went down hill when they decided to mention Demolition and Road Warriors. This seriously needs to stop. I hate how the WWE are so fixated on having the Ascension as the new Road Warriors, I could seriously go on about this all day long, but what the hell are they thinking. The WWE seriously need to stop living in the past and trying to turn new talent into old talent. These guys have their own image and style they don't need to be dressed up to be identical to historic tag teams. Then things got EVEN worse with the stupid announce team who thought it was a good idea to fuck up the careers of Konnor and Viktor in a matter of minuets saying things like "they will never be as good as road warriors" and as for JBL, former NXT GM I couldn't be more disappointed. Anyway, the Ascension scored the win and are clearly working now as heels."
"I don't even know if I can talk about the next part of the show without smashing my lap top. So, the WWE thought it was a great idea to build up one of their hottest, most promising tag teams they have for several weeks to have them beaten down by legends including their god damn heel tag commentator. I have never ever felt so angry and happy at the same time and I have to admit the beat down of the Ascension really did ruin the whole reunion for me and I could't enjoy it the way I wanted to. I have so much faith and belief in the Ascension and I had so many high hopes for them going up to the main roster but it's just been a disaster.They build them up weakly, they change their style completely and the have them beat down. I just want to strangle the creative team! Seriously, who thought it was a good idea to have the heel commentator beat down the HEEL tag team!? It makes no sense. I've also decided I hate JBL and anything involving him makes me want to scream! It was announced that at the Royal Rumble the Ascension would take on the new age out laws, predictions for that match will be up late this week. "
Since coming up to the main roster the Ascension have really struggled to connect with the fans and make a dramatic impact. This is one hundred per cent down to the WWE and not Konnor and Viktor. They have completely changed their style and what the team are all about and have had them cut terrible promos, giving them the complete wrong image. It as if I can't even recognise them any more. The dramatic changes have meant that the fans have not connected what so ever and the original fans to question their potential on the main roster. I personally have expressed serious anger about this for weeks now and continue to defend the team, knowing how much they have bee through to get to wear they are today and the history of the tag team. These guys are not two wannabes with next to no talent, they have proven for years they are a tag team to watch, being the longest reining NXT tag team champions, having a huge fowling, big merchandise sales and dominating NXT tag division

Royal Rumble predictions part 1
Royal rumble predictions: The miz & damien mizdow vs the usos
Royal Rumble predictions part 2
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